Epic Adventures in a Rinky-Dink Art Museum
Our athletic program boasts one of the finest basketball traditions for a school our size in the country. Following a spectacular year for last year's Girls Team winners of two national tournaments , this year's Boys Varsity is off to an unbelievable start, losing only three games since their preseason tournament in Memphis. Intensity on the court is matched by nail-biting excitement in the court, as our Yavneh Mock Trial team competes for the first time in the Texas Bar Association State Tournament.
From opening statements to exhibit presentations, to cross-examinations and objections, our mock lawyers go head to head with established programs at much larger schools from across the state. And just as their counterparts in athletics and journalism succeed, they also learn sportsmanship, team cooperation and productive interaction with a wide swath of public and private schools in our rich Texas landscape. On behalf of our students, faculty and staff, we wish you a peaceful and healthy Shabbat Shalom ,.
Carlyle Crowd-Pleasers: GFK's Drama Club wins at Regionals in Redvers
Rabbi Moshe Greene, father-in-law of Yavneh Judaic faculty member, Rabbi Michel Lomner, shared with our students this morning the importance of hearing, of listening, of being a seeker, not one for whom life just happens. Your hob is to say "I'm here," God - to allow the world to send you messages and to help you figure a way to bring out. Yitro wanted to find truth, to become a leader, and he found the gift to have wisdom, and light to enter his soul. You should hear, you should listen and be affected - physically and spiritually. Some have the gift to hear quickly, some will never hear.
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- New Release: Epic Adventures in a Rinky-Dink Art Museum.
The Torah provides the mitzvahs and law which are all avenues for us to hear the message of God and I hope you will all put yourself into the world of mitzvoth. Be a seeker, grow, and always be a work in progress.
Open Forum
As a Jew, I want to continue to grow and to know more about our religion, our descendents that are Sephardic, and where I come from," said Stephanie who moved to Dallas in time to begin her sophomore year at Yavneh. Behind that shy exterior is a deep and insightful young woman who works hard to be the best person she can be," said English teacher, Bonnie Atkins. Stephanie's dedication to herself and the people she loves will be her greatest strength and characteristic that will set her apart in the future. Stephanie is unassuming and always ready to learn and understand the principle involved in chemistry.
Her enthusiasm, attitude and demeanor lead me to believe that she has the drive to become successful in all her undertaking. Stephanie is the daughter of Yafah and Elishema and the younger sister of Jaret, Andrew, and Faith ' Very involved in her congregation, Achdut Israel, Stephanie spends many Saturday nights readying the shul for the following week's services and also represents her shul as a regular volunteer at the Kosher Chili Cookoff.

Readying to participate on the March of the Living, learning about the history of the Holocaust, and the depth of anti-Semitism in our history, is something that Stephanie appreciates more with each lesson. It's our history and I'm proud to learn it and to share it so that it's not forgotten. After graduation, Stephanie plans to remain in Dallas to complete her General Ed basics at Brookhaven College before pursuing a higher degree.
In addition to wanting to work with an organization that services communities in crisis, and in the aftermath of emergency situations, she is considering a future as an art therapist.
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Stephanie enjoys working with people and finds art - almost indescribable - in how it allows one to express themselves and "exhale. I've been truly impressed with her work and it is obvious that she thinks deeply and has a fine mind. Between Stephanie's find mind - her clear heart - and her desire always to put others first, Yavneh will boast proudly to have been a base in her "stepping stone," of becoming a fine, Jewish education woman.
The tangible impacts of the group's fundraising efforts will last a lifetime. Our campus at Yavneh is incredible and we wanted to share the blessing of the opportunity for a place in which to learn. To be a part of building S4S' school-building efforts, email s4sdarfur gmail.
In this, our seventh drive, we collected enough blood to help 72 people in need. We had donors of whole blood, double red cells, and one platelet donation. In addition, a number of students, parents, and faculty members registered with deletebloodcancer. To my dear Yavneh family;. Jillian Heitenan, Acting Award of Excellence: Madison Hourd and Acting Awards of Merit: Teacher and director Darcy Howe says: Our goal was to entertain and we did that. I'm very proud of the kids-both the senior and the junior groups-and their performances.
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Both the junior and senior casts and crews demonstrated talent, professionalism and a flair for comedy during their preview performances in Carlyle. Pop-culture referencing teacher, Ms.
- New Release: Epic Adventures in a Rinky-Dink Art Museum.
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Any performance in front of an audience e. Exemption details for scenes and monologues for competition. What do I need to order? Or a smaller advanced group. A vignette play is a collection of short scenes on a theme.
Theatrefolk vignette plays cover themes from waiting to driving to communication to hair to snow and even to Shakespeare! You'll love working with the variety and flexibility of the scenes. Your actors will love the fast pace and fun characters.
Every Theatrefolk vignette play holds the unexpected.