It does not excuse all other unrealistic parts of it. It just kills the story for me. The interesting question for me is why you expect a medieval fantasy story to be 1: People in one area of France would see things different from people in another area of France — not to speak about Britain, Germany, Italy, or Spain or Africa or Asia or both Americas. Whatever views you get will be regional in every case. So, perhaps, this region just happens to hold more modern views than the one five days to the north.
Early middle ages had women at a much better status than late middle ages when it came to rights. Most societies in Europe were based on relatively small units clans, villages, small towns , where every member mattered, not just all the men. Therefore, women usually had more or less equal rights. With bigger units up to kingdoms and empires , things changed on the larger scale of things non-nobles living outside of free cities usually had few rights overall , but not so much in everyday life.
The same went for the widows of merchants or innkeepers. A noblewoman held control of all keys of the family seat and usually also all control over the servants, because her husband was away so much most noble jobs were in warfare. Women in Viking society held the villages and towns while the men were away first pillaging, later on trading or they went along recently, several presumed male Viking warriors for several different burial sites have been genetically identified as female.
Greek and Roman traditions of seeing women and children as rightless come from ancient times and were not widely spread north of Italy, before Rome started conquering a lot of areas there. Women were anything but rightless, unless they happened to be serfs. But male serfs had just as few rights because they were all half a step above slave status. How unrealistic is it that in a world with dragons women also take up arms especially given they did so in our reality as well?
How unrealistic is it that a noblewoman has control of the area, because her husband is dead and the oldest son too young to rule or somewhere in war?
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Why do you think a society where, perhaps, dwarves or elves or orcs exist should also have predjudices against humans just for a different colour of the skin? If you really feel like that kind of suspension of disbelief is too hard for you, fantasy might not be the right genre for you to enjoy. However most take their inspiration from that, there is no doubt. The examples you list are not what I have a problem with. The more I learn of the medieval era eras?
Rather it often seems to me a disordered hodge-podge. Since you mention serfs, oddly there is a lack of them in every fantasy that I have thus far read. In a world with elves and dwarves, I think bigotry toward those beings might sadly indeed replace that toward humans with other skin colors. This is also not all of fantasy by any means, though I may have given off that view.
Yes, a lot of fantasy worlds are an odd mix-and-match of medieval tropes. It would probably be even more interesting, if they could keep stuff to one area or one era of the middle ages. Also, I often do find the lack of serfs suspicious. I think that is my main objection. It just seems that a lot of authors know nothing about it, and leaves out things which the real medieval era relied on like serfs.
I mean, they need not have serfs, but with how many peasant characters exist it seems a bit odd that their relationship with the upper classes never gets any detail in many books. Well no, I am very glad to have women with a greater status and so on. Often it goes the opposite direction too, with the fantastic elements not affecting the story enough I think.
Magic would really be a game changer, for instance, along with various creatures. It often seems they just get dumped in a medieval-esque world though. I read these interesting articles on why sexism in Game of Thrones is way worse than sexism was in the real middle ages, that mentioned a lot of the same stuff you do, but also pointed out that as sexist as the Christian church was, it did offer some advantages to women as well.
Joining a monastery was an option women had at the time, and the heads of monasteries could be pretty powerful and influential. Issue is this…most fantasy stories do not understand power and privilege beyond universal themes like classicism aristocracy and sexism and maybe if written well fascism and colonialism.
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But fantasy can never get racism right…simply because racism transforms from a illogical ideology to a objective one with merit. In a fantasy setting, racism is a objective ideology because a elf cannot be equals with a mortal human. A furry is sexier and a better sex companion than a human most animals have better stamina than a human and the animal elements are just sexy. Also not mentioning the objective fact that any non human fantasy race will basically subjugate us in any realistic scenario a scenario ignored by fantastic beasts.
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Fantastic beasts is terrible because it treats wizards like a oppressed minority. Any magical segment of the population will have all the political power and influence in a larger society simply because they can produce more worth to society. We see this in our society, the racism of our society is being encouraged by the higher classes to divide and conquer us. Magical people will be on the top of society while we will be in the bottom toiling in the factories and our jobs.
