My Child Has Asperger Syndrome - A Parents Guide to Coping
Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Children With High Functioning Autism: Children With High-Functioning Autism: A Parent's Guide offers parents the information needed to help them cope with their child's autism and to navigate the path as they first perceive differences, seek assistance and treatment, and help their child develop into his or her full potential.

Including examples of the author's own experiences with her child with autism, this b Children With High-Functioning Autism: Including examples of the author's own experiences with her child with autism, this book helps families realize that there are others on similar paths--and help is available. With topics ranging from understanding the first signs of autism and the diagnosis, finding a support network and filling out necessary paperwork, to determining the various types of therapies available and planning for adulthood, this book provides parents valuable insight into this new world.
A Parent's Guide helps parents learn to celebrate small areas of growth and keep the focus on the child. Paperback , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia.
Children With High Functioning Autism: A Parent's Guide
Apr 09, Jen Troester rated it it was amazing. I loved this book! It was written by a mother whose daughter has high functioning Autism. I feel that I could have written every word myself. She really hit on some things that ring true in my life, particularly having a diagnosis, but not feeling like you have the support. Or having people just look at your child as "bad" or as you as an unfit parent who just needs to learn how to discipline.
It was great to know that those of us with HF kids DO have a lot of challenges, sometimes great ones, and that we are not alone. The author gives a lot of tips on helping the HF child, and I was happy to see that we already do some of them! It's always nice knowing you aren't doing everything wrong!
I think this is a great read for those with kids who are on the high end of the spectrum and for those who work with them. If my child's teacher would read this book I think things would go a lot smoother for us Aug 28, Hannah rated it really liked it Shelves: I'll admit, after working as a one-to-one aide for a kiddo with autism, then as a teacher's assistant in another integrated classroom, and having THEN walked through the Early Intervention process and eventual diagnosis of my own child with "mild to moderate autism" because apparently with tthe changes to the DSMM, we no longer use labels like "Asperger's," "PDD-NOS," "high-functioning," and "low-functioning" , nothing in this boom really felt new to me.
There were several good reminders, thoug I'll admit, after working as a one-to-one aide for a kiddo with autism, then as a teacher's assistant in another integrated classroom, and having THEN walked through the Early Intervention process and eventual diagnosis of my own child with "mild to moderate autism" because apparently with tthe changes to the DSMM, we no longer use labels like "Asperger's," "PDD-NOS," "high-functioning," and "low-functioning" , nothing in this boom really felt new to me.
There were several good reminders, though, and at least now I have a book that I can recommend to other parents who might be a little newer to all of this. I have seen parents arguing vehemently from both sides of this issue, and it was refreshing to see her find a balance between the two - accepting her children ffor who they are, yes, but stilm working to develop their strengths and battle any underlying physiological issues in an effort to build their health.
It was also refreshing to see her take on vaccines. While she and I have made different decisions or so it would seem, from what she says , she at least acknowledges that, yes, there ARE children who are at different places in physical development, for whom the current vaccine schedule and vaccine adjuvants may not be safe. It sounds llike she has chosen to fully vaccinate despite this, and that she believes other parents should, too, but it was nice to hear someone taking that position.
So even if you don't have the eextra money lying g around and really, what autism parent does? I guess thay's my review. Oh, and Raising a Sensory Smart Child. That's another good one. Can that be the Autism Trifecta of recommended reading? Jan 16, Sara rated it it was amazing.
See a Problem?
This book is a fantastic resource for families, loved ones, friends and teachers of children with HFA. Great info for families of newly diagnosed children and very helpful to the more HFA familiar. Has some good school strategies, life skills tips. I'm not a frivolous buyer of books, but I am buying this one.
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Aug 09, Kris Irvin rated it it was amazing Shelves: It is absolutely fantastic. It is so well written and engaging, but more than that, it's informative and helpful. He was diagnosed in October and we have struggled with him since he was born in I have never read a parenting book that describes him or that has ideas that I could use to help him, discipline, or engage him.
This is the book.
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The more I read, the more I found myself going "yes! Drawing on case studies and personal accounts from Attwood's extensive clinical experience, and from his correspondence with individuals with AS, this book is both authoritative and extremely accessible.
There is also an invaluable frequently asked questions chapter and a section listing useful resources for anyone wishing to find further information on a particular aspect of AS, as well as literature and educational tools.
Books for parents & caregivers
Essential reading for families and individuals affected by AS as well as teachers, professionals and employers coming in contact with people with AS, this book should be on the bookshelf of anyone who needs to know or is interested in this complex condition. This is the book parents have been waiting for! With an emphasis on preparation and collaboration, this practical resource shows parents step-by-step how to become truly active members of the IEP team, thereby achieving their child's and family's hopes and dreams. The reader-friendly text and accompanying worksheets help you develop the best possible education program for the individual child.
