Raised?: Finding Jesus by Doubting the Resurrection
Raised is written for skeptics and for those who doubt the claims of Christianity. The book is nicely compact, containing only four manageable chapters. As an aside, I think more books should be about this length.
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- Book Review: Raised? Finding Jesus by Doubting the Resurrection.
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In chapter 1, the authors make the case for the resurrection. They do so by demonstrating that both Jews and Greeks would have been incredulous about the resurrection. It would have been seen as either impossible or undesirable or both. Yet, thousands of both Jews and Greeks immediately began professing the risen Lord, in many cases to their own detriment.
The most plausible explanation, say the authors, is if Jesus really did rise from the dead. Chapter 3 gives some nice explanations of faith, sin, and salvation. Chapter 4 draws out personal implications of the resurrection.
The authors show how the resurrection gives us a new authority, identity, and mission. Some others who reviewed the book found it to be a little too academic.
Raised?: Finding Jesus by Doubting the Resurrection
Its intended audience, though, is unbelievers or skeptics. The book is apologetic and evangelistic. With such an incredible assertion at the heart of the Christian faith, it's no wonder that some people struggle to believe. Unlike any other book on the resurrection, Raised? Too often Christians look down on doubt, but in Christ, we see a person who welcomes doubt and encourages faith.
Jonathan Dodson and Brad Watson don't shy away from the hard questions or settle for easy answers.
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- Raised?: Finding Jesus by Doubting the Resurrection by Jonathan K. Dodson.
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They help you to see how the resurrection offers hope for the future and answers for the life and death questions we all face. Origins of a New Testament Doctrine Do you have doubts about the resurrection?
Book Review: Raised? Finding Jesus by Doubting the Resurrection | The Slasher Pastor
A man rising from the dead? To the modern mind, the notion is utterly implausible. Yet the Bible, Jesus' disciples, and Christians for hundreds of years have claimed that Jesus indeed returned to life after his death and his burial in a stone tomb. With such an incredible assertion at the heart of the Christian faith, should it come as a surprise that some people struggle to believe?
Too often Christians look down on those who doubt. But people who don't question their faith can end up abandoning it, and they can miss an opportunity to trust God more deeply. Jesus came to show us a God who is big enough to handle out doubts, a God who compassionately dives deep into our doubts in order to reveal a solution to all injustice.
Did a dead man really come back to life?
And if it is true, what difference can such a crazy idea really make in our lives today? They help you to see how the resurrection changes everything, offering hope for the future and answers to the life and death questions we all have.
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Yet the Bible, Jesus' disciples, and Christians for hundreds of years have claimed that Jesus indeed rose from the grave. But people who don't question their faith can end up abandoning it.
Life forces us to ask some difficult questions about the nature and purposes of God. Even Jesus himself queried God: God is big enough to handle our doubts.