Revolution Underway (Gli emersi narrativa) (Italian Edition)
Being considered a reliable and organized co-worker Item My future job despite its difficulties and low income. A comparison of professional identity marked items using mean Likert scale values. Although Italian students showed a higher propensity for individual work, they seem to value professional qualities when working with other people to a higher extent, which is indicated in Item 23; they consider it more important to be valuable co-workers through being reliable and organized.
Being reliable is a highly interpersonal attribute while being organized tends to be a personal characteristic yet with palpable outcomes for the people around us. Furthermore, in reference to Item 24, Italian students seemed to consider their future job much more important than Iranian students, a result which could imply two things: Overall, in the majority of the professional identity items, the Italian students demonstrated a stronger orientation, which may indicate that they generally have a better image of their field-related abilities and prospects for developing their careers in translation.
As a final step in this survey, we explored the correlation between personal and social identity aspects on the one hand with professional identity on the other. To this end, three age groups of trainee translators were compared in terms of their mean identity scores. Figure 5 and Figure 6 display the findings, indicating a chiefly positive correlation between the three identity aspects in the age groups analyzed — except for Italian students of 19 years or younger.
Another finding was that because the comparison of the mean scores of personal and social identities in these three age groups did not differ significantly across the two national groups, we can conclude that the excluded age group, female students aged , had a significant influence on the overall identity variation between Iranian and Italian students.
The different items of the questionnaire, as well as the identity aspects it addressed, were related to the concepts discussed in the sociological theories. The results of our empirical analysis point to a stronger social identity and habitus for Iranian students and a stronger personal and professional identity orientation and habitus on the part of the Italian students; a result which suggests that social activities in translator training may be particularly suitable in an Iranian context, while personal activities maybe more suitable when training translators in an Italian context.
In addition, we found a predominantly positive correlation between personal and social identities with professional identity among the age groups we decided to study for the purpose of correlation analysis. With reference to our research questions, we are now in a position to draw some conclusions: An implication of this study in translator training might be that once we understand that different societies have different conceptions of identity as well as various identities and identity construction patterns — for example, the general distinction between individualistic Western and the social Eastern identity — then our training priorities will differ, with implications for our translation curricula, pedagogies and teaching methods.
Additionally, the types of power distribution observed in the two theories have clear implications for the description of educational practices, including translator training. Introducing the two sociologies into the classroom allows learners to experience different identity constructions, which is recommended today. We would like to extend our deep gratitude to Prof. Marcello Soffritti and Prof. Christopher Rundle for their invaluable help with the project this study was part of. We would also like to thank Prof.
Silvia Bernardini for her constructive comments on a draft of this manuscript. Our heartfelt thanks also go to all the Italian and Iranian colleagues who helped with the distribution of our survey as well as the survey participants. These items describe different aspects of identity. Please read each item carefully and consider how it applies to you.
The full scale is:. Not important to my sense of who I am 1 2 3 4 5 Extremely important to my sense of who I am. Journal of International Studies Bourdieu, Pierre Outline of a theory of practice , trans. Nice, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Bourdieu, Pierre In other words: Essays towards a reflexive sociology , trans. Measurement Instrument Database for the Social Science, www. Grenfell, Michael ed Pierre Bourdieu: Empowerment from Theory to Practice , Manchester, St.
Latour, Bruno Reassembling the social: Bartrina eds , Oxon, Routledge: Heine, Toshio Yamagishi, and Tatsuya Kameda eds. Snel Trampus, Rita D. After completing his MA in Translation Studies at Shahid Beheshti University, he started his translator training career in and has ever since taught undergraduate translation courses mainly at Arak University, where he got his BA in English Translation in He attended the University of Bologna once as a PhD student in , and another time as a doctoral visiting student in Starting from the definitions of culture, law, technology as well as legal and technical culture respectively, the aim of this paper is to point out the different degrees of cultural specificity in law and technology and in legal and technical language and texts.
The paper will also show to what extend the differences within the various dimensions of cultural specificity lead to differences in methods and procedures of translation. Ausgehend von den Definitionen von Kultur, Recht und Technik einerseits sowie von Rechts- und Technikkultur andererseits wird in diesem Beitrag der unterschiedliche Grad von Kulturspezifik in Recht und Technik und in ihren sprachlich-textuellen Manifestationen herausgearbeitet.
Kulturspezifik, Rechtssprache, technische Sprache, cultural specificity, legal language, technical language. Ziel des Beitrags ist es zum einen, den unterschiedlichen Grad der Kulturspezifik in Recht und Technik und ihren sprachlich-textuellen Manifestationen herauszuarbeiten. Rechtliche Regeln werden, wie von Marschelke Nutzung einerseits bestimmte Voraussetzungen mitbringen muss, dessen Erfordernissen aber andererseits auch bei der Gestaltung der Technik Rechnung zu tragen ist. Recht und die damit verbundene Kultur sind m. Bei qualitativer Betrachtung stellt sich dann heraus, dass Technikkultur im Korpus nur mit den Termini Stiftung und Verein verbunden ist.
Welche kulturspezifischen Unterschiede bestehen zwischen Recht und Technik auf der sprachlichen und der textuellen Ebene? Welche Unterschiede zwischen Recht und Technik wirken sich in besonderer Weise auf die kulturspezifischen Unterschiede aus? Rechtssprache ist in erster Linie eine Institutionensprache Busse Diese erfordert eine doppelte rechtlich-sprachliche Abstraktion. Civil Law - vs. Nur in mehrsprachigen nationalen Rechtsordnungen Beisp.: Schweizer Recht und in supranationalen Rechtsordnungen Beisp.: In der Technik dagegen sind es tendenziell ein und dieselben Begriffe, die durch unterschiedliche Benennungen zum Ausdruck gebracht werden.
Bei der Entwicklung der technischen Terminologien gibt es jedoch, wie von Arntz Dennoch gibt es auch in der Technik Bereiche, in denen die Terminologie nicht systematisch genormt ist, so die Kfz-Technik Arntz Definitionen sind dabei nicht nur ein Recht-, sondern auch ein Technik-Thema, was anhand der nationalen und internationalen Normung sichtbar wird z. Auch gibt es zahlreiche Terminologieportale mit genormter Technik-Terminologie z. Im Recht ist es, v. So gibt es beispielsweise von den das Ermittlungs- und das Zwischenverfahren des italienischen Strafprozesses kennzeichnenden neun Textsorten nur drei, die eine Entsprechung in den vergleichbaren Abschnitten des deutschen Strafprozesses haben:.
Gliederungskonventionen in deutschen und italienischen Gesetzestexten. Schweizer Recht oder supranationalen Rechtsordnung Beisp.: Eine wichtige Rolle spielen in diesem Zusammenhang Definitionen vgl. Diese sind allerdings einerseits nicht zu jedem Terminus oder Begriff vorhanden. Dies ist, wie von Reinart Diese kann in der Technik auch die Inhaltsbestandteile bzw. Apply the parking brake firmly. Shift the automatic transaxle to Park or manual transaxle to Neutral.
