Travels with Honey: A Modern-Day Pilgrimage, A Gift of Love
Do you know why I cry? How many times have I sent My Mother to this site? I weep for those who do not come, do not pray, will not listen, and will not believe. Greater still is the pain I feel by those who blaspheme the visitations of My Mother. And the message - so pure - so clear - resonating My Gospels, how can it be controversial? Yes, we must pray. I will continue to weep until the triumph. With a passionate Heart I will continue to weep. Divine Mercy and Divine Love are one. Holy Love and Holy Compassion are one. Live for the United Hearts.
This too will be photographed. Therese and Padre Pio were victims of love - Holy Love. Both made great strides to bridge the span between Heaven and earth through Holy Love. Understand, the simple is difficult to live. All must realize the significance of the present moment.

It is in the present moment that the reality of your salvation lies. You are always in the Refuge of My Heart when you live this message. There is nothing here open to debate or compromise. These are Church doctrine. No one can be one-half a Catholic. You either believe or you don't. The function of a priest is to bring the sacraments to the people. Nothing should get in the way of this. Such a one is completely loyal to the present Holy Father. He does not support heresy but confronts it. He is not politically motivated nor concerned with popularity within Church ranks or in the world.
He is a shepherd standing for Church tradition and truth. I come to you so that those who are listening will be able to recognize good and discern evil. Too much is made of social action, modern psychology, and the like. Not enough emphasis is placed on sin, salvation, heaven, and hell. Much comes through the devotion of the journeying pilgrims. God chooses to use the natural to give supernatural grace. Such is true with the message itself; with the sources of water; the remnant of My hair, which will strengthen the remnant faithful; plus the multitude of occurrences on film.
I come to challenge the faint of heart, to give precious self knowledge, and to bring favor into the world. Please make it known. It is by such a frail thread that the world hangs suspended over the abyss - the abyss between Heaven and earth. This is why, My daughter, I give you the strand of My hair to venerate; and, as you do so, to see the frail position earth has placed herself in. Only with much love, prayer, and sacrifice will the frail strand remain.
Oh My daughter, how I weep for the plight of the world today. And My Son, I can no longer console Him. You must have courage. You must make this known. I will heal them. When they touch the holy relic of My Mother's hair, untold grace will be theirs. I am the Mother of mercy and love. I am your Mother. I have come to lead My children out of the desert of confusion and to deliver them into the Arms of Truth I invite you to have a clear understanding of these times.
When the King returns to review His Kingdom, He will come wielding a sword of flames.
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His bounty will be the righteous, who pursue His unending Mercy from age to age. The fate of every nation rests with the unborn. It is the unborn who will judge and convict. I call you from the death of sin to the light of salvation. When you love, you are victorious. My daughter, I continue to come to you under this title of Guadalupe so that mankind will pursue reconciliation with God. During this time all that calls you back to God - faith, prayer, holiness, life itself - is opposed and persecuted in the world. The sins today are more grievous and more offensive to God than any, for they are not committed through pagan ignorance but by those who say or pretend to love My Jesus or who once loved Him.
Weekly prayer services are held inside of the Prayer Center and, weather permitting, many monthly prayer services may be held outdoors at one of the shrines.
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- Holy Love Ministry | About the Shrine and Pilgrimages.
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John Vianney Cure d'Ars , St. Therese the Little Flower, and St. Joseph and the Child Jesus. At the prayer center is the United Hearts Gift Shop, which carries all of the books, medals, scapulars, miraculous images, and prayer cards with messages and devotions specific to this ministry. She looks up to heaven, opens Her hands and says, "Praise be to Jesus. I desire the people who come; pray for those who oppose the Ministry. Yes, I do call you upon a difficult path but not without grace.
Please love the way upon which I lead you. For when you are loving, we are united. Every provision comes through My Heart. Her Heart is left in the air. My children, many will come here seeking the refuge of My Heart, and you must become Holy Love to each one.
