Reckoning (Ashes #2)
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- Reckoning (Ashes #2) by Kelly Cozy-a review | The Reading Cafe.
Review Earlier this year I had the pleasure of reading the first book in this series Ashes. That book caught me by surprise but I enjoyed it a lot and was delighted when Kelly approached me if I would want to review the sequel too. I know the cover is not the most attractive. I am a total wimp when it comes to pretty covers and would not have picked up either of Kelly Cozy's book if it was for the covers. But that would have been my loss. Reckoning picks up a few days after Ashes finishes. Sean is on the road trying to make amends for his actions in Ashes.
Reckoning by Kelly Cozy on Apple Books
Sean is the good guy despite his not always subtle actions. It is clear his old profession created some standards in his brain that are not for everyone. Still you cannot stop to like him when reading the book. Deirdre lost her best friend and cousin when Anna died.
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Her anger or maybe even rage jumps from the pages as well as her pain and grief. She is a very strong woman though she does not know that herself and I liked her a lot. The developments in the story are based a lot on what happened in Ashes so I do not want to give to much away.
If this would have been written as one book it would have made sense and it still makes sense. Though some parts are repeated to remember the reader what happened I do feel you should read Ashes first.
With Reckoning Kelly Cozy puts out another solid enjoyable mystery novel that kept me awake because I had to know what would happen next. For crime readers this series is a must read. Excellent read from the first book through the second. Sean was a man you hated to love!

So cold but knew why he must do what he did. I was happy that his career did not still all that was good in him. I can't help but think the things left in Roberts house may send him on another adventure I'll eagerly read them all if there are more Now I'll be starting on another book from Kelly Cozy - I love the way she tells a story! Great Read This second book just as good as first one. I would try another novel by this author. Good reading I read a lot and I enjoyed this book, wanting to know what happened next.
Feb 06, Elise rated it really liked it. This was a suprisingly great sequel to Ashes. I was sad at first that not all the same characters were in this, but the new ones were just as great as the ones in Ashes.
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- Reckoning (Ashes #2) by Kelly Cozy.
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I recommend both books. Reckoning review Reckoning is the second book in the Ashes series written by author Kelly Cozy. It has an intricate plot with multiple well developed characters. Feb 10, Matt Sides rated it really liked it.
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Choosing 4 stars; 4. Karen Blevins rated it really liked it Dec 30, Sarah Perez rated it liked it Feb 08, Lonnie lee shieds rated it it was amazing Mar 07, Kerry rated it really liked it May 10, Karen dittman rated it it was amazing Jun 16, Annette Nau rated it it was amazing Dec 21, Fred rated it it was amazing Dec 26, Patricia Hill rated it really liked it Jan 05, Ruthe Griffin rated it really liked it Dec 31, Michelle Marshall rated it it was amazing Jul 02, Stiles rated it it was amazing Apr 25, Lindsey Warwick rated it really liked it May 24, Paula rated it it was amazing Dec 12, Tom rated it really liked it Jan 04, Mary Lou Taylor rated it did not like it Jan 07, Sandy rated it it was amazing Mar 31, Describe your issue Have a question not already answered in the links at left or on our main FAQ page?
Reckoning Ashes 2 By Kelly Cozy. All Sean wanted was to use his Special Operative skills to bring a domestic terrorist to justice. But he left a trail of bodies in his wake: Deirdre was expecting a happy afternoon with her cousin Anna.
But she found a corpse abandoned like trash, and no one who could tell her why. In this thrilling sequel to Ashes, there will be a Reckoning. All Sean Kincaid wanted was to use his Special Operative skills to bring a domestic terrorist to justice. Now he's pursued by enemies while desperately searching for a way to make amends. Deirdre Monahan was expecting a happy afternoon with her cousin Anna. But she found a corpse abandoned like trash - and no one who could tell her why.