
Géographie médicale dAlger et de ses environs. (Inédit) (French Edition)

Congo, octobre , p. The music of Congo. P- Jadot J. Les Babira de la plaine. L'art chez les Mangbwetu. Art et artisanat au Congo belge. Notes sur le droit coutumier des Baluba de la chefferie de Mulongo. VII, , P- Coutumes Bomitaba de la Likouala-aux-Herbes. L'art et la statuaire au Congo. Louvain, juin , p.

Les coutumes musulmanes en usage dans la circonscription de Garoua. Paris, avril , p. LXI, , P- Bruxelles, , noe , p. Bruxelles, juillet , ii p. Bruxelles, juillet , p. Revue du Touring-Club de Belgique. Bruxelles, Hayez, , 12 p.

Discover the golden age of Muslim civilisation

Graphisme et expression graphique. Bruxelles, avril Aanvullende nota's over erikele volksstamen uit Noordoost- Kongo. Louvain, septembre , p. Les statues de rois Bakuba. Symbolisme en Negerkunst bij de Baluba. Elisabeth- ville, novembre , p. Le -pays des Bapimbwe. La maladie et la mort chez les Bapimbwe. Travaux et occupations des Bapimbwe. IV, , p. Congo, avril , p.

Les diverses sortes de cheptels dans le droit coutumier des pasteurs du Kivu. Einige Korbtypen bei den Buende. The black forest Pigmies. L'art vivant des Noirs du Congo belge. I-I3- ' Pieraerts G. Congo, mai , p. La nature du poison du lupapi. Louvain, juillet , p. Esquisse psychologique de nos Noirs. A white man in a pygmy forest. Journal of the royal african. Madame la Princesse de Ligne.

Revue du Cercle des Alumni de la Fondation universitaire. Traduit de l'allemand par J. Bruxelles, septembre Translated from the German by Gerald Griffin. Londres, Hutchinson and Co. The geographical Journal, avril. The geographical Journal, juillet , p. Zur Bienenzucht in Ruanda. Le droit coutumier congolais, branche nouvelle du droit. Branche nouvelle de droit.

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Elisabethville, novembre , p. XII, n08 21, , p. De Verhuizingen bij de Kamtsha. Die Baja, ein Negerstamm in mittleren Sudan. Elisabethville, ier janvier De Kasala-zang der Baluta. Bruxelles, mars , P- ; avril , P- Van der Noot A. Organisation judiciaire des Bayaka. La famille chez les Baluba de Museka et de Kayumba. Elisabethville, mars- avril , p. La secte des Visanguka, Hommes-Lions. Elisabethville, janvier , p. Elisabethville, mars , p. De benamingen der familiebetrekkingen bij de Alur. Le Bulopwe et le Kutomboka par.

Les rites secrets des primitifs de l'Oubangui. Joies et deuils chez les Lagwara. Proverbes, maximes et sentences juridiques des Bakongo. Bruxelles, , 20 p. Le mariage chez les Baluba Ad'nkoro. Alves da Cruz Antonio. Suggestions for anthropological investigation among the Makaranga-. XII, , P- Die Farbigen in der Kapkolonie. Die deutsche evangelische Heiden-. The development of the military organization in Swaziland. Beliefs and customs of the! Xam Bushman, from material collected. Bleek and miss L. Lloyd between and A Bambwela purification site.

XI, mars , p. Race consciousness among South African natives. American Journal of sociology. Wild life in South Africa. Suggestions for anthropological investigation among the Makaranga. Castro Francisco Manuel de. The children's corner [Karanga]. Zhe Zulu brass armlet ,ingxota ': The origin of the Bantu. British Association for the advancement. Report of the centenary meeting. Londres, septembre 1. Is the right of disinheritance recognized in native law?

Religious and economic sanctions in a Bantu tribe. Land und Leute von Angola. Photos der II schweizerischen wissenschaftliche Mission in Angola. Neuenburg, Attinger, , p. Pietermaritzbourg, Shuter et Shooter, , xv p. Africa, juillet , P- ]-. Games, plays and dances of the Khomani Bushmen, Bantu Studies. The crocodile in South african religion and folk-lore. South african 'Journal of science. The Bantu tribes of South-Africa, reproductions of photographic studies by —. IV, section II, planches xli-lxxx. The Vachopi of Portuguese East-Africa, with an introductory article on the Vachopi and a bibliographie, and descriptive notes on the plates by Henri-Philippe Junod.

An account of their customs and their history: Cape Town, Maskew Miller, Ltd. The tribes of Wickar's Journal. Pietermaritzburg, Shuter et Shooter, , p. Bantu Studies, mars , p. Urban native food in Johannesburg. Iena, , 65 p. Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft fur p: Vienne, Verlag der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien, , viii'p. The naming of the hill 'Intaba yezinduna' , Matabeleland.