While geared toward parents, Hopes and Dreams is also recommended for educators to help them see parents perspective. Companion CD included containing all the worksheets allows you to customize the information, truly making it work for you. Parents of young children ages 18 months to 5 years with a diagnosis of autism, face the critical decision of which educational treatment program to choose for their child. New information includes the latest research on the benefits of Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention, the types of instruction used naturalistic instruction and other teaching methods that complement ABA , home-based professionals and their credentials, school-based programs, and more.
This book is specially designed to give answers to the many questions of brothers and sisters of young people on the autistic spectrum. As well as explaining the characteristics of autism, it is full of helpful suggestions for making family life more comfortable for everyone concerned.
Through a unique combination of Social Stories and easy-to-understand activities, this unique book offers a curriculum that guides the child and caregiver on issues of health, hygiene, and the challenges of puberty. It is a must-read for those who guide students with disabilities. Parents and professionals can now bypass countless hours spent seeking answers to the mystifying day-to-day challenges of autism.
Children With High Functioning Autism: A Parent's Guide by Claire Hughes-Lynch
In a snappy, can-do format, this insightful book offers page after page of try-it-now solutions that have worked for thousands of children grappling with social, sensory, behavioral, and self-care issues, plus many more. Pervasive Developmental Disorder, or PDD, is the umbrella term used to cover the whole family of autistic spectrum disorders including autism and Asperger Syndrome. Within this group there is a subgroup called NOS not otherwise specified which covers the conditions which do not quite meet the diagnostic criteria for autism or Asperger Syndrome.
Because PDD covers such a wide spectrum, it presents very differently from child to child. Written principally for parents, this is a book which explains what it means for your child to be diagnosed with PDD, NOS, autism or Asperger Syndrome, and where you go from there. Now expanded to two volumes, this invaluable reference work provides a comprehensive review of all information presently available about these disorders, drawing on findings and clinical experience from a number of related disciplines such as psychiatry, psychology, neurobiology, pediatrics, etc.
The Handbook covers descriptive and diagnostic characteristics, biological contributions, intervention techniques, legal and social issues.
The Third Edition is updated to include the newest work in animal models, genetics, neuropsychological processes, screening and assessment methods. This practical guide offers effective solutions to various behavior problems such as aggression, communication, perseveration, play and leisure, eating and sleeping, and toileting and hygiene. Asperger's Syndrome and Your Child, an informative, empathetic, and comprehensive guide to this elusive condition, answers the most common questions and offers an encouraging outlook for your child's future.
Michael Powers weaves together a compassionate account of everything related to AS, offering such practical advice from getting the right diagnosis to helping your child develop social skills. Infused with voices of real children who offer insights about their own conditions, the book gives perspective on how children live with the disorder. Asperger Syndrome and Your Child is an indispensable book for parents as well as teachers and other professionals who have someone with Asperger Syndrome in their lives.
Framed with both humor and compassion, the book defines the top ten characteristics that illuminate the minds and hearts of children with autism. Individuals with autism are reportedly one of the most difficult populations to toilet train. This second edition offers effective strategies that take the child's physical and emotional sensitivities into account instead of trying to force traditional methods. Easy-to-read bulleted lists offer more than do's and don'ts, along with over 50 real-life examples, to help make the process more of a lesson and less of a battle for all involved.
The young trainee will learn to overcome fear of the bathroom, properly use toilet paper, flush once, wash hands, and more. The toilet trainer will learn how to overcome challenges caused by communication needs, sensory sensitivities, motor challenges, anxiety levels, etc. Could It Be Autism? The book explains the steps parents can take to confirm or rule out a developmental delay or disorder.
It details various diagnoses and show how sometimes multiple diagnoses may apply. Different treatments and therapies are outlined so parents can explore and understand what may work best for their child, based on his or her particular strengths and weaknesses. The Out-of-Sync Child broke new ground by identifying Sensory Processing Disorder, a common but frequently misdiagnosed problem in which the central nervous system misinterprets messages from the senses.
This newly revised edition features additional information from recent research on vision and hearing deficits, motor skill problems, nutrition and picky eaters, ADHA, autism, and other related disorders. Parents of young children newly diagnosed as on the autism spectrum are often at a loss for ideas about how best to help their child.
Playing, Laughing and Learning with Children on the Autism Spectrum is not just a collection of play ideas; it shows how to break down activities into manageable stages, and looks at ways to gain a child's attention and motivation and to build on small achievements.