Divinity School
When the Hollis Professor of Divinity David Tappan died in and the president of Harvard Joseph Willard died a year later, in , the overseer of the college Jedidiah Morse demanded that orthodox men be elected. Nevertheless, after much struggle, the Unitarian Henry Ware was elected in , which signaled the changing of the tide from the dominance of traditional, Calvinist ideas at Harvard to the dominance of liberal, Arminian ideas defined by traditionalists as Unitarian ideas.
Divinity School | La Sierra University
Today, students and faculty come from a variety of religious backgrounds: Its academic programs attempt to balance theology and religious studies—that is, the "believer's" perspective on religion with the "secular" perspective on religion. This is in contrast to many other divinity schools where one or the other is given primacy Yale Divinity School , for example, emphasizes its theological program, while the majority of students at the University of Chicago Divinity School enroll in its "religious studies" Master of Arts program.
In addition to candidates for the above, many Harvard graduate students pursuing PhDs in the study of religion work closely with Divinity School faculty. Those previously admitted to the ThD program continue to be candidates for the ThD, with the first cohort of PhD candidates entering in fall Since its founding, it has supported more than scholars, representing over 50 institutions of higher learning in the United States and around the world. The WSRP promotes critical inquiry into the interaction between religion and gender, and every year the program brings five postdoctoral scholars to HDS.
The research associates each work on a book-length research project and teach courses related to their research.
- H.M.S. Richards Divinity School;
- The University of Chicago Divinity School.
- Dead Panties;
Founded in after an anonymous donation in , the Center for the Study of World Religions at Harvard Divinity School is a residential community of academic fellows, graduate students, and visiting professors of many world religious traditions. The Center focuses on the understanding of religions globally through its research, publications, funding, and public programs.

It welcomes scholars and practitioners, and highlights the intellectual and historical dimensions of religious dialogue. The Center's Meditation Room is used regularly by individuals and groups. The Summer Leadership Institute SLI , which has been discontinued, was a two-week training program that sought to establish theological instruction and grounding for individuals engaged in community and economic development. The program of study was divided into four modules: As a full-time residential program, holding classes five days a week, the educational focus lies on faith-based case studies of corporations and communities.
Since the SLI's inauguration in , more than participants have completed the program. About 50 people were selected each year from around the United States and internationally to participate in lectures, seminars, and field visits with faculty from across Harvard and other recognized experts.
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- Jocelyn (French Edition).
- Divinity School | Silliman University!
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Participants also developed individual plans of action, on a case-study model, applicable to the local work in their communities. The Program in Religion and Secondary Education is a teacher education program that prepares students to teach about religion in public schools from a non-sectarian perspective. Students in the master of theological studies or master of divinity degree programs integrate their work in religion with courses on education and public policy to understand the relationship between religion and education and to advance religious literacy within their fields of licensure.
Harvard Divinity School's Program in Religious Studies and Education PRSE has been temporarily suspended, pending new permanent funding that will allow the program to continue and to be capable of serving more students than can currently be admitted into the program. Beginning with the academic year, no new students will be admitted to the program for at least the next two years. Students who are already in the PRSE will continue and be able to finish their degree in normal fashion. The Library is part of the larger Harvard University library system, which is available to all faculty, staff, and students at HDS.
Harvard Divinity School
Andover-Harvard participates in the Boston Theological Institute library program, which extends borrowing privileges to all members of the HDS community at any of the other BTI libraries. Andover Hall was commissioned by Andover Theological Seminary, which, by , saw its enrollment slide and entered an affiliation with the Divinity School in The Hall contained a chapel, library, dorms, and seminar and lecture rooms.
Today, Andover Hall still contains a chapel and some classrooms, but it also holds many administrative and faculty offices. Harvard Divinity Bulletin is an award-winning glossy magazine published by Harvard Divinity School two times per calendar year.
The magazine often publishes the text of each year's Ingersoll Lecture on Human Immortality. It is mailed to a subscriber base of more than 20,; subscriptions are on a donation basis.
Church Relations
It ceased publication in spring Founded in , Harvard Theological Review is a quarterly journal that publishes original research in many scholarly and religious fields, including ethics, archeology, Christianity, Jewish studies, and comparative religious studies. It publishes exemplary student scholarship in the areas of religious studies, ministry studies, and theology every year.
The Wick is a journal for literary and creative works by the HDS community. The Wick publishes both published and unpublished writers of fiction, poetry, essays, photography, sermons, and creative non-fiction. The Nave is an online electronic newsletter of HDS student activities and events.
Divinity School, Oxford
The curriculum is designed to afford students opportunities to deepen their spiritual awareness in classes directly related to the history, theology and practice of spirituality. The course offerings for graduate students that are related to topics of spirituality and the dynamics of Christian formation practices include the following:. There are also regular staff devotional meetings for students doing field study. The extra-curricular opportunities for rest and rejuvenating the spirit are provided by the spiritual life office and other campus resources.
Spiritual Formation
We see ourselves as an open community of learning and service, conviction and hospitality, solidarity and diversity, where faith seeks both understanding and transformation. We seek to form leaders who will be both effective and winsome spokespersons for the gospel, and capable of courageously standing for the right though the heavens fall.
White, Maranatha ; Life Sketches ; Education 57]. Graduate Programs Undergraduate Programs. Skip to main content You are here: Religion Master of Arts MA: