A Fall of Water
The Cambridge Dictionary defines 'waterfall' in this way: However, the Collins Dictionary defines 'waterfall' as a place where water flows over the edge of a steep, high cliff in hills or mountains, and falls into a pool below.
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Also, the Wikipedia sources say that a waterfall is a place where water flows over a vertical drop or a series of steep drops in the course of a stream or river. Curiously, TFD provides this definition. By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of service , privacy policy and cookie policy , and that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered.
Is waterfall a place or a fall of water? Ahmed 3, 1 16 Mythbusters did a few episodes on the matter. You can safely "pencil dive" in water from a fairly great height but you get into trouble if you're just flailing and smack the water. You break bones, you tear ligaments and you get extreme water pressure shooting through open orifices that cause other damage.
But there is this guy https: So, was there something to help compress the water down as he hit it it would be extremely hard to break the water at an atomic level from that height and speed. It looks like he has something below the pool of water to help break the fall as well. In that instance, since it was that talent show they wouldn't let him do it without it. But his other stunts I've seen it's just the pool with a blue tarp under. I was trying to find a video I saw, maybe it was someone else explaining his technique, but basically he puts his body in such a position that he's got the maximum amount of surface area to spread across the water and decelerate in the most efficient least painful way possible.
I think in recent years however, he still holds the world record and on those attempts that were televised there was some sort of mat, too.
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- www.newyorkethnicfood.com: A Fall of Water: Elemental Mysteries Book Four eBook: Elizabeth Hunter: Kindle Store.
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Not as big as Americas got talent but still there. Water absolutely breaks a fall, the question is how hard it breaks that fall. The current world record for a survived free fall into water is feet.
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People have died by falling a shorter distance than that though. What makes a huge difference is how you land in the water. Hitting feet first there is a much higher chance of surviving as opposed to landing flat. Also , when redbull had somebody jump from feet they had oxygen tanks in the water to break the surface tension.
I guess if the water was aerated think: Correct, as the brain will resort back to the pre-natal experience and let the lungs fill with fluid. Because it's one of the very first experiences that a child knows, it doesn't see anything wrong with it - eg lungs full of fluid. The lack of oxygen in the blood stream results in basically the person falling into a sleep like state, at which the brain will starve of oxygen and viola!
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- how high a fall could one survive into water? - The Bar & Grille - StorageReview Forums!
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- Fall of Water (2007)!
Anyone that's seen the movie - The Abyss, will remember late in the movie that the divers use an oxygenated liquid to breath to help cope with the pressures at extreme depth. Same principle, except normal sea or fresh water lacks the oxygen needed to sustain a human. Chances of survival are increased if the water is really cold reduces oxygen requirements to allow rescuers more time.
This original article from first documented the use of perfluorocarbon for breathing. I saw Mexican divers jump off the famous cliff at Acapulco from various heights up to 60 ft high, all afternoon until it was too dark to take good photos.
Waterfall - Wikipedia
Each diver would be seen minutes later walking up to our platform looking for "appreciation" well hey it is Mexico. It was so routine for these guys, apparently any good dive below 80ft is quite survivable given training. Not that I did anything of the sort to prove this, the most I've ever braved was diving off 6ft platforms at swimming pools. Yeah, that was pretty interesting. I like the part 'bouts the ants. Some living creatures have a terminal velocity that is not fatal.

For example, ants can survive falls from heights that would be easily fatal for humans. But cliff diving ants would not be nearly as popular with tourists in Acapulco. There are documented jumps from as high as m that one was from a zeppelin over the sea, IIRC. People who do those are the same crop that climbs m mountains without oxygen supply or do pushups on one fingertip the record for this one is or so.
Meaning it has absolutly no meaning for the survivability of even a well trained normal person trying to do it. Sorry to wander off topic, but Chewy and bfg's comments brought it to mind: In the scene in The Abyss where they show the rat being placed into the perfluorocarbon, it's real. That was real perfluorocarbon, with a real rat. The entire sequence was real. They would have used a longer single-camera show of it, but the rat, uh, 'spoiled' the fluid, so they had to use different cuts that didn't make that obvious.
Right before the movie opened, the rat died of natural old age. The actor that was the 'keeper of the rat' said in an interview that reporters were very dubious of the rat's actual demise. The actual fluid isn't pink like in the movie, where it was dyed pink so that it would be more visually obvious that it was 'different', and the human actor didn't subject himself to it.
Because the fluid washes the protective mucus away from your lungs, which makes someone VERY prone to infection after having used it. For a rat, a couple days of antibiotics works, but a human takes months to fully recover. OMG, I got into a debate about how high you could quarry jump before instant death and your posts had us hysterically laughing. I wish I was your friend! You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Sign up for a new account in our community. Already have an account? Or sign in with one of these services Sign in with Facebook.
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