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Let this effort be one of love so that when all is said and done, it can be said all was accomplished in love. The Prayer Center is God's ordaining Will and, therefore, will materialize. Continue to pray for faith and courage. It will be as though My Immaculate Heart will already be victorious at this site.
My victory will be in every heart that converts. Whereas, this other farm you have queried Me about has its origin in the heart of man. What I am giving you cannot be constructed, bought or sold, for grace comes only from the Heart of the Eternal Father. Many will come to the property site of future Prayer Center bearing the demeanor of contrition.
But there will be many lukewarm as well. This is why I continue to call you to pray, pray, pray for My lukewarm children. When you do this you are wiping the tears from My Face and bringing joy to My Heart. Alone you are nothing and can attain no good. But with God all things are possible. He is all goodness, all grace, all mercy. See then, that united and one with Him is our victory. I desire this prayer center so that by your efforts My grace can come into the world. It will be important to have this Image in a prominent place at our new site so that My children can pray in front of it.
Elyria is simply the mailing address. It is the west end of Lorain Road. If you find a Butternut Ridge Road in another community, it will not lead to the property. Taking Lorain Road west, however, will always help you, and Lorain Road is well-known to local people. The closest airport to the prayer center is Cleveland Hopkins airport, which is approximately 25 miles east of the property via Hwy Most major airlines fly to this airport. Cleveland Hopkins Information Number is Exit at 2 Lorain Road. At stop sign, turn left traveling West. Go four miles, Maranatha Spring and Shrine is on your left.
Do it your way
The street is now named Park. Continue on it until East Broad. Take a left on East Broad until you reach Route Right on Route 57 south. Left on Chestnut Ridge Road. Right on Durkee Road south. Continue right on Route 57 south past Center Ridge Rd. This becomes Butternut Ridge Road.
Shrine will be on your left about 4 miles. Travel south on Route 83 for 7. Maranatha Spring and the Mission Center will be on your left. Get off at the first exit - Route 83, Wooster. Turn right west onto Butternut Ridge Road. Go about 2 miles. The Mission Center is on the left. Exit at Route You do not get off the interstate. Continue west on 10 to route 83 exit. Devotion reminds them this bracelet is as strong as their relationship is. The pair begins an odyssey to King's City passing through places like the Swamp of Selfishness, Meadows of Intimacy and the River of Unfaithfulness, etc.
Applying John Bunyon's classic everyman allegorical Pilgrim's Progress, Annie Wald escorts readers on a journey for Married Couples through a metaphysically dangerous land filled with relationship distractors. The lead couple faces difficult challenges that place their love for one another in peril andtheir devotion to the King in danger from temptations. Readers will enjoy this engaging epic as a successful marriage is a long joint journey of the soul. There is no map, but 'Walk with me' is a creative guide.
Annie has given couples a glimpse of hope with an amazing story through Walk with Me! Using Pilgrims Progress as a foundation for her story was the perfect plan. Every couple should read this book to get a different perspective of what it takes to succeed in marriage through the power of the Holy Spirit! In marriage, "two become one flesh" and travel together on a journey full of great troubles and joys. Wald's allegory provides Pilgrim's-Progress realism about how daunting the troubles and ultimately joyous the journey when two lovers set out in faith for the King's city. Annie Wald has written a classic.
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She really gets love. Annie does this by combining two genres—a marriage book and an allegorical pilgrimage—that no one has combined before. It works beautifully because marriage is a pilgrimage; in fact, all long-term love is a pilgrimage. The allegory form allows Annie to say hard things about love easily and lightly, allowing her to get in close to your heart and do surgery before you know it is happening.
It is an excellent book. I teared up several times in the last twenty pages. Walk with Me lights up married life in fresh ways, on virtually every page. Its insights are simultaneously fascinating, instructive, encouraging, sobering and transforming. Above all, Annie Wald shapes her compelling allegory around the singular passion that assures fulfillment for any couple: Walk with Me is the kind of story that hits to the heart of every couple's journey toward healing and restoration!
