Ce que Dominique na pas su (Littérature Française) (French Edition)
I had never heard of this novel until I found it at a bookstore while I was visiting France in I picked it up because the first page intrigued me enough to buy it and why not, it was only 4 euros!
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The basic plot is this: An unnamed narrator makes his acquaintance and befriends Dominiq I had never heard of this novel until I found it at a bookstore while I was visiting France in An unnamed narrator makes his acquaintance and befriends Dominique. Then when Dominique's childhood friend Olivier d'Orsel attempts suicide, Dominique is prompted to tell his new friend the story of his life. Most of the novel is told in flashbacks as Dominique recounts his childhood growing up in the countryside as an orphan, then going to school in the town of Ormesson and meeting Olivier and his family.
Olivier is an orphan as well and he lives with his uncle and cousins Julie and Madeleine. In spite of this, he continues to pine away for her.
The rest of the novel is about Dominique's failed writing career and his tortured love for Madeleine, which does not end well due to his "all or nothing" attitude. In all, what I liked the most about this novel were the descriptions. Fromentin was a painter and it shows in his descriptions. Chapter Three was my favorite by far. His descriptions were so vivid and evocative and really made you feel like you were in the French countryside.
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His vivid language even inspired a song that I wrote for my album Simplicity, called Lighter Than Air. The descriptions alone made me want to translate this novel into English, since the only other English translation done of this story was in the s and was, quite frankly, very hard to read and awkward in parts. However, there were some parts of this novel that really frustrated me. There were whole chapters that dragged on, particularly in the later half with Dominique constantly mooning over Madeleine.
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Perhaps it's too much of my 20th century mindset peeking through, but I found his behavior to be rather disturbing in parts. I wished that he could just move on and forget her. I never quite understood what exactly it was about Madeleine that attracted him because I never really got to know her. Because of his mindset, I didn't get to know what kind of a character she really was. Everything was seen through his eyes, and he was not the most reliable narrator.
Dominique FERNANDEZ | Académie française
In spite of these flaws, I have completed an English translation of this novel, which is being published chapter by chapter on Amazon Kindle. Basically, if you enjoy reading 19th century French literature, you will enjoy this book. On the whole, I found this 19th century novel quite tedious, even boring. The best part of the book comes at the beginning where the narrator describes his initial encounters, while out hunting, with the landowner of the principal estate in the vicinity of Villeneuve, Dominique de Bray.
Fromentin's description of what appears to be a maritime province's landscape and of the bucolic daily round on the De Bray estate are quite lovely. Unfortunately, the narrator soon hands over the storytelling du On the whole, I found this 19th century novel quite tedious, even boring. Once finished with high school, Dominique and Olivier, as is expected of young men of their class and education, relocate to Paris. In Paris, while Dominique endlessly pines after and obsesses over his impossible love for a now-married Madeleine, Olivier pursues a life of dissipated ennui, Julia pines away with unrequited love for Olivier, and Madeleine, now the wife of M.
Nov 19, Denis rated it it was amazing. Dominique, a French masterpiece from the mid-nineteenth century, is, for reasons that I cannot quite fathom, not only completely unknown in the English language, but also quite neglected in France. Like too many other titles, it is, almost, a forgotten book. And yet, what a strikingly beautiful, elegantly written, powerfully moving novel it is!
Dominique may well be one of the most purely romantic novels of its era, in the true sense of the word. The story - that the writer has based on some ele Dominique, a French masterpiece from the mid-nineteenth century, is, for reasons that I cannot quite fathom, not only completely unknown in the English language, but also quite neglected in France.
The story - that the writer has based on some elements of his life but which is not autobiographical in a literal way - is quite simple: Dominique, a young man raised in the countryside, nearby the ocean, and who comes from privilege but feels like a peasant in so many other ways, falls in love, as a young adult, with Madeleine, the beautiful cousin of his rich and dandy-like best friend. But it is from the start an unfulfilled love Dominique never declares his passion, Madeleine marries another man and it will consume the tormented hero for years, reverberating on every aspect of his existence: Dominique is a feverish, shimmering novel about desire, incandescent desire, and, even more, about lust, although things are never really expressed that crudely.
Does Madeleine know that he loves her intensely, and does she love him too? She certainly, at some point, becomes aware of his desire for her, and she even thinks that she can cure him by helping him with her friendship, but of course it is she who is then on the verge of succumbing. Does desire, then, sexual and amorous, generates more desire? Dominique and Madeleine are forever linked into a passionate, almost sadistic and masochistic relationship that slowly destroys them, and that pushes them apart as much as it keeps reuniting them.
Fromentin used to be a very gifted painter, and that helps him tremendously as a writer: His novel has an almost cinematic quality. Il existe, sinon comment expliquer. Ca lui parut insurmontable. Pas davantage Isak Dinesen, son nom de plume. L'occasion aussi de parler d'elle, son "Honorable Lionne" Le titre Out of Africa m'avait plu. On ne sait jamais quand on va tomber sous le charme d'un film.
Tout comme le couple de Karen et de Bror. Treize ans de passion. Et puis, la ruine. Et la mort qui frappe Denys en avion. Loin de cette Afrique qui lui manque tant.

Au fil des pages, nous faisons donc connaissance avec la baronne Blixen. Une femme cruelle, aussi. Bref, vous l'aurez compris: Il s'approcha, la vit mieux. Elle pouvait compter sur lui. Il prit l'aspect d'une lettre. Bibliographie de Dominique de Saint Pern 5 Voir plus. Pour l'amour d'un guerrier 1 critique.