
Finance & Development, March 2002

The page gives special attention to currency transaction taxes tobin tax and energy taxes. This page provides information on different aspects of international aid and development, including on the Central Emergency Response Fund and hunger emergency aid. This section looks at the debt crisis and explores the need for international debt relief. This page contains material on foreign direct investment, including information on multilateral investment agreements.

This page includes articles on the challenges and opportunities of mobilizing domestic resources for development in poor countries. However, negotiators think that governments have not given them enough flexibility to reach a deal. Doha Round participants favor global cooperation; but the governments incline towards domestic pressures. The tension between "global cooperation and domestic policies" seems to block the negotiations and prevent them from reaching a successful conclusion.

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This page follows the progress of the Doha Conference on development financing to be held November 29 - December 3, in Doha including its preparation and follow-up. This section covers the International Conference on Financing for Development in Monterrey, Mexico in March , including its preparation and follow-up.

Maximizing Finance for Development

The World Economic Crisis. The Millennium Development Goals. International Trade and Development. Domestic Financial Resources for Development.

Growth with stability: financing for development in the new international context

Alternative Financing for the UN. Payment System Christine M. Cumming What lessons can we draw from September 11 to help us safeguard the financial system against possible future disasters? Adapting to Climate Change Peter S. Heller and Muthukumara Mani Not much talked about but still worrisome are the economic and fiscal disruptions likely to be caused by global climate change, especially for developing countries.

Policymakers should take steps to minimize these disruptions, and sooner rather than later. As countries increasingly recognize the need to incorporate strategies for tackling AIDS in their national policy frameworks, they are discovering important new weapons—notably national poverty reduction plans—that were not available even two years ago.

The First Financing for Development Summit

Globalization and the Silent Revolution of the s James M. Boughton During the s, as many countries sought to adapt to a changing, sometimes turbulent economic climate, their policymakers underwent a dramatic change in thinking. How beneficial has this 'silent revolution' been, and what can policymakers and the international community do now to broaden and secure the gains it has brought? Demekas In the wake of the Kosovo crisis, the countries of Southeastern Europe have made great strides, although they still have to catch up with their neighbors in Central and Eastern Europe.

What form should their reform agenda take, and what lessons can the international community draw for helping other postconflict regions? Institutions to Support Markets Roumeen Islam To spur growth and reduce poverty, poor countries will need efficient formal and informal institutions that support market activity.

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