The Missing Motorcycle: Car Park Parables
Somew hat different complete parking process ed. The respective value N, indicating the num- is the case of multi-storey car parks being con- with arrival and departure ber of vehicle motions per unit B0 of the refe- structed as a rule from the start for the purpose consists of two vehicle rence quantity B per hour, can be read from this of chargeable parking. Only for w ell-founded For carports nearby the destination, e. The quantities refer to the respec- motions can be higher than for less attractive car- into partial areas with dif- tively given time period of assessment, not to ports, being more distant.
For the sound Tw o clue values are given for the nighttime, engineering forecast of larger parking areas there- and to be more precise the average value of the fore it is appropriate to divide up the parking area complete nighttime from 10 p. The aver- w ith different frequencies of motion. According to section 6. Attention must be rants and hotels, the reference quantities net res- paid that the surcharge KI in the case of the sepa- taurant room and number of beds are not avaiable.
Parking area or multi-storey car park in the city centre, commonly accessible Only for well-founded Parking area, chargeable 59 The surcharge KI made dependent on the distance emission site — This behavior oriented noises w ere not found decreases with increasing immission site, since, w ith increasing distance near the tw o tested drive-in counters.
The Body Electric
In the indi- distance from the parking from the source, the short-time noise peaks are vidual case, the sound engineering expert has to area. This effect is neglect- protruding over the back basic noise less and make separate considerations. For the purpose of an upper Using this value, additional door shutting and conversation w ould be taken into account.
A special surcharge for the approaching traffic Information about the so- zone to so-called drive-in counters is not given. Average maximum levels 35 Accelerated Door shutting Car tailgate's resp. Compressed air in a distance of 7. Also in the case of parking areas w ith more than 8. Further explanations into partial areas, under consideration of the point see in section 7. Clue case of shops for electrical supply, values for N are arranged in Tab. Using this calculation method, one gets from low - In sect. Further For the judgement of the sound engineering explanations see in the sections 7.
Passaging Traffic The sound pow er levels listed in the follow ing The plane-specifi c sound pow er level of the enter- represent the highest values respectively of the ing and leaving of a carport is calculated accor- approaching resp. It conforms to the formula 11a given in sec- tion 8. For a forecast cal- for underground car parks it is useful to differen- culation on the sure side, the motorcycle share tiate the complete situation into the follow ing can be taken into account like a truck share partial processes: Calculation suggestions for these additional sound sources are given in sect.
For a consideration of short-time noise peaks For a consideration of short-time noise peaks of the approaching and leaving traffic, the follow - w hen passing over a rain gutter, w hose covering ing sound pow er levels can be taken as a basis does not comply w ith the state of the noise for point acoustic sources: In the case of a sound absorbing style of the inte- rior w alls of the enclosed underground car park ramps, the value of the plane-specifi c sound pow er level of formula 12 can be decreas-ed by 2 dB A.
In the case of coverings w hich do not comply w ith the state of the noise reduction art, the noise character w hen passing over a rain gutter must be rated as containing impulse. In this case the follow ing sound pow er levels for point acous- tic sources can be taken w hen passing over a rain gutter in addition to the equivalent level of the approaching and leaving traffic: For this calculation step the follow - Remark: For more exact calcu- can be taken into account. In a second calculation step the infl uence of the 8. Due to the sound refl ections on the ceiling, on the fl oor and on the In a third calculation step, based on the indoor w alls in the multi-storey car park, the noise level noise level and on the size of the sound radiating during one parking motion in the multi-storey car areas resp.
This level diffe- the outer components are determined according rence is, among others, dependent on the room to the guideline VDI They are explained in the section 9. In the section 9. The approaching and departure section 8. They are parking processes, passaging-through traffic, explained in the section 9. Site plan of the controlling measurements near a discotheque, measuring points MP 6.
In addition, the distances for the determination of KI In Tab. They are of no importance for the audiences addressed by the english version of the parking area noise study and therefore are not printed here. If the building ow ner is oversizing parking Planning in View of Sound areas w ittingly e.
Graham Preston, Paul Clark
Single short-time noise peaks, e. The horizontal minimum frequently are connected w ith costs and delays. Therefore sound enginee- and on the kind of the adjacent specifi c land-use ring considerations and inquiries should have areas. At compliance w ith these distances, for infl uence on the planning from the beginning. Concern- the critical immission site and the closest carport, ence on the planning from ing this, it is rather referred to the corresponding termed in Tab. In the follow ing, nighttime maximum level criterion, w ere calculat- these shall be supplemented in view of the noise ed according to DIN ISO , taking the maxi- protection.
