The Night Demon (The Karakura Trilogy Book 1)
By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Shinji attempts to recruit Ichigo into the Visards, only to be refused despite telling Ichigo that his inner hollow would overpower him if he does not. The following day a pair of Arrancars named Ulquiorra Schiffer and Yammy Riyalgo are dispatched to by Aizen to Karakura town where they are to investigate someone with latter consuming all human souls within the area.
Coming to Orihime and Chad's aid when they are overpowered by Yammy, revealed to be the one the Arrancars were sent to observe, Ichigo is easily defeated when his inner hollow interferes. But Grimmjow arrives and easily defeats Rukia before Ichigo takes over the fight. Meanwhile, Ichigo's classmate Keigo Asano ends up witnessing Ikkaku's fight against Edorad as the confident and self-determined Soul Reaper is forced to use his Bankai: Collapsing after defeating Edorad, Ikkaku comes to while reminiscing how he joined Squad Eleven and that he kept his bankai out of respect towards his captain, Kenpachi Zaraki.
Meanwhile, as Shawlong explains the number ranking structure of an Arrancars' power to Hitsugaya, the Soul Reaper captain, Rangiku and Renji have problems fighting their Arrancar opponents. Luckily, Rangiku receives confirmation from the Soul Society that they have been granted permission to lift their power limits, allowing the Soul Reapers to defeat their opponents at full power.
Meanwhile, Ichigo is overpowered by Grimmjow while contending once more with his inner hollow.
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Meanwhile, Ishida trains with his father under the Karakura Hospital while Chad requests Urahara to train him. Ichigo tells Shinji that he has only come to them because he wants to learn to control the hollow inside him, and Hiyori dons her hollow mask to fight Ichigo. As Ichigo was about to be defeated or being unwilling to use either his hollow mask or his bankai, his inner hollow surfaces and the other Vizards restrain him before he can harm Hiyori. After giving Ichigo an exercise to assess his spirit energy, Shinji explains that Ichigo need to confront his inner hollow in his inner world.
Hirako renders Ichigo unconscious as his body undergoes hollowification. In his inner world, Ichigo battles his inner hollow who introduces himself as Zangetsu while explaining he has no desire to serve someone with no instinct for battle. As the Vizards restrain his body and halt the hollowification, Ichigo manages to defeat his inner hollow and return to normal. Yamamoto concludes that Aizen's goal is to assassinate the hidden ruler of the Soul Society, the Soul King, and that Aizen will make his move in within four months. Urahara manages to ask Renji to help train Chad so that he will be able to fight the Arrancars, convincing Orihime not to participate after having lost her attack spirit Tsubaki heavily damaged during the encounter by Yammy.
Later, as Ichigo is able to wear his hollow mask for eleven seconds from his training, Aizen tasks Ulquiorra to lead a mission with a group consisting of Yammy, revealed to be Espada Ten, the newly created Arrancar 77 Wonderweiss Margera, Grimmjow, and the new Sexta Espada Luppi Antenor. Though Ichigo overpowers Grimmjow, the former Espada has the advantage after Ichigo's mask shattered after eleven seconds. But Urahara evens the odds as he battles Yammy.
In Soul Society, as Orihime crosses into the real world, she is confronted by Ulquiorra.
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Under orders from Aizen, Ulquiorra demands Orihime to leave with him or he would kill all her friends. She is forced to comply and is given twelve hours to say goodbye to one person while wearing a bracelet that makes her invisible. Meanwhile, Hitsugaya defeats Luppi while Ichigo is overwhelmed by Grimmjow after being unable to use his hollow powers completely. Grimmjow nearly kills Ichigo, but is saved by Rukia as Shinji Hirako comes to her aid and takes over fighting Grimmjow. The fight soon when ends when Ulquiorra orders all the arrancars to fall back as they achieved their mission.
Finding Ichigo recovering from his injuries, she confesses her feelings for him and heals him before leaving with Ulquiorra. The next day, Ichigo and his friends learn of Orihime's disappearance is gone and that the Soul Society has no intention of saving her.
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Meanwhile, Orihime is brought before Aizen and is asked demonstrate her power by restoring Grimmjow's arm. Grimmjow then asks Orihime to restore his tattoo before killing Luppi to regain his rank among the Espadas. Upon seeing Las Noches, the castle Aizen is located at, they begin running across the desert of Hueco Mundo for are impeded by the various natural hazards. In the desert, they encounter three hollows in pursuit of small child, and go to her defense. But they learn the child is an arrancar named Nel and the hollows are her mutually adopted brothers Pesche Guatiche and Dondochakka Bilstin and their pet Bawabawa.
Nel and her family, despite initially distrustful toward Ichigo, guide him to Las Noches before Rukia and Renji arrive to save them from the sand-based hollow Runuganga. After breaking into Las Noches and finding themselves at a five-way fork, Ichigo's group splits up and each takes one path. When Nel chases after Ichigo, Pesche and Dondochakka forget the direction she took and travel down different paths. Ichigo begins to battle Privaron Espada Dordoni Alessandro Del Socaccio , deciding to use his hollow powers as Nell gets hurt as the battle escalates.