Da Ausgangs- und Zielkultur hier allerdings zusammenfallen, kann allenfalls von einer Anpassung an Sprachtraditionen die Rede sein. Die sich hier manifestierenden Besonderheiten der Rechtssprache als Fachsprache vgl. Der Beitrag basiert auf einem Vortrag, den ich dort am Ein internationales Handbuch zur Fachsprachenforschung und Terminologiewissenschaft , 2. Hoffmann, Lothar Kommunikationsmittel Fachsprache. Le-Hong, Kai und Peter A. Traduction de textes juridiques: Patti, Salvatore a cura di Codice Civile Italiano.
Perspectives for the New Millenium. Akten des Symposiums Mannheim, 3. Tilch, Horst und Frank Arloth Hrsg. Bilder und audiovisuelle Materialien in der Technik generell eine wichtige Rolle spielen Arntz Her other research areas include legal language, notably notarial language, didactics of specialised translation, terminography and lexicography. Eva Wiesmann also works als a freelance legal translator and lexicographer. Political opinion articles as an ideologically-loaded type of political discourse are largely produced to serve the society to which they belong.
When translated, they could be manipulated to meet the socio-political needs of the target society. Translation Studies scholars have adopted a variety of critical approaches and methodologies to account for such manipulations, inspired by the principles of Critical Discourse Analysis CDA and under the critical translation movement. To achieve this objective, a collection of 31 English opinion articles, along with their corresponding Persian translations, are analyzed. At the textual level, however, some modifications are suggested. Critical Discourse Analysis, CDA, ideological square, manipulation, news translation, political discourse, opinion articles.
Regardless of their methodology, all the scholars have unanimously agreed that the political context in which the target text TT is produced leads the trans-editor s [1] to manipulate the TT. Manipulation is a term originally concerned with literary translation and was first used by the scholars of the Manipulation School e. Some scholars consider it as translation acts by means of which linguistic and cultural barriers are transcended and communication is facilitated e.
Therefore, manipulation has also been considered a filter through which a specific representation of ST is promoted e. The current study considers manipulation from the latter perspective. The question is, which analytical framework can serve to investigate manipulation in translation from this perspective? First, the appropriateness of the framework will be argued. Then, we will show how the framework links with Translation Studies and serves as a model for investigating manipulation in political discourse translation through the analysis of 31 Persian translations of English opinion articles.
Since the ideological turn in Translation Studies, ideological and political factors have drawn the attention of translation scholars to the study of translation context. That is, CDA and TS share the idea that textual features should not be interpreted without considering the ideological context of text production and reception. Ietcu-Fairclough points out that translators work under certain socio-political conventions and restrictions which serve the wider values and ideologies of power holders in society.
Thus, the strategies employed by translators are aimed at the production of a text in line with set values. This is even more significant when it comes to political discourse translation, in general, and opinion articles, in particular. Political opinion articles, as opposed to hard news articles, are believed to be significantly loaded with ideologies Bell ; van Dijk As van Dijk That is, they are consistent with the beliefs and values of the dominant socio-political frameworks of the institutions themselves and the wider society to which they belong Hodge and Kress, Likewise, Vuorinen and Darwish maintain that translation in news agencies is influenced by institutional policies and ideologies to justify and control actions and their outcomes.
Therefore, translators are not the only people who decide on the translation; their work is edited by others such as senior translators, editors and the chief editor Hursti ; Bielsa Over the past few years, translation scholars have attempted to apply CDA in their studies to look at the influence of such conditions on news translation e. It should be noted that these studies are flawed for two reasons.
Second, others are case studies which analyse a single article e. Therefore, there is a need for a study with a broader set of data which goes beyond mere lexical analysis. The portrayal of the conflicts between Iran and the Western world have also been among the points of interest in investigating the influence of ideology on the news language. They argue that the translation strategies used are realized through the purposeful application of linguistic expressions both at lexical and grammatical level or non-linguistic elements such as images, photos, and graphic drawings.
Sanatifar and Jalalian Daghigh , investigate, from a socionarrative perspective, how the Iranian media, through translation, directed the public perception of the social and political realities about its nuclear program through reframing as it was already framed in the Western media. Unlike Khanjan et al. Other studies have compared Western news texts in English with Iranian-Persian texts covering the same topic.
The results of their study show that the British media delegitimized the Iranian nuclear program, whereas the Iranian media portrayed it positively. Their study highlights a few points. First, they have gone beyond mere analysis of lexical choices by taking transitivity procedures, namely nominalization, and passivization, into account. Second, by looking at the domestic media, which support government policies, and by comparing it with the Western media, they shed light on socio-political factors, which based on CDA, explain different uses of language by the media.
Nevertheless, without denying the merit of these studies, it is noticeable that by merely looking at parallel texts produced in two different contexts, it is not possible to uncover manipulations carried out by news trans-editors. At the macro level is the society which is concerned with power relationships at the level of local interlocutors and global societal structures.
In his approach, social power is understood as a means of controlling the mind and action of groups and people. At the micro level is discourse, which refers to various discourse structures language encapsulating ideologies. Van Dijk points out that the meaning of the text is embedded in the discourse by language producers, and as such, it exists and is represented in their minds. He characterizes it as a polarization of Us and Them through which the positive and negative features of in-group Us and out-group Them are de emphasized by applying 24 discourse structures.
That is, the polarization between Us and Them is manifested via all linguistic dimensions of a text, which are interpreted as one of the following overall strategies:. Besides the 24 discourse structures identified by van Dijk , ideology may be represented in the text via syntactic features of language as well. Since van Dijk has not included these features in his framework, the linguistic toolkits which are set forth by Hodge and Kress , and Fowler and Fairclough , i.
In the following, a background of Iranian media policies and what forms the ideological Us and Them in the country is provided. In , with the Islamic revolution in Iran, a referendum was held and the Islamic Republic of Iran as the socio-political system of the country was officially recognized. Accordingly, in the same year, a new constitution was ratified to adjust the rules and norms to the newly-established system. In addition, having the support of the European powers, specifically the UK, the USA has attempted to stop the country from being a nuclear power in the region Hastedt The foreign policy of Iran is also reflected in its constitution.
On the one hand, Article 56 of Chapter 8 of the Iranian constitution categorizes a number of countries, mainly the U. A and Israel, as hostile governments. These points have also been stressed in Iranian media law. Chapter 4 of the law bans several cases, among which are those that noticeably. Chapter 2 of the law states the missions of the media. Among the missions described in this chapter are those that.
The data collection began by looking at the target text published on the Iranian news website Diplomacy-e-Irani Iranian Diplomacy. A total of 31 Persian news opinion articles, which were all translated from English into Persian, were obtained from the archive of the news website within a period of 3 months, dated from April 1, , to June 30, In fact, more and more ideologically-loaded articles were then being published. Mic, Executive Magazine, and The Atlantic.
