A Deeper Walk In Grace
Make sure nothing happens. In his home were ninety-one sacred statues, seventy-three of them Christ figures.
A Deeper Walk
Each one of them bore the inscription, Jesus, I put my trust in you. Mafia boss Michele Greco had four books in his prison cell: John would say this is a problem. Your walk must match your talk. If you talk about Jesus on Sunday, then live like Jesus the rest of the week.

For instance, if Jesus were a parent, what kind of a parent would He be? Which TV shows would He allow His children watch? How much screen time would they get?
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How often would He read to them or pray for them? Or say, if Jesus were an employee, what kind of employee would He be? I imagine He would be known for His integrity, His work ethic, His servant-like attitude toward customers and fellow employees. If Jesus were a retiree, what do you suppose He would be like? Or would His prayers still have a God-use-me-somehow attitude in them? Kingdom people never retire philosophy.
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True followers of Christ, according to John, do not habitually and recklessly violate their Holy Spirit anointing, their new life. You have been born anew through the Holy Spirit. You have a different set of values now. The hearts of genuine Christians have been so transformed, they can no longer live in a continual pattern of sin and lawlessness, at least not with a good conscience. Lynn Sullivan tells a story that illustrates the ridiculousness of trying to hang onto the old.
Walking with God and Others Relationally - A Deeper Walk Conference
It was a clapboard house with a hall down the middle. In the 30s, they decided to tear down the old house and build another to be their home for the rest of their lives. They used told facings and doors and many other pieces of the finishing lumber. It was a source of grief to her.
All her life she longed for a new house. John points out that Jesus appeared to destroy the works of the devil in the first place.
He came to set us free from the devil and his ways, from the darkness, for us to not go back to him. Following Christ means being in an all-out war with evil and the devil as our Lord was. Practicing righteousness matters to God. We live it out in response to His love for us. So there we have it from John!
Personal question — How is your walk going these days?
Are you walking the talk? Would you like to go deeper in your relationship with the Lord? Why not take a step today toward a deeper walk with your Lord? It is in doing that, my friends, that you will find the depth and the real life Jesus Christ came to give to you and to me.
Taking a Deeper Walk - Christian Crusaders
Do you want a deeper walk? Walk in the light. Learning to follow the leading of the Spirit is about beginning to recognize his voice in Scripture and in our hearts. One way we do this is by practicing a SLOW lifestyle: Learning to stop our regular routines and set aside time for seeking God is essential to a deeper walk. When we stop and listen, Spirit led thoughts will show us the way of escape so that we can resist the devil and overcome temptation. Many Christians are stuck and unable to move forward in their walk with God because they are trapped in spiritual bondage and weighed down by emotional baggage.
Traditional forms of discipleship often do nothing to help such people break free from their bondage and move into the freedom God desires for them. Spiritual bondage is caused by such things as sin, participation in the occult, unforgiveness, and believing lies from the enemy. Living in freedom requires reclaiming surrendered ground and learning to overcome the flesh by walking in the Spirit. Beliefs play a big role in creating bondage.
The Relational Conference
A changed life requires a transformation at the level of our core beliefs, and not just the accumulation of knowledge. Healing for wounded hearts One of the main reasons Christians get stuck and struggle to go deeper in their walk with Christ is that they have not learned to integrate emotional healing into their spiritual disciplines and community life. When his lies take root in our hearts, our flesh responds by taking control away from God and making vows about how we are going to live from now on. Some of the key elements of emotional healing are forgiveness, taking thoughts captive, healing memories, resisting the enemy, growing joy, and building new skills and habits.
Deeper Walk exists to train people in heart-focused discipleship. We want to help Christians identify and overcome the obstacles to a deeper walk in their lives.