XII, , P- 72" The suprime court of the Mashona. Published for the International Institute of african languages and culture. Londres, Oxford University Press, , xx p. Societa geografica italiana, mai-juin , P- Marimba und Sansa der Sambesikultur. The natives of Southern Rhodesia ; their position after ten years under responsable government. La vie d'une tribu sud-africaine. Paris, Payot, , et p. Les Vandau de l'Afrique orientale portugaise.

Mariage, divination, coutumes et tabous de chasse. Pretoria, Henri Philippe and Alexandre Jaques, , p. The law and custom of the South african Constitution. Londres, Oxford University Press, , xxxix p. The principle of stratification as applied to South African native music. Changing conditions in marital relations and parental duties among urbanized natives. Recht der Sotho-Chuana-Gruppe d.

Mitteilungen des Seminars fur orientalische Sprachen. La tribu des Babemba. The kraal and the hut of the Nama Hottentot of little Namaqualand. Leite da Costa Maria Irene. Preliminary notes on some Bushman arrows from South-West Africa. Notes on customs and animal management of the Malaboch tribe. Journal of the South-african veterinary medical Association. The problem of witchcraft. A visit to the Bafoheng of Basutoland. Military organization in Swaziland. Os Ambundos de Angola e 0 percursopro-. The idol-worshippers of the Zambesi Valley.

The dietetics of natives employed on the Witwatersrand gold mines. Makumba, the Baushi tribal god. Bulawayo, Rhodesian Printing and Pub. A modern movement of witch- finder s [Babemba]. The Babemba of North-eastern Rhodesia. A dietary study in North-eastern Rhodesia.

Matabele Thompson an autobiography. Faber, , p. Land tenure among the natives of Bechuanaland Protectorate. A glimpse of native history: II faltore demografico nell'organizzazione sociale dei Bantu. Rome Arti grafiche Zampermi e Lorenzini, , p. Native law as practised in Natal. Johannesburg, University of Witwatersrand, , xi p. Concepts and controls in native life. Memorandum on the native tribes and tribal areas of Northern Rhodesia. Livingstone, Government Printer, , 14 p. String figures Madandi found in Southern Rhodesia.

Native life in South-Africa. Administration, , 36 p. Van der Merwe D. Some history of the Vakaranga in the Gutu Reserve. Argeologiese Navorsing van die nasionale Museum. A preliminary survey of the Bantu tribes of South Africa. Pretoria, Government Printer, , p. South african native ceramics. Birds in Bantu folk-lore. Names and naming customs among the Mashona in Southern. Publications of the Philadelphia anthropological Society. I, 25th anniversary studies, ,. Original Dutch text, with an english translation by A.

Riebeeck Society's Publications, vol. Makhalivo na Maluso gha Kusanga. Habits and customs of the. Les Vazimba de la cote ouest de Madagascar. XXII, , 69 p.

Granada: The Last Refuge of Muslims in Spain

Quelques observations sur les coutumes malgaches. Les industries du tissage. La Revue de Madagascar. Le serment du sang. Conte malgache recueilli par —. Le mimisme humain et l'anthropologie du langage. Marr et son application. A propos d'orthographe indigene. Louvain, 15 juillet ,. How to learn an african language. L'origine du nom du gorille. XLVI, , P- Die Entstehung des grammatischen Geschlechts. Zeitschrift fur Einge- borenen-Sprachen, t. Das Baskische, eine afrikanische Sprache. Ein Beitrag zur historische Hamitistik. Mitteihmgen des Seminars fur orientalische Sprachen.

Practical suggestions for the learning of an african language in the. Charakter und Enteilung der Sudansprachen.

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VIII, , P- Das geschichtliche Fundament der hamitischen Sprachen. Zeitschrift fur aegyp- tische Sprache und Altertumskunde. Leipzig, , P- Il, , P- Note sur le pronom relatif-sujet et le pseudo-participe dans les parler s. Zeitschrift fur Eingeborenen- Spiachen. Kaduna, Government Printer, volume I, , xvii p. Londres et Lagos, on sale by Crown Agents, , p. Four Edo fables, collected by —. X, , P- " East R. Stories of old Adamaya. Collection of historical texts in the Adama wa.

Zaria, Translation Bureau, ,. The problem of european words. X, , P- 97"IO An English-Kanuri sentence book. Londres, Crown agents for the. Stimmhafte Implosive im Vai. Essai de transcription de mots maures du Hodh. The present linguistic situation in Ibo country. Die Zahlenbegrifie der Sudansprachen. Ein Beitrag zur Geites-. Berlin-Steglitz, Feuerbachstrasse 63, , p. Transition und Intransition in Kanuri. Wiener Zeitschrift fur die. Zeitschrift fur Eingeborenen- Sprachen.

