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Her research interest lies at the interface of political and social philosophy with an emphasis on the Marxist critique of social contract, intellectual history and philosophy of gender focusing on feminist political economy. From to she was the co-president of the Croatian Philosophical Society. She is a member of FemFront, a Marxist-feminist reading group in Croatia. Die marxistische Kritik an der Periodisierung ist ein bedeutendes Werkzeug zur Bearbeitung der zunehmend dringlicher werdenden Notwendigkeit, der Besonderheit lokal verorteter Probleme Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken, mit denen das heutige feministische Denken konfrontiert ist, die aber sehr unterschiedliche geografische und zeitliche Problematiken in sich tragen.
The Marxist critique of periodisation is a significant tool in addressing the increasing need to pay attention to the specificity of localized problems facing feminist thought today that carry different geographical and temporal problematics. Periodisation, a form of temporal domination that puts the multiform of times that make up the complex nature of social reality to its own uses, imposes synchronic pressure on the multiplicity of diverse social practices.
The question then becomes, can we philosophically ground the problem of feminist waves in the problem of historical periodisation as practically applied to the theoretical problems incurred by the ambivalent fourth wave? Explicitly not a post-colonial theory the literature here largely comes from Canada, New Zealand and the United States — all countries that are not empirically post-colonial for Indigenous communities , Indigenous feminism is itself always already ambivalent to historical construction and the history of feminist waves.
Confronting and systematically refuting the extreme forms of violence experienced by Indigenous women there are currently more than 1, murdered and missing Indigenous women in Canada alone unaccounted for , Indigenous feminism makes an important contribution to the philosophical questioning of periodisation and historicism through the implicit analysis of how the construction of history not only fails to account for the multiform of Indigenous social practices but systemically creates the conditions for ongoing violence in Indigenous communities.
Thus we could say that Indigenous feminism as the fourth wave would provide the theoretical ground to dialectically reclaim feminist thought from teleological historicisation through an imminent critique of waved based periodisation in feminist thought. In recent years, we have seen capital in constant need of new international investment opportunities, the financial sector expand greatly relative to the size of the productive economy, and the socialization of financial risk. Luxemburg identifies the need to continually open up new territories for investment as a general dynamic at the heart of the process of capital accumulation.
Her analysis of the role played by international finance in this regard — how finance enables capital accumulation to continue — can help us conceptualize the growth of finance both as an expression of the need to overcome capitalism as a purely closed system, and as an expression of imperialism.
Luxemburg discusses the role played by finance in capital accumulation in Ch. Though somewhat incidental to the main argument of the book, her take on international finance yields interesting results when applied to modern-day financial capitalism. Prior to academia, she practiced as an attorney for eight years in the financial services industry. Sie ist spezialisiert auf Kritische Theorie und Weltliteratur.
The Labor Theory of Gender: On these terms, the crisis of capitalism and the forced adjustment of millions of women to the dictates of production for profit are explained as the effects of an ontological condition of life or, as Lauren Berlant claims: This view reduces feminism to the neoliberal logic of irreducible singularities and translates living within the ruins of capitalism into a new metaphysics at a moment when women have been pulled in and out of the workforces of capitalism as exploited producers to bolster the rate of profit.
Seit war sie in Frauenorganisationen im nicht-parteigebundenen Bereich engagiert. There were attempts to bridge the gap. This struggle was then manipulated by chauvinist religious forces. Religious polarizations achieved a new quality with the communalist attacks on Muslims and the massacres of early in Gujarat after the Godhra train fire incident. In the meantime, the majority of communal forces have been in power at the centre for over two years. Controversies over purity and pollution, menstruation etc. Muslim women have asserted their rights to maintenance under secular laws and Bohra Muslim women are fighting against genital mutilation.
Women contest the interpretation of religious texts in different religious communities. They create a new dynamic of subversion, transgression and transcendence. The assertion of Dalit and Adivasi forces in this situation gives a strong progressive direction to these contestations. She is an Indian citizen. Dies verlangt, dass dieser Krieg als eine Form der Eroberung begriffen wird. Und schafft dies einen Rahmen, in dem die Organisierung gegen den Krieg ein entschlossenes dekolonialistisches feministisches Anliegen sein muss? I will start by laying out a general cartography of the war in Northern Kurdistan Turkey , with its latest incarnation as sieges on various towns, and how it is related to the broader framework of the war in Syria, with different forms of Turkish state intervention in Western Kurdistan Rojava — Northern Syria.
