SAS 162 Que la bête meure (French Edition)
Review of Scientific Instruments , 54 , 4 , p. Studies of drag on the nanocomposite superhydrophobic surfaces. Applied Surface Science , , 1 , p. Applied Surface Science , , p. Surface modification and functionalization of oxide nanoparticles for superhydrophobic applications. Advanced Materials Research , , p. Nano-micro structured superhydrophobic zinc coating on steel for prevention of corrosion and ice adhesion.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science , , p. Elongation, rooting and acclimatization of micropropagated shoots from mature material of hybrid larch. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture , 44 , p. Frontiers in Plant Science , 8 , , p. Pilot evaluation of a French interdisciplinary supportive care department. Supportive Care in Cancer , 17 , 12 , p.
- En quête dOrion: Roman (French Edition);
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- Materialism and Empirio-Criticism: Full Text of 1909 Edition (Illustrated).
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HortScience , 25 , 3 , p. Comparative analysis of postural balance by posturography in patients with isolated vertigo or associated with hearing loss. Audiology - Communication Research , 20 , 4 , p. Investigation of the formability limit of aluminium tubes drawn with variable wall thickness. Journal of Materials Processing Technology , , 3 , p. Effect of cross section reduction on the mechanical properties of aluminium tubes drawn with variable wall thickness.
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering , , 6 , p. Bui Rung-Tien et Perron Jean. Performance analysis of the aluminum casting furnace. Metallurgical Transactions B , 19 , 2 , p. Model-based optimization of the operation of the coke calcining kiln. Bui Rung-Tien, Simard G. Mathematical modeling of the rotary coke calcining kiln. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering , 73 , 4 , p. Decisional needs assessment of patients with complex care needs in primary care: Ye et Barnes Sarah-Jane. Trace elements in sulfide inclusions from Yakutian diamonds. Temporal stability of European rocky shore assemblages: Oikos , , 11 , p.
A time-domain vibration observer and controller for physical human-robot interaction. Mechatronics , 36 , p. Modeling of physical human—robot interaction: International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems , 13 , 5 , p. Volatile compounds in the foliage of balsam fir analyzed by static headspace gas chromatography HS-GC: Microchemical Journal , , p.
Plastic response of tracheids in Pinus pinaster in a water-limited environment: Utilization of hypnotic medication in the context of cancer: Supportive Care in Cancer , 20 , 6 , p. Vegetation and topography interact with weather to drive the spatial distribution of wildfires in the eastern boreal forest of Canada. International Journal of Wildland Fire , 24 , 3 , p. Possible liquid immiscibility textures in high-magnesia basalts from the Ventersdorp Supergroup, South Africa.
Journal of Geology , 87 , 1 , p. Automated analysis of craniofacial morphology using magnetic resonance images. A more efficient transportable and scalable system for real-time activities and exercises recognition. Sensors , 18 , 1 , p. Large-scale silicate liquid immiscibility during differentiation of tholeiitic basalt to granite and the origin of the Daly gap.
Geology , 39 , 10 , p. Confusions et dissensions autour du narrateur en voix off. A real time simulation of a photovoltaic system with maximum power point tracking. Review of performance optimization techniques applied to wind turbines. Applied Energy , , p. Optimal design for a composite wind turbine blade with fatigue and failure constraints. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering , 39 , 2 , p. A selection process for genetic algorithm using clustering analysis. Algorithms , 10 , 4 , p. A constraint-handling technique for genetic algorithms using a violation factor.
Journal of Computer Science , 12 , 7 , p. Journal of Water Resource and Protection , 4 , 9 , p. An analytical method for assessing recharge using groundwater travel time in Dupuit-Forchheimer aquifers. Chesnaux Romain et Stumpp Christine. Advantages and challenges of using soil water isotopes to assess groundwater recharge dominated by snowmelt at a field study located in Canada. Hydrological Sciences Journal ,. Cholette Christian et Lord Daniel. Canadian Journal of Plant Science , 69 , p.
Case management and self-management support for frequent users with chronic disease in primary care: Recherche en soins infirmiers , 1 , , p. Feasibility and effectiveness of a home-based exercise training program before lung resection surgery. Canadian Respiratory Journal , 20 , 2 , ee Terapia Manual , 8 , 40 , p. Earth and Planetary Science Letters , , p.
Sexual abuse in Canadian Aboriginal communities: Monocyte depletion increases local proliferation of macrophage subsets after skeletal muscle injury. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders , 14 , p. Age-dependent response of migrant and resident Aegolius owl species to small rodent population fluctuations in the eastern Canadian boreal forest.
Journal of Raptor Research , 41 , 1 , p. The relationship between health literacy and quality of life among frequent users of health care services: Health and quality of life outcomes , 15 , 1 , p. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta: Supplement , 69 , 10 , A Large-scale variation in combined impacts of canopy loss and disturbance on community structure and ecosystem functioning. Biodiversity of benthic assemblages on the Arctic continental shelf: Marine Ecology Progress Series , , p. Cusson Mathieu et Bourget Edwin. Global patterns of macroinvertebrate production in marine benthic habitats.
Influence of topographic heterogeneity and spatial scales on the structure of the neighbouring intertidal endobenthic macrofaunal community. Small-scale variations in mussel Mytilus spp. Journal of Sea Research , 53 , 4 , p. Cusson Mathieu, Crowe Tasman P.
Relationships between biodiversity and the stability of marine ecosystems: Journal of Sea Research , 98 , p. Effect of different sampling designs and methods on the estimation of secondary production: Modeling the depuration potential of blue mussels Mytilus spp. Aquaculture , , , p. Cyr Mireille et Dion Jacinthe. Fear of falling and self-perception of health in older participants and non-participants of physical activity programs. Citrulline malate does not improve muscle recovery after resistance exercise in untrained young adult men. Nutrients , 9 , 10 , p. Effect of pelvic stabilization and hip position on trunk extensor activity during back extension exercises on a roman chair.
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine , 41 , p. A 6-year-long manipulation with soil warming and canopy nitrogen additions does not affect xylem phenology and cell production of mature black spruce. Frontiers in Plant Science , 6 , November , p. Germination and seed traits variations among West African provenances of Moringa oleifera Lam. African Journal of Agricultural Research , 12 , 9 , p.
Did the massive magnetite "lava flows" of El Laco Chile form by magmatic or hydrothermal processes? Mineralium Deposita , 50 , 5 , p. Variation in trace element content of magnetite crystallized from a fractionating sulfide liquid, Sudbury, Canada: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta , 88 , p. Trace elements in magnetite as petrogenetic indicators.
Mineralium Deposita , 49 , 7 , p. Mineralium deposita , 45 , 8 , p. Mineralium deposita , 46 , 4 , p. The timing and formation of platinum-group minerals from the Creighton Ni-Cu-Platinum-group element sulfide deposit, Sudbury, Canada: Early crystallization of PGE-rich sulfarsenides. Economic Geology , , 6 , p. Economic Geology , , 2 , p. Formation of platinum-group minerals from an evolving sulfide liquid at Sudbury, Canada. Comparison of trace elements in magnetite with other magmatic Fe-oxide deposits. Procedia Computer Science , 37 , p. Effects of soil warming and nitrogen foliar applications on bud burst of black spruce.
Tree - Structure and Function , 30 , 1 , p. Does usual practice of physical activity affect balance in elderly women? Fisioterapia em Movimento , 26 , 4 , p. Relationship between force platform and two functional tests for measuring balance in the elderly. Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy , 15 , 6 , p. Terapia Manual , 10 , 49 , p. The comparison of postural balance in elderly active, sedentary and with vestibulopathy.
Can functional exercise capacity discriminate older individuals with poor postural control? Evaluation factors for determining the quality of life of physically independent elderly. The effect of elastic abdominal binder use on respiratory function on persons with high spinal cord injury at orthostatic position. Compte rendu de l'ouvrage de David R. Compte rendu de l'ouvrage de Denis Jeffrey et Fu Sun Compte rendu de l'ouvrage de George Karlis Leisure and recreation in canadian society. Compte rendu de l'ouvrage de Jacques Grand'Maison Pour un nouvel humanisme.
Compte rendu de l'ouvrage de Joffre Dumazedier Formation et profession , 13 , 2 , p. Compte rendu de l'ouvrage de Mark S. Searle et Russel E. Leisure Services in Canada. Compte rendu de l'ouvrage de Pierre Demers Compte-rendu de l'ouvrage de A.
Constellation, le dépôt institutionnel de l'Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Compte-rendu de l'ouvrage de H. Canadian Intramural Recreation Association. Compte-rendu de l'ouvrage de Michael Schleifer coll. Valeurs et sentiments chez les adolescents: Comment avoir un dialogue qui favorise le respect mutuel? L'anthropologie spirituelle du loisir: Agora forum , 25 , 4 , p.