This is a way more realistic scenario in Harry potter than magical people being a oppressed minority. The wealthy have worked very hard to convince the Intelligent that their intellect deserves a remuneration only slightly larger than the blue collar workers. Indeed the push to make governments see Universities as white collar worker versions of technical colleges has been very effective for the last 40 years or so.
def shepherd: Racism Is Alive And Well: 35 Incredibly Racist Anti-Obama Images
Disastrously effective from the points of view of economic equity. The wealthy are willing to pay for: Humans with power will dis-empower a fantasy race, with lies if nothing else. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. We send comment data to outside parties for spam filtering and other services. See our privacy policy for details. Blog Comics Podcast Editing Search for: Realism This time, your story is about a cyberpunk hacktivist living happily with his two husbands in the year Saluting Past Works In your favorite childhood movie, a sentient dinosaur saves the day by winning a potato-eating contest while drunk.
Controversy You paid attention in history class, so you know that in the past, people thought women were genetically inferior to men. Alice December 16, at Carl December 16, at 1: Cay Reet December 16, at 1: Reply to Cay Reet. Oren Ashkenazi December 16, at 2: Reply to Oren Ashkenazi.
Sam Victors December 16, at Reply to Sam Victors. I have never seen the white side explained better! Pat Buchanan had the guts to say it. It is about time!! Buchanan Barack says we need to have a conversation about race in America.. But this time, it has to be a two-way conversation.. White America needs to be heard from, not just lectured to This time, the Silent Majority needs to have its convictions, grievances and demands heard.
And among them are these: First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that , black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known.. Jeremiah Wright ought to go down on his knees and thank God he is an American. Second, no people anywhere has done more to lift up blacks than white Americans.
Untold trillions have been spent since the '60s on welfare, food stamps, rent supplements, Section 8 housing, Pell grants, student loans, legal services, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credits and poverty programs designed to bring the African-American community into the mainstream. Governments, businesses and colleges have engaged in discrimination against white folks -- with affirmative action, contract set-asides and quotas -- to advance black applicants over white applicants. Churches, foundations, civic groups, schools and individuals all over America have donated their time and money to support soup kitchens, adult education, day care, retirement and nursing homes for blacks.
We hear the grievances. Where is the gratitude?? Barack talks about new 'ladders of opportunity' for blacks. Let him go to Altoona? And Johnstown, and ask the white kids in Catholic schools how many were visited lately by Ivy League recruiters handing out scholarships for 'deserving' white kids? Is white America really responsible for the fact that the crime and incarceration rates for African-Americans are seven times those of white America? Is it really white America 's fault that illegitimacy in the African-American community has hit 70 percent and the black dropout rate from high schools in some cities has reached 50 percent?
Is that the fault of white America or, first and foremost, a failure of the black community itself? As for racism, its ugliest manifestation is in interracial crime, and especially interracial crimes of violence. Is Barack Obama aware that while white criminals choose black victims 3 percent of the time, black criminals choose white victims 45 percent of the time?
Is Barack aware that black-on-white rapes are times more common than the reverse, that black-on-white robberies were times as common in the first three years of this decade as the reverse? We have all heard ad nauseam from the Rev. Al about Tawana Brawley, the Duke rape case and Jena. And all turned out to be hoaxes. But about the epidemic of black assaults on whites that are real, we hear nothing. Sorry, Barack, some of us have heard it all before, about 40 years and 40 trillion tax dollars ago.
This needs to be passed around because, this is a message everyone needs to hear!!! I did but will you? This is exactly what my husband and I were just talking about. America has gone above and beyond to make up for it's past sins. Unfortunately it's not ONLY up to the whites to make relations between blacks and whites better. From everything I have witnessed as an adult I'm 45 , blacks are far more racist than whites.
Even black people that I have considered 'friends' admitted they dislike white people as a whole. It was hard to feel close to them after that.. There's always going to be racism--everywhere in the world--between all races. But I can't help but believe that if blacks stopped being angry at people for being white, and made a real effort at peace and healing, our nation would be much better off.
I also wonder, where they think they would be if their ancestors had never been brought to this country. I don't agree with slavery, and feel terrible for the people who ACTUALLY suffered as slaves Not the people who have never known anything of the sort, nor those who complain they want restitution for something they never went through. America is a much better place to live than the countries their ancestors came from; and if they don't agree, they are allowed to leave and go back to the home of their ancestors any time they want.
