Scent of Lilacs
Perhaps my writing dream had come to an end and it was time to come up with new goals. New things to do. But I had never wanted to do anything but write stories since I started writing my first Hardy Boy clone mystery when I was ten.
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So, I stopped worrying about what editors might want. If I was going to only write one more book, I wanted to write a story I could love. A story about people I could know. A story set in a small town like mine. My little town became Hollyhill. I copied the Main Street and the Courthouse.
Scent of Lilacs
I copied the sound of the screen door on the old newspaper office. Bits and pieces of my memories found their way into the story. Best of all, a family came to life in my imagination. Jocie, the thirteen-year-old who lives the story. Wes, the grandfather figure who claims to be from Jupiter. Aunt Love, who quotes Scripture to try to make Jocie behave. Zella, the set in her ways secretary at the newspaper. Leigh, who wants to marry a certain preacher. They came to life as I began to hear them talking to each other.
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And while I knew some of the things that were going to happen to them in the story, many of the events surprised me as the characters led me along their story road. Of course, none of that meant the story would ever get published. But the people who lived in my Hollyhill were different.
They danced around me.

They refused to let me give up. And they, especially Jocie, pushed me to pray. She has her sister prayer because she wants her sister to come home. I could and I did. That was a prayer the Lord surely answered when my agent sent the finished book to an editor whose favorite flower just happened to be lilacs. And I was back in the book writing business again. But Scent of Lilacs has a special place in my heart because I love those Hollyhill characters and because it started me on a new fiction writing path where I get to write the stories I want to write.
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Would you recommend it to your friends? As always, thanks for reading! I have read the whole series and they are my favorites! I love that you keep Jocie alive for us. I felt sad as I finished the last book.
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But I like hearing what Jocie has to say from time to time. Thanks so much for reading her stories. I think it would be fun to go back to Hollyhill someday. Maybe I need to let Jocie come up with a story. I already own the first three in this series in print, but will buy an ebook copy too.
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The Scent of Lilacs
Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Scent of Lilacs by Jane Bonander. Scent of Lilacs by Jane Bonander. The sweet fragrance evoked the possibilities of love When Lexy Tate dreamed of practicing medicine, she hadn't imagined setting up her practice in an abandoned brothel, or delivering a calf in a ramshackle barn.
The Scent of Lilacs (The Heart of Hollyhill #1) by Ann H. Gabhart
But as one of the first woman doctors in America, Lexy couldn't afford to be fussy, especially with a young daughter to consider. Little Krista needed the warmth The sweet fragrance evoked the possibilities of love Little Krista needed the warmth of the California sun for her health, and Lexy was determined to make a home for the two of them on the California frontier. Lexy was prepared for the hardship and difficult working conditions, but she wasn't ready to meet Jake Westfield again.
Four years earlier, Jake had shown how little he cared for Lexy when he left her without giving her a chance to tell him she was bearing his child. Now, faced with the man she'd loved since she was a young girl, Lexy knew that this time she could not afford to give in to the passion that still bound them. This time, she had to make the right decision, not just for herself but for her precious daughter.
Paperback , pages. Published December 31st by Pocket Star first published April 1st California , United States. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Scent of Lilacs , please sign up. Lists with This Book. Apr 06, Michelle rated it it was amazing. I am currently reading Scent of Lilacs by Jane Bonander. Scent Of Lilacs Jane Bonander Historical Fiction pages Jane Bonander "reaches out to readers' hearts" Romantic Times with wonderful tales that perfectly blend wild desire, tender emotion, and vivid sensuality.
Now she whisks us to the California frontier, where an old passion becomes a new problem. When Lexy Tate dreamed of practicing medicine, she hadn't imagined setting up her practice in an abandoned brothel, or delivering a calf in a I am currently reading Scent of Lilacs by Jane Bonander. Lexy was prepared for hardship and difficult working conditions but she wasn't ready to meet Jake Westfield, again. This time, she had to make the right decision, not just for herself, but for her precious daughter Feb 16, Mindy rated it it was amazing.
If there is a protagonist out there more beleivably pure in heart than Jocie, I don't know of them. A young girl coming to terms with herself and her relationship with God. I found it sweetly uplifting, and made me want to explore my own relationship with the divine. Very refreshing to travel back to a time and place where a girl can find a simple solution to the increasingly complicated problems of life. I'll be reading the sequel.
Oct 16, Krystal rated it it was ok Shelves: Not a bad book but didn't really keep my attention. Jun 19, Brittany rated it really liked it Shelves: By far one of the best books I have ever read!!!! AP rated it it was amazing Oct 16, Betty Wendland rated it really liked it Sep 11, Krystalized rated it it was ok Nov 23, Laurie rated it really liked it Jul 17,