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Recension de l'ouvrage de John Lord et Peggy Hutchinson Recension de l'ouvrage de Olivier Bauer Recension de l'ouvrage de Solange Lefebvre Recension de l'ouvrage de Tiziana Pieruz et Luciano Tallarico Compte rendu style essai de l'ouvrage de George Karlis Leisure and recreation in Canadian society: Science et Esprit , 66 , 3 , p. Compte rendu de l'ouvrage de Christopher McAll sous la dir. Nouvelles pratiques sociales , 26 , 2 , p. Compte rendu de l'ouvrage de Dickie Hill Compte rendu de l'ouvrage de Ingrid E.
Diversity and inclusion in the recreation profession: International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure , p. Compte rendu de l'ouvrage de Jacques Sylvestre Compte rendu de l'ouvrage de John R. Compte rendu de l'ouvrage de Nancy Bouchard et Mathieu Gagnon, dir. Compte rendu de l'ouvrage de Nick J. Watson and Andrew Parker dir.
Sports, Religion and Disability. Compte rendu de l'ouvrage de Paul Heinztman Compte-rendu de l'ouvrage de John Byl et Peter Walters Christian paths to health and wellness 2nd ed. Compte-rendu de l'ouvrage de Michelle Sirois Global Leisure and the Struggle for a Better World. The Homo-Faber-Religiosus-Ludens as a spiritual model of leisure through the aging process: Counselling and Spirituality , 35 , 1 , p.
Note de lecture de l'ouvrage de Bryan S. Vie et Vieillissement , 14 , 1 , p. Note de lecture de l'ouvrage de Judes Poirier Vie et Vieillissement , 14 , 4 , p. Vie et Vieillissement , 15 , 1 , p. Note de lecture de l'ouvrage sous la direction de J. Vie et Viellissement , 14 , 2 , p. Vie et Vieillissement , 15 , 2 , p. Recension de l'ouvrage de Pierre Demers Vers une conscience nouvelle: Le temps qui fleurit: Vie et Vieillissement , 14 , 3 , p.
Recension de l'ouvrage sous la direction de Miriam Fahmy Integrating religious and spiritual practices with therapeutic leisure within the recovery process of persons with mental disorders. Using simple causal modeling to understand how water and temperature affect daily stem radial variation in trees.
Tree Physiology , 27 , 8 , p. Impact of warming and drought on carbon balance related to wood formation in black spruce. Annals of Botany , , 2 , p. Carbon allocation during defoliation: Frontiers in Plant Science , 6 ,. Intra-annual cambial activity and carbon availability in stem of poplar. Tree Physiology , 29 , 10 , p. The contribution of carbon and water in modulating wood formation in black spruce saplings. Plant Physiology , , 4 , p. Deslauriers Annie et Morin Hubert. Intra-annual tracheid production in balsam fir stems and the effect of meteorological variables.
Trees - Structure and Function , 19 , 4 , p. Cellular phenology of annual ring formation of Abies balsamea in the Quebec boreal forest Canada. Canadian Journal of Forest Research , 33 , 2 , p. Dendrometer and intra-annual tree growth: Dendrochronologia , 25 , 2 , p. Cambial phenology, wood formation and temperature thresholds in two contrasting years at high altitude in Southern Italy. Tree Physiology , 28 , 6 , p. A three-step procedure in SAS to analyze the time series from automatic dendrometers.
Dendrochronologia , 29 , 3 , p. Uncovering the minor contribution of land-cover change in upland forests to the net carbon footprint of a boreal hydroelectric reservoir. Journal of Environmental Quality , 44 , 4 , p. Geology , 20 , 2 , p. Dion Jacinthe et Cyr Mireille. The use of the NICHD Protocol to enhance the quantity of details obtained by children with low verbal abilities in investigative interviews: Journal of child sexual abuse , 17 , 2 , p.
Child abuse and neglect , 30 , 8 , p. Evaluating crisis intervention services for youth within an emergency department: Child care in practice , 16 , 3 , p. Sexual abuse, residential schooling and probable pathological gambling among Indigenous Peoples. Be thinner or larger? Correlates of body dissatisfaction in a large sample of French-Canadian children. The Journal of Pediatrics ,. A prospective study of the impact of child maltreatment and friend support on psychological distress trajectory: Journal of affective disorders , , p.