Published for the international Institute of african languages and cultures. Londres, The Oxford University Press, , xvn p. Tiv-English dictionary, with grammar notes and index [Nigeria]. Lagos, Government Printer, , xxxix p. Africa, juillet , P- ]. A short phrase book and classified vocabulary from English into Mandinka. An introduction to Twi. Missions-Gesellschaft, , p. A linguistic tour in Southern Nigeria; certain problems re-stated. Afrique du Nord- Est. Grundlagen der dgyptisch-semitischen Wortvergleichung.

Paris, , cahier 3, p. Sagia terminology in Dongola. Deux inscriptions couftques de Kous. Bulletin de l'Institut d'Egypte;. Milan, Hoepli, , xxxiv p. The phonetic structure of Somali. The , idea ' approach to Swahili. Bulletin of the School of oriental. Bulletin of the School of oriental studies. A Kikuyu English dictionary,. Notizia preliminare dei risultati scientifici del mio viaggio nell' Etiopia. Rome, nos , XXIV, , xv p. Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, classe di scienze.

The perfect tense in the eastern Bantu languages. Guida alla conoscenza dei dialetti di Africa orientale. Die Sprache der Suaheli. Berlin, Dietrich Reimer, , 5 RM. Etymologische Lautlehre des Nyanja Nyasaland. Geburt Mohammeds Suaheli Gedicht. La lingua Somala parlata nella Somalia settentrionale, nelVOgaden e nel. Mediterranea, , p.

Language perversions in East Africa. Note on learning tribal languages. Vademecum per V Africa orientale, con dizionario e conversazione italo-arabo-ama-. Milan, Bompiani, , 96 p. A grammar of Chichewa. A Bantu language of British. Enkele aanteekeningen over de te weinig bekende Bateke's. A propos de l'article du DT Chabrelie sur la langue Sara. Het Tshiluba en de phonologische Africa-spelling. The writing of Njoya. Les langues communes au Congo belge.

Lingala grammar and dictionary. Conseil protestant du Congo, , iv p. Het talenvraagstuk in Belgisch Kongo. Kenyan, die Sprache der Nyang. An essay in Congo phonology. Verhandelingen van het Konin - klijk Belgish Koloniaal Institut. Bruxelles, , p. The linguistic situation in the lake Chad area in Central Africa. Fors- chungen und Fortschritte. Abhandlungen fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes. La langue Fan et ses dialectes. Bruxelles, Institut royal colonial belge, , p. Bruxelles, , 40 p. Problems of orthography in the Congo beige. A conference of South African Bantu authors.

Notas sobre a lingua Chinsenga. A note on a south eastern Bushman dialect. The progress of the new Shona orthography.

  1. Asher Rare Books.
  2. Bibliographie africaniste - Persée;
  3. London, in Limbo.
  4. A new orthography for Xhosa. Special speech of animals and moon used by the! Einfuhrung in die Sprache der Nama-Hotlentoten. Maritzburg, Shuter et Shooter, Bantu Studies, mars , P- 64]. The future of Bantu literature. Maritzburg, Shooter and Shuter, , ' p. Bantu Studies, septembre , p.

    Oxford, Clarendon Press, , 80 p. Bulawayo Rhodesia , t. Proverbs of the Vakaranga. Kung vom oberen Omuramba und Ovambo. Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes. A Xhosa grammar, revised by G. Londres, Longmans, , p. Korana-Erzdhlungen, aufgezeichnet und tibersetzt von Benjamin Kats, bearbeitet von. Literature for the south african Bantu: Carnegie Corporation Visitor's Grant Committee, , 81 p.

    Les dangers que cachent les ronflements en débat au CHU Tizi-ouzou

    A theory regarding native mental reaction to the sound of native proper names. Some reflections on the future of the south african Bantu languages. The classification of common nouns in the Rhodesian Tonga. The phonology of Soli, spoken in North-west Rhodesia. Zeit- schrift fur Eingeborenen-Sprachen. Maritzburg, Shuter et Schooter, , 79 p. Verhael van de tweede reis van Vasco da Gama naar Indie, Lavauzelle et Cie, , 88 p. Roma alla conquista dell' Africa. Die ahe afrikanische Kirche im Lichte der Kirchenrechtsforschung.

    Vienne, Augustinerdruckerei, , 80 p. Lettres et carnets de roule. Paris, Denoel et Steele,. Bologne, Licinio Cappelli, , p. Milan, Ulrico Hoepli, , L. La Tripolitania durante la dominazione dei Fenici, dei Cartaginesi. Tripoli, n08 , juillet juin , P- Paris, Pion, , p. Paris, Geuthner, , p. Sur les traces du pacha de Tombouctou. La pacification du Sud-marocain 'et du Sahara occidental. Paris, Charles Lavauzelle, , vii p. Wentworth Press 26 Aug. Be the first to review this item Would you like to tell us about a lower price?

    Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Unlimited One-Day Delivery and more. There's a problem loading this menu at the moment. Learn more about Amazon Prime. Get to Know Us. Delivery and Returns see our delivery rates and policies thinking of returning an item? See our Returns Policy. Large 4to album with mostly 8vo prints.

    An album containing 7 complete devotional print series together prints , a complete? Dark green gold-tooled morocco ca. A complete series of 5 engraved prints on vellum 13 x 8. Richly and very beautifully coloured by a contemporary hand, in colour gouaches red, blue, purple and green , extensively highlighted with gold.

    Each print mounted on a paper leaf in a small album. Journal mensuel de l'art du coiffeur. Paris, Loisel, 15 December January Large 4to 31 x With 15 hand-coloured lithographed plates, many highlighted with gold and silver, and several wood-engraved illustrations in the text. Contemporary textured cloth, title in gold on front cover, gilt edges; rebacked. Miniature di Vittorio Vulten. Torino, Carlo de Martini printed by Stab.

    A wholly chromolithographed Art Nouveau prayer book, printed in numerous pastel colours plus gold, with mostly floral decoration on every page and numerous additional illustrations. In a silver binding hallmarked "" at the foot of the otherwise blank back cover , with "Our Lady of the Rosary" from the shrine of the Virgin of the Rosary in Pompei depicted on the front cover in high relief madonna and child presenting rosaries to Saint Dominic and Saint Catherine flanked by two irises, above "Ave Maria" and a panel with "SS.

    Vergine di Pompei", endpapers lithographed in pastel colours plus gold, in a repeating pattern of abstracted flowers, crosses, anchors, hearts and initials "VD" or "DV", gilt edges. Les champignons de la France. Paris, Jules Rothschild back of half-title: With a few wood engraved illustrations in text and 60 chromolithographic plates. Most drawings include several figures, giving in total about figures showing about species.

    Large 8vo 28 x Imperial oblong long 4to 25 x Contemporary half tanned sheepskin book and gray-brown paper wrappers drawings. Untrimmed copy of a great fortification manual, with 40 folding plates. Architecture militaire, ou L'art de fortifier, With 40 numbered engraved folding plates with fortification plans 24 double-page and 16 larger full-sheet. Recueil des differentes modes du temps. Small oblong folio A series of 12 engraved prints including the title-print containing 28 costume figures. Contemporary marbled paper wrappers. A complete deck of 25 numbered, engraved playing cards on laid paper, each card with a pictorial image 6.

    The 25 cards and label therefore show costume figures. Each card is backed with light blue laid paper, coloured by hand as published and kept in a slipcase with the original publisher's engraved label. Rare and sumptuous collection of hand-coloured plates, depicting theatrical costumes. With of hand-coloured full-page engraved plates, of which 8 are folding. Receuil, des plus beaux portails de plusieures eglises de Paris. Series of 11 of 12 engraved prints, including the title-print, showing elevations and plans of 17th-century Parisian baroque churches, portals and altars, some naming the architects Mansart, Brosse and Le Mercier.

    Series of 19 of 20 etched prints showing portals of numerous Paris churches and civic buildings. Retables dautels a lItaliene inventes et graves par Jean Potre Paris, Pierre Mariette II, [ca. Complete series of 6 etched prints, including title-print, showing richly decorated altars, some with a plan at the foot. Complete series of 6 etched prints, including the title-print, showing richly decorated portals, each with a plan at the foot.

    Paris, Pierre Mariette II, Complete series of 6 unnumbered etched prints, including the title-print, showing a hearth with a richly decorated mantelpiece. Desseins de plaphons inventez et gravez par Le Pautre. Series of 5 of 6 etched plates, including the title-print, showing a richly decorated ceiling, some with an elaborate painted scene in the central panel.

    A complete series of 8 numbered engraved prints, including the title-print, showing alcoves at least some of them for beds with richly decorated walls and doorways. Series of 4 of 6 etched prints, including the title-print, showing elaborately decorated pulpits, most with the preacher and congregation during the sermon. Series of 6 of 14 engraved prints, showing buildings in Paris.

    Series of 24 of 25 engraved plates, namely helmets, military insignia , , decorated borders, friezes , masks , decorated architectural elements and an extra no. Paris, Jacques van Merle, A complete series of 21 unnumbered engraved prints, including the title-print. Five prints show grottos with sculpture, all but one including fountains, and the other fifteen show free-standing fountains. With 16 numbered double-page engraved plates. Brown morocco Lyon, ca.

