An Introduction to Statistics using Microsoft Excel: Research Textbook Collection
A Guide for Social Science Students. To search for and compare book prices quoted by various online bookstores, you can use price-comparison engines such as AddALL and Best Book Buys. It makes good use of plentiful short question-and-answer pairs, and includes helpful discussions of how to use Microsoft Excel to carry out statistical calculations. How to Read Quantitative Research. Earlier editions are also satisfactory for the purposes of LIS I strongly recommend that you purchase or borrow an electronic calculator that provides as keyboard functions automatic calculation of means, standard deviations, and linear-regression trend-line coefficients.
I strongly recommend that you acquire a copy of the following book: This book provides numerous examples and problems, for most of which solutions are provided. This enables students to check their understanding of various statistical concepts by tackling the problems and then comparing their answers with those provided by the book. You are expected to work through the statistics text as outlined in the course schedule. There will be two quizzes on the statistical matters covered in the text and the accompanying lectures. A written examination covering part B of the course, as outlined above, will be administered at the end of Part B.
The exam will be given in two parts. The In-Class part will be given at a time to be announced in class. The Take-Home part will be handed out at the end of the In-Class exam. With respect to the Take-Home part, I regret that experience indicates that I need to say explicitly that you are expected to work it without any assistance from or consultation with any other person. Failure to have completed all the computer and calculator exercises prior to this examination will be a severe handicap in taking the exam.
Students who have not completed these exercises by the date of the exam will be advised to drop the course. If the values have different frequencies yi, with analogous procedure it goes on to the formula:. The harmonic mean, simple or weighted, is equal to the reciprocal of the arithmetic mean, simple or weighted, of the reciprocals.
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The harmonic mean is applied when it makes sense to calculate the reciprocal of the data. The harmonic mean can also be applied also to discover the mean speed as a harmonic mean speed, since the reciprocal of a speed represents the time required to cover a unity of space. Among the four averages calculation examined, there is the following relationship:. The equal sign is necessary only in the case where the data are all equal among themselves and therefore equal to any average.
The arithmetic, quadratic and harmonic mean, are special cases of the general formula:.
The median is an average of position and represents the central value of the distribution when the data are sorted. Sorted values, if the number of terms n is odd, the median is just the central value; if n is even, it is taken as the median semi-sum of the two central values. The above procedure applies to the series. For frequency distributions with discrete values, the data are generally already ordained; it is then necessary to calculate the cumulative absolute frequencies, which are obtained by associating to each value from the sum of the respective frequency with all those which precede it, and determine which value corresponds:.
If the data is grouped into classes, the median class is determined by using the absolute cumulative frequency. To obtain the exact median value, linear interpolation between the two extreme values of the class in which the median falls is applied, assuming that the frequencies are distributed at regular intervals in the class. For the approximate calculation in this case it is useful to make use of the polygonal plots of cumulative relative frequencies. The median is not influenced by the distribution of the extreme values, so even if the extreme classes, in the case of continuous distribution, are open, there is no need to close them.
In addition, if the distribution is highly asymmetrical, the median value is more appropriate than the arithmetic mean to express a synthetic value of the distribution. A feature of the median property is as follows: Next to the median the first and third quartile are considered. Percentiles are a family of indicators similar to the median. They are thus called because a percentile bisects the normal population so as to leave a certain amount of terms to its left and the remaining amount to its right.
A synthetic value can be calculated in various ways 5. Some mean values satisfy a condition of invariance of a global value, namely: You use the arithmetic mean to determine a value that expresses a concept of equitable distribution when, for example, you want to determine an average of the costs, consumption, income, temperature.
It also applies the arithmetic mean, for the properties of its waste, to determine the precise value of a series of measures, provided that the measurement errors are accidental and not systematic in practice due to the instruments ; the arithmetic mean also applies if your data follow one another in arithmetic progression. The geometric mean is used to determine the average rate of increase or decrease of a phenomenon, the average interest rate of more rate in compound interest, or to determine an average exchange rates in the money.