This calls for a general understanding of this war as a form of conquest. Later, I will argue how this creates a politics of hate and animosity, which further enables the state in its continuation of this war and all-over increase of authoritarianism.
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My question is what happens to women in the midst of these new forms of war and cross-border politics of hate? How do women resist, insist on rebuilding, recreating or protecting their lives in this context? And does this create a framework in which organizing against war must be a decidedly decolonial feminist issue?
She has participated in this work, and other organizing against the war waged by the Turkish state on Kurds as a feminist activist. Ihre Arbeit wurde in zahlreichen Zeitschriften, u. Annual Feminist Table workshops involve about sixty women from grassroots organisations around South Africa. For these women feminism is a way of life rather than a form of politics.
This implies that a re-working of Northern Marxist feminism to address the legacy of colonialism and apartheid is necessary. The paper argues that the care work these women do outside the market in two specific spaces: The paper argues that these collective arrangements could contain the embryo of an eco-socialist feminism.
Sie ist Aktivistin und Wissenschaftlerin. Neoliberalism, Intersectionality and Lesbian-led Movement Globally: I reflect briefly on how the activist lesbian feminist movement from its earliest days has provided impetus and insights to the development of the current international feminist practice of intersectionality. I situate that lineage in the growing shift of capital from one stage to another, where the intersectional model of organizing for social change fits the latest stage of global financialization of the Social Structure of Accumulation.
In this stage I argue that calling on and working with multiply constituted disaffected groups in progressive alliance is appropriate for Marxist Feminists. Farley has published in the US and abroad. US white supremacist capitalist patriarchy is enmeshed in a multi-level care crisis which it cannot resolve. I use examples from radical workers, anti-racist, feminist, community and environmental activism to highlight an emerging Marxist-feminist strategy of creating alliances around a radical right to care and be cared for, not only for and by family, but for and by communities and the environment.
Die Formanalyse ist ein wertvolles Instrument, wenn es um die Untermauerung konkreterer und komplexerer Forschungsprojekte geht. Ihre Weigerung, praktisch-politische und theoretisch-analytische Agenden zu vereinigen hat kontroverse Debatten evoziert, zweifellos vermeidet die Trennung jener Agenden aber zahlreiche Probleme des traditionellen Marxismus. Der dabei zutage tretende androzentrische Universalismus muss aus feministischer Sicht kritisiert werden. Ihr Konzept der Wert-Abspaltung verbindet ein breites Set an materialistischen, symbolischen und psychoanalytischen Facetten.
Form analysis is a valuable tool for underpinning more concrete and complex research projects. Its refusal to combine practical-political and theoretical-analytical agendas has evoked controversial debates, but the separation of these agendas doubtlessly avoids numerous problems of traditional Marxism. The androcentric universalism showing itself in that must be criticised from a feminist point-of-view.
Moreover, it is also necessary from a theoretical perspective to take into account the comprehensive interdependence of capitalism and patriarchy. The only complex and formative attempt at linking value-form-analysis to Marxist-feminist approaches was undertaken by Roswitha Scholz. Her concept of value-dissociation combines a broad set of materialist, symbolic and psychoanalytic facets. I am going to present this concept and discuss it in relation to different approaches of value-form-analysis.
His research interests are philosophy of science, materialist feminism, theories of society-nature relations and questions of emancipatory praxis. He is currently lecturer at the University of Vienna. Der byzantinische Eunuch als vormoderne Gender-Kategorie: An verschiedenen Orten — u. Historians remain unsure how best to categorise eunuchs who used male pronouns and were welcome in the military or clergy, but were forbidden to marry and often denigrated in our remaining sources.
