50 Great Activities For Any Classroom
Micrography and Martin Luther King Jr. Students' signatures create a larger-than-life image of Martin Luther King.
- 50 Ideas, Tricks, and Tips for Teaching 4th Grade - WeAreTeachers.
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Figuring the Mean, Median, and Mode Count candy by color and then calculate mean, median, and mode. Valentine Battleship Candy hearts replace battleships in this fun coordinate-math activity. Who Works at Our School? Students interview members of the staff and create a bulletin board display. A Critical-Thinking Activity Students make and defend their choices in this interesting activity. Dictionary Deception This fun game builds vocabulary and creativity. Magic Sum Students learn a math "magic" trick as they practice 2-digit addition. Drawing Lesson Improves Communication Skills.
Get-In-Line Math Challenge students to create a human number line. A Game for Small Groups Adapt this active game for any math skill you are currently teaching. What's the Mystery State? Use the clues to learn which "mystery state" is being described. Anagram Family Time Unscramble the four anagrams. What do they have in common? A Month With No Holidays? Students create their own holidays for celebration in holiday-less August. More than 1, FREE lessons. PD content to get you through the day. Download without a subscription. Receive timely lesson ideas and PD tips.
Receive timely lesson ideas and PD tips Thank you for subscribing to the Educationworld. Leave this field blank. Classroom Problem Solver Dr. Receives Visionary Award fr Friday Fun Archive Students worked hard all week? Be sure to see our tips for using Every-Day Edits in your classroom. See our idea file. Run out of Every-Day Edit activities for the month of November? Check out our Xtra activities for any time of year. Different Types and Sources of Energy Subject: To understand that there are different types and sources of energy Next Gen Science Standard: Make observations to provide evidence that energy can be transferred from place to place by sound, light, heat, and electric currents.
What do you think energy is? Allow the students to answer. Today, we are going to be talking about energy. Energy is power that comes from a source and is used to provide light, heat or to work machines. Here are some creative ideas from our teacher community: Percents, fractions, and decimals, oh my! Students can both practice and highlight different conversions with this foldable activity from The Teacher Studio.
Best 4th Grade Books for the Classroom - WeAreTeachers
We love this start-of-year activity from Write On, Fourth Grade! Then on construction paper, have students create their own plans for fourth grade, for their school career, and for adulthood. Download free and kid-centric anti-bullying printables from Kid Pointz to help your students understand the importance of avoiding peer pressure and handling bullies constructively. Do a space theme with rockets above different locations you are studying, a mad scientist mixing up a potion and vocabulary words coming out of the smoke puffs!
Having centers, or workstations, in your fourth grade classroom allows students to work independently. I give one center grade for each cycle. Get more info on BEAM here. I would send out messages on Sunday evening letting the parents know what lessons were for homework and when the test was scheduled.
You send it as one message to all parents and students who have the app downloaded. It shows all the names. This giant list of math websites should be bookmarked on your computer! It works really well. Students can use any device at home or school. I can give them suggestions for editing. I was able to differentiate lessons and assign students independent work at specific ability levels.
Your fourth graders can express what matters most to them by illustrating and writing in these heart maps. Download a free template from Fourth Grade Lemonade. Every child has two of their own duct tape pencil design and their number on them. Nobody shares pencils and pencils that roll onto the floor are easily identified by their design and number. So many whining bouts that no longer occur: At the beginning of the year, have the students write down their thoughts, expectations, goals, feelings, and predictions.
Kids studying art and the humanities can curate their own shows based around creators, movements, regions, time periods or thematic elements that they enjoy, using Twitter as a way to show the world what they think belongs in a specific exhibit. Students can search for tweeps in their school or town and gather data on how and when their neighbors use Twitter. Beyond using it for lessons, teachers who Twitter have at their disposal a vast network of like-minded professionals with whom they can trade ideas and insights regarding social networking in the classroom and other topics.
Because e-mail filtering frequently ships important messages off to the trash can, some educators may prefer talking privately with kids and their parents via the direct message feature on Twitter instead.

One of the best ways to connect with other teachers and keep up with the latest trends and philosophies regarding education by subscribing to the educhat hash tag and participating in the community. At the conclusion of each lecture, ask students to type a character or less summary of what they have learned and perhaps pose any questions to be considered in the next class. Though many believe its limitations prevent valuable applications to an academic setting, teachers in the know have learned that using Twitter in education can establish a nurturing classroom for students of all ages.
Share in the comments section! Article republished with permission from author. See original article at Samantha Miller's blog.
The 11 Essentials for an Effective Classroom Library
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50 Ways to Use Twitter in the Classroom
Provide the class with a running news feed. Use Twitter in the classroom to create a career list. Our top three technology in the classroom tools that will motivate students to A few simple ways that many teachers have used student selfies as part of their Classroom Management for Unsupportive Parents. A few classroom management suggestions on how to deal with parents that just Classroom Holiday Party Ideas. Hands-On Websites Kids Love. Free Lesson Plans Grade K-2 Most Recent Popular Most Commented.