The geometric average is used even when the data are followed in geometric progression. The quadratic mean is applied when you have to eliminate the influence of the signs and when you have to highlight the existence in the distribution of very large or very small values. The harmonic mean is applied when you want to know the average value using the reciprocal values of another character, such as the purchasing power of the currency. The mode or the normal value of a frequency distribution is important when it is necessary to know the value that has is most probable to show up.
The median value is the central value of the distribution and is independent of strong differences between the data. You cannot give a general rule for choosing the type of media, but you have to calculate more than an average value and choose the most adequate for the resolving the problem at hand. The medium which is used most frequently in practice are the arithmetic mean, the median and, in the case of frequency distributions, the modal value. In many the coefficient software. In statistics having to do with a large number of data, it is convenient to consider the frequencies of the experimental units 7: If we are dealing with quantitative variables on a continuous scale, before calculating the frequencies it is convenient to split the range of measures in a number of frequency classes.
By dividing the absolute frequency by the total number of statistical units we get the so-called relative frequencies. The advantage with respect to the absolute frequencies consist in the comparison of frequency distributions based on different numbers of statistical units. I the relative frequency of a mode, the frequency of the uniform mode to the total number of frequencies; II the relative intensity of a mode, the intensity of the divided by the total of the intensity mode.
The characteristics are as follows: Those related to coincide with the empirical distribution function at the end of each interval. The absolute cumulative frequency Fi is the sum of the absolute frequency relative to Xi mode and absolute frequencies that precede it, then:. The relative cumulative frequency Ri is the sum of the relative frequency corresponding to Xi mode and its associated frequencies that precede it, then:.
The graphs in tapes and columns are the first form of graphical representation and are often used to represent mutable or statistical variables. The data tables are represented by drawing generic rectangles width and length proportional to the frequency or the intensity of the mode.
The rectangles can be arranged horizontally graph tapes or vertically in columns graphics. They use the graphs in circular sectors in order to better highlight the subdivision of the phenomenon between the various modes that compose it. The frequency or the total intensity of the phenomenon is represented by the area around the circle, while the areas of each sector represent the frequencies or intensities of the individual modes:.
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Histograms are made up of as many rectangles as there are classes. If all classes have the same amplitude, the rectangles have equal bases and the heights are proportional to the frequencies of the classes.
In the presence of classes with different amplitude it is necessary that the heights of the rectangles be proportional to the frequency density, i. There are two types of histograms: I for classes of equal amplitude mode in this case the rectangles have base equal to the width of class and height equal to or proportional to the frequency class ; II for classes of different amplitude mode in this case the rectangles have a base equal to the width of the class and the height equal to the frequency density that is given by the ratio between the frequency and the amplitude of class.
The Excel program includes a spreadsheet format of contiguous cells to form a grid. Each cell can contain both data and formulas. Structurally, the data can be values such as numbers, dates, times, percentages or texts. The structure of the formulas is constituted by the following string: Types of functions are as follows: The t -test is used to test the null hypothesis that the means of two populations are equal.
The type can be an integer that represents the type of t -test. Then you need to click: I in the Matrix 1 and select the range ex A1: A43 ; II in the Matrix 2 and select the range ex B1: Concepts and Applications of Inferential Statistics. This is a free, full-length, and occasionally interactive statistics textbook. It is a companion site of VassarStats , a website for statistical computation. A practical guide to the use of selected multivariate statistical techniques. The Data Analysis BriefBook. The BriefBook is a condensed handbook, or an extended glossary, written in encyclopedic format, covering subjects in statistics, computing, analysis, and related fields.
It intends to be both introduction and reference for data analysts, scientists and engineers. Virtual Laboratories in Probability and Statistics. Web-based resources for students and teachers of probability and statistics.
