Lintelligence du stress (Mieux vivre avec les neurosciences) (French Edition)
Knowledge, concepts, and categories. Cognitive neuroscience of emotion. Psychotherapeutic interventions for adults with brain injury or stroke: A clinical's treatment resource. The management of aphasia Neurolinguistics 8. Presses Universitaires de Lille. The mysterious underpinnings of emotional life. Des animaux et des hommes. Presses Universitaire de France. Children with specific language impairment. Linguistic investigations of aphasia. Frontal function and dysfunction. Neurobehavioral recovery from head injury.
Les secrets de l'intelligence.
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Hypermind - Ubi Soft. Current issues in neurodegenerative diseases - Volume 6. Working memory and thinking. Le Livre de Poche. Attention, memory and executive functions. A family guide to caring for persons with alzheimer's disease, related dementing illnesses, and memory loss in later life. The John Hopkins University Press. Cognitive neuropsychology in clinical practice. The organisation of conceptual knowledge in the brain: Neuropsychological and neuroimaging perspectives. Presses Universitaires de France. Amyloid protein precursor in development, aging and Alzheimer's disease. Human organic memory disorders.
Neuropsychologie et troubles des apprentissages: Metacognition and cognitive neuropsychology: Monitoring and control processes.
- L'intelligence Du Stress.
- Good Governance for Digital Policies: How to Get the Most Out of ICT: The Case of Spains Plan Avanza.
- Advances In Chromatography: Volume 44;
- Editions Maxima : livres d'entreprise article.
Explorations in the microstructure of cognition. Psychological and biological models. Imagery and related mnemonic processs: Theories, individual differences, and applications. Brain organization and memory: Cells, systems, and circuits. The workshop on memory functions. Presse Universitaire de Lille. Neuropsychologie de l'expression orale. Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Degeneration, damage and disorder. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Neuroscience cognitive de l'attention visuelle. Les syndromes de disconnexion calleuse chez l'homme colloque international de Lyon Colloque international de Lyon, Research and applications - Volume 2. Clinical aspects of Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia. The neuropsychology of consciousness. Models of working memory: Mechanisms of active maintenance and executive control.
Differential diagnosis of malingering versus posttraumatic stress disorder. Theorical aspects of memory. The cognitive neuropsychology of Alzheimer-type dementia. Cognitive neuropsychology of Alzheimer's disease. Its relation ot normal and pathological memory in humans and other animals. The clinical management of early Alzheimer's disease.
Ecological and traditional approaches to the study of memory. Spoken word production and its breakdown in aphasia. Presses Universitaires de Grenoble. The design of everyday things. Handbook of neuropsychology and aging. Oeuvre belge de lutte contre la maladie d'Alzheimer. Current issues in response mechanisms, biofeedback and methodology: A case-study approach to clinical neuropsychology.
Dis-moi qui te cite, et je saurai ce que tu vaux. Phenomena, experiment, and theory. Knowledge, Actions and Solutions. Multi-level integration on the modelling and data sides using epilepsy. Lipids in the Ocean: Structure, function, ecological role and applications. Lier recherche et formation professionnelle: Humanities and Social Sciences - Law - Library and information sciences.
L'intelligence du stress de Jacques Fradin
Quelles approches interprofessionnelles techniques et non techniques? Environmental Sciences - Global Changes - Continental interfaces, environment. Colloque couleur "Couleurs et relations humaines: Cancer - Bioengineering - Human health and pathology - Neurons and Cognition. Action nationale de Formation: Conduire un projet 2 - Applications.
L'agenda de la semaine
Theories, Practices and Lessons for Vietnam. Architecture, space management - Art and art history - History - Religions. International Conference on Family Businesses in the Arab countries. The 8th edition of workshop "Modelisation, Analysis and Control Systems". Stellar activity and its effect on the characterisation of small planets. Radiative signatures from the cosmos. A meeting in honor of Ivan Hubeny. Colloque Doctoral International de l'Education et de la Formation.
Collective Intelligence and Innovative Territories. Transitions, Cultural Changes and Inequalities. Urgent Need for New Global Regulation? Law - Economies and finances - Business administration - Political science.
Cerveau intime | Éditions Odile Jacob
Art and art history - Classical studies - Gender studies - History - Literature - Cultural heritage and museology. Pour changer ou pour durer? Towards flame retardant biopolymers and biocomposites: Environmental and Sociaty - Continental interfaces, environment - Geochemistry - Hydrology - Mineralogy - Social Anthropology and ethnology - Archaeology and Prehistory - Environmental studies - Geography. Research School on Evolution Algebras and non associative algebraic Structures.
Comment et pourquoi utiliser de nouveaux outils aux services des projets de recherche en SHS? Practices, Materiality, Places and Temporality. New Approaches in Albanian Studies. Highlights and prospects for numerical astrophysics in France. Mediating American Modernist Literature: Fake news, rumeurs, intox Statistical topics and stochastic models for dependent data; applications in reliability, survival analysis and related fields.
Education plurilingue en contexte minoritaire. Processus multi-dimensionnels en Physique Stellaire. Management interculturel en milieu japonisant: Upper Rhine Cluster for Sustainability Research: Enjeux de l'acquisition des langues secondes en contextes migratoires. Economies and finances - Education - Library and information sciences - Sociology. Festival Scientifique Alternatiba Toulouse Research and innovation as tools for sustainable agriculture, food and nutrition security. Food and Nutrition - Agricultural sciences - Agriculture, economy and politics. Olivier Luminet Marine Jaeken: Olivier Luminet Illios Kotsou: How does it relate to personality and happiness?
For Funding Agencies or Organizations: Successful applications in educational, occupational and health settings.
Doctoral dissertation Mikolajczak, M. The moderating effect of emotional intelligence on the psychological and neuroendocrine responses to stress. An emotion regulation Perspective. On the efficiency of emotional intelligence trainings in adulthood. Emodiversity and the emotional ecosystem. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Journal of Aging and Health, 26, An integrative theory- driven positive emotion regulation intervention. Personality and Individual Differences, 65, An evaluation using Item Response Theory.
Development and validation of a measure that fits dimensions of Emotional Competence theory. Mikolajczak, M, Delzenne, N. Role of intestinal permeability and inflammation in the biological and behavioural control of alcohol-dependent subjects. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 26, Psychoendocrinologie sociale de l'ocytocine: Paper in press at the International Journal of Psychology.
Sensitive but not sentimental: Emotionally intelligent people can put their emotions aside when necessary. Personality and Individual Differences, 52, Lead me not into temptation: Using reappraisal to reduce goal-inconsistent behavior. Resisting the sirens of temptation while studying: Using reappraisal to increase focus, enthusiasm and performance. Learning and Individual Differences, 22 SI , Personality-Dependent Effects of Oxytocin: Biological Psychology, 87, Journal of Applied Psychology, 96, Emotion, 11, Layahe, M.
Cross-validation of the Emotion Awareness Questionnaire for children in three populations. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 29, Oxytocin makes us trusting, not gullible. Psychological Science, 21, Oxytocin does not only increase trust when money is at stake but also when confidential information is in the balance. Biological Psychology, 85, Association between frontal EEG asymmetries and emotional intelligence among adults. Personality and Individual Differences, 48, Money Giveth Money Taketh Away: The Dual Effect of Wealth on Happiness.
Psychological Science, 21, Quoidbach, J. Positive emotion regulation and well-being: Comparing the impact of eight savoring and dampening strategies.