The brutal stabbing murder of a justice-of-the-peace sparks an investigation of dark family secrets in a sleepy small town in Southern California.
A search for a winning lottery ticket in his dead father's grave causes Sardonicus' face to freeze in a horrible grimace, until he forces a doctor to treat his affliction--with even more Teenagers Libby and Kit innocently spend an evening making random prank calls. These calls lead to murderous consequences. An obsessed pathologist discovers and captures a parasitic creature that grows when fear grips its host. While attending a school for diplomats' daughters, the teen-aged daughter of the American ambassador uses her access to various embassies to engage in espionage.
A family inherits what proves to be a haunted house, but a special pair of goggles allows them to see their ghostly tormentors. After hapless pianist and ex-con John Elman is framed for murder, he is resurrected by a scientist after his execution.
Macabre - definition of macabre by The Free Dictionary
A young woman who has been abused and taken advantage of by all the men in her life, finally finds a man she believes truly loves her, but she snaps when she finds out that he, too, is Jonathan Jones, a professor of ancient languages, comes into possession of an ancient coin. He translates its inscription, which gives him three powers: Ignoring an ancient prophecy, evil brother Gregor seeks to maintain his feudal power on his his Tyrolean estate by murdering and impersonating his benevolent younger twin. A year-old orphan who has just inherited a fortune is trapped on an island with his uncle, a former British intelligence commander who intends to kill him.
A young girl is the boy's only A small-town doctor William Prince gets caught up in a revenge plot when his small daughter is kidnapped and buried alive as he is given a few short hours to find her before she suffocates. The gimmick worked and Castle was on his way to movie exploitation stardom!

A ticking clock visually accompanies a prologue for Macabre as a warning is announced regarding the possibility of fright that could lead to injury for the film spectators. The clock will reappear at intervals throughout the film and is an object from the diegesis of the film it hangs over the funeral parlor like a theater marquee. The clock was perhaps Castle's most popular motif throughout his career. Macabre is Castle's first gimmick horror film and his first teaming with screenwriter Robb White.
They formed an excellent partnership and brought their A-game to B-films. Some reviewers have criticized the use of flashback sequences and at first I was inclined to agree about their superfluousness. I reversed myself when I discovered that Christine White's performance was the bulk of what I remembered from the film. She makes an impression as does her dynamic character, caught between childish innocence and vamp seduction. What her character is truly blind to is conscious self-reflection and introspection and this provides a cue for the audience to begin evaluating information differently while experiencing the film.
I believe that White and Castle hoped to elicit a sense of suspicion and paranoia for the audience through these plotting techniques. The flashbacks are not convoluted but do certainly contribute to an over-arching contrivance in the plot of the story as it pertains to trysts and family relationships. Other contrivances are just silly - a dying old man wields a devastating cane in a manner that would require the lats of Atlas himself.
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The contrivances hold up though as does the gimmick Castle employed to generate hype about the film. Share this Rating Title: Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Learn more More Like This. Faces of Fear Anthology of 6 horror story from Indonesia.
Macabre (disambiguation)
From ghost,zombie,insect,murderer and cannibal. A young college student moves to a new boarding house in a very haunted area. A man must save his two children when they disappear during a holiday in the woods. The Chanting 2 The Chanting 3 Edit Cast Cast overview, first billed only: Baby Risdo Alaro Martondang Sersan Syarief Ikhsan Samiaji Taufiq as Ikhsan Samiadji Cansirano Sony Samba Roni Kribs Edit Storyline Two newly weds Adjie and Astrid, along with 3 of their best friends decided to have an interstate road trip as a last attempt to reconcile Adjie with his estranged little sister Ladya.
Edit Details Official Sites: Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Edit Did You Know?
- Edward Gorey: master of the macabre?
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- Macabre - Wikipedia!
- Edward Gorey: master of the macabre | The Spectator.
Frequently Asked Questions Q: Near-obsessively cleaving to routine seems to have been one of his bulwarks against the void. In later years he ate breakfast and lunch at the same diner same breakfast, same lunch. He worked extraordinarily hard — just think of how many of his 75 years he must have spent cross-hatching!
His library at his death comprised more than 21, volumes. He loved the movies, too, though it all went wrong, he thought, with the arrival of the talkies. Or gone to eight performances of the ballet a week? Perhaps he did not sleep. His biographer, then, is offered a great boon: Or he imagines the inner lives of objects — a very surrealist thing to do — as in Les Passementeries Horribles , in which hapless Edwardians are menaced by ornamental tassels grown to monstrous size.
Or just quoting from the couplets to The Nursery Frieze: He was, I think, an exquisite but very minor genius — and at home with things not making sense. The Eleventh Episode ends:.
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Lead book review Edward Gorey: But the man himself found the world a difficult place to live in Sam Leith. Sam Leith 8 December 9: Born to be Posthumous: See also Biography cross-hatching the macabre.
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