Enfance , 4 , p. Sexual abuse of intellectually disabled youth: The Prevention Researcher , 20 , 3 , p. Secondary production as a tool for better understanding of aquatic ecosystems. Terapia Manual , 10 , 50 , p. Le centre de formation professionnelle: Apprendre et enseigner aujourd'hui , 5 , 2 , p. Impact of inflammation and anti-inflammatory modalities on skeletal muscle healing: Physical Therapy , 97 , 8 , p.
Mast cell tryptase stimulates myoblast proliferation; a mechanism relying on protease-activated receptor-2 and cyclooxygenase BMC Musckuloskeletal Disorders , 12 , p. Emmett, Reynolds Pamela L. Paul, Ruesink Jennifer L. Biodiversity mediates top-down control in eelgrass ecosystems: Ecology Letters , 18 , 7 , p. Black-spruce—lichen woodlands growth and carbon drawdown potentials as revealed by mature stands. Boreal Environment Research , 21 , p. Acta Neuropathologica Communications , 6 , p. American journal of physiology. Chalcophile and platinum-group element distribution in pyrites from the sulfide-rich pods of the Lac des Iles Pd deposits, Western Ontario, Canada: Geology, petrography, geochemistry, and genesis of sulfide-rich pods in the Lac des Iles palladium deposits, western Ontario, Canada.
Mineralium Deposita , 51 , 4 , p. Constraints on processes controlling the composition of the ore and the use of pentlandite compositions in exploration. Journal of Geochemical Exploration ,. Correlation between seed characteristics and biomass production of Moringa oleifera provenances grown in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. African Journal of Plant Science , 11 , 11 , p. Effect of quenching rate on precipitation kinetics in AA DC cast alloy. Condensed Matter , , p. Online product disposition on the rise: Study of goods multiple lives practices. Journal of Consumer Marketing , 34 , 2 , p.
How consumers react to environmental information: Journal of International Consumer Marketing , 29 , 3 , p. From single-use to multi-use: Journal of Environmental Management , , p. Exploring pro-environmental behaviors of consumers: Journal of Business Research , 69 , 10 , p. Fall Khadiyatoulah et Vignaux Georges.
Que la bête meure by Gérard de Villiers
Exploring the screening capacity of the Fear of Cancer Recurrence Inventory-Short Form for clinical levels of fear of cancer recurrence. A contribution to the study of the compressive behavior of atmospheric ice. Cold Regions Science and Technology , , p. Farzaneh Masoud et Fofana Issouf. Review of streamer dynamics and surface charge accumulation on ice surfaces. Electrical and Electronic Engineering , 2 , 6 , p. Pulp and paper mill sludge management practices: Resources, Conservation and Recycling , , p.
Pulp and paper mill sludge management in Quebec: Vecteur Environnement , 48 , 5 , p. Xylem and leaf functional adjustments to drought in Pinus sylvestris and Quercus pyrenaica at their elevational boundary. Insights on pumping well interpretation from flow dimension analysis: Journal of hydrology , , p. Environmental-mediated relationships between tree growth of black spruce and abundance of spruce budworm along a latitudinal transect in Quebec, Canada. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology , , p. Cancer Nursing , 26 , 2 , p. Multiple timescale constraints for high-flux magma chamber assembly prior to the Late Bronze Age eruption of Santorini Greece.
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology , , 9 , p. Fofana Issouf et Hadjadj Yazid. Electrical-based diagnostic techniques for assessing insulation condition in aged transformers. Measurement of the relative free radical content of insulating oils of petroleum origin. Energies , 8 , 8 , p. The role of viscous particle segregation in forming chromite layers from slumped crystal slurries: Journal of Petrology , 56 , 12 , p. Dissolved organic matter concentration, optical parameters and attenuation of solar radiation in high-latitude lakes across three vegetation zones.
Genome-wide analysis implicates microRNAs and their target genes in the development of bipolar disorder. Translational Psychiatry , 5 , 11 , e Identification of shared risk loci and pathways for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Experimental study of hybrid anti-icing systems combining thermoelectric and hydrophobic coatings. SAE Technical Papers , ,. Experimental study of snow precipitation over a generic deicing fluid without fluid flow.
Icing wind tunnel study of a wind turbine blade deicing system: SEA Technology , 49 , 9 , p. Fortin Guy et Perron Jean. Ice adhesion models to predict shear stress at shedding. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology , 26 , , p. Evaluating the integration of chronic disease prevention and management services into primary health care. Canadian guidelines for clinical practice: BMC Family Practice , 12 , p.
Multimorbidity and quality of life: Health and Quality of Life Outcomes , 5 , 52 ,. Comparative assessment of three different indices of multimorbidity for studies on health-related quality of life. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes , 3 , 74 ,. Nurses joining family doctors in primary care practices: BMC Family Pratice , 11 , 84 ,.
BMJ Open , , p. Spatial distribution of soil shear-wave velocity and the fundamental period of vibration: Optimization of friction stir welding tool advance speed via Monte-Carlo simulation of the friction stir welding process. Materials , 7 , p. Estimating the net carbon balance of boreal open woodland afforestation: DNA methylation signature of interleukin 1 receptor type II in asthma.
Clinical Epigenetics , 7 , p. Gagnon Christiane et Gauthier Majella J.. A comparison between nocturnal aural counts of passerines and radar reflectivity from a Canadian weather surveillance radar. Weather effects on autumn nocturnal migration of passerines on opposite shores of the St. Gagnon Philippe, Guenette Jordan A. Pathogenesis of hyperinflation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Scenarios of groundwater chemical evolution in a region of the Canadian Shield based on multivariate statistical analysis.
Regional Studies , 4 , Part B , p. Journal of Experimental Botany , 58 , 10 , p.
Documents de type "Article publié dans une revue avec comité d'évaluation"
Sampling cambial region and mature xylem for non structural carbohydrates and starch analyses. Formation et profession , 22 , 1 ,. Deposition mechanisms of magmatic sulphide liquids: Evidence from high-resolution X-ray computed tomography and trace element chemistry of komatiite-hosted disseminated sulphides. Journal of Petrology , 54 , 7 , p. Economic Geology , , 3 , p. Journal of Petrology , 47 , 9 , p. Parental magma composition inferred from trace element in cumulus and intercumulus silicate minerals: Lithos , , , p.
Platinum-group elements in sulphide minerals, platinum-group minerals, and whole-rocks of the Merensky Reef Bushveld Complex, South Africa: Journal of Petrology , 48 , 8 , p. Platinum ore in three dimensions: Geology , 38 , 12 , p. Sulfides and sulfarsenides from the rosie nickel prospect, Duketon Greenstone Belt, Western Australia. Platinum-group elements in the Merensky and JM Reefs: Geological Society of India , 72 , 5 , p.
Constraints on parental magma and processes, with implications for mineral exploration. Economic Geology , , 4 , p. American Journal of Plant Sciences , 4 , p. Routine clinical measures of adiposity as predictors of visceral fat in adolescence: In vivo immune signatures of healthy human pregnancy: Spiritual development through play in the outdoors: The Ontario of Outdoor Education , 16 , 4 , p.
Recherches sociographiques , 37 , 2 , p. Analytical model based on experimental data of centrifuge ice adhesion tests with different substrates. The importance of characterizing residual household waste at the local level: Waste Management , 77 , p. On the feasibility of using poles computed from Frequency Domain Spectroscopy to assess oil impregnated paper insulation conditions. Energies , 6 , 4 , p. Haghighi Amirreza, Schwartz Deborah H. Prenatal exposure to maternal cigarette smoking, amygdala volume, and fat intake in adolescence.
JAMA Psychiatry , 70 , 1 , p. Relationships between stressful life events, psychological distress and resilience among Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal adolescents. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience , 2 , 1 , p. Generating interface grammars from WSDL for automated verification of web services. Lecture Notes in Computer Science , , p.

XML methods for validation of temporal properties on message traces with data. Extending model checking to data-aware temporal properties of web services. Self-configuration of network devices with Configuration Logic. Decentralized enforcement of document lifecycle constraints. Information Systems , p. Specifying and validating data-aware temporal web service properties. Materials , 8 , 9 , p. Growth response and water relations of three-year-old planted black spruce and jack pine seedlings in site prepared lichen woodlands.
Black spruce growth and survival in boreal open woodlands 10 years following mechanical site preparation and planting. Forestry , 87 , 2 , p. Precambrian Research , , p. Quantification of metals and semi-metals in carbon-rich rocks: Physical activity in daily life in physically independent elderly participating in community-based exercise program. Brazilian journal of physical therapy , 17 , 1 , p. Psychological functioning associated with prostate cancer: Journal of Pain and Symptom Management , 30 , 5 , p.