After identifying the ideological significance of the source texts see Figure 2 , through comparing the source ST and target text TT , the ideological mismatches are described, categorized and evaluated. Analysis of the source text per se suggests that the ST representations can be categorized into four major patterns as follows:.
In the following section, the results obtained from comparing the ST and the TT are presented. The given examples reflect the manipulation patterns in Persian translation of the opinion articles which are based on various procedures. Since the inclusion of all procedures falls beyond the scope of the study, the complete list of the procedures is separately provided in Appendix A Jalalian The best means of disarming Iran is to insist on a simple and basic redline […] Takeyh, Comparison of the ST and the TT shows some mismatches, which could be explained in terms of ideological manipulations.
In fact, by categorizing a particular group who favor the Islamic Republic the political regime , the ST author refers to a minority who supports the nuclear program, but this is generalized to Iranians, as a case of creating populism in the TT. This is a change of perspective which not only filters a negative depiction of Iran, but also, may represent the West negatively; thus, a target reader may interpret this as stopping a program which could be the right of a nation.
Therefore, in all the cases discussed above, there is an attempt by the trans-editor s to block the negative representations of the in-group US in the TT. The procedures of blocking are listed and explained in Appendix A. It would have to agree to completely open all Iranian nuclear facilities to regular inspections by the IAEA which has thus far refused to do so Purzycki, First Iran would give permission to the inspectors to enter all its nuclear sites. Some information may remain implicit, as it may be shared knowledge with the recipients and inferred from context.
However, there are other reasons for implicitation. For example, for cultural purposes such as politeness, an unacceptable expression might become implicit. In addition, political motivations may lead an author to leave an expression implicit van Dijk, While negative features of an in-group may remain implicit or mitigated through euphemism, the negative features of an out-group may be explicated van Dijk, However, this is omitted in the TT.
As such, implicitation is used to demote the negative representation of the in-group in the TT. At the last round of talks, in February in Kazakhstan, the United States and five otherworld powers offered Tehran modest concessions, including softening limits on trade using gold and other precious metals, and easing some restrictions on petrochemicalexports, if the Iranians agreed to halt production of medium-enriched uranium.
The Iranians did not accept the offer Ritcher Disclaimer is a combination of positive self-representation and negative other-representation and saves face by emphasizing the positive features of an in-group and representing an out-group negatively by focusing on their negative features. In the above example, both positive representations of the out-group and negative representation of the in-group are expressed via disclaimer.
In fact, the ST depicts the out-group positively by stating that a good offer from the United States is turned down by the in-group. However, it is blocked from entering the TT by complete omission. In fact, the negative representation of the in-group, as well as the positive representation of the out-group are both manipulated in the TT. Groups and individuals might be addressed by neutral terms.
Thus, a polarized term used to refer to an in-group positively and an out-group negatively is a marker of the ideology of a group towards its in-groups and out-groups van Dijk, In the above example, the author quotes what Ashton, the leader of the Western powers in negotiations, states on the proposal which has been given by the West. As can be seen in the ST, this part of the text is a positive representation of the West and their proposal. This reveals that the trans-editors consider themselves to be members of the target society.
As such, the positive representation of the Westerners is demoted by omitting some information. Based on my personal experience, Rowhani is a polite and open character Fischer Based on my personal experience, Rowhani is a polite man with open character. In discourse, an actor can be described as a manifestation of a group ideology towards what they consider as in-group and out-group.
Comparison of the ST and the TT shows no ideological manipulation. As a result, the positive representation of the in-group is preserved in the TT. Unlike outgoing president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, he surrounds himself with very skilful and experienced diplomats Fischer His ongoing balanced policies in past posts indicate that he is a sophisticated person.
These translations are both in line with the meaning of the ST words. However, the addition of some positive representation in the TT, which does not exist in the ST, intensifies the already positive representation of Rowhani in the ST. Like the previous examples, this example represents the way DPR is manipulated.
By applying certain procedures, the ST positive representation of the in-group is promoted in the TT. The procedures of promotion are explained in Appendix A. The discourse of counterfactuals warns about something that would happen as the result of the problem created by another group. Comparison of the ST and the TT suggests that the negative representation of the out-group is transferred from the ST to the TT without any manipulation. Therefore, the negative representation of the out-group is preserved in the TT.
In the above example, the author blames Obama for sending arms to Syria for the problem it may cause in the path toward a probable deal between Iran and the USA. However, it is worth mentioning the few ideological manipulations. That is, the reader may imagine that the USA has sent heavy arms rather than small arms. As such, the negative representation of Obama and his policies are promoted in the TT. As stated earlier, the ST analysis suggests four patterns of representation. In total, 82 percent of the ST representations are in conflict with the cases which are stipulated in the Iranian media law.
As a result, it is far from expectation that the translators simply transfer the undesired representations to the TT intact. Table 2 summarizes the ST representations as manipulated in the TT. As the table displays, the undesired representations have been treated differently from the desired representations. The four identified strategies of manipulation and their percentages in translations.
The first category is the undesired negative representation of the in-group. The second category is an undesirable positive representation of the out-group. The third category is a desirable negative representation of the out-group. The last category is a desirable positive representation of the in-group. As the table reveals, while preserving does not exist in the first two groups, it is dominantly used in the last two groups DNR and DPR. This suggests that the trans-editors have preserved the positive representations of the in-groups and negative representations of the out-groups.
One may argue that preserving may not be a manipulative pattern. However, by comparing its use among the four categories of the ST representations, it can be concluded that preserving has been applied deliberately to highlight the desired representations. As stated earlier, translation is an act of recontextualization.
Translating Echoes
When a text is recontextualized, it is influenced by the contextual factors of the target society. Even though some transformations are unavoidable in the process of translation due to linguistic and cultural factors, the ones which are evident in this study cannot be interpreted as a result of constraints imposed by such related aspects. In fact, the data analysis suggests that the political discourse translators working at Iranian Diplomacy seem to have been restricted, among many, by the ideological factors governing the institution they work for.
The institution per se is part of the society in which certain values are shared. The state ideology of the Iranian government is a good example of such conditions. The Islamic revolution has resulted in forming a polarized categorization which has been reflected in both the constitution and the media law. This takes place through text producers who shape the discourse to meet the expectations of the institution they work for. In fact, text producers, being aware of the commission they have and guided by the factors underlying ideological square, produce a text which reflects the ideology of the powerholders through their discursive practices.
Analysis of the data shows that the ST consists of representations which conflict with the stance of the Iranian government toward the in-group Us and the out group Them. Through the manipulative procedures, the undesired and desired representations are formed into representations which recreate a new discourse for the target text audience. The purpose of this appears to ensure that the target text is in accordance with the values and ideology of the target society. The proposed CDA-based model for the analysis of manipulation in political discourse translation. The model which is developed through modifications to the originally monolingual CDA of van Dijk tends to focus on the ideological square in the context of the target society.
The ideology of the target society power holders, which has roots in their stance toward the conflicts with foreign countries, is reflected in the TT discourse through manipulation strategies. It appears that the square can accommodate manipulation in the bilingual context of political discourse translation. However, applying this to translation needs some modification. As such, it is concluded that the trans-editors tend to manipulate the ST representations based on Figure 3 illustration. Illustration of the four identified strategies to investigate manipulation in political discourse translation.
As the figure reveals, trans-editors tend to positively represent their own group Us and negatively represent the other group Them. The strategies, except for preserving, are implemented through applying some manipulative procedures which are explained in Appendix A. The linguistic toolkits provided by van Dijk and the ones provided and shared among other CDA models, including Fairclough, Hodge and Kress, and Fowler, seem to be not enough in explaining all the manipulation procedures, most probably due to their monolingual nature of analysis. Therefore, by taking a descriptive-explanatory approach, the study has attempted to investigate the ones which are not explained by CDA see Appendix A.
The proposed model conceptualizes the important topic of manipulation in mediation of ideology as performed by political discourse translators. By being aware of the proposed model, translation critiques would be better able to make informed criticism of manipulation in translation. It would also help translation teachers and material developers to better explain and illustrate manipulations to their translator trainees, specifically in courses which deal with journalistic and political text translation.
In addition, it facilitates the path of future researchers as it provides them with an analytical framework to uncover the manipulated discourses in translation. The current study investigated manipulation in translation by focusing on 31 opinion articles translated form English to Persian. Further studies on other genres of political discourse in other societies with different language pairs could be enlightening in developing the proposed model.
To represent an undesired representation of ST from a different perspective in TT so that the trace of the ST representation is removed. To replace an undesired negative representation of ST with an item in TT which nullifies the representation. To nullify an undesired negative representation of ST with a vague expression in TT, by not providing the details of the ST representation in TT, which leads to nullifying the representation. To minimize an undesired negative representation of ST by attributing the interests of a person or a specific group high ranking officials to many people.
To replace an undesired negative representation of ST with a positively-loaded item in TT so as to censor the representation. To partially remove an undesired representation of ST in TT so that the degree of representation is minimized. To lower the loading of an undesired representation of ST in TT by nominalizing, by which the details of subject and object are removed. To particularize an undesired negative representation of ST in TT as opposed to the generality of a ST representation so as to lower the load of negativity.
To omit the subject of an undesired negative representation of ST in TT as opposed to an active structure so as to remove the responsibility of the actor s. To intensify a desired negative representation of ST by either replacing it with a more negatively-loaded item or adding an extra negatively-loaded item.
Fairclough, Norman Critical Discourse Analysis: Fowler, Roger Language in the News: Hastedt, Glenn American Foreign Policy: Hermans, Theo The Manipulation of Literature: Hodge, Robert and Gunther Kress. Studies in Intercultural Communication 13, no. Mearsheimer, John and Stephen M.
International Journal on Translation Studies 24, no. Studia Translatologica, Ser B, no. He has a number of publications and has presented in several international conferences. The author has published numerous articles in specialized journals and has presented widely in international conferences. His main research interests are: She is the author and co-author of a number of journal papers and has presented in several international conferences. Her main research areas are Translation, journalism, News discourse and editing.
This study examines the effect of following a translation training programme at postgraduate level on the way trainee translators justify the strategies applied to solve translation problems, in particular, the positions they adopt while discussing their translation decisions.
The Translation Studies programme at the University of Birmingham is used as a case study. The trainee translators completed a translation task which involved commenting on translation problems and translation strategies according to a pre-prepared form while translating a text. This task, preceded by a questionnaire, was repeated at three stages throughout the academic year This paper reports on a part of the findings resulting from the data analysis. It suggests that trainee translators become more assertive in the justification of their solutions to translation problems as a consequence of following a translation training programme.
This study also indicates that the students seem to be less willing to engage with alternative viewpoints by the end of the programme. Rico argues that, at European universities,.
About the author(s)
In his view, this was due to the new development in translation training programmes after the Bologna process which started in and aimed at establishing a common system of learning and teaching in universities across Europe and which is based on student-centred pedagogical principles and student-teacher interaction Rico Since translator training at university level is still considered a recent phenomenon and insufficiently researched in Translation Studies Pym This article starts with providing a description of the general design of the study and the research methods employed.
This is followed by an overview of the procedures used to analyse the data. The findings of the study are then presented. Although this may raise concerns about a possible bias, being familiar with the programme can also be seen as an advantage when it comes to interpreting the results of the study. Even though it is difficult to generalize on the basis of one case study, hopefully this research offers data which will be of interest to the wider translation training community.
Universities in the UK offer different types of degrees in Translation Studies at different levels: Concerning masters-level programmes, universities either focus on translation alongside other types of studies comparative literature, interpreting, subtitling, TESOL, linguistics and intercultural communication , such as the MA in Translation and Linguistics at the University of Westminster, or offer programmes in specific language pairs MA in Chinese — English Translation at The University of Bristol or contexts MA in Translation in a European Context at Aston University.
Although these generalist programmes may differ in terms of the way the modules are organized throughout the academic year and their focus, they share many characteristics. Employing the MA in Translation Studies at the University of Birmingham as a case study can be particularly useful for translation training programmes sharing the same characteristics or aspects of this programme. For example, these programmes follow the UK higher education system; include national, European and overseas students; allow students to work with a variety of languages; and give the students the opportunity to work on research and translation projects to complete the programme.
Lecturers in such programmes are of different nationalities and have professional translation experience. These programmes also offer students core and optional modules which aim at developing a range of translation-oriented skills, such as linguistic, intercultural, instrumental and social skills. A variety of research methods were employed in the present study.
A questionnaire was initially used in order to collect background information about the trainee translators attending the Translation Studies programme at the University of Birmingham, to define the context of the study and the variables affecting translator training. This preliminary approach was then followed by a translation task. The students were required to perform a translation task which included translating a text and simultaneously commenting on the translation according to a pre-prepared form. The source text was an excerpt from a tourist information brochure.
The text was also short to encourage students to participate in the study as the task can be time consuming. Students were required to translate the text into another language as they speak different native languages. They were asked to assume that the target audience was similar to that of the source text. Students were informed that they were free to use dictionaries or reference material and discuss their translation with whoever they wish and no time frame was given.
The trainees were asked to complete a form whilst translating. This provided them with a systematic way of recording all information related to their decision-making processes whilst completing the task. The form included six sections which allowed the participants to record: Literature on translation problems indicates that there is no agreement on a clear definition of what a translation problem is see Toury Therefore, no specific definition of translation problems was given to the students in order to examine the way they perceive these problems.
They were not provided with any specific classification of translation problems, information sources or strategies to avoid offering a list of predefined categories that would force them either to select a category, which may not reflect their actual response, or skip filling in sections of the form because they could not find an appropriate answer. The information resources were defined as hard copy documents such as dictionaries , electronic sources or human sources for example, a fellow student Gile Thus, the definition of strategies was: The data for this case study was collected at three stages during the academic year in the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms and the analysis involved a comparison of data between the three periods.