I will suggest this impasse can be resolved through materialist feminist theory. Specifically, their service to the bureaucratic state appears to have served as an inter-generational basis for eunuchs to be created across time. This paper will contribute to assessing the prospects of such a project. Her current project is analysing the foundation of monasteries at Mount Athos, and particularly their use of gendered ideals and entry restrictions to define their institutional ideology. Her interests are differing approaches to Marxist theory, mysticism particularly the development of Neoplatonism , and gender theory.
She has spoken on the history of eunuchs at venues ranging from Historical Materialism conference , to Leeds International Medieval Conference Frauenrechte und soziale Gerechtigkeit aus einer lateinamerikanischen Perspektive. Dabei wird der Bogen von den sozialistischen Frauen zu Beginn des Jahrhunderts und ihrem Kampf um politische Rechte bis heute gespannt, wo wir eine gewaltige feministische Mobilisierung in Form einer Vielzahl von politischen Organisationen erleben, die den Kampf um weibliche Autonomie und Befreiung mit jenem um soziale Gerechtigkeit und Anti-Imperialismus verbinden.
Dieser Perspektive liegt die Annahme eines eigenen lateinamerikanischen Standpunktes zugrunde. The Argentinian Feminist Movement: This perspective assumes a Latin-American point of view. It develops the difference between Marxism as a method of analysis and Marxism as a form of historical and political identities, which includes the recognition of class and ethnic differences between women.
Specialist on human rights of women, indigenous people and economic, social and cultural rights. Professor at Buenos Aires National University. Activist of the Argentinian feminist movement, who has worked with poor and marginal women, peasant and indigenous women in Argentina, Mexico and Guatemala. Cultural Studies und Postcolonial Studies beeinflusst hat. Her research is situated within the field of critical international political economy. In doing so, I will as well rethink the position of feminism today in contemporary Europe that develops exclusionary practices and policies.
Feminism therefore has to revisit its agendas regarding relations of capital and labor, control and freedom. Grzinic regularly implements her research results in the processes of education, especially art disciplines, and engages in different struggles against processes of dispossession, racism, and brutal discrimination. Grzinic has been active as a video artist since , making installations and performative interventions in collaboration with the artist and art historian Aina Smid from Ljubljana.
How can these insights help to build bridges to and between movements? There are obvious connections to three. First, the anti-racist and migrant movement. And third, the commons movement, because only a society that stops the logic of exchange can overcome the division between productive and reproductive work. Since these movements belong to the most exciting forces of transformation nowadays, their further enrichment with Marxist and feminist analysis will expand the possibilities of transformation.
Her most recent publication: Offensichtliche Verbindungen bestehen zu dreien: Stiftung Fraueninitiative, Sulzbach Zu diesem Zweck schlage ich einen auf Sorgearbeit bezogenen Zugang zu Ausbeutung vor, der auf die Annahmen der Werttheorie und profittheoretische Verengungen verzichtet, den Staat als zentralen Ausbeutungsakteur adressiert und sozialen Ausschluss und Ausbeutung zusammenzudenken versucht.
Die neue Kultur des Helfens. Zur sozialpolitischen Instrumentalisierung des Ehrenamts in der Pflege, in: Therefore the concept should be updated to strengthen Marxist Feminist analysis today. Marxist Feminism has contributed important modifications to many traditional Marxist approaches on exploitation that nowadays are becoming increasingly relevant. As a result of the academic marginalization of Marxist social theory since the s, exploitation has at best become a dead classic in social sciences and many feminist approaches.
One reason for this marginalization is a specific narrow-mindedness of many of the Marxist receptions since the s: But even here a profit-related focus infiltrated feminist approaches. This profit-related focus becomes problematic, because many kinds of work cannot be satisfactorily grasped within a profit-focused approach. As Marxis Feminists we need to talk about exploitation regardless of profits that in the end result from wage labor. We need to talk about exploitation of informal and uncommodified labor.
For this purpose I propose a simpler approach on exploitation independent of the labor theory of value that binds together processes of social exclusion and exploitation. Her main working and research topics are critical theory, sociology of work especially care-work , the welfare-state and social inequality. Her current focus is on how to build an eco-socialist movement to combat the ecological crisis. Gesellschaftliche Reproduktion und die Krise des Fordismus: Im Besonderen konzentriere ich mich auf Aufstieg und Fall der radikalen Arbeitsrechtepolitiken in Schweden, wie sie u.