    The mosques of Egypt from 21 H. Index to Mohammedan monuments in Cairo. Giza, The Survey of Egypt, []. Each volume with the chromolithographed title-page and frontispiece, plates image size mostly about 30 x 23 cm showing mosques and architectural and decorative details 27 in colour: Further with about offset lithographic line illustrations on the integral leaves many full-page. The present second issue also includes 2 large folding chromolithographed maps each 81 x cm and the loosely inserted index to these maps, dated Gold- and blind-blocked dark green coated cloth with a morocco texture.

    Ancient and modern Sweden in engraved plates. Suecia antiqua et hodierna. With engraved plates including 3 engraved title-pages and the large view of the Swedish Church in London, often lacking ; most plates double-page, several folding. Only the index is printed letterpress. Contemporary mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spine. In a modern slipcase. Third copy located of an extremely rare ethnographic photo album.

    Hamburg, Otto Meissner, []. With letterpress title-leaf and albumen prints mounted on 25 paperboard leaves Loose in a modern black half cloth clamshell box, with the original printed title-wrapper mounted on front. Richly illustrated dance of death. La vie du mauvais Antechrist. Les quinze signes du jugement. Troyes, Jean-Antoine Garnier, []. With 60 woodcuts in text, including 3 repeats, most of them half-page. Reichs Frey-Herrn von Firmian. Augsburg, Johann Andreas Pfeffel, [].

    Small 1mo 42 x 33 cm. With engraved title-page including the coat of arms of Baron de Firmian and 24 engraved plates. Lewdness for didactic purposes. With engraving on title-page and 11 engravings in text. World Cat 1 copy. Speculum vitae humanae per decem aetatis gradus distinctum. Praecipua vitae Jesu et Mariae Antwerp, Jan Galle, [ca. Not in Holstein; WorldCat. Elogia ab excellentibus virtutibus Antwerp, Theodor Galle, [ca. Mariae Virginis aut rosarii inventor, Miracula et beneficia SS.

    Antwerp, Jan Galle engraved by Jan Collaert, ca. Not in Hollstein; WorldCat. Antwerp, Gaspar Hubert [engraver's name erased: Typus 7 effusionum sanguinis Christi [Antwerp], Jan Galle, [ca. Antwoord op de vraege welk zyn de profytelykste planten van dit land, ende welk is hun gebruyk zoo in de medicynen als in andere konsten.

    Modern blue paper wrappers. Manuscript fortification plan of Geertruidenberg, signed by future minister under Napoleon. Manuscript fortification plan 49 x With large frame in the bottom left with keys to important locations, including the locations of the troops during the attack. With peaches, raspberries and blue flax.

    Extremely rare series of Rhine views in publisher's hand-colouring. Nach der Natur aufgenommen und gezeichnet. Frankfurt am Main, Friedrich Wilmans, With engraved views ca. Contemporary grained green morocco, gold-tooled spine and board edges. With woodcut illustrations of shells most nearly full-page. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine, red ribbon marker.

    Granada: The Last Refuge of Muslims in Spain | Muslim Heritage

    Richly illustrated lectures on applied physics,by the Royal Society's de facto curator of experiments. De natuurkunde uit ondervindingen opgemaakt Uit het Engels vertaald door een liefhebber der natuurkunde. Amsterdam, Isaak Tirion, With folding engraved plates. Greatly expanded second and final Dutch edition of Descartes's collected works. Om door bequame middelen de reden wel te leiden [and other works].

    Amsterdam, Jan Claesz ten Hoorn, With an engraved frontispiece and engraved portrait of the author in volume 1, and about woodcut diagrams and other illustrations including about 5 full-page plus repeats. Contemporary and largely uniform blind-tooled vellum. A splendid work on Rome, lavishly illustrated with fine engraved views of historical sights. Beschryving van oud en niew Rome, verdeelt in drie deelen. Oude of antyke schilderyen, gevonden in het graf der nazoonen op den Flaminischen weg buiten Rome. With 3 engraved frontispieces and plates and maps many double-page; the first map hand-coloured on leaves.

    Further with 22 engraved illustrations in the text. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spines. Classic on garden design, with 34 illustration plates. Augsburg, Johann Andreas Pfeffel, With the title and imprint on a double-page spread, engraved plate facing dedication and 34 engraved plates 32 folding. Contemporary tanned, gold-tooled spine. A mixture of humor, intelligence, and protestant severity. With engraved frontispiece and 85 large engraved emblems by M. With engraved frontispiece and 91 large engraved emblems by M. Contemporary calf with the coat of arms of the Nuremberg patrician family Holzschuher Von und Zu Haszlach in gold in the centre on both sides, gold-tooled spine, gilt edges.