We will make this a must read for every couple before they come to our Smalley Intensive program! Broken marriages mean broken families which mean broken societies. Is there any hope? This book will help not only newlyweds, but all who truly strive to make their marriage a pilgrimage of joy and peace, as we walk together! Would you like to tell us about a lower price? If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support?
Read more Read less. Gary Smalley , author of the DNA of Relationships In marriage, "two become one flesh" and travel together on a journey full of great troubles and joys. I'd like to read this book on Kindle Don't have a Kindle? Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention annie wald pilgrims progress peter and celeste married couples kings city swamp of selfishness highly recommend ups and downs river of unfaithfulness thought provoking well written john bunyan thank you to annie excellent book reading this book toward the king married couple married for 43 years christian life understanding marriage.
Showing of 52 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. A group from Ireland, of both faiths, are raising pounds , for a multiple sclerosis charity. Some are walking miles for the tenth time. There's a French lady who must be 70, walking on her own.
She's been on the road a month, and finds fewer people to chat to as she speaks French and nothing else. But in a place where path merges with stream, and we have to pick our way up a steep incline over slippery rocks, she easily keeps pace with me, and talks effortlessly despite the climb.
A Dutch lady, probably in her sixties, had walked from her home in Holland. It had taken her more than four months. She was alone, having split up with her companions in central France because they walked at different speeds. When I asked her why she was doing the walk, she said simply that it was a thing you did just once in your life.
No one can quite put their finger on why they are here, but interestingly no one regrets it.
They've responded to a challenge, both physical and moral. They're here for peace and time to think. There are things they want to leave behind, and things they want to know about themselves. On the Camino you are never alone, but you are always alone with your thoughts, day after day, to the rhythm of your stride. One man tells me that some people come for a laugh, but they're soon absorbed by the Camino. It grabs you with its mysticism. We are part of a never-ending flow of humanity that has gone on for centuries, the longest-running continuous event that I can think of.
Some say this procession has its origins in pagan times, and didn't need the body of St James to make it happen. My companion remarks that for each of us, there's the experience of the Camino itself, and a before and an after the Camino: We are in Celtic country, where people play mournful pipe music, including bagpipes.
Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in the Gers
There's talk of witchcraft, and we are urged not to walk the Camino at night. At night, we prepare a huge cauldron of burning alcohol called queimada. You stir it with a ladle and, lifting some of the liquid high above the pot, pour it back in a flaming cascade of agua ardiente, burning water. When the brew is ready, we read a poem about scary spirits, and shout, 'Witches away! Some pilgrims of course are here for traditional Catholic reasons.
I walk with three middle-class ladies from Madrid, all in their fifties, who tell me they are housewives and grandmothers. They're doing the walk to give thanks, make a sacrifice and do penance. They are staying at the pilgrim refuges, where free accommodation is available. You bring your sleeping bag and spend the night in a large communal room, on a bunk bed if you are lucky. There's no separation of the sexes.
For these ladies, the communal living is a far greater hardship than the blisters on their feet or the weight of the packs on their backs. They complain of poor hygiene and noisy nocturnal neighbours. After four months of such conditions, as we approach Santiago, the Dutch woman confesses that she's written in her diary, 'No more refuges, thank God! I feel rather guilty that I'm not sharing their hardship.
The travel agent has booked me mainly into country guesthouses, family-run, with maybe just three or four bedrooms to let. Galicia abounds with wide cottages of dark stone with low roofs of ochre-coloured tiles. Large numbers of these now take guests. The meals are excellent, though there may be no choice on offer. It's basic food, brilliantly prepared. A broccoli soup sprinkled with almond hake and clams in a sizzling casserole capon in a rich, dark sauce with boiled potatoes soft cheese with honey or quince jelly.
Your hosts will try to overfeed you, especially at lunchtime, and cluck about anxiously if you don't finish every scrap.
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These cottages are set on green slopes, or in hamlets of a few houses, with horses grazing between dry-stone walls. The tranquillity is absolute. You can expect to pay between pounds 16 and pounds 20 for a double room, and pounds 8 or so for a meal. I set out early each morning, to do my 20 kilometres by lunch.