During the three stages of the data collection process, the participants were provided with texts of a similar genre tourist texts and length to translate no more than words. The data produced by the study was analysed using the appraisal system developed by Martin and White , within the framework of Functional Grammar Halliday and Matthiessen , for exploring interpersonal meanings by explaining and describing the way language users evaluate arguments, adopt textual stances and negotiate positioning and relationships White It served to examine the language employed by the students in discussing their translation decisions in order to investigate the way they positioned themselves in their arguments.
According to Martin and White Since the focus in the present study is on the stance adopted by trainee translators while discussing their translation decisions, the data provided by the students was analysed and discussed according to the Engagement domain of the appraisal system. Bare assertions obviously contrast with these heteroglossic options in not overtly referencing other voices or recognising alternative positions.
As a consequence, the communicative context is construed as single voiced Martin and White Examining the system of engagement as used by the students will allow us to investigate the way they positioned their voices in respect to other voices in the communicative context construed while discussing their translation decisions. According to the system of engagement, heteroglossic clauses can be divided into: In dialogic contractive, speakers or writers can either:.
They indicate that their proposition is one of a wide range of possible positions by either:. The unit of analysis in functional terms is the clause complex: One of the problems with applying appraisal theory to the language used by the students is that many clauses included more than one token of evaluation which posed difficulty in classifying these clauses, as was the case in example Therefore, although in Functional Grammar the unit of analysis is the clause complex, it was more effective in the present study to consider both the clause complex and tokens of evaluation as units of analysis, and discuss the data accordingly.
Based on this, in example 1, we have two attitudinal clauses and four attitudinal tokens in the two clauses, each including instances of both denial and counter-expectancy. Because this was a small-scale study, data provided in the questionnaire was analysed manually. Raw frequencies and percentages were used to quantify the data. Percentage difference across the three stages was calculated using an online calculator [1] in order to examine whether there was a difference in the percentages of the raw frequencies in the data collected.
In the analysis, we focused on the most prominent patterns which reflected a change in the data collected throughout the academic year. A test of statistical significance was also performed in order to test whether there was a significant difference in the data provided by the students across the three stages. It has to be acknowledged that this methodology, coupled with the small sample size and the fact that a number of participants opted to leave the study before it was concluded, creates the possibility of several types of bias: In order for the conclusions made in this study to validated, the observations would need to be repeated with a new group and a clear hypothesis established before the start of data collection.
Letteratura artistica: maggio
However, using this test helped us to determine how high or low the probability that the decrease or increase in the data throughout the three stages was due to chance. The chi-square test compares the values of the data proportionally where probability values P of 0. Thus, the null hypothesis H 0 in the present study is that any difference between the data presented by the students at each stage is due to chance, and therefore not significant.
If the calculated value of the chi-square is less than or equal to the probability value of 0. There was a drop-off of The data of the students who dropped out of the study was removed and therefore only the data of the twelve students four males and eight females who took part in all three stages of the study was included. It seems that the participants had many common characteristics: On the other hand, these participants came from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
The respondents who took part in all the three stages of the study were given codes according to their gender M for male and F for female , in addition to a numeric value added to each of these codes. The two letter code system of languages ISO was also used to indicate the language of the target text. Most of the participants translated the text from English into their first language Chinese: DE as English was their second language. Only three of the students were native English speakers and therefore translated the text into their second language French: The decision to use English as the source language in this study may have affected the translators' levels of confidence, as students translating into their native language might present different levels of self-assertion than students translating into their second language.
However, this was alleviated by choosing a text with a certain level of syntactical difficulty that is meant to pose the same level of difficulty for both native English speakers and speakers of English as a second language, as previously mentioned. In addition, the interest in this study was in the way the translators perceived translation problems and justified their decisions rather than in how they approached these specific texts.
Clauses used by the students in the forms were categorised as monoglossic when they did not include any tokens of engagement, and heteroglossic when they did. Thus they were classified according to whether the students negotiated their decisions by making a reference to alternative voices and viewpoints or presented their justifications objectively, as is clear in example In this example, student F8FR justified including an explanation of her translation of the title of the text into French, using monoglossic and heteroglossic clauses. In some cases, an elliptical subject and finite were assumed.
Since these cases are less clear cut than those where the subject and finite are explicit, and they involve an extra layer of interpretation on the part of the researcher, these clauses were considered separately from the explicit ones, so as to offer a more transparent view of the analysis. Table 1 gives an overview of results. By looking at Table 1, we can notice that the students used more monoglossic clauses than heteroglossic clauses while discussing translation problems, which is expected. A diachronic comparison shows that the number of monoglossic clauses increased by 2.
This number further increased by 1. This suggests that students showed a stable preference towards monoglossic clauses throughout the programme. Concerning the number of heteroglossic tokens, the comparison of the three stages of data analysis indicates that the number of heteroglossic tokens used in the language offered by the students decreased by 0. This supports the H 1, and suggests that the decrease in the number of heteroglossic tokens by the end of the year is not due to chance.
Thus, despite the fact that no significant changes were observed in the number of heteroglossic clauses, the decrease in the number of heteroglossic tokens towards the end of the year is significant and the changes in the percentages of heteroglossic clauses and tokens are parallel and consistent with one another, as Figure 1 shows. This could allow us to tentatively hypothesise that trainee translators become more assertive after following a translation training programme. The heteroglossic tokens provided by the students in the forms were classified into contractive and expansive tokens.
This classification was based on whether the students included or excluded alternative viewpoints while discussing their translation decisions.
When students included alternative viewpoints, they used expansive tokens of the type employed in example When students excluded alternative viewpoints, they used contractive tokens, similar to the one employed by student M2DE in example 4 below. Both contractive and expansive tokens were employed by the trainee translators in their discussion of translation decisions.
Comparing the number of contractive and expansive tokens out of the total number of heteroglossic tokens indicates that most of the tokens used by the students were contractive see example 4 above , challenging other textual voices, rather than expansive, through which they allowed alternative opinions to take part in the argument during the three stages, as in example 3 see Figure 2.
The percentage for the contractive and expansive tokens used by the students. The comparison of the percentages of expansive tokens across the three stages indicates that they remained stable, as Table 2 shows. This indicates that the change in the number of contractive tokens is not due to chance.
This suggests that translation training affects the way students present their discussion of translation problems, making them less concerned about excluding alternative opinions and viewpoints while following a translation training programme. The expansive tokens used by the students in the forms were of an entertaining type, where the students showed their subjectivity while opening their arguments for discussion, as is evident in example 5 below. Concerning the types of contractive token used, the students first proclaimed and limited the scope of their arguments by either pronouncing or concurring with different opinions, as is evident in examples 6 and In this, visualization techniques play a very important role.
