Living in Psycho Time Earlier
German movie poster for director Alfred Hitchcock's classic film 'Psycho,' By Lily Rothman June 16, Alfred Hitchcock directing Shadow of a Doubt in On Hollywood sound stage, side of house which was used in Santa Rosa is reproduced. Most exterior scenes were shot on location, to keep set costs low. For this one Universal used old lumber and nails which are not included in the War Production Board ruling on new materials. Seated on upstairs porch Alfred Hitchcock directs Teresa Wright, holding broken step and flashlight. The Beginning and planned to marry. Considine convinced Norma to open a motel.
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Driven over the edge with jealousy, Norman murdered both of them with strychnine. After a brief hospitalization for shock, he developed dissociative identity disorder , assuming his mother's personality to repress his awareness of her death and to escape the feelings of guilt for murdering her. Bloch sums up Norman's multiple personalities in his stylistic form of puns: In Bloch's novel and the Hitchcock film, Marion Crane Janet Leigh , a young woman on the run after stealing money from her employer, checks into the motel one night.
Norman is smitten with her, and shyly asks her to have dinner with him in the house. Norman defies her and eats dinner with Marion anyway, but lashes out at her when she suggests that he institutionalize his mother. When Marion goes to her room to shower, Norman spies on her through a peephole he drilled in the wall. When Norman awakes to discover what he believes his mother has done, he sinks Marion's car—with her corpse and the money in the trunk—into a nearby swamp.
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As "Mother", he also murders Milton Arbogast Martin Balsam , a private detective hired by Marion's employer, days later. When Norman figures out what they want, he knocks Sam out and goes running after Lila, who has reached the house and found Mrs.

He attacks her as "Mother", but Sam, after awakening from having been knocked out, overpowers him, and Norman is finally arrested. Norman is declared insane and sent to an institution, where "Mother" takes complete, and permanent, control of his mind: In Bloch's sequel to his first novel, Psycho II , Norman escapes from the psychiatric hospital by killing a nun and donning her habit.
Picked up as a hitchhiker, Norman tries to attack the driver with a tire iron, but the driver overpowers him. This in turn causes a fiery accident where the driver escapes, but Norman dies. Adam Claiborne, who discovered Norman's corpse, assumes his personality and goes on a killing spree. In Bloch's sequel to his second novel, Psycho House , Norman appears only as a novelty animatronic on display in the Bates Motel, which has been converted into a tourist attraction. In Bloch's prequel to his second novel, Psycho: Felix Reed tries to bring Norman out of a catatonic state.
Sanitarium introduces Robert Newman, Norman's twin brother who was taken away at birth after the attending doctor pronounced him brain damaged. As Robert and Norman grow to know each other, Norman senses a darkness in Robert, even deeper than that which has lurked in Norman himself. In 's Psycho II , the first sequel to the original film, Norman is released from the institution twenty-two years after his arrest, seemingly cured.
However, a series of mysterious murders occurs, as well as strange appearances and messages from his mother, and Norman slowly loses his grip on sanity. The mysterious appearances and messages turn out to be a plot by Mary's mother, Lila Loomis, to drive him insane again in order to get him recommitted. Before Norman discovers this, however, Mary Loomis is shot dead by the police during a confrontation with Norman, and Mrs.
When Spool tells Norman that she is his real mother, he kills her and embalms her corpse while assuming the "Mother" personality once again. He also finds another love interest named Maureen Coyle Diana Scarwid , who eventually dies at "Mother"'s hand.
Secrets of the Psycho shower
In the film, Mrs. Spool's corpse is first discovered by sleazy musician Duane Duke Jeff Fahey , whom Norman kills when Duke tries to use the discovery to blackmail Norman. Tracy Venable Roberta Maxwell , a reporter interested in Norman's case, finds out that Spool was in fact Norman's aunt - Norma Bates' sister - who was in love with Norman's father and killed him when he chose Norma over her.
She then kidnapped the child Norman, believing him to be her own, but she was arrested and institutionalized, leaving Norman to be raised by Norma. He is then arrested and put back in the institution. The Beginning , the final film in the series, retcons the revelations of the second and third film, supplying that Norman's father was stung to death by bees and removing all references to Emma Spool. In this film, Norman has been released from an institution, and is married to one of the hospital's psychologists, a woman named Connie Donna Mitchell.
When his wife becomes pregnant , he lures her to his mother's house and tries to kill her, wanting to prevent another of his "cursed" line from being born into the world; the film implies that Mrs.
Bates Olivia Hussey suffered from schizophrenia and borderline personality disorder and passed the illnesses on to her son. They discuss how they can barely afford to get married due to Sam's debts. Marion returns to work at a realtor's office. The client flirts with Marion. Her boss instructs her to promptly deposit the money in the bank, and she puts the money envelope in her purse.
Marion then asks her boss if she can take the rest of the afternoon off, and that she was not feeling well. Back at her room, Marion starts packing to leave for an undetermined time while contemplating taking the money. She ultimately decides to steal it, leave Phoenix, and drive to mythical Fairvale, California, to give it to Sam. However, upon passing through downtown Phoenix on her way out of town, she is spotted by her boss as he crosses the street at a stopped traffic light, which unsettles her.
On the road now in California, she pulls over at night to sleep but is awakened the following morning by a California Highway Patrolman; he can tell something is wrong because of her furtive, anxious behavior. The officer, however, lets her go. Upon arriving in Bakersfield, Marion pulls into a used car dealership to hastily exchange her car a Ford Mainline , for another a Ford Custom Driving up US 99 during the rainy night, she imagines conversations in her mind of her boss and the client discussing the stolen money, and becomes increasingly nervous.
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After accidentally taking a wrong turn, she drives up to the Bates Motel, a remote lodge that has recently lost business due to a diversion realignment of the main highway. The youthful proprietor Norman Bates, nervous but friendly, invites her to a light dinner. Marion, alone in her cabin, overhears a heated argument between Norman and his mother about inviting her to the house. He ends up persuading her to have dinner with him in the motel parlor.
Norman talks about his daily life and his hobby, taxidermy and discloses that his mother Norma is mentally ill, but he becomes agitated when Marion suggests his mother be institutionalized. During their conversation, Marion decides to return to Phoenix and return the stolen money.
Norman Bates
Upon returning to her cabin, Norman, looking through a hole he had made in the parlor wall long ago, sees her undress, and returns to his house behind the motel. Marion subtracts the amount of money she spent from the stolen money, then tears up the paper and flushes it down the toilet. The burden now lifted from her conscience, she takes a relaxing shower.
While showering, a shadowy figure of an elderly woman quietly enters the bathroom, shoves back the shower curtain, and proceeds to stab her repeatedly to death with a large kitchen knife. The figure then leaves the cabin with the shower still running with Marion laying on the floor dead.