Why continue in a state of hate and anger? Our democracy should be our pride cause it has no color. The republican right are scared witless of little Mexican kids crossing the border, ebola which is happening on a different continent, isis, who have killed hundreds of times more muslims than americans. America - land of the afraid. Fear mongering is the hallmark of the loony right and their mouthpiece fox news because that is how they get their voters mobilized.
Keep up your ignorance and hatred while the rest of the world leaves you behind. To quote Bruce Hornsby on this issue: Some things will never change. Ah, but don't you believe them. I look at these images and read the feedback of these racist souls and I could not help but to pity them.
I am a black man and I am not bothered or even offended by these images or statements because I know that when my God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob returns he won't be looking for the colour of my skin but the content of my soul. Barack Obama himself will have to answer to the same God.
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What makes me laugh is the fact that there are so many hatred to the black man and they do not even know why they hate the black man so much. I however know why and if the black man should know he would have a peace of mind immediately. I wont share my understanding but I know for sure where this stems from. In the interim, all these demonic spirits can hate as much as they like because it is in their dna, but that day will come when everyone of them will bow. As for the Muslim image they give of Obama, that might not even be racist, but in a paradox the Arabs are the Whiteman's closest friend or family as they have a common agenda to erase a certain black race from this earth and we know this to be true.
I hope that you are Continue the good work. Bangla Funny Picture Thanks for your sharing. It has been proven that racism is a form of mental illness, so don't be too hard on them! They don't know what they're doing My parents lives in the same house for almost 20 years. As soon as blacks moved in- Home invasions, drugs being sold by them right out in front of I have pics if you want to see them for proof.
The schools went to hell. You people want everything for nothing,, you don't teach hard work. You teach "everybody owes you everything for free because we are black and loud and violent". You people ruin everything. Look at the state of music. Listen to what your rap music preaches. Kids minds are ruined listening to that garbage. Black are lucky that there are white people who are scared and don't mind paying your way for everything.
I hate racism as well as parfum choirose. All three snakes - black omamba, oboa constrictor, and spitting cobrama - hiss when they pronounce "S" because they love HISSlam more than America! I really don't see the racist history in America as an excuse to vilify white people. Secondly, white genocide and anti-white is racism just as much. Just because it's not perceived as having happened before the recent past doesn't mean it a isn't racism or b didn't happen you can't tell me people didn't make fun of whites before the 20th century, it doesn't seem compatible with human nature.
FINALLY, evolutionists usually and incorrectly state that people were descended from apes various studies actually show that the DNA evidence between humans and various animals are so close as to be arguably impossible to determine, but since apes look most like people i think science likes to make that jump without any real evidence - so we're all a bunch of monkeys according to them, in essence; it's not really a racist term. Believe it or not it's possible to dislike a specific black person, or even a particular group or subculture, without being racist?!
And i certainly think there are a nearly INFINITE number of reasons to dislike Obama as a president besides the fact that he's black it just happens to be that his race is undeniably part of what got him elected, which is in itself a form of racism, even if it was unavoidable. So in short - while some people resort to racist attacks on Obama - they may not even be racist.
It just happens to be a very effective way to get under people's skin. That's why blacks accuse whites of being racist every time something happens they don't like. On a side note, life in Africa seems to be a lot worse in quality than America, even as a marginalized citizen of any color. I also think that we're at the point where so many white people are so tired of being called racist that they're thinking "fine, then i'll just be racist, since i'm going to be in trouble for it anyway.
It seems like modern white young people are going to grow up being told that they're horrible just for the color of their skin for their entire lives wow, does that sound familiar? People who continually fuel the idea of a race war, be they black, white, or other, are not doing anyone any favors - so while it's important to draw attention to racism of any kind in an effort to eliminate it, a McCarthyist witch hunt is no better than inaction or actively supporting racism.
It just creates a kind of tension that escalates on both sides and becomes more and more prone to something truly horrible that I don't think anyone really wants. Please note that my use of black as opposed to African-American is not racist, so far as I know at least. Second, I don't particularly want to be called a European-American. Thirdly, how long does a person's bloodline have to be in America before they're simply "American"? If anything many of them are more American than I am - their blood has been here longer, etc. So personally I find the term African-American to be both inaccurate and kind of insulting.
