Phantomspuren. Das Phantom von Heilbronn (German Edition)
By the way, looks great this restaurant. PKK so kurdish funding sources could have played a role as well as the turkish-kurdish pimp clan. This was prevented by a large number of police.
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What operation —and by whom- is suitable to allow the BfV such knowledge. This is the th blog post. The blog had — without the derivatives on other sites — in these 2 months approx. Over the last weeks thousand hits per day were the usual thing. Despite all of these committed people, the blog content — despite its most sensational character — does not find its way into the mass media.
There are several reasons: At least THIS is what this blog has impressively demonstrated. Imagine only for once how dazed and stupid Mrs. In Germany this was not even investigated … Keyword: Sauerland bombers , completely staged …. And because this is so, the truth will continue to be boycotted and hushed, and you should nurture no illusions. So what to do? No, on the contrary: Primal German virtues are needed: Stamina, response of defiance, now more than ever!!!
A counter-public has to be created, that enforces clearance, by filling the entire internet with these topics that they can no longer be ignored. We are talking here about Facebook, social networks, of brave little platforms such as heise. What is needed is a clear message that every FRG-brainwashed is able to understand: Away with language regulations and opinion compliance! And nothing short of that! And the NSU Phantom is the lever to do so. And certainly not the left-green filthy media. Who does not understand this has understood nothing … so kindly go and spread the truth, please ….
According to the official narrative that happened in the afternoon of Nov 9th It arrived there on Nov 10th.
The movie ends with references to the Heilbronn police murder, but at this point this was not surprising anymore, since on Nov 4th the stolen service weapons had been found in the burnt-out caravan… …the first one on the table, badly charred, and the second one in the shower unit, right next to the deceased Mr.
The BKA went on to test-fire the CZ83 pistol in order to compare fired casings with those found at the scenes of the murder series. In order to do this, the weapon had to be worked on it is believed that the receiver and barrel were mounted onto a matching frame. All this was done by the BKA — within just a few hours.
On Nov 11th the Generalbundesanwalt ie. Could there be any other explanation? That got them the attention they needed. The country was in shock. The NSU was born. Mind you, this weapon arrived at the BKA on Nov. How could this take that long, Mr. On what grounds could the Federal Prosecutor General declare this exhibit from the rubble in Zwickau as the nine-fold murder weapon, just one day after its arrival at the BKA?
On the sctrictly scientific grounds of: It has never been proven in any sense that the CZ83 from Zwickau actually is in fact the murder weapon from the Kebab murder series. The Emperor has no clothes. If not you, who? If not now, when? This blog uses original Police documents to show to the people how they get scammed by media, the government und the German establishment, and to show them the path to find out the biggest lies.
The motorhome was parked at a former dance hall beyond the big street with the yellow signs. This was about 9: Nearly 3 hours later, about As you can see on the police document below, this was known since February of , but was kept secretly, and never published. It was a long haired man , he insisted. The problem is not if the witness is trustable or not, the problem is that it his testimony was hidden all over the years.
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The second problem is that the witness who has seen the 2 men arriving at the motorhome at 9: The police hides him even to journalists. This 73 year old former East German border patrol man has seen also a long haired man? And that question he was never asked, but that question he must answer! The long haired man could be the 3rd man who killed the Uwes later and burned the motorhome. A man who was seen by the neighbours , indeed!!! The long haired man could be one of the bank robbers.
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Maybe the Uwes were not the bank robbers at all, but later were placed dead into that motorhome, the looted money was found only one day later in the motorhome. In a backpack which was found already on Nov 4th…. Germany ist a Country of wonders… where most of the people believe in such a fake… Comments are welcome!!! Baffling Insights by Fatalist http: Global Research, August 17, The most recent statements of two police officers in the NSU National Socialist Underground trial imply that the intelligence agency employee Andreas Temme may have been involved in the murder of Halit Yozgat.
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