A forecast cal- short-time noise peaks are not allow ed to exceed culation w ithin the framew ork of a sound engi- the daytime immission reference value by more neering examination w ill as a rule be lying on the than 30 dB A. Also for the daytime maximum safe side w ith these values. Therefore they level criterion, assuming the maximum levels should be used in the calculation if no more exact according to Tab. Also in the case of minimum distances betw een the house-building shopping centers, the values are related to the w orthy of protection and the border of the park- indicated time period of assessment, not to the ing area have been calculated.
For motorcar and store opening hours. This show s that the daytime ful have to be taken. Carports nearby the entrance of shopping events for parking spaces resp. These coheren- Sound engineering exami- Sound engineering examinations near parking ces should be taken into account during the nations near parking areas areas w ith use also at night as a rule are dispens- sound engineering optimization of the planning. In special cases areas for different vehicle types should be provi- carports closest to the a sound engineering examination can neverthe- ded particularly then if you w ant to achieve that immission site are keeping less be necessary, e.
In addition, through this the immission shares of the indivi- dual vehicle types can be represented separately, w hat under circumstances can be desired. Type, size and w hich are moved as far aw ay as possible from structure of a parking area just as the building the living buildings or arranged behind screening and land use in the adjacent areas are important buildings or sound protection w alls.
The, in a sound protection engineering w ay, unfavorable In engineering way, unfavor- ing areas, multi-storey car parks and underground our case, these are particularly rescheduled plann- able arrangement of car parks. The approach to the facility of the sta- ings, moving primarily of the access , shieldings accesses or of certain tionary traffic shall come from a busy road on the e. Parking areas w hich are endangered by immissions , sta- areas assigned to stations should be arranged tionary encapsulated instead of mobile compres- nearby the anyw ay loud tracks.
From the view of sors for compressed air and electrical connec- the sound protection it can be useful to set tions for cooling units in the case of truck parking several accesses and a onew ay control for the areas. With the sound protection measures listed driving lanes, for a better guide of the traffic sear- here mostly simultaneously immission pollutions ching for carport. Long parking areas in the form of a blind alley By embankments and w alls particularly the car- cause higher emissions in the zone of the only ports near the border of the parking area can be access than rectangular parking areas w ith protected.
For larger parking areas representing several entrances and exits. Access ramps of arranged in a sufficient distance to neighboring Access ramps of underground car parks, on underground car parks living buildings. The access ramps, if possible, sect. Abbreviation Index in the case of the integrated calcu- Annex 2: Example of the Sound Engineering only for the partial emission of the Calculation of an Underground Car driving lanes in the case of the sep- Park Entrance arated calculation method instaed of Annex 4: Remarks according to the stroke maximal Annex 9: Figure LW0 Basic sound pow er level for one Sect.
As a consequence, the division of Example of the Sound Engineering the parking area into partial areas can be carried Calculation of a Parking Area out automatically by the computer, since for the division of the parking area into partial areas only The sound immission coming from a company the point acoustic source condition must be parking area containing 53 carports site plan Fig.
In In the case of a calculation according to the cal- Tab. There- defi nition of the driving movements on the driv- fore a useful assumption must be taken. Since as ing lanes is cancelled. The considered parking area contains altogether Since the individual processes on the parking 53 carports. The plane-specifi c sound pow er level area, because of the same average number of of the parking processes on the company parking the passengers per vehicle, are corresponding to area in accordance w ith formula 11a amounts to: For the the parking processes results formula 9: The sound pow er level calculated in the sect.
By taking the maxi- the determination of the rating levels for time mum level, given in Tab. Related to the But in accordance w ith sect. With it, the sound immission and shutting. The horizontal access from from the sections in front of the ramp. If the traffic w ould lead from the basic values termed for this in the sect.
The calculation of the In the zone of the planar exit and access drive- sound propagation and of the noise immissions w ays in front of the ramp zone, the correction at the tw o immission sites of the adjacent dw ell- term for slopes and descents is dropped compar- ing houses, depicted in the location outline, is ed w ith the calculation in the sect.
Correspondingly the length-specifi c sound pow er 6. The detailed representation of the determina- tion of the partial rating levels Lr,i from the six issuers tw o drivew ays respectively in front of and on the ramp, rain gutter, garage roller gate is renounced here, since it is carried out in analogy to the example of the company parking area and is performed automatically by modern sound engineering calculation programs. Immission site Partial rating level from. A useful procedure for the planning If this doesn't suffice yet, the next step Neighbouring building IO 1: So for the tw o dw elling houses, each assumed 4 m to the drivew ay; 34 m to the rain gutter.