Social Reproduction and the Crisis of Fordism: The defeat of this radical tendency by the early s, in Sweden as well as in the entire advanced capitalist world, led to the neoliberal solution to the Keynesian crisis, which continues to cast a long shadow onto political landscapes today. Closer examination of those critical struggles suggests that male dominance in post-war Fordism contained a tendency that steered itself towards the succession by neoliberalism upon its own collapse. Ihn zu analysieren verdeutlicht die Bedingungen, Verfasstheit und Schnittstellen sozialer Reproduktion im Kapitalakkumulationskreislauf.
Dies umfasst Verschiebungen zwischen unbezahlter Reproduktion und kommodifizierten, personenbezogenen Dienstleistungen im Care-Bereich und somit eine Ausweitung der Kapitalakkumulation in den Bereich der unbezahlten sozialen Reproduktion im Sinne einer Neuen Landnahme. To frame capital and gender relations, it is necessary to understand social reproduction and its relevance for the accumulation of capital as a significant connection. In this workshop, we will contribute to value theory debates concerning gender relations.
An analysis of social reproduction within relations of capital is advantageous for feminist struggles since it determines intervention points and contradictions that make changes effective. The contradiction between social reproduction and the urge for profit which is inherent to the system should be seen in this context.
Analysing this contradiction creates clarity concerning the conditions, state and interface of social reproduction and the circuit of capital accumulation.
This comprises displacements between paid reproduction and commodified, individual-related services in the care-sector and therefore an expansion of capital accumulation in the area of unpaid social reproduction. An example is the economisation of resources in hospitals.
In Germany, for example, work in hospitals has become more profit-orientated through the implementation of the DRG system Diagnosis Related Groups. This workshop will focus less on practical examples and more on a theoretical analysis of the connection between capital and gender relations using the example of capital accumulation and social reproduction. The analysis of gender relations as productive relations is part of this examination as is the study of the successful accumulation of capital and its conditions for social reproduction.
We will present different approaches to these questions in the workshop and will discuss them with the participants. They write, hold workshops and give lectures on feminist criticism of economics. Feministische ForscherInnen und AktivistInnen sehen sich mit vielfachen Herausforderungen konfrontiert. Die EU stellt ein entscheidendes Schlachtfeld im Kampf gegen die kapitalistisch-maskuline Festung dar. Feminist researchers and activists coming together in feminist movements are confronting multiple struggles.
All social practices are structured and coded through gender relations. Social production includes both, the production of life and the production of means of life Haug. The subjection of the production of life under European capitalism is progressing rapidly. Any thorough analysis of dynamics in the EU needs to take into account these two sides of social production and its interrelatedness in producing systems of oppression. The EU is a key battleground in the struggle against the capitalist-masculine stronghold.
Based on a Marxist-feminist analysis of current reconfigurations of power relations at the European level, the paper puts forward perspectives on central tenets for change. This paper sets out perspectives for European feminist movements to strengthen their critique of the EU modes of capitalism and presents some hypotheses on creating a favourable dynamics to open avenues for transformative impulses towards overcoming the combined systems of oppression and defining solidarity beyond the European Union.
Systemdistanzierendes Denken ist nicht mehr gefragt. Wo gibt es noch Orte befreienden Denkens und kritischer Frauenbildung? The dominance of market and technology has changed the European education system; what is produced by it is knowledge pretending to be worth the effort. It requires additive accumulation of competences — lifelong learning — without promoting the reflection of society and the self or emancipatory knowledge. Thinking which distances the thinker from the system is no longer in demand. This means that for women in particular who had to struggle hard for access to the institutions of education, this situation is precarious.
Where have all the spaces of liberating thought and critical education for women gone? She has been a lecturer in gender studies, culture, education and politics at different universities in Austria and abroad since Speaker, writer and editor on theories and practices of gender differences. Studies in group-dynamics, supervision, mediation, intercultural training. Wie schon unser Filmtitel sagt, meinen wir, dass noch viel getan werden muss. One momentous night in Berlin, three women working in a coatroom struggle for reproductive choices better than just the neoliberal freedom to have them.
