IELTS Vocabulary by Matching Word Exercise – Easy/Level 1
Each word in this IELTS academic vocabulary is demonstrated with example sentence, which plays a key part to understand and use new word in right way. However, if connect a word with an example sentence, the situation will be changed, these words and sentences will enhance your both reading and writing skill. Lots of fundamental words are filtered because they are assumed to be known in daily activities.
Obviously, high level students need a more powerful vocabulary to work. It's a good option for serious test takers. Besides, some students prefer to use ebook to study and review IELTS vocabulary, we have two to recommend: Amazon Kindle - US or other ebook distributors. You should also have a LONG list of keywords and paraphrases — have you got that? Hi Liz, I think the answer for no.
These types of questions also test your understanding of grammar. Hi Liz, thanks for your amazing and helpful efforts. Thanks and God bless. You have 1 hour and 40 questions — you need to practice and develop your own time manage skills. The more you know about your own strengths and weaknesses, the better you will do. Hi liz, i guess there is something wrong with my posts, last time i left a post here but i cant see it any more..!?
Because although it does take humans to Mars, it is not actually the aim of the flight. The aim is to test key technology. The first ever flight is the maiden voyage and in this case, the first flight will not actually go to Mars, it is going to go round the Earth just to test it. Try not to match words, aim for meaning. I always get 1 wrong answer in all of your reading practices.
IELTS General Vocabulary and Practice
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If you are aiming for band score 9, then one wrong might be a problem. If you are aiming for band 7 or 8, getting 1 wrong is normal. Thanks again Liz, I am sure you will get to see more of my comments till take the exam: I hope the more practice will help me to oversome this.. Thanks for this blog which is free. Please why is question 5 not D and instead the correct answer is C. For this type of question, the answers come in order. This means you need to find the answer to number 5 after the answer for number 4.
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It will come lower in the reading passage. But answer C and D are part of the same sentence. C and D both make up the same sentence. But I have a problem in writing. So plz give me some tips nd send some sample..
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This is not a sentence completion task. This is a matching endings task. You must learn more about each type of question or you will make mistakes. For matching sentence endings, you will write the letter — as the instructions explain. For sentence completion, you must write one word or two words — the instructions will explain.
Hi Liz, Thank you so much for a such a detailed blog. It is very helpful. I wish to know if we can use American spellings e. Spell checker on my computer is showing a mistake Thanks. They are very interesting and useful lessons I have ever had. Thanks alot for explaining every point but my question is: The answers can be found in any paragraph.
Each paragraph can be used more than once. Yes, the key is definitely paraphrasing and paying attention to grammar — the completed sentence must be grammatically correct. My test is tomorrow I would appreciate your feedback. Grammar will not help you every time. Sometimes you will need to use meaning and paraphrasing to match the sentence endings.
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Can you try again because it works fine on my laptop. All the best Liz. Please help me out.. Because it is about the first ever flight: Thank you for your answer! I understand but it is still tricky for me. Getting people to the mars seems like more close rather than trying new technologies… I will keep practicing. Thank you for this kind of practice that you provide for us. I always spent more than 8minutes in all your practices. Im worried that the 1 hour allowance would not be enough for me.
While giving ielts reading I usually get NASA related something like this very complex with various difficult paraphrase. Could you please share more difficult ones with us? Some of your Reading practice I can not download in order to print out for reading easily, except for the pdf is available. So it is not allowed to copy, right?
IELTS Academic Words List
I m new to ur site bt i have seen ur videos so many times at my coaching centre in punjab. I really feel ur tips are useful for me and for all learners and easy to understand and to learn. I am not able to identify the correct answer for 2nd question even after reading so many times.
Rest all are correct. I would be really greatful to you if you could please take out some time to assist me? Did you use grammar to help you?

Did you remember that answers come in order? These basic rules will give the answer without any problems. Yes, the words in each group are synonyms! Obviously there are small differences, and the words are not always interchangeable, but in general they mean the same kind of thing. Are they asking if these are direct synonyms? Because not all are, but in context they can be interchangeable. It depends, of course, on the context.
Adam if I put in the phrase: I just found that it is the name of one of weaknesses of people. Thank you very much for the explanation.
I guess I should check what proper nouns are. I still have a few confusions: The length of the lesson is about 17 minutes but I watched it on the one breath. It was blow my mind , so many information cames along with video and I understood mostly from it. The lesson is really so fascinating but I still unable to distinguish between years old and year old and stuff like this.