Therefore in any cases the daytime immission A 3. In accordance w ith point 6. If the under- ground car park exit w ould be travelled on also at Drivew ay in the ramp zone: Since the noise peaks due to the passing over the rain gutter and the opening of the garage gate are emitted virtually at the same position, for the peak level consideration only the louder noise is interesting. For the driving motions in front of the ramp private street , the maximum sound pow er level s. IO 1 , the complete ramp zone of the under- Remark: Thus in the prolongation of the ramp ter, situated above in front of the garage entran- values w ere measured higher by 8 dB A than ce, a point acoustic source w ith a sound pow er besides the ramp cf.
For the dw ell- level LWTeq,1h of 63 dB A can be assumed for ing house adjacent to the underground car park one passing over the gutter per hour. Therefore access, the plane-specifi c sound pow er level for 20 passings per hour a sound pow er level LW LW",1h for one driving motion per hour on the follow s of: The plane-specifi c sound pow er levels, resulting from this for the tw o immission It has to be checked, how ever, w hether the sites, increase according to the number of acces- above lying drainage gutter is required at all in ses and exits by addition of the term: In view of the disturbing or sw inging gate , the noises from the garage noise impulses, emitted w hen opening and clos- gate containing impulse character can be avoided ing, nothing therefore changes.
For this a point to a great extent. With altogether 40 opening or IO 1: Compared w ith the open ramp w ith roller gate noises, a reduction of the A 3. The the beginning of the ramp, due to the proximity calculation of the noise immissions at the tw o to the tw o immission sites, are constituting a immission sites of the adjacent dw elling houses disturbing noise source.
The calculation w ith the program IM M I 5. Determination of the sound pow er level of the dure suggested in the sect. Determination of the interior sound level per fore in a sound engineering w ay negligible noise parking fl oor according to the guideline VDI emissions are reaching outw ard.
Determination of the emitted sound pow er for the calculations: Calculation of the sound propagation in accord- have carports. For the determination of the noise immissions at the operative immission site, due to the high The surcharge for the driving lanes on one of acoustic attenuation index of the concrete areas, the open parking fl oors is therefore: Then, for the plane-specifi c sound pow er level the follow ing value is resulting: Balustrade, pow er level: Related to the altogether hour- storey ceilings and, if necessary, of the balustra- period of assessment, from this a surcharge in an des, too, the most effective improvement of the amount of 1.
The determination of the partial rating levels Lr,i from the single issuers i tw o parking fl oors w ith four open lateral faces each is carried out accord- ing to DIN ISO The calculation method A 4. The operative rey car park: Thus the maximum level 1st fl oor: The day- Because of the refl ections on the street suggest- time-peak-level criterion so is fallen short of by ed to be totally sound refl ecting, the rating levels At least two intriguing questions have come up: Where there are safe places to bicycle, for everybody ages 7 to 70, many people enjoy bicycling, even Americans.
One thing I constantly find missing from the discussion about eBikes is what to do with the spent batteries. The battery packs are designed for a about charge cycles before they need to be replaced. Stick to regular bikes or modern high-efficiency gas scooters that get MPG, have low emissions, and a life cycle of 15 years. They can be reused as non-traction batteries and then recycled to recover those expensive metals. I have an add-on pedlac kit, Bionx. I love it and do almost all my transportational and recreational trips with it.
But I doubt more than a few Americans will switch to bicycling, with or without assist, or even gasoline powered scooters. The automobile is just too convenient and useful. We are too affluent and the car offers too much for it to be displaced by bicycling. I recently try to buy one for my son who is going to high school. I found the price relatively cheaper in China compare it here with almost same product. Because valumes are limited here and sellers have to make margin for what they sell.
If the market is here, the price of ebike could cut half. A nod to some earlier comments also about infrastructure and density, the mode splits for cycling are highest in more compact urban centres and erode as suburban design and land use patterns fill the roads with cars and trucks. Gas prices alone will not shift behaviours if alternatives are not supported, and that includes safe and appealing infrastructure as well as mixed use community design that provides live, work and goods and services providers within walkable or cyclable distances.
The technology is ready and makes economic sense or it does not. Everything the government tries to manipulate generally ends in hardship and disaster for most people. I do believe that we need to invest heavily in research and developement of electric vehicles for the free market. I am an engineer and I know first hand the benefits of electric vehicles. The only problem, which you state in your article, is current battery storage and charging times.