The film deals with the relationship between the possibilities and limits of reproduction, both technologically and socio-politically. While the film takes place in Germany, it treads on international ground because of its negotiation of motherhood and feminized labor in times of neoliberal uncertainty. The three protagonists find a collective voice together in the coatroom where they work to counter that of the conference speaker and the kind of corporate feminism she represents onstage. On the contrary, as our film title proclaims, we think that there is still a lot that needs to be done.
Sollten wir sie als vielversprechendes Kampffeld oder als Falle verstehen?
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Sie hat in der einen oder anderen Weise zu antimuslimischem Rassismus, marxistischem Feminismus und Migrations- und Arbeitsregimen gearbeitet. Looking back, the idea is not new. The organization of reproductive work has changed, as have feminist perspectives on it. We depart from the notion of recognition and pose the question of how to understand the demand of recognition of reproductive workers: We intend to discuss the demand for recognition of reproductive workers in such different contexts as labour struggles and the conditions of EU migrant care work.
Her thesis investigated the experience, rationalization, and critique of social inequalities by students of the social sciences. She now works for Frauenpolitischer Rat Brandenburg in Potsdam. She has in one way or another worked on anti-Muslim and police racism, Marxist feminism and migration and labor regimes. Der dritte Teil wird das marxistisch-feministische Bezugssystem kritisch anwenden und zur Analyse einer Frauenbewegung in der Dritten Welt heranziehen, die innerhalb dieses Rahmens zu handeln versucht und sich der Frage widmen, auf welche Erfolge und Hindernisse sie dabei trifft.
Ihr Forschungsschwerpunkt ist Frauen und Entwicklung. Yet, the Marxist Feminist framework is much needed in shaping a critical and revolutionary response to the continued global expansion of capitalism as a major neoliberal project aggressively shaping the global political economy. Third World revolutionary women activists as well as scholars, including myself, are uncomfortable with the marginalization of Marxist Feminist thought in mainstream feminism.
The first theme of the presentation elucidates the essential arguments that constitute the Marxist Feminist frame in response to the ideological project of global capitalism and what political action will look like if guided by the Marxist Feminist frame.
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Central arguments are framed around the following theses: The second theme discusses how Liberal Feminism divides women in contrast to Marxist Feminism that promotes solidarity among women and shapes politics that creates the collective power necessary to change capitalism. Wie werden vergeschlechtlichte Subjekte gebildet? Ausgehend von diesen beiden grundlegenden Fragestellungen verfolgt mein Beitrag eine zweifache Absicht:. How are gendered subjects formed?
Starting from these two basic questions, the contribution aims at a twofold purpose:. First, referring to the macro and the micro levels it analyses how material and discursive practices are connected to ensure the persistence of binary-hierarchic gender relations. Second, by combining elements of Marxian, Foucauldian, critical and feminist theories the contribution intends to provide a theoretical framework for a feminist analysis of political economy on the structural as well as the individual levels.
Trade Unions in the Green Economy. In Sweden and internationally Volvo has always been perceived as a good employer, paying good wages and being one of the first companies to replace the assembly line by teamwork, which allows workers greater flexibility and control over the workplace. We identified three gender regimes: She has written extensively on gender and development in Latin America, and on the intersections of gender, race, ethnicity, and class in the context of the Swedish welfare state.
Her research interests are environmental labour studies, gender, class, ethnic relations in everyday practices, transnational corporations. Wie versteht man in diesem anwachsenden Forschungsfeld bezahlte und Reproduktionsarbeit? Das Ziel ist dabei ein zweifaches: Daher verbindet unser Beitrag zwei Perspektiven: Ihr Forschungsschwerpunkt sind Probleme, die sich aus Widerstand und Konflikten am Arbeitsplatz ergeben, insbesondere in Serviceberufen.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal , Bd. Nursing in Times of Neoliberal Change: What understanding of paid work and reproductive work does this increasing field of research have? In this paper, we will review three contributions to the tradition of anti-work literature and put them in a conversation with our own research among nurses and service workers Selberg , Mulinari forthcoming The aim is twofold.