Basic statistics with Microsoft Excel: a review
Looks like a nice site. Health Statistics Tools of the Trade. Statistics glossary by Valerie J. Easton and John H. Ordination Methods for Ecologists. Includes a glossary of ordination-related terms. The simplest definition [of ordination] is "Putting Things in Order"; Wartenberg et al. The origin of the term "ordination" in ecology is attributed to Goodall A series of 4 articles published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.
Assessing the effects of treatment: British Medical Journal's Statistics Notes. A series of short articles on the use of statistics in the medical literature. British Medical Journal's Topic Collections. Epidemiology for the Uninitiated. How to read a paper. Data display and summary Mean and standard deviation Populations and samples Statements of probability and confidence intervals Differences between means: Type I and Type II errors and power Differences between percentages and paired alternatives The t-tests The chi-squared tests Exact probability test Rank score tests Correlation and regression Survival analysis Study design and choosing a statistical test Sifting the evidence--what's wrong with significance tests?
This site is a resource for the analysis of agreement among raters, diagnostic tests, observers, judges or experts. It contains background discussion on different methods, examples, references, software, and information on recent methodological developments. I found this site when looking for information on confidence intervals for bounded parameters--see Brief number 26A. Jour nal of Physiology Statistical Perspectives series.
An article by Hopkins et al identifies some problems with the Drummond et al articles. Drummond et al's response. Statistics for Experimental Biologists. Setting the record straight on one-sided statistical tests.
Course Description, Spring 2003
The Data and Story Library. DASL pronounced "dazzle" is an online library of datafiles and stories that illustrate the use of basic statistics methods. We hope to provide data from a wide variety of topics so that statistics teachers can find real-world examples that will be interesting to their students. Use DASL's powerful search engine to locate the story or datafile of interest. Has links to tutorials, glossaries, on-line journals, statistics applets, discussion groups, etc.
Formats and Editions of An introduction to statistics using Microsoft Excel. []
David Lane's practice problems. No answers provided for this set. Thanks to David Lane for letting me know about this site. Web Interface for Statistics Education. Includes applets, tutorials, and so on. The purpose of this project is to improve the accuracy of statistical software by providing reference datasets with certified computational results that enable the objective evaluation of statistical software. Puranen's comprehensive list of statistical datasets. Selected data sets from publications by Martin Bland. Statistical data sets from the UMassAmherst website. Other useful websites about statistics Read statistical newsgroups with Google Groups.
For basic information about newsgroups in general, see the Google Groups Help page. David Howell is the author of the popular textbook Statistical Methods for Psychology. Includes some additional material not in the book. Here a couple of pages I've found particularly helpful: A method for handling missing data.
Chi-square test of association with ordinal data Gary McClelland's homepage. Gary co-authored the book Data Analysis: His statistics page has lots of useful stuff about the book, data sets, practice problems, etc. This site contains a wealth of useful links to calculators, notes, etc. Jerry's site includes the following: Generators to randomize each subject to a single treatment by using the method of randomly permuted blocks create random permutations of treatments for situations where subjects are to receive all of the treatments in random order generate a random permutation of integers which is useful for selecting a sample without replacement.
Basic and advanced biostatistics links. Includes links to online stats books, and recommendations for printed books. Online calculators for scientists. Articles and recommendations on data analysis, biostatistics and nonlinear regression. His research interests include Confidence intervals for proportions, differences between proportions and related quantities.
Designs for multi-treatment crossover studies. Role of prior information in the diagnostic process.
A practical guide to statistics for researchers. ISBN 9781910810163 Published in 2015
This page provides an annotated, topic-based collection of available resources for statistics, statistical graphics, and computation related to research, data analysis and teaching, now containing over links. American Statistical Association website. Clay Helberg's Statistics on the Web lots of links to other stats sites here, although some of them are old and broken J. Puranen's list of links related to Statistics Education - Online Statistical teaching material, courses , handouts, exercises, articles, datasets, other lists of links, etc. Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics.
Applied statistics for academia and industry.
Shackman's Quantitative Methods Resources. Here you will find everything from an introduction to Bayesian inference, to informational resources, consulting services, computers and software, merchandise, forums, and much more.