Some of the newer battery technologies are aproaching the low end of usefullness for daily transportation. We are not there yet but we will be. The amount of time it takes depends on how many engineers are working on the problems. I can see the day when we will surpass the effectivness of gasoline in battery and electric vehicle technology.
Those will be the days. Good series of articles. It looks like a scooter with pedals but does meet the governments requirements for an electric bike The pedals are useless by the way.
The range is about miles, and with only a 2. Before my e-bike I had ridden my regular bike to work a few times but since I wear a suit and tie sweating was an issue. My e-bike has storage under the seat and a cargo box on the back, which I replaced with a larger one. I can actually carry quite a bit of groceries.
The manufaturer was supposed to be switching to a new nickle-zinc technology but the battery partner decided to put that off for a while. The decision to get an e-bike had nothing to do with inability to pedal manually and everything to do with green transportation. Aside from when you need to be sheilded from the weather, why do you need a vehicle designed to carry people in order to carry just one. Hopefully this gives some of you who are curious about e-bikes some real world prospective. Sorry for being so long winded. Some cities however, can so penalize car use in urban areas, particularly during commute times such as London as already done to make bicycles, and electric two-wheel vehicles a major advantage.
Others have posted about the need for charging stations and outlets that riders of electric two-wheelers can use. Having the ability to charge when running errands and at work allows the use of smaller and lighter batteries. Coupling this with the rapid improvements of various forms of Li-ion based batteries and other options such as zinc-air looming on the horizon, the penalty of riding a hybrid-electric bicycle is rapidly declining.
The solution in large part is for municipalities to provide free parking and v outlets for two-wheel electrics. These vehicles take up minimal space and due to their small batteries, are not expensive to charge. I ride a Native Z scooter designed and imported by Electric Motorsports of Oakland, CA and enjoy the quiet and efficient ride, the only limitation is range and the need to find charging in convenient locations. Please keep it civil and constructive. Our editors reserve the right to monitor inappropriate comments and personal attacks.
You may add a link with HTML: British Columbia Oregon Washington. This article is part of the series The Parable of the Electric Bike. Previous article in series: Comments John Luton March 19, at 3: Tom March 19, at 4: Alan Durning March 19, at 8: FalconEV March 20, at 3: Richard Layman March 20, at 5: Sandy Jhorde March 20, at 9: Russ Finley March 20, at I had the same situation couple of years ago on a small island. The young policemen was quite an experience; on asking him if I could be sent off with just a warning, and put my helmet on he replied with what turned out to be his only english sentence: Do you by any chance know what is the limitation period for these kind of offenses?
It turned out to be my most exciting time during my education. Give up or fight on. I chose the latter. The unpaid fine will not catch up to you, unless you come to live in Greece or you get another ticket in the same location while visiting on vacation maybe. No one is going to come to your home, and certainly not in another country.
Tickets and fines in Greece
Saturday, May 1st, I was fined for having exceeded the speed limit near a village. The police gave me a fine of euros 55 if paid within 10 days. The problem is that it was Saturday and post offices were closed. The following day, Sunday, I had my flight back to Italy, so I could not pay the fine.
My car was a rental with Europcar. Is there a way to pay the fine from Italy without waiting for the police charges at Europcar? I would pay my fine, but I do not want to pay late with higher costs. I got a 50 euro fine for not validating my ticket on the train. That was in may I am going to Greece in September this year, how do I find out if this is still recorded and may be an issue me entering the country? Also, do the fines increase if they are not paid?
No reproductions, no rewrites, no derivatives without express written permission. Read my Warning and Disclaimer or please get in touch if you do not understand copyright laws. Using Fjords by Peter Andrej , with coding by Kat.
Tickets and fines in Greece April 20, at Warning This article has been copied without permission by expat guides and car hire companies, which refuse to honor copyright or give attribution. Be careful who you trust. Where to find confiscated license plates License plates of vehicles registered in Greece are held at the tax office eforia where you are officially on file, i. Questions and Answers This section was created after several people asked the same questions and did not read the responses I gave other commentators in the same or similar circumstances.
What if I want to protest the ticket? To find the address, phone number, hours of operation or map of a Greek police station nearest you, see: Where can I check for tickets? What is your advice? Liz wrote December 3rd, at Kat wrote December 10th, at May 23rd, at Michael wrote June 27th, at June 28th, at Alex wrote July 10th, at Thanks a lot for your advise Kat Reply: July 10th, at July 13th, at July 28th, at Keep up the good work.
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