Geostandards Newsletter , 8 , 1 , p. The Cascadia megathrust earthquake of may have rejuvenated an isolated basalt volcano in western Canada: Age and petrographic evidence. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research , , , p. American Mineralogist , 87 , p. Crystal size distributions and other quantitative textural measurements in lavas and tuff from Egmont volcano Mt. Taranaki , New Zealand. Bulletin of Volcanology , 58 , , p. A crystal size-distribution study of the Kiglapait layered mafic intrusion, Labrador, Canada: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology , , 3 , p.
Geochemical evolution of the Chatham-Grenville stock, Quebec. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences , 22 , 6 , p. Igneous Rock Associations Advances in the textural quantification of crystalline rocks. Geoscience Canada , 42 , 2 , p. Imaging birefringent minerals without extinction using circularly polarized light.
The Canadian Mineralogist , 48 , p. Journal of Geophysical Research , 93 , B6 , p. Geoscience Canada , 11 , 4 , p. Magma dynamics beneath Kameni volcano, Thera, Greece, as revealed by crystal size and shape measurements. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research , 70 , , p. Magmatism in the Grenville Province Since the Grenville orogeny.
Geoscience Canada , 9 , 2 , p. Measurement of crystal size distributions. American mineralogist , 85 , p. A new interpretation of the structure of the Sept Iles Intrusive suite, Canada. Lithos , 83 , , p. Numerical modeling of crystal shapes in thin sections: Estimation of crystal habit and true size.
American mineralogist , 79 , , p. Origin of Anorthosite by Textural Coarsening: Journal of Petrology , 39 , 7 , p. The origin of laminated and massive anorthosite, Sept Iles layered intrusion, Quebec, Canada. Origin of megacrysts in granitoids by textural coarsening: Geological Society, London, Special Publications , , 1 , p. Quantitative investigation of felsic rock textures using cathodoluminescence images and other techniques. Quantitative petrological evidence for the origin of K-feldspar megacrysts in dacites from Taapaca volcano, Chile.
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology , , 4 , p. A test of two alteration indices as predictors of argon loss in basic rocks. Chemical Geology , 46 , 2 , p. Textural coarsening in igneous rocks. International Geology Review , 53 , , p. Trace element geochemistry of the Inyo volcanic chain, California: Evidence for multiple magma sources, magma mixing and post-eruption loss of boron. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research , 35 , , p. Verification of ideal semi-logarithmic, lognormal or fractal crystal size distributions from 2D datasets.
A new locality for primary xenolith-bearing nephelinites in northwestern British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences , 22 , 10 , p. Geochemistry and oxygen isotopic composition of the Canton Saint-Onge wollastonite deposit, central Grenville Province, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences , 38 , 8 , p. Nature of Sub-volcanic magma chambers, Deccan Province, India: Evidence from quantitative textural analysis of plagioclase megacrysts in the Giant Plagioclase Basalts.
Journal of Petrology , 48 , 5 , p. Nature , , , p. Geochemical constraints on the differentiation processes that were active in the Sept Iles complex. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences , 23 , 5 , p. The Sept Iles anorthosite complex: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences , 18 , 3 , p. The vesicular Sainte-Sophie dykes: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences , 55 , 3 , p.
U—Pb ages of plutonism, wollastonite formation, and deformation in the central part of the Lac-Saint-Jean anorthosite suite. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences , 39 , p. Chemical variations within and between the clasts, and the matrix of the Abee enstatite chondrite suggest an impact-based differentiation mechanism. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta , , p. Evidence from geological, textural CSD and geochemical observations of ash and lava.
Evidence for dynamic crystallization—textural coarsening cycles. Journal of Petrology , 44 , 8 , p. Three magmatic components in the eruption of Eldfell volcano, Iceland: Evidence from plagioclase crystal size distribution CSD and geochemistry. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research , , 3 , p. Boron cosmochemistry interpreted from abundances in mantle xenoliths. Nature , , p. A census of mineral species in Elements , 6 , 5 , p. A possible new impact structure near Lac de la Presqu'ile, Quebec, Canada. Meteoritics , 25 , p. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences , 29 , 7 , p. The Age of the Sept Iles layered mafic intrusion, Canada: The Journal of Geology , , 4 , p.