Thank you so much. The question point is how I can really reach that mark,7. I am rather confused about steps to follow. Do you think is better starting with reading or listening, or writing? Thank you in advice,i hope in your advice. Regarding the 10th question, why is the year-olds an incorrect answer?
How can this age order be right in other sentences? Would it be wrong or just plain weird to bring it to the middle of the sentence, as in: Tommy, Jake and Katy. They are, respectively, 5, 10 and 7 years old. Thanks for the great job you do. I have found a lot of necessary information for myself. Could you advise me what kind of exam to take: Thank you Adam, I enjoy your lessons a lot.
Hi Adam, thank you for an interesting lesson. I would like to know latter and former are used only for two things or two people or two places Because in the video you said: I have three kids Tomy and Jake… As I understood it was just a speech mistake. Or we can use these two phrases with the thing more than two? I have just known how to use the words related to AGE thanks to your useful movie after such a long time of being at sea with these. Thank you so much! You are good teacher! I will study with your video everyday! Thank you Adam for the valuable tips.
I would like to send you an essay,written by me, for assessment. How can I reach you? Hi Adam,Thank you for your valuable lessons. The way you teach makes us understand the lessons very easily. So I would like to suggest if you could teach us some parts of literature such as short poems,figurative speech,metaphors,etc. That would be great if you do so. Its a first time I join. Could you recommend me. Learn English for free with video lessons by experienced native-speaker teachers. In other words, are they sometimes high and sometimes low?
If they are low, it might be because you are using some of the necessary words incorrectly. In this lesson, we will look at nine essential words for this section of the test and how to use them correctly so as to reach your peak band score. Do you know the difference between percent and percentage , former and latter , year-old man and a man who is 20 years old?
You will understand all this and more after watching this lesson. Test your understanding of this English lesson Test your understanding of the English lesson by answering these questions. You will get the answers and your score at the end of the quiz. Which of the following unemployment rate figures demonstrates fluctuation? Look at the inflation rates recorded in a particular country: Which of the following charts contains a period in which sales plateaued? Friday, August 21st Reply to this comment. Wednesday, December 9th Reply to this comment.
Hello, can we practise our English together through Skype? Saturday, February 27th Reply to this comment. Monday, April 17th Reply to this comment. Your lesson is great, as always. Adam for useful lesson: Sunday, August 23rd Reply to this comment. I made the same mistake. Sunday, September 6th Reply to this comment. It happens sometimes, no problem.
Monday, February 29th Reply to this comment. Monday, September 7th Reply to this comment. Tuesday, September 8th Reply to this comment. Tuesday, November 15th Reply to this comment. Sunday, March 27th Reply to this comment. Thank you for your great lesson, Adam. The quiz was also interesting: Hi Happy, Former and latter are used with only two things. Respectively means that a second list follows the same sequence as a first list. Thank you very much, Adam: Hi Wilson, The main thing to remember about not only is to follow it with an inverted clause Not only verb then Subject … The second part adds something to the first.
Not only did he pass the test, but he also got the highest mark in the class. Hello if there is somebody who wants to practice English, this is my Skype: Saturday, August 22nd Reply to this comment. Thank you very much, that was healpful. I think I got the number 9 correct but it says it is not…. Their raise was negligible almost nothing , so females got more. Hi Muad, What happened when? As for improving your English, build up your vocab and review some basic grammar rules. Aslo I wanna to improve my english language very well tell me Adam what before first I try.
Thanks Adam for this advanced lesson It was very useful to clarify some of my doubts about how to express data analysis in English. Hi Asmaa, Remember that former means first, and latter means second when you have two things and then refer to them again. For me too hey, I got 6 out of Wednesday, November 11th Reply to this comment.
Thanks for you lesson i have scored 7 out of The most important thing to remember is to relax: Adam, can you recommend me some beautiful romantic American poetry? I think is follow someone, closely, insistently. Like the paparazzi do…. I believe it is one of the meanings of this verb. Thursday, August 27th Reply to this comment. Actually, Ronnie has already done a lesson about makeup.
Monday, August 24th Reply to this comment. If you go to your profile, you should be able to change your avatar pic. Let me know if this works.
Vocabulary exercise types
Good advice Tsamp ;. I forgot to mention ….. Friday, August 28th Reply to this comment. Thank you It is useful. I got 90 percent, thank you for the lesson was very helpful. Thanks a lot, Adam! Tuesday, August 25th Reply to this comment.