Living the Dream:The 100% True Story of the Unluckiest Man in the World:Bad Luck is Humorous at Times
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There was a shop there and so we even imagined ourselves enjoying a few beers. He was stranded on a deserted island in Borneo without food or water. Despite all his travelling mishaps the only time Mr Page has felt in fear for his life was as he climbed his way to the Mount Everest base camp in Nepal. During the middle of a day hike in the Himalayas in April last year he was struck down with a severe case of giardiasis, a parasitic infection of the digestive system.
His symptoms were made worse by the effects of the altitude and he had a bad reaction to his medication. It was difficult to diagnose what was wrong with me and I was really struggling to walk. He thought he was going to die when he was struck down with parasites on Mount Everest.
Born Unlucky
Mirrors and object placements are not considered primary Feng Shui prescriptions. If there are actual negative Feng Shui features such as sharp angles pointing directly into your window, simply keep the blinds of the window closed. Painting your room a particular colour has no Feng Shui effect.
What matters more is where your stove is located in the kitchen, or what shape your rooms are in. Read more culture stories here ,. Objects can enhance luck. The under water taboo. The elusive love sector. The mirror of abundance. The auspicious "Feng Shui" Fish. Combating back-stabbing at the office. The case of auspicious colours.
Contrast Born Lucky and Unluckily Lucky. Compare The Klutz , The Jinx. See also Cosmic Plaything destiny has fun messing with them , Butt-Monkey the butt of everyone's jokes , or The Chew Toy someone whose constant pain is intended to amuse. If the bad luck is meant to be funny, it's because of Comedic Sociopathy.

You need to login to do this. Get Known if you don't have an account. Who gets stuck with all the bad luck?
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No one — but Donald Duck! Your future is full of struggle and anguish. Most of it self-inflicted. But you didn't even read my palms or anything I don't need to. It's written all over your face. The Last Airbender , "The Fortuneteller". Keiichi Morisoto from Ah! My Goddess , literally born under the Star of Misfortune. His luck is so bad that even having a goddess move in just alters the scale at which it hits him. Asebi Inoue from Ben-To , who apparently is always sick, is constantly falling from high places and it tends to affect everyone around her. She gets the Nom de Guerre Reaper despite the fact that she never participates in any of the battles.
Touma from A Certain Magical Index is a character with a supernatural ability to negate all other magical or psychic power or influence i. It's speculated that this is also the reason that he's cursed with bad luck — this being a magical universe, it also cancels out his "good fate". He encounters more trouble than the other protagonists combined and is the Unwitting Pawn to too many people to count. Lelouch from Code Geass. Not only is his life laden with misfortune, but chances are, even when something goes right, there's a dark lining.
Examples (if possible, elaborate on how their bad luck works):
Gray-Man , who was known in her hometown for this. In Endride , Eljuia gets called the "unluckiest guy you'll ever meet," although in-universe there is some glass half full debate as to whether he isn't really Born Lucky considering that despite his danger magnetism, nothing's yet killed him. Hayate of Hayate the Combat Butler , he was given his name to be able to escape debt collectors.
Since he's the male lead in a harem manga though, it's mostly averted, and he just thinks it applies. It's still played straight on occasion however. Just often enough to remind us it's there. This is much more significant in the original manga however; aside from having the misfortune of being born to his parents, he also had to work from the age of eight to support said deadbeat parents.
He also has the borderline-curse of losing any money given to him losing it to circumstance or spending it on others out of kindness such that his friends call him the God of Poverty. Most of the plots in the manga can basically be summed up as "Hayate is sent out on a simple errand. Hilarity Ensues as the universe hates him. Wataru and Saki wager Wataru's living arrangements against Wataru's mother.
Realizing they cannot beat her in a game of skill, Wataru and Saki settle for Roulette, and Wataru calls Hayate and asks him what color he would bet everything in a game of Roulette on, then tells Saki to bet on the other color.
Chiari has chronic bad luck, so she's used to falling in a few pits and tripping on random objects several times a day. She even has an app that tells her the level of luck she can expect for the day; when it tells her she'll have good luck, it just means she'll fall in less pits than usual.
She's very optimistic nonetheless. Kumagawa of Medaka Box. His bad luck is so strong that he can rely on it to, for example, always give him the worst possible hand in a card game. Of course, when you can rely on something you can plan around it As the series puts it, he's a man who has always lost at everything, which makes him stronger than anyone. More than that, he's basically capable of impressive plans and slick fights This usually results in things turning out for the best by and large, but whatever specific goal he had in mind being just beyond his reach.
When they say their goodbyes, Kumagawa bets that she'll be back in time for graduation. After being missing and presumed dead for months, Medaka returns in the middle of Kumagawa's speech at graduation, which makes him burst into tears and sob "Finally, I won Her luck is so bad that, she's get the nickname "The Legendary Sucker" for never being able to win at gambling. When she does win, something worse usually happens to balance it out.
There's a reason his strongest attack is an Angst Nuke. Seina Yamada from Tenchi Muyo! GXP , who has luck so bad it is more or less successfully weaponized. Largely because his luck is so bad that it spreads to those around him. The lot of poor Ataru Moroboshi is to deal with all of the crazy but fortunately attractive aliens of the galaxy, but that's what you'd expect from someone whose name means "hit by a falling star". The All There in the Manual additional material twists the knife further, stating that he was born on Friday the 13th, in the middle of an earthquake, on Butsumetsu the day Buddha died , considered the unluckiest day in the Japanese calendar.
Takeo Inou of Takeo-chan Bukkairoku has to wear safety gear just walking to and from school just to protect herself from the increasingly improbable mishaps that can happen to and around her. The first chapter has the real estate agency setting up her dorm putting her in a house populated by youkai. Said house has a very pleasant garden that, if one takes a very precise route, can also be a path to the underworld.
Upon being informed that Takeo went missing while in the garden, the youkai all realize this is almost certainly what happened to her and set off on a rescue mission. Momiji from Binbougami ga! She's learned to take it in stride. Unfortunately for her, she is forced to keep an eye on Ichigo , the luckiest person on Earth, so lucky in fact that she threatens to upend reality's karmic structure.
In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure , Oingo is a flawless shapeshifter and a man of many talents necessary to convincingly impersonate people.
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Unfortunately for him, any time he's assigned to assassinate someone, he's constantly put into situations in which his shapeshifting won't help, such as being forced to swallow lit cigarettes, attempting to poison someone's drink and finding out it's an unopened can of cola, or, the act that ultimately convinces him to retire from assassination, encountering his own concealed bomb and accidentally setting it off. The Unfinished Spelling Errors of Bolkien: Boromir, apparently, who spent most of his younger years getting lost, and subsequently is the only one ensnared by the Ring's power and Killed Off for Real.
Sonya Rosencrantz from Tank Vixens. Her designation is "Unit Jinx" and her function is to deflect bad luck from the rest of the unit by attracting it to herself. Snake from the Australian newspaper comic Snake Tales. Calamity James from The Beano has this as his gimmick. It's sufficiently bad to sabotage any attempt to make his luck better. Several stories revolve around his practically supernatural levels of misfortune. He's often contrasted with his Born Lucky cousin, Gladstone Gander.
The perfect example would be Donald picking a three-leaf clover Scrooge at one point laments that his mystically-enforced casualties wouldn't even happened to Donald and that's really saying something! Donald is so unlucky that he cannot even capitalize on it winning the "Unluckiest Man in the World"-contest, working as a Butt-Monkey for hire.
He had better success in another comic where he gave rich people expensive guided tours of his daily life, showing off how consistently unlucky he is to them to make them feel better about themselves. The Beagle Boys have the aptly named Joe Btfsplk from Li'l Abner.
Born Unlucky - TV Tropes
Among other things, typically had a little thunderstorm right over his head. Poor Peter Parker , he tends to see himself as being very unlucky, so much so that he would complain that it's taken this long for him to be mentioned. He's even mumbled the page quote more than a few times. It should be noted his poor luck has been both played for laughs and done seriously. A good deal of the ol' Parker luck is self-inflicted due to his secret identity as Spider-Man, whose duties often interfere with his civilian life, and despite his bad luck he has a loving family, a circle of friends, and as a few supervillains have enviously noted, a love-life entirely filled with gorgeous women.
Why The Number 4 Brings You Bad Luck, And Other Feng Shui Myths – DEBUNKED!
Detective Soap from The Punisher. By the end, he gets desperate enough to attempt suicide by Frank. The title character of Squee! You're a real cute little guy, aren't you? I'd like to take you home, but that's probably not a good idea. See, things seem to go really bad around me , and I'd hate to see something like that happen to you.