Precambrian Research , 79 , , p. Magmatic processes under Quizapu volcano, Chile, identified from geochemical and textural studies. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology , , 51 , p. Wind turbine performance under icing conditions. Wind Energy , 11 , 4 , p. Journal of Cancer Survivorship , p. Utilization of biocoke as raw material for carbon anode production. Energy and Fuels , 32 , 8 , p. Huang Ying, Sarkar Dilip K. Fabrication of corrosion resistance micro-nanostructured superhydrophobic anodized aluminum in a one-step electrodeposition process.
Nano-Micro Letters , 3 , 3 , p. A one-step process to engineer superhydrophobic copper surfaces. Materials Letters , 64 , 24 , p. Superhydrophobic aluminum alloy surfaces prepared by chemical etching process and their corrosion resistance properties. Superhydrophobic nanostructured ZnO thin films on aluminum alloy substrates by electrophoretic deposition process. Corrosion resistance properties of superhydrophobic copper surfaces fabricated by one-step electrochemical modification process. Case management in primary care among frequent users of healthcare services with chronic conditions: BMJ Open , 7 , 9 , e Partners for the optimal organisation of the healthcare continuum for high users of health and social services: Key factors of case management interventions for frequent users of healthcare services: BMJ Open , 7 , 10 , e Relationship between multimorbidity and physical activity: Secondary analysis from the Quebec health survey.
BMC Public Health , 8 , ,.
Que la bête meure
Huot Matthieu et Ibarzabal Jacques. A comparison of the age-class structure of black-backed woodpeckers found in recently burned and unburned boreal coniferous forests in eastern Canada. Annales Zoologici Fennici , 43 , 2 , p. Ibarzabal Jacques et Desmeules Patrice. Black-backed woodpecker Picoides arcticus detectability in unburned and recently burned mature conifer forests in north-eastern North America. A nest predator's view of a managed forest: Gray Jay Perisoreus canadensis movement patterns in response to forest edges. Ibarzabal Jacques et Tremblay Junior A.. The hole saw method for accessing woodpecker nestlings during developmental studies.
European Journal of Electrical Engineering , 12 , , p. Ibrahim Hussein, Ghandour M. Integration of wind energy into electricity systems: Energy Procedia , 6 , p. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews , 12 , 5 , p. Study and design of a hybrid wind-diesel-compressed air energy storage system for remote areas.
Applied Energy , 87 , 5 , p. Potential of a hybrid wind-diesel-compressed air system for nordic remote canadian areas. Applications of plasma technology in development of superhydrophobic surfaces: Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing , 33 , 1 , p. Malko is a contract agent working for the CIA, who send him all over the world to carry out tricky assignments for them, generally wherever the current headlines are.
This means that the story is constrained by the requirement that it is consistent with known history, and it's always a little amusing to see how the author will fix that. I think the one I liked best was where Malko's assignment was to find bin Laden and assassinate him.
Needless to say, since bin Laden hasn't been assassinated, he has to fail. It is indeed funny to watch how he meanders aimlessly around in, I think, Pakistan, getting a large number of his colleagues killed and achieving precisely nothing. The current book is one of the less successful ones. Hugo Chavez was in the news, so Malko's assignment is Chavez-related. I simply couldn't understand why the CIA wanted him to stop a right-wing plot to kill Chavez. I mean, wouldn't that actually be rather convenient for them?
Perhaps the author got complaints about the bin Laden episode from readers who disliked a story where Malko just screwed up. So anyway, this time he has to stop the assassins, and, surprise surprise, he does. That's pretty much it, apart from the inevitable tiresome sex As I said, he's an asshole. The article is very short, but not without interest.
Here's the sentence I liked best: An editor has left the note "Qui? Innocent until proven guilty, it's the cornerstone of our civilization. Though if he really can't find witnesses, I'll be happy to oblige, and I suspect Choupette might be prepared to do so as well. Carmine Apra' rated it it was ok Nov 27, Martine rated it did not like it Jul 20, Edwin Wassink rated it it was ok Oct 17, Lloyd Free rated it it was amazing Feb 23, Martine rated it did not like it Aug 22, Daniel Chartrand rated it really liked it Sep 07, Cam added it Feb 17, Andreas marked it as to-read Feb 12, Aminou Abdoulaye marked it as to-read Feb 21, Huynh Dat marked it as to-read Jan 19, Frepil marked it as to-read Jun 23, Jean Michael marked it as to-read Aug 21, Denis marked it as to-read Oct 02, Catherine marked it as to-read Feb 06, Malko marked it as to-read Sep 25,