    Plan of the attack by Lord Nelson, on the combined fleet, October 21st London, printed by J. Smeeton for Robert Dodd, November Framed 85 x 60 cm. First and only edition of six essays on painting and sculpture. Venice, Gabriele Giolito de Ferrari, colophon: Small 8vo 16 x 10 cm. With the imprint in the base of an elaborate woodcut on the title-page, with Ferrari's motto, initials and phoenix device, a different woodcut phoenix device on last page, and 21 woodcut pictorial initials 3 series plus 1 repeat. Italian sheepskin parchment ca. Black chalk drawings, occasionally heightened with white chalk, including some light brown watercolours, on grey 17th-century handmade paper without watermark.

    In manuscript 'Martagon' in brown ink. In lower right corner in manuscript the number "3" in ink. Architectural drawings for alterations to an important Veronese library. Dissegno per la fabrica della Libreria Canonicale. With 4 architectural drawings, 3 double-page ca. Two of the double-page drawings are elevations 1 partly in cross-section , the other 2 drawings are floor plans, each plan with a folding flap tipped on showing the plan of a higher level. Contemporary stiff paper wrappers.

    Series of 63 large leaves of finely executed architectural and fortification drawings, most partly in colour. Oblong Imperial folio A series of 63 leaves of pen and ink-wash drawings, each drawn on the recto in a thick-thin border 29 x 41 cm , with captions, headings, etc.

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    Half red pigskin ca. Advis charitables sur les diverses oeuvres, et feuilles volantes du Sr. Publiees sous les titres. Diverses methodes universelles, et nouvelles, en tout ou en partie pour faire des perspectives. Tirees pour la plus-part du contenu du livre de La perspective pratique. Ce qui servira de plus de response aux deux affiches du Sieur Desargues, contre ladite Perspective pratique. The first work in 4 parts.

    It lacks two small engraved plates. The second work with 10 full-page engravings on integral leaves. Half white sheepskin parchment ca. Late 18th-century boards, in a paste-paper slipcase with an engraved label showing the coat of arms of the Count of Somaglia, Don Gaetano? Splendidly bound dedication copy of a wholly engraved music guide. Auguste [for the author], []. Large oblong 4to 26 x With lithographed frontispiece and numbered as lithographed plates 1 double-page and full-page , nearly half beautifully hand-coloured and most of the rest tinted or double-tinted.

    Lacking as usual the map mentioned on the title-page. Gold-tooled red morocco ? Iconographie ou vies des hommes illustres du XVII. With 2 title-pages printed in red and black, each with a different engraved vignette, 1 portrait after Pieter Paul Rubens and and portraits after Anthony van Dyck several folding and 13 etched by Van Dyck himself , woodcut tailpieces.

    Green half morocco ca. Dagwyzer der geschiedenissen, kortelyk behelzende, een' aanteekening van verscheidene gedenkwaardige zaaken, op elken dag van 't jaar, door de geheele waereld; bijzonder in de Nederlanden voorgevallen. Benevens de geboorte, en sterfdagen, van hooge, en laage stands persoonen, zo geestelijke als waereldlijke: Manuscript in brown ink on laid paper, written in Dutch in a neat and clear but minute Latin hand, forming a calendar of historical events from 17 AD to 28 November , with a grey ink and ink-wash allegorical frontispiece title, dated but signed by the artist "A: Contemporary richly gold-tooled red goatskin morocco, each board with a centrepiece and frame, both built up from separate mostly floral stamps, the whole surrounded by a sawtooth roll, the spine with a green morocco label in the 2nd of 6 compartments and each of the others with a central floral stamp and 4 cornerpieces further with some fillets and rolls , gold-tooled turn-ins and board edges with a floral roll , altogether 83 or 87 impressions of 7 or 8 stamps, plus 3 rolls and the fillets.

    It appears to come from what Storm van Leeuwen calls the "Rocaille-and-flower bindery", active ca. Het werk van Jan en Caspar Luyken … met 56 platen. Contemporary half morocco, gold-tooled spine. Basics of miniature drawing and painting. Grondig onderrigt in de teeken- en schilderkunst, inzonderheid in miniatuur, ten nutte van jonge kunstoefenaren. Naar het Fransch van Mansion. Leeuwarden, Lambertus Schierbeek, With folding lithographed frontispiece, coloured by hand, showing a palette of colours.

    Contemporay purple half morocco, gold- and blind-tooled spine. Vienna, Maria Geissler, []. Hand-coloured in watercolour by a contemporary hand. Contemporary half sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. With hand-coloured views of Hawaii and Buenos Aires. With 8 hand-coloured lithographed plates including frontispiece , a folding map showing the tracks of the voyage, and several woodcut text illustrations. With 12 plates of the life of Jesus. De wonderbare en heilsame geboorte; benevens de voornaamste wonderdaden, van onsen eenigen middelaar Jesus Christus.

