Goddess Gambit (The Thrice-Cursed Godly Glories Book 3)
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"The Thousand Days of Disbelief"
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PHANTACEA: Synopses of the Launch Serials
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ComiXology Thousands of Digital Comics. On top of that, Fangers presents a framing story set in Year of the Dome. As such it could be considered a prequel to the Launch story cycle that began in earnest with War-Pox and eventually picks up again in Gambit. The Damnation Brigade " , " Nuclear Dragons " the second, full-length entry in the Launch story cycle , plus the latest graphic novel, " Phantacea Revisited 2: Cataclysm Catalyst " , and " Helios on the Moon " , the culminating entry in the Launch story cycle, should be available at your favourite book stops.
If they're not, kindly direct local librarians and neighbourhood booksellers to www. Either that or, if you're feeling even more proactive, click here , copy the link, paste it into an email and send it to them, along with everyone else you reckon could use a double dose of anheroic fantasy. It will certainly be appreciated. E-books for Kindle, Kindle Fire, I-pad, I-phone and other applications can be ordered through amazon. An interactive e-book containing the entirety of " Feeling Theocidal " , as built specifically for Adobe Reader, is available direct from the publisher.
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E-books on other platforms are also available. Check you favourite online bookseller for the latest list and ordering instructions for Phantacea Publications. Another interesting option for the curious is Chegg, which has a rent-a-book program. Thus far its search engine shows no results for phantacea any style or permutation thereof but it does recognize Jim McPherson a variety of them and the titles of many releases from Phantacea Publications.
As for the Whole Earth other than the Hidden Continent of Sedon's Head, at least as far as I can say and always assuming it's still around in what be its 61st century , well, this page contains a list of a few other websites where you can probably order the novels in a variety of currencies and with credit cards. Of course you can always email or send me your order s via surface mail. No matter where you live or what currency you prefer to use, I'll figure out a way to fill your order s myself.
Just be aware that I can only accept certified cheques or money orders. Previously as many as five story sequences have been serialized out here in Cyberia. Now there's a definite sixth, -- to go along with the two that are still progressing. And, when it's done, there may not be any more! Fact is, Moon not only concludes the four Launch Serials, it ends all of them.
As well as itself! How can that be? Turns out the endings of the other three books are just semi-significant chapters leading up to Moon 's ultimate ending. Actually I shouldn't be such a tease. As good as Moon is, it's not that bad. Needless to say, there's always more. And why should there be? Endings are just new beginnings after all. Put it this way: The one after AD! Usual point being, you may or may not have been following all three of the initial installments of the Launch serials. In fact, you may only be following this page and its synoptic attachments. Which would make you a bit of chapter cheater!
Better yet order your favourite series and get the latest completed version on disk. Enough the commercial plug. You can go straight to the full body of this page , the really old stuff of Moloch and War , the still on-going stuff of Island and Gambit , or Moon , the related, relative newcomer. In other words, you can bop over to the story sequence that appeals to you the most. From wherever that is you can leap to synopses of the chapters you may have missed, -- not that the most recent installments of each segment of the PHANTACEA Mythos will always be synopsized by then.
Don't want make things too easy for you, do I? Oh yeah, before I forget, what's Thalassa D'Angelo's altered image still doing up here now that ' The War of the Apocalyptics ' is long over? Turns out, first of all, Sea's about to turn up in Island as a featured character and, second of all, her siblings are going to turn up eventually in Moon.
Her siblings, it should be noted, at least according to some. Its next task is the destruction of Alpha Centauri's Island. And its master scientists: Daemonicus could care less about Centauri Island any more. Or the Worldwide Order, for that matter. The horrifying, shadow-cloaked, Satan-skinned, three-eyed wraith is quite prepared to unleash Sharkczar, Crystallion, Hell's Horsemen, and whatever else is on the Phantom Freighter floating, -- better make that flitting --, in and out of somehow nearby between-space with or without WORLD's cooperation!
Who or what can stop them? The Menace on the Moon?
- Guess what isn't coming soon any more?.
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- PHANTACEA: Synopsis of The Trigregos Gambit?
- CBC: Day of Reckoning?
A couple of middle-aged, newly-become supranormals named Doc Defiance and Mr. A twenty-seven year old who neither knows who his parents were nor what an AmoebaMan was? Published in ; main webpage is here ; ordering lynx are here. Circa the Year of Dome , Anvil the Artificer, a then otherwise unnamed, highborn Lazaremist later called Tvasitar Smithmonger, dedicated the first three devic talismans, or power foci, that he forged out of molten Brainrock to the Trigregos Sisters. The long lost, possibly even dead, simultaneous mothers of devakind hated their offspring for abandoning them on the far-off planetary Utopia of New Weir.
Not surprisingly, their fearsome talismans could be used to kill Master Devas devils. For most of twenty-five hundred years, they belonged to the recurring deviant, Chrysaor Attis, time after time proven a devaslayer. Hundreds of years later, these selfsame thrice-cursed Godly Glories helped turn the devil-worshippers of Sedon's Head against their seemingly immortal, if not necessarily undying gods.
Now, five hundred years after the Days of Disbelief, they've been relocated. The highest born, surviving devic goddesses want them for themselves; want to thereby become incarnations of the Trigregos Sisters on the Hidden Continent. An Outer Earthling, one who has literally fallen out of the sky after the launching of the Cosmic Express, gets to them first Published in ; main web presence is here ; Character Companion starts here ; ordering lynx are here ;.
Published in ; two storylines recounted side-by-side, the titular one narrated by the Legendarian in , the other indirectly leading into the 'Launch ' story cycle; main web presence is here ; Character Companion starts here ; ordering lynx are here ;. The eldritch earthborn is the real half-mother of the invariably mortal Sed-sons but, once she has hold of her, aka Lethal Lily, Master Morgan proceeds to trap the Moloch Sedon Himself.
In the midst of the bitter, century-long expansion of the Lathakran Empire, the Hidden Headworld's three tribes of devil-gods are forced to unite in an effort to release their All-Father. Unfortunately for them, they're initially unaware Master Morg, the Death's Head Hellion herself, has also got hold of the Trigregos Talismans, devic power foci that can actually kill devils, and Sedon's thought-father Cabalarkon, the Undying Utopian she'll happily slay if they dare attack her Weirdom. Utopians from Weir have never given up seeking to wipe devils off not just the face of the Inner Earth, but off the planet itself.
Their techno and biomages, under the direction of the Weirdom of Cabalarkon's extremely long-lived High Illuminary, Quoits Tethys, have determined there is only one sure way to do that -- namely, to infect the devils' Inner Earth worshippers with fatal plagues brought in from the Outer Earth. Believe it or not, that's the good news. Published in , main webpage is here ; ordering lynx are here. Kadmon Heliopolis had one life. It ended in October The Male Entity has had many lives. In his fifth, he and his female counterpart, often known as Miracle Memory, engendered more so than created the Moloch Sedon.
They believe him to be the Devil Incarnate. They've been attempting to kill him ever since. Too bad it's invariably he, Heliosophos Helios called Sophos the Wise , who gets killed instead.
Janna Fangfingers
On the then still Whole Earth circa the Year BCE, one of their descendants, Xuthros Hor, the tenth patriarch of Golden Age Humanity, puts into action a thought-foolproof, albeit mass murderous, plan to succeed where the Dual Entities have always failed. He unleashes the Genesea. The Devil takes a bath. It never reaches Outer Space; not all of it anyhow.
As a stunning consequence of its apparent destruction, ten extraordinary supranormals are reunited, bodies, souls and minds, after a quarter century in what they've come to consider Limbo.
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They name themselves the Damnation Brigade. And so it appears they are -- if perhaps not so much damned as doomed. At least one person survives the launching of the Cosmic Express. He literally falls out of the sky -- on the Hidden Continent of Sedon's Head.
An old lady saves him. Except this old lady lives in a golden pagoda, rides vultures and has a third eye. She also doesn't stay old long. He becomes her willing soldier, acquires the three Sacred Objects and goes on a rampage, against his own people, those that live. Only it's not horses they ride.