Explaining his hope of regaining his Espada status by facing Ichigo at his full power, Dordonii is defeated and thanks Ichigo for not holding back by holding off the Exequias of Arrancar 61 Rudbornn Chelute that were sent by the Octava Espada Szayelaporro Grantz. After absorbing several blows, Chad realizes how to access his full power, and transforms his right arm. Meanwhile, Rukia encounters who she believed was Kaien Shiba, who explains the hollow that fused into his being allowed him to survive and he ended serving Aizen.
Though willing to let him kill her for atonement while asking to save Orihime first, Rukia learns "Kaien" is an impostor when he asks her to slaughter her friends. The artificial sunlight exposes the impostor to be the Noveno Espada Aaroniero Arruruerie , who reveals that he indirectly assimilated Kaien to Rukia's horror. After Aaroniero assumes his released state, to use the full powers of the countless hollows he devoured, Aaroniero impales Rukia.
But recalling Kaien's words of how a person's heart passes to those they are close to, Rukia regains her resolve and impales Aaroniero's top skull while destroying his opponent's body with Kaien's soul now able to rest. As Aaroniero's disembodied skulls die, Rukia collapses from her injuries and is assumed dead.
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As Renji and Dondochakka Bilstin are confronted by Szayelaporro, who is revealed to be Espada Eight, Ichigo runs into Ulquiorra who reveals to be the one who abducted Orihime. A furious Ichigo uses his bankai in addition to his hollow powers, but is unable to defeat Ulquiorra. Ichigo refuses to give up, however, believing Ulquiorra to be the top-ranked Espada and that his defeat would end this war.
But Ulquiorra explains he actually Espada Four and stabs Ichigo in the chest while telling him his only choices are to either escape from Hueco Mundo or die. Meanwhile, Orihime is confronted by Loly Aivirrne and Menoly Mallia, two female arrancars decide to put the girl for winning Aizen's favor. But Grimmjow defeats the two female arrancars and takes Orihime with him after she heals the girls to Loly's disdain.
Elsewhere, Grimmjow brings Orihime to Ichigo, and asks Orihime to heal Ichigo so he can fight him again. Ulquiorra intervenes, but Grimmjow isolates him in another dimension. Orihime finishes healing Ichigo, and Ichigo begins to fight Grimmjow. Even after using his bankai, Ichigo finds himself outmatched against Grimmjow. Though Ichigo is slowly worn down by Grimmjow, Orihime musters the courage to cheer for him and he manages to deal a blow across Grimmjow's chest.
Grimmjow, despite being wounded, refuses to give up as he uses his strongest attack on Ichigo. But Ichigo overcomes it and deals a final blow, leaving Grimmjow on the ground while preparing to take Orihime away from Las Noches.

However, Grimmjow refuses to end the fight there before he is suddenly attacked by Nnoitora. The last chapter is focused on Hitsugaya's backstory, showing how he discovered his Soul Reaper powers and met Rangiku. Revealed to be Quinto Espada, Nnoitora battles an exhausted Ichigo when he comes to an injured Grimmjow's aid.
Ichigo still attempts to protect Nel, but is pinned to the ground. As Nnoitora prepares to break Ichigo's arm, the intensity of Nel's emotions causes her to assume her original adult form. When Neliel attempts to finish off Nnoitora, she transforms back into her child form. Ichigo tries to help Nel, but almost killed by Tesla when Kenpachi Zaraki intervenes. Telling Ichigo not to interfere in his fight against Nnoitora, Kenpachi reveals that Urahara made the entrance into Hueco Mundo stable enough for the captains to enter: Retsu Unohana saves Chad and Gantenbainne from the Exequias.
Mayuri then activates his bankai and has it swallow Szayelaporro. Though Szayelaporro resurrect himself by absorbing Nemu's spiritual particles through his Gabriel technique while turning Mayuri's bankai against him. However, Szayelaporro learns too late that he ingested a "superhuman" drug inside Nemu's body that increases his senses to the point where his body cannot respond to the overstimulation, leaving him at Mayuri's mercy as he stabs the immobilizes Espada in the heart.
Mayuri stabs Szayelaporro, who perceives the slow pain to be an eternity from his perspective, through his hand and heart. Mayuri denounces Szayelaporro as a scientist for his vainglory as breaks the blade and proceeds to help himself to the Espada's research. Meanwhile, Kenpachi has difficulty fighting Nnoitra before he assumes his released form. Kenpachi eventually reveals he is one the verge of death and uses resorts to using kendo to severely injures Nnoitra.
Kenpachi attempts to leave before Nnoitra, reminded of how Neliel spared him for his weakness, insists to finish their battle.
Kenpachi accepts and inflicts the finishing blow at this charging opponent. Another relant Twitter comment from the author: Brett edited by Fandyllic Edited the section: Brett edited by Fandyllic Summary: Some info from the author's site: Reply to comments of Desert Spear Musings: I seek more information than is available online regarding the Alagai Hora dice. I have found an image from one of the books and will determine which Blog post created or updated.
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