All this, points to the need of a methodical practice see figure 3: Proposed Stylometry analysis workflow. For future work, we intend to explore the use of these tools in computer forensics, to determine authorship and gender of short messages, as shown in the literature Brocardo et al. Although stylometry is not an exact science and depends much on the skills and effort of the researcher choosing the appropriate methods and properly adjusting the test parameters, research on obfuscation corpora has proved that the most robust and accurate methods can be effective, even in cases of deceptive obfuscation Juola and Vescovi, Bibliographic References Brocardo, M.
A measure of stylistic difference and a guide to likely authorship. Literary and Linguistic Computing journal, 17 3: All the way through: Literary and Linguistic Computing, 22 1: Stylometry for E- mail Author Identification and Authentication. Becoming a Data Scientist — Curriculum via Metromap. Shakespeare, Computers, and the Mystery of Authorship. Computational stylistics and biblical translation: Grabowski eds , The Translator and the Computer, — R Journal, 8 1: The stylistics and stylometry of collaborative translation: Literary and Linguistic Computing, 28 4: Computational authorship verification method attributes new work to major 2nd century African author.
The case of Elisabeth Wolff and Agatha Deken. Literary and Linguistic Computing, 29 3: Riferimenti bibliografici Anderson C. Wired Magazine, June Accessed November 7, , https: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A Past, present and future of historical information science. Information, Communication and Society Una lezione di storia. In Archeologia classica e post-classica tra Italia e Mediterraneo. Scritti in ricordo di Maria Pia Rossignani, a cura di S.
In Medieval or Early Modern. Current Swedish Archaeology Roselli Del Turco, A. In La nuova storia, a cura di J. Le Goff , Formation Processes of the Archaeological Record. Univers ity of Utah Press. The Signal and the Noise. Low Countries Historical Review: In The Fourth Paradigm. Data- Intensive Scientific Discovery, edited by T. On the contrary, their value arises from what they reveal in aggregate. On the one hand, the constant enhancement of digital applications for producing, storing and manipulating data has brought the focus onto data-driven and data-led science Royal Society, , 7 , even in the Humanities, on the other hand, in recent decades, archaeology has embraced digitisation.
Moreover, the low cost and improvement in computing power both software and hardware gives the opportunity to easily aggregate huge amounts of data coming from different sources at high velocity: Even if Big Data started in the world of Computer Science and are strongly connected to business, they are rapidly emerging in academic research, with scholars from different disciplines recognising the inherent research potential of analysing composite and heterogeneous datasets that dwarf in size and complexity those traditionally employed in their respective fields Wesson and Cottier ; Gattiglia In recent years, archaeologists began to ask to themselves if a Big Data approach can be applied to archaeology from both a theoretical and practical point of view Gattiglia In the scientific and scholarly world what constitutes Big Data varies significantly between disciplines, but we can certainly affirm that the shift in scale of data volume is evident in most disciplines, and that analysing large amounts of data holds the potential to revolutionise research, even in the Humanities, producing hitherto impossible and unimaginable insights Wesson and Cottier , 1.
For a better understanding of the general concept of Big Data, I adopt the definition proposed by Boyd and Crawford , This kind of approach permits to gain more choices for exploring data from diverse angles or for looking closer at certain features of them, and to comprehend aspects that we cannot understand using smaller amounts of data. Moreover, Big Data is about predictive modelling, i. Moreover, a Big Data approach is related to the information content of data.
Data are useful because they carry pieces of information. Data become information when they are processed and aggregated with other data, thereby we gain information from data when we make sense out of them Anichini and Gattiglia Finally, we can say that data are data because they describe a phenomenon in a quantified format so it can be tabulated and analysed, not because they are digital. Digitisation usually refers to the migration of pieces of information into digital formats, for transmission, re-use and manipulation.
Surely, this process has increased exponentially the amount of data that could be processed, but from a more general point of view the act of digitisation, i. Datafication is a new phenomenon brought out by the continuous development of IT technologies. Datafication promises to go significantly beyond digitisation, and to have an even more profound impact on archaeology, challenging the foundations of our established methods of measurement and providing new opportunities.
This is a key issue. To datafy means to transform objects, processes, etc. We can argue that datafication puts more emphasis on the I information of IT, dis- embedding the knowledge associated with physical objects by decoupling them from the data associated with them Gattiglia Moreover, a key differentiating aspect between digitisation and datafication is the one related to data analytics: In other words, to datafy archaeology would mean to produce a flow of data starting from the data produced by the archaeological practice, for instance, locations, interactions and relations between finds and sites.
A flow of data that the archaeological community should have available. The work of the project includes the design, development and assessment of a new software platform offering applications, tools and services for digital archaeology. This framework, that will be available through both a mobile application and a desktop version, will be able to support archaeologists in recognising and classifying pottery sherds during excavation and post- excavation analysis. The system will be designed to provide very easy-to-use interfaces e.
Our approach is driven by archaeologists needs; since we are aware of the caution of the discipline in front of the replacement of well-established methods, we plan to support this specific Humanities domain by exploiting what is already available in the Archaeology domain in terms of good practices and representation paradigms. We thus plan to deliver efficient computer-supported tools for drafting the profile of each sherd and to automatically match it with the huge archives provided by available classifications currently encoded only in drawings and written descriptions contained in books and publications.
The system will also be able to support the production of archaeological documentation, including data on localisation provided by the mobile device GPS. The platform will also allow to access tools and services able to enhance the analysis of archaeological resources, such as the open data publication of the pottery classification, or the data analysis and data visualisation of spatial distribution of a certain pottery typology, leading to a deeper interpretations of the past.
The integration of cultural heritage information from different sources, together with faster description, cataloguing and improved accessibility can be exploited to generate new knowledge around archaeological heritage. Data visualisation, for instance, would stimulate new research perspectives, and could enable new interpretation and understanding of history, and would bring archaeological storytelling to new audiences in a novel way.
By means of a wider dissemination of user-generated content, the framework would permit to develop the culture of sharing cultural resources, research and knowledge. Since we are interested in designing automatic matching and retrieval features, digital description does not mean here only digitisation of the paper catalogues, but includes understanding the meaning of the graphic representation and its conversion in a format that includes shape in vectorial format, not raster and semantic.
This process, naturally, will also require the definition of a semantically-rich digital vectorial representation for the pottery sherds and of each entire object able to represent not only the shape of the object, but also its subdivision in semantic components e. A lightweight set of metadata the subset considered crucial for the purposes of the project by our users and advisors, e. On the other hand, the data collected through digitisation will be enriched by data collected by users during the recognition process.
This will permit on-time data analysis and data visualisation. In fact, all the information encoded in the pottery identity cards being them natively digital and including data on location, classification, dating, and so on will be shared, visualised and integrated with cultural heritage information from different sources archaeological repositories, Europeana and so on in order to produce a really significant impact in the advancement of the discipline and in the accessibility for professional and non-professional users.