He is also NOT American, nor even a citizen here. And they fly our Confederate flag just as their ancestors did and proudly. I can guarantee that had Obama been a real Negro and a real president doing good for America, there would be nothing but praises for him. But he is a destroyer and he shamed and hurt the Negro race beyond anything any whites could do! Liar-in-chief is the true title for Obama.
I swear he cannot tell the truth on anything to save his head!
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I'd say 'soul' but he hasn't got one. The radical homosexuals have done a good job of blaming others for all their problems. You recognize that what is stated by this tongue in cheek article is scientific nonsense, but why is it? If it were indeed in their genetic makeup then it could possibly be done. I know all of us were not born perfect like you and some others were, but I made a lot of wrong choices as a young person and I am glad someone took enough interest in me to help me make a change for the better.
Further more there have been numerous studies that have shown that how they are raised DOES make a difference, in that boys raised in a home with no positive father figure are more likely to have those homosexual tendencies. I have a young friend who was drawn into that lifestyle for a while and he tells everyone not to blame the father in this case that his dad was gone so much with the National Guard doing several tours oversees, that he identified with his sisters and mom than he did with men. Someone cared enough for this young man to give him what he needed to get out of that deadly lifestyle.
Now I am not out to try to change every homosexual I see, but I certainly would encourage them to change if it were someone dear to me. OK, I have had my say, I am ready for the onslaught of stones that will now be hurled at me now for daring to tell the truth. You must have not been around gay men. They are in fact attracted to other men, they are gay. So you are saying gay men just know when other men are gay or not? Some are obvious while others are not. You lady, do not know what you are talking about like many liberals.
EXcuuuse me, Jill but this is not conservative bullshit. This is just ignorant bullshit. I am Conservative and most Conservatives I know are not that stupid. SOME gay men try to avoid straights, to avoid the drama. They see it as kind of a challenge. You see similar behavior among some low brow straight men who are informed a woman they like is a lesbian. You are an idiot if you think anyone can tell who you are responding to, Besom.
So do your best to save me. Where did you learn all that stuff? I have tried for years to be straight and could not. But that was because people made me feel wrong for being me. No matter what u should not judge.
This ant thing is not real. And being gay has a lot to do with chromosomes. Christians these days are not who they claim to be. God saidnot to judge. Technically they are straight but also gay because they have both parts. Stop trying to change someone! All your making them be is someone they are not because you are making them feel ashamed. This whole controversy or whatever is overrated.
People need to go on about their lives not others. I hate seeing people dis on homosexuals. Please refrain from using the internet until you have grown a brain. You are saying this as an experienced gay man? But if not , shut your pie hole and that a gay person speak for themselves. But if not , shut your pie hole and let a gay person speak for themselves. And someone brainwashed him to believe that was wrong. Did you really need to make that choice? Dale, You comments have no basis in fact whatsoever. Can you see why your argument falls flat? But the upshot of it is that the said gay man would walk away maybe a little heartbroken for a while, but knowing full well that said straight man was off-limits.
Being gay has nothing to do with any indoctrination. I still chose to play with barbie dolls, etc.. I came to find out that I was gay. As a gay boy raised in a fundamentalist Christian household in the South, no less , I used to pray for the Lord to remove these feelings, but of course, that never happened.
Without a doubt, Biblical interpretation has caused more harm to the mental health of individuals than any type of family dysfunction. I realize that my words will not sway your possibly stubborn opinion, but I could not continue my day without sharing my experience and my stance.
Dale, you my friend are an idiot. I have gay family members, a surgeon, a DO, a dope smoker, volunteers that help the community. They all could burn you in a debate. Watch Fox news a bit more…. Please forgive me, but as a Christian, sorry to be so blunt but you need to read the Gospel of Matthew. Love, non-judgement, understanding and tolerance are Christian virtues. Nothing you said has any scientific proof.
It should always be sought and shared. Never stop, or be shy about, speaking the truth. Spouting all the old-timey misconceptions whilst sitting behind his keyboard in a haze of self-loathing ….