    With a letterpress title-page and a series of 12 numbered engraved plates, incl. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine. With 14 engraved plates plate size 13 x 19 cm bound as double-page plates. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine. Confessions of a libertine: De belydenis van een lichtmis. Bevattende een aantal voorvallen in de galante wereld zo in Nederland als elders; wonderlyke ontmoetingen met vrouwen van allerlei soort; veele potsen meest voorgevallen in de nacht, en achter de gordynen; zeldzaame karakters van beiderlei sexe, enz.

    Alles beschreeven ten vermaake van de kinderen dezer wereld door den belyder zelve. With 4 engraved plates. Contemporary red half roan, gold-tooled spine. De hippische sport en het korps rijdende artillerie … 1e gedeelte [valkerij]. Original publisher's gold-blocked blue cloth, with a coloured hooded hawk on front boards, upper edges gilt, other edges untrimmed. How to manage a country house and estate: Daar beneffens een ontwerp van den gehelen land-bouw. Als mede, de verhandeling van kinder-pokken en maselen, With an integral engraved frontispiece, Andriesz.

    Later half vellum, modern endpapers. Drawing and writing by artist with no hands or feet. Geschreven van my, dien die wyse voorzienighyt Godts als een verwonderens waerdigs exempel van der natuer den 7: Pen drawing with text in Dutch on vellum, signed. Met permissie van de regeringe dezer stad, word aan alle heren en dames, en verdere liefhebbers bekend gemaakt, dat alhier is aangekomen.

    Een wonder man, Monsieur Evert genaamt Broadsheet 22 x The fountains of Rome, with 42 beautiful plates, mostly double-page. Nuremberg, Sandrart printed by Christian Sigmund Froberg , With 2 engravings and 1 woodcut in text and 42 numbered engraved plates 40 double-page of fountains and gardens. Near contemporary sprinkled calf, gold-tooled spine. Engraved portrait of the important mathematician Johann Faulhaber. Engraved portrait plate size Set in fraktur types with incidental schwabacher. Principal work of 18th-century dance in Spain.

    Reglas utiles para los aficionados a danzar: Y politicas advertencias a todo genero de personas. Adornado con varias laminas. Capoa, Joseph Testore, With 35 woodcuts in text including many full-page , 7 folding leaves with woodcut music notation and letterpress text, and some letterpress text set along curves. Many of the full-page woodcuts and some on the folding leaves also include dance notation.

    One of copies printed on heavy paper. Original publisher's printed paper wrappers. Series of 6 unnumbered prints including title-print. Series of 7 unnumbered prints including title-print. Series of 4 numbered prints, published without title. Paris, [Jacques Lagniet ads 1, 3 , Jacques van Merlen ad 4 , unknown publisher ads 2, 5 ], [ca.

    Five series of small oblong folio etched views 16 x Each print folded to form a double leaf and mounted on a stub so that it can open flat. Gold-tooled, dark green goatskin morocco ca. A history of coins, with attractive embossed plates. With embossed illustrations of numerous coins printed in gold or silver on plates, with a bright blue background. Contemporary half calf, rebacked.

    A conjuror's magic flip book or blow book with tabs in 5 positions, with 1 letterpress page of instructions, full-page engravings 7 series of 4 prints each, each series printed 6 times and 24 pages deliberately left blank. Contemporary dark green paper wrappers, with an engraved spine label and with a 2-page letterpress calendar for the year pasted to the inside front and back wrapper. Illustrated descriptions of the old and new theatre of Amsterdam. Historie van den Amsterdamschen schouwburg. Amsterdam, Gerrit Warnars and Petrus den Hengst, With an engraved frontispiece, a small engraved illustration by Noach van der Meer II on both title-pages, 4 folding engraved plates of the old theatre; 5 folding engraved plates of the new theatre, all engraved by the publishers after designs by Van der Meer and 1 by Simon Fokke.

    Contemporary marbled calf, gold-tooled spine. Amsteldam en zyne geschiedenissen, in het kort. Amsterdam, Johannes Allart, With 28 engraved plates 13 folding; 15 full-page by D. Including the anti-Napoleonic map of Europe as a middle-aged housewife. Boertige reis door Europa. With 2 hand-coloured folding engraved maps of Europe, one in the shape of a woman, in the first part, 2 folding engraved caricatures in the second part, and 4 engraved caricatures and large folding engraved plan of London in the third part.