Real time comparisons between different archaeological sites and regions will be made possible, thus highlighting differences and commonalities in the economy of the ancient world. Data analysis will be carried on by the MAPPA Lab of the University of Pisa, and will be achieved as an exploratory statistical analysis of data related to pottery. It will be mainly concerned with data about size, density, geo-localisation and chronology. The main objective of the exploratory analysis is to disclose statistical relationships in statistical sense between the different variables considered.
Moreover, it will provide a comprehensive description of the available data, pointing out important features of the datasets, such as: There are different statistical techniques useful for exploratory data analysis, each one concentrating on particular aspects of the description we would like to give for the data. However, it is important to observe that the statistical techniques are not exploratory as such, rather they are used in order to summarize main characteristics of data, identify outliers, trends, or patterns, i.
Concerning the analysis of pottery datasets, we will concentrate on the following tools: These specific combinations provide all at once a way to summarize data, and the identification of the major sources of variability; - Spatial statistics, point pattern analysis and Kriging methods will be mainly used in order to highlight the possible patterns within the spatial distribution of data; - Different predictive modelling techniques will be implemented mostly for suggesting where to look for more data in order to get relevant gain of information, or optimal strategies to perform testing.
The results of the data analysis will be made more understandable and easily explicable applying data visualisation techniques. Apart from the quantitative data analysis, data visualization is of extreme importance, in order to: An important issue is the communicating the visual information about the relationships among different ceramic classes in the same location, the relationships between the location of the finding and the productive centre, and the relationships with pottery found in different locations.
A web-based visualisation tools will be built following the principles of data visualization, pionereed by Bertin , 83 , and developed for instance in Tufte ; Few ; Munzner Following these guidelines, we will classify the different data into types categorial, ordinal, interval, ratio types , and will determine which visual attributes shape, orientation, colors, texture, size, position, length, area, volume represent data types most effectively, so giving rise to the visualization, according to the basic principle of assigning most efficient attributes, such as position, length, slope, to the more quantitative data types, and less efficient attributes, like area, volume, or colors to ordinal or categorical types.
The process of building the visualisation will be made interactive, letting the user associating the different variables with the different attributes, at the same time explaining the principles above. Moreover, the different relations within pottery production, trade flows, and social interactions, will be visualised applying the same principles, with graphs. The possibilities of such system open to research actors, institutions and general public would be a dramatic change in the archaeological discipline as it is nowadays.
Its impact on the field would dramatically change the profile of the professionals involved and will generate new markets. Bahga, Arshdeep and Madisetti, Vija Internet of Things a Hands-On Approach. Esripress Boyd, Danah and Crawford, Kate Spatial Science, quantitative revolutions and the culture of numbers. Archaeology and the Big Data challenge. Visualization Analysis and design. Science as an Open Enterprise. Bulletin of the History of Archaeology 24 Lo studio delle bibliografie permette di applicare metodologie di distant reading per osservare somiglianze e differenze relative ai contributi presentati alle conferenze in oggetto.
Idee e opinioni vengono legittimate e consolidate e metodologie di ricerca diverse si confrontano e si integrano su tematiche comuni. La rivoluzione tecnologica e la diffusione del mezzo digitale sono state le due condizioni fondamentali per la realizzazione di questo concetto e la formalizzazione del movimento Open Access OA.
La misura delle risorse citate dagli autori consente di valutare eventuali trasformazioni rispetto alla citazione tradizionale. Sono stati esaminati riferimenti bibliografici estratti da articoli. In CLiC-it, invece, queste tre macrocategorie mostrano variazioni minori nelle due annate di vita della conferenza. La tabella 2 mostra la distribuzione annuale delle altre categorie documentarie in entrambe le conferenze. Si rileva tuttavia qualche differenza nelle percentuali di utilizzo.
Il latino e lo spagnolo, sebbene scarsamente 3 Per visualizzare correttamente alcuni risultati in questa tabella sono state utilizzate due cifre decimali. AIUCD pre '50 '50 '60 '70 '80 '90 in stampa nd n. CLiC-it pre'50 '50 '60 '70 '80 '90 in stampa nd n. Le notizie riferibili agli anni precedenti il sono circoscrivibili al periodo In CLiC-it i riferimenti bibliografici in corso di stampa costituiscono solo lo 0. Le fonti riferiscono manoscritti, lettere e testi per cui confluiscono quasi interamente nella macrocategoria libri.
La tecnologia fornisce i mezzi necessari al raggiungimento di obiettivi importanti e complessi. In molti casi le Associazioni hanno facilitato il lavoro di etichettatura. Allo scopo sono stati elaborati 24 raggruppamenti tematici: Computational Linguistics - CL 3. Computer Science - CS 4. Corpus Annotation - CA 5. Digital Archives - DA 6. Digital Libraries - DL 8. Digital Philology - DP 9. Information Retrieval - IR Latino - LAT Linguistics - LIN Machine Learning - ML Machine Translation — MT Ontology - ONT Psycholinguistics - PSY Scholarly Editing - SE Semantic Web - SW Treebanks Parsing - TP La tabella 6 presenta la distribuzione degli argomenti citati dalle due conferenze.
Le Associazioni di computer science coinvolte nelle citazioni CLiC-it e AIUCD forniscono una misura degli spazi in comune nella creazione di piattaforme e infrastrutture per archivi digitali di varia natura. Testi significativi di storia e filosofia emergono dalle bibliografie, non mancano riferimenti a opere generali come dizionari e enciclopedie.
In questa classificazione abbiamo inserito tutte le citazioni di digital heritage e quelle di digital humanities. Alcune associazioni sono in comune ai due corpora citazionali. Il grafico 2 mostra le frequenze relative dei documenti ad accesso aperto nei riferimenti bibliografici delle singole annate. Nelle due annate comparabili si registra una crescita a dimostrazione che gli autori di ambedue le conferenze hanno incrementato le citazioni a ocumenti ad accesso aperto. Tuttavia, soprattutto in AIUCD, cominciano ad emergere citazioni a journal nativi online e disponibili soltanto in versione elettronica.
Nelle bibliografie di entrambe le conferenze sono presenti anche citazioni a versioni digitali di alcuni libri o contributi a libri ma sono ancora abbastanza esigue, soprattutto in CLiC-it 0. Si tratta molto spesso di tipologie quali reports documentazione tecnica, linee guida, tesi… riscontrabili nelle citazioni delle due conferenze. Pur prestando forte attenzione ad oggetti digitali, la peculiare componente filologica di AIUCD richiede che buona parte degli autori debba necessariamente citare libri manoscritti e testi a stampa , mentre la maggiore componente tecnologica di CLiC-it spinge gran parte dei suoi autori verso articoli pubblicati in atti di congresso.
Dorr, Bryan Gibson, Mark T. Radev, and Yee Fan Tan. Budapest Open Access Initiative. Ultimo accesso 4 gennaio Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing. Cassella, Maria, and Oriana Bozzarelli. Open Access e comunicazione scientifica: What's the Future for Computational Linguistics? Dale, Robert, and Adam Kilgarriff.
