Thermae Romae, Vol. 1
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Thermae Romae, Vol. 1
Other books in this series. At age seventeen, she moved to Italy, where she started studying drawing at an art school in Florence.
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- THERMAE ROMAE by Mari Yamazaki | Yen Press.
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Yamazaki made her manga debut in with an autobiographical look at her life in Italy. After bouncing around between Japan, the Middle East, and Italy, she finally settled down in Lisbon, Portugal, in In , she began drawing Thermae Romae for the monthly magazine Comic Beam on an irregular basis, and the first collected volume was a smash hit upon its release.
The formula never seems to get old. Mari Yamazaki's art is exc Even by manga standards, this title is wonderfully odd.
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Mari Yamazaki's art is excellent, and she's clearly done her homework. There is a huge amount of attention to detail in this book, part of what makes it so good. The theme is unusual, but presented with such love and skill that it's difficult to resist this book's charms. Aug 15, Gwenn Desliens rated it it was amazing.
Les dialogues nous font passer de la fascination au fou rire en quelques secondes. Sep 26, Miguel Gosselin Dionne rated it really liked it Shelves: Oct 01, Cherry Abittant rated it really liked it. Aug 01, Audrey rated it really liked it.
Thermae Romae, Vol. 1 by Mari Yamazaki on Apple Books
Na verdade, eu acho que nem precisa ser da Roma Antiga para se espantar com todas essas coisas. May 14, Clodjee rated it really liked it Shelves: Chacun des chapitres est suivi de commentaires et de notes explicatives par l'auteur. Voir mon commentaire complet sur: I'm not a big fan of manga in general, but this is a blast.
It's about an ancient Roman bath designer who "time slips" into modern Japan. Each chapter, his visit to Japan helps him solve some bath-related problem and become more famous as a bath designer in Rome. The stories are interesti Great manga.
Other Books in This Series
The stories are interesting and have a good sense of humor. It can be super-patriotic for Japanese people at times, but that was part of the humor, for me. The first four or five volumes at least of the Japanese editions are now available in 2 volumes in English in the U. Sep 12, Jason Bloom rated it it was amazing Shelves: Although I found the subject of this manga is quite unique, it certainly was not unique in the wide world of Japanese comics, which revel in niche subjects, like Mah-Jong and Sake brewing. The connection between Japan and Ancient Rome through the shared love of bathing and bathing culture was an interesting take, and one that I had given little thought before I read this volume.
Although it was a comedy, the time travel trope and "flat-face" comments grew a bit weary, but still couldn't dim the Although I found the subject of this manga is quite unique, it certainly was not unique in the wide world of Japanese comics, which revel in niche subjects, like Mah-Jong and Sake brewing.
Although it was a comedy, the time travel trope and "flat-face" comments grew a bit weary, but still couldn't dim the overall experience. I enjoyed it, and loved the chapter breaks with actually experiences from the author herself, who apparently is quite the world traveler and has many pictures to prove it. All in all, I would definitely recommend it!

Jan 09, Leticia rated it really liked it Shelves: Mirroring our lovely main character's thoughts, I must say that the japanese are way too advanced All Lucius wants is to recapture the Rome of earlier days, when one could enjoy a relaxing bath without the pressure of merchants and roughhousing patrons. Slipping deeper into the warm water, Lucius is suddenly caught in the suction and dragged through the drainage at the bottom of the bath!
He emerges coughing and sputtering amid a group of strange-looking foreigners with the most peculiar bathhouse customs His contemporaries wanted him to modernize, and so, borrowing the customs of these mysterious bath-loving people, Lucius opens what quickly becomes the most popular new bathhouse in Rome --Thermae Romae!
Allow this favorite library to be seen by others Keep this favorite library private. Find a copy in the library Finding libraries that hold this item Mari Yamazaki Find more information about: This surprise bestseller in the Japanese market has been an incredible success story and has spawned a major motion picture!
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A historical comedy highlighting history's most passionate bath-lovers: Reviews User-contributed reviews Add a review and share your thoughts with other readers. Add a review and share your thoughts with other readers. Similar Items Related Subjects: Baths, Roman -- Fiction. Baths -- Japan -- Fiction. Time travel -- Fiction.
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Comic books, strips, etc -- Japan -- Translations into English. Graphic novels -- Japan -- Translations into English.
Thermae Romae Vol. 1
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