Would it be possible to arrange passage to Scande? And who is the owner of this ship? He lives in the big mansion in the northwestern part of town. I wonder if we can convince this Ross fellow to allow us to use his ship. Can I help you? My companions and I would like to buy passage to Scande on your ship, if at all possible.
I am afraid that is impossible, young man. Is something the matter? Now that I look at you, you look like a capable man. Maybe we can strike a deal of some kind. What is it that you need help with?
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Can you not open the safe yourself? No, or I would have done so already. She took the key with her, not knowing that the doors cannot be unlocked from the inside. To the east of here lies the city of Bleak. It is a den of thieves, vagabonds and other assorted scum.
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Recently rumors have begun circulating about a master thief who lives there, one who can pick any lock no matter how complex. I suggest you begin your enquiries there. And we only just got here, too. I suggest you guard your finances carefully once you get there. The cave to the east is our next destination. After talking to them these guys move back and let you pass.
It also has some new enemies for the party to smash. Like the Bullys shown above. Then there are the Flies. This cave only has two levels so we quickly reach the end of it. We emerge onto the world map.
Notice the tower to the right? And they often come in pairs.
Breath of Fire - Walkthrough
This is an amazing place for grinding. I assume that city in the distance is Bleak. The king dressed in white with red sashes covered over it is in the mist of trying to find his daughter a husband, one who will be fit to be king when he no longer can. The beach being sunny and warm princess Auria has chosen to take her horse for a ride while her father speaks to his men of the council.
Suddenly the horse rears up into the air throwing the princess from its back! Tibius [walking up to the horse who threw the princess tibius calls for it to calm itself and then walks up to Princess Auria asking… …] Tibius: Asking herself under her breath… What could have scared you so…? I believe it may have been that serpent over there near the sands edge. What be your name young man.

Would you be willing to come with me to see my father and gain his thanks as well for he would be most grateful to you for what you have done this day. I know not why this is needed but I will follow lead the way my lady. Princess Auria leading the way takes Tibius to the king her father who sits in the throne room talking to friends and family.
Walking up to her father she tells him what tibius has done. Tibius stands there after being shocked that the lady he helped was actually the princess. Not knowing what to say to the king tibius stands before him in silence. This cannot be… Tibius: I was walking along the beach when I saw a horse running in my direction but without rider.
I choosing to find said owner came upon your daughter the princess Auria and thus I am now before you. But how is the question… Narrator: I speak this let him guard Auria from this time forward both within the walls and without them so as we her parents need not fret so when she goes off alone. I know it may be much for so small a thing. Let him be her personal protector. My other words spoken, I have word of someone who wishes marriage to our daughter.
#15 Auria Mounts - Profile
Do you agree daughter? What about this marriage you speak of Dayanara? What do you say to this? I can do nothing else but agree for not too would be a dishonor to both you and your family king Alexander. So yes I say to what has been spoken.
Scene changes to a battle on the high mountains behind the palace near the ocean. Hundreds of men from Rome and far off Greece that comes by ship battle on the damp sands and grasses of roman earth to take what is not theirs the Greeks wish. Do not I say! The boy with the letter runs as fast as his legs can carry him back threw the roman streets to the palace and gives the letter to the queen.
Fire and Light - Auria
The queen opens it and read the news of how the battle fares and the instructions given if the king falls. Why do you yell so? He speaks to us that he will send someone to find us if they win.