First, to introduce the anti-work tradition and its critique of the work ethic of capitalist production. Second, to challenge the visions and utopias as some anti-work theorists outline them, based on an analysis of the interdependent labour process in health care.
In dialogue with anti-work theories this paper aims to both affirm and point to some limitations in the calls for an anti-work perspective and a post-work society agenda put forth by these scholars, as well as to discuss their contribution to Marxist feminist understanding of work and its transformation. Thus, what this paper does is to align two perspectives: In contrast to recent feminist publications in the anti-work paradigm, the paper maintains a focus on the empirical level. Her research focus is on issues of workplace resistance and conflicts, with a specific focus on service work.
Her current research is on tipping practices in Sweden, and forms of everyday resistance among different workgroups. She conducts research on work and gender relations in an intersectional perspective. Moving in the Shadows. The Social Equality of Religion or Belief. Alan Carling, Palgrave Macmillan, It will explore the concomitant emergence of a patriarchal and communalised law and social policy approach to minority women underpinned by cultural relativism.
These developments de-legitimate political voices of dissent and amount to a wider assault on secular and progressive feminist struggles for equality, human rights and justice. Angesichts dessen sollten wir uns die Frage stellen: The attribute of revolutionary means that these practices — in a very concrete context — are both politically involved and transformative of society. Facing those alternatives, we should consider the following: Following those questions, this paper is about the meaning of illegality within contemporary neoliberal society, as well as on the meaning of freedom outside it.
Co Author of texts, events and projects related to post Yugoslav subjects — particularly with regard to the post Yugoslav history, artistic practices and feminism. Since , she has been teaching about feminist curating in the contemporary arts at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana. Wenn Selbstregierung und Selbstorganisation in der Geschichte des Marxismus zwar marginal geblieben sind — wobei letztere sowohl von Gegnern als auch von Freunden zumeist mit Staatlichkeit gleichgesetzt wurde —, ist der feministische Beitrag zu diesen Fragen noch peripherer.
If Self-Government and Self-Organization have remained marginal in the history of Marxism — the latter being mostly identified, both by enemies and friends, with statism — feminist contribution to these questions has been even more peripheral. The paper aims to discuss theoretical approaches and struggle experiences related to Self-Government and Self-Organization both in classic Marxist feminist thinkers such as Alexandra Kollontai, Clara Zetkin and Rosa Luxemburg, and in leading representatives of current Socialist Feminism, with an emphasis on Nancy Fraser, Judith Butler and Lidia Cirillo.
This analysis will provide as well the opportunity to think about relationships between Marxist Feminism and other Left feminist currents as far as the question of a systemic alternative to neoliberal Capitalism is concerned. Her main research field is Swedish and Italian history and society in comparative perspective; on these issues she has published several books and journal articles in Italian as well as in English and in Swedish language.
Mutterschaft im feministischen Fokus. Dolderer, Maya et al.: O Mother, Where Art Thou? This closes the door to utopian, visionary, creative impulses facilitating an access to the world and the search for emancipatory overflows. I speak in favour of a feminist and critical possibility to place motherhood and being a mother within the potential horizon of emancipation. This is necessary if, in this structural field of tension between domination and emancipation, we do not want to determinate motherhood and being a mother in a biased way as a kind of domination only.
I will present for discussion some considerations aiming at a complex concept to analyse motherhood and being a mother. In my point-of-view and in the mediation context between the symbolic order and material conditions, motherhood as an institution and being a mother as concrete practice need to be determined in complex ways so as to avoid a biased determination and to open our eyes for the sense of potentiality. Rosemary Hennessy und Chrys Ingraham Love, Solidarity and Resistance.
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Abstract In the US, a striking feature of our historical conjuncture is the emerging alliance among labor, racial justice and environmental activists. I will argue that these new social movements mark a deepening awareness of the connections between climate disruption and systematic structural inequalities. As illustrations of my claims, I will use my experiences in the fossil fuel resistance movement and in local organizations such as the Coalition for Sustainable Economic Development and in SURJ Showing Up for Racial Justice, a national group organizing white people in solidarity with the Movement for Black Lives.
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