    Contemporary half tanned sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. Enlarged third edition of the first printed secular Scottish songbook. Cantus, songs and fancies, to severall musicall parts. Both apt for voices and viols. With a brief introduction to musick, The third edition, exactly corrected and enlarged. Together also, with several of the choisest Italian-songs, and New English-Ayres, all in three parts, viz. Aberdeen, John Forbes, Small oblong 4to With a facsimile woodcut title-page with woodcut arms on the back , a general letterpress title-page with the woodcut arms of King Charles Stuart on the back , a full-page woodcut of a human hand, and musical scores throughout.

    Royal 4to 33 x With an engraved garden scene on the front wrapper and more than drawings and plans printed from line blocks, many full-page. Black morocco presentation binding, gold-tooled, with the original publisher's wrappers. Fortification and military architecture, with 32 folding colour drawings plans, sections, etc. With 32 folding drawings in black and red ink and grey and coloured washes showing plans, sections and elevations of fortifications and of military buildings, bridges, gates, etc.

    Near contemporary calf, richly gold-tooled spine. With 48 mostly full-page 2 double-page original architectural drawings, including floor plans, elevations, cross-sections, many designs for tile floors, ornamental detail, an illustration of a pantograph, diagrams illustrating the construction of figures, projections, perspective, etc. Contemporary blind-tooled tanned goatskin, sewn on 3 recessed cords, each board divided into 16 triangular fields by horizontal, vertical and diagonal 5-line fillets, each triangle with 3 impressions of a 6-petalled flower and 1 impression of a larger floral ornament, 5-line fillets on spine, with a roman capital "B" replacing a fainter "A" inscribed in black ink on front board, 6 paper templates ca.

    Charming hand-coloured lithographed plates of trees, by a prominent watercolour artist. Progressive lessons tending to elucidate the character of trees, with the process of sketching, and painting them in water colours. With 13 lithographed plates, including 12 coloured by hand, and a "table of tints". Contemporary marbled boards, rebacked in red half sheepskin. Photos of ornate dance card cases from the 18th century. Paris, Gerschel, Photographe, With one full-page Original dark green half morocco, with title in gold on front board and spine, gilt edges. Manuscript in brown-black, red and blue ink on vellum, some of the lettering and borders gilt.

    Contemporary red morocco, gold-tooled spine, gold-tooled fillets on boards and board edges, richly gold-tooled frame, gilt edges. Oblong folio 24 x 37 cm. Samplebook of flower engravings comprising title-plate with wreath of flowers, and 5 sample plates with 6 engravings, the plates numbered [1], Contemporary marbled wrappers with engraved orange title-label. Charming print series of birds and butterflies.

    With 12 numbered engraved plates ca. Costume game comprising 20 original watercolour and gouache drawings. Series of 20 finely designed and executed original gouache and watercolour drawings the drawn images about 9 x 8 cm , 1 mounted on paperboard showing a bust portrait of a young man with his head turned in profile, in a multi-line frame drawn in grey ink, and 19 others showing richly coloured costumes for noblemen, gentlemen, military men and commoners of various titles and professions with their associated hats or crowns, each cut out as designed, to be overlaid on the portrait to transform the portrait into any of the 19 costume figures.

    The first extensive architectural drawings of Angkor Wat. With 12 chromoxylographed maps, 1 tinted lithographed view and 9 wood-engraved plates. Original publisher's red cloth, original endpapers, rebacked. In a blue cloth portfolio. Rare complete set including the atlas, of a monumental work on Indochina. With hundreds of wood engravings in text, 17 chromoxylographed maps, 36 tinted lithographed plates and 11 chromolithographed plates. Volume 1 in modern red half morocco, gilt edges. Volume 2 in contemporary half morocco, gilt edges.

    Atlas volume in modern red half morocco. Laxenburg near Vienna , Illustrated baroque testimonial letter in black and brown ink on parchment 34 x 60 cm plus a 4. With the crown above the coat of arms highlighted with gold. With slits through the foot to attach the seal, but lacking the seal itself. The first ethnographic survey of the Russian Empire.

    With 2 etched hand-coloured frontispieces by Schoenberg coloured by Capieux , and several delicate engraved head- and tailpieces in the text by C. Fashions among society folk of Augsburg: Suite 1e [all published]. Augsburg, Academie Imperiale d'Empire, []. A series of numbered engraved prints including the title-print, all printed in red or reddish brown, some with 2 different shades to make a duotone. Early 19th-century half calf, gold-tooled spine, shell-marbled sides, rebacked with the original backstrip laid down.

    Pasted on heavily spotted and browned contemporary wove paper. Amsterdam, Evert Maaskamp, [ca. With an engraved map of North Holland by C.

    Art & Architecture

    Koning on title-page and 11 engraved plates, mostly engraved by Willem van Senus after Hendrik Greeven, all protected by tissue guards. Contemporary boards; preserved in a modern cloth clamshell box. Met noch omtrent modellen van bloem-perken,