Bibliometrics and Citation Analysis: Information Services and Use Lee Giles, and Kurt Bollacker. In Atti del 1. Convegno Nazionale sulla Letteratura Grigia, a cura di V. International Journal on Grey Literature 6: Metitieri, Fabio, e Riccardo Ridi. In Biblioteche in rete: A Companion to Digital Humanities. What about the Linguistics? La citazione bibliografica nei percorsi di ricerca. Dalla galassia Gutenberg alla rivoluzione digitale. Communications of the ACM Its importance is due to two factors: Second, it focuses on topics that are crucial for super-diverse societies Becci, Burchardt and Giorda, , such as gender, spirituality, and ethnic minorities.
In what follows, we provide a multidisciplinary analysis of these cultural and social aspects, bringing together an NLP- approach with perspectives from semiotics and religious studies. In particular, we describe how these issues are represented in OITNB, comparing the outcome of an automatic analysis of subtitles, reviews, and fan-discussions with a semiotic interpretation of the series content and with recent work in the sociology of monastic institutions. Automated keyword extraction As a first step towards the automated analysis of OITNB, we created a large corpus containing enough information to explore both the series content and its reception.
In particular, we collected a dataset made of , tokens and divided in three subcorpora: For each corpus, we extracted the top-relevant 50 keywords using KD14 Moretti et al. KD is a flexible, rule-based tool, which supports English and Italian and can be adapted to any domain by setting a list of parameters to extract a list of ranked keywords. The ranking algorithms is mainly based on frequency, but takes into account also other information such as the keyphrase length i. We chose this tool for several reasons: Second it is an off-the-shelf tool that does not require training data hence, no preliminary annotation work.
Third, it is freely available, enabling other researchers to reproduce this work or apply a similar methodology to other sources of information. Finally, since it was developed at FBK, we had a complete control over all parameters and we could easily fine-tune them for our study. We also made an extensive use of the black- list included in the tool, allowing users to manually define a set of words or expressions to be excluded during keyword extraction. This was done because in subtitles, interjections, colloquial expressions and curse words are extremely frequent, and we had to discard them in order to focus on the actual content of the series, and to make the analysis comparable with reviews and discussion forums.
Support of English and Italian provided by KD was necessary in order to compare English subtitles with reviews and discussions leveraged from Italian websites. The partial lists of keywords are reported in Fig. Top-ranked keywords extracted from of the three corpora considered Analysis and corpus comparison In this section we provide an analysis of KD results and sketch three possible research directions: Finally, we compare the NLP-based approach with a traditional semiotic approach, in order to understand if these two theoretical perspectives are complementary. Moreover, we can find some references to the ethnic barriers in the prison, for example a strong polarization between white and black inmates e.
Finally, issues about prison management are highlighted e. The critics focus on the series social criticism e. Conversely, reviews show high awareness of gender discrimination, that affects in particular one character of the show e. Other keywords are related to the specific text-genre of reviews. Indeed, many of them seem to be used to provide the reader with contextual information about the storyline of the show e. The third corpus in our collection represents the voice of OITNB fans and their opinion on the series.
It shows important differences from the other corpora: Moreover, we can notice an evaluative attitude towards characters e. Again, there is an interest in some particular scenes of the show for their aesthetic quality eg: Finally, some key-phrases are stylistic clues about the nature of these text e. In other words, discursive structures exist as a kind of fulfilment of semio-narrative ones and represent the part of the text where deep values are translated into factual elements such as characters, places, colours, figures, etc.
At the deep level, instead, we can find the value structure of the text and these values are the key to comprehend the meaning, the message, the reason why of the text itself. As a matter of fact, the series characters are portrayed in the middle of this dichotomy: The data extracted using KD would seem to confirm the interpretive hypothesis that the deep level of OITNB is structured by the opposition of sovereignty and submission, i. A first relevant term is mother, that appears as a relevant keyword both in subtitles, and in reviews, and represents a strong constraint for inmates.
Indeed, most of them are mothers unable to raise their children. Another example of the correlation between Semiotics and NLP analysis concerns the term sex, that appears in all the corpora. However, in both cases, sex is linked with the relationship between inmates and their own bodies: The expression refers to the final scene of the third season: Once again, we have two complementary reactions: Conversely, critics pay attention to social aspects of the detention problem.
Issues related to religion are rarely the core topic of the narration, and few characters are explicitly religious. In general, religion has a role only in moments of personal crisis, and religious groups tend to be under-represented, except for Catholics Engstrom, Valenzano III, or, more generally, Christians Clarke, Religion is, therefore, quite a scenery element — and for this reason the assumption is that it is Christian religion. The extracted keywords seem to confirm the underrepresentation of religion in TV series: Even though there are obvious limits to the analogy, it is instructive to compare prison settings to monastic settings Giorda and Hejazi, , since both can be interpreted as a totalizing place where agents live with very few possibilities to communicate with the external world, organizing themselves under strict rules and living the deep and strong presence of borders.
Furthermore, the dialectic between exterior and interior involves also the psychology of inmates and, again, we can use the descriptive tools of female monasticism in order to interpret it: This strongly hierarchized space is not an abstract construction. The jail is the centre which attracts, towards which the world goes, but also a watershed, a border which separates what and who is an insider from what and who is an outsider De Certeau M. As in the case of monastic settings, the relationship between everyday life and environment is pivotal.
Through the comparison with monastic life, we can analyse the meanings of identities of the inmates, their relationships and their representation. In the first part of our work, we described the creation of the corpora and the automated text processing. In the second part, we presented the analysis of the data, which in turn was divided into three sections: In particular, we analysed religious discourse both at a textual level and at a deep level of meaning, suggesting a parallel between prison life and monastic choice.
Our study suggests that keyphrase extractors are valuable tools for guiding, enriching and validating interpretive hypotheses concerning the semantics of the linguistic level of cultural artifacts. While our focus was on the religious and gender issues figuring in OITNB, the approach can be applied to various other topics and, more generally, to text-based cultural artifacts at large. In the future, we plan to explore how the domain-specific knowledge provided by religious discourse analysis and semiotics may, in turn, be used to fine-tune KD rules and filters.
Bibliographic References Bazzanella, Carla. John Benjamins Publishing Company, Multiple Secularities Beyond the West. Religion and Modernity in the Global Age. Femminismo, critica postcoloniale e semiotica, Milano: Demaria, Cristina, and Mascio Lella. Migrazioni interculturali e propagazioni extra-testuali. Nicola Dusi and Lucio Spaziante Roma: Demaria, Cristina, and Siri Nergaard, eds.
Temi e prospettive a confronto, Milano: Surveiller et punir, Paris: Giorda, Maria Chiara, Sara Hejazi. Essays on the social situation of mental patients and other inmates. Essays on theory, film and fiction. Indiana University Press, Extracting Keyphrases from Texts with KD. Robert Musil and the Soldaten-Zeitung Robert Musil, one of the most important authors of the twentieth-century German literature, fought in the Austrian army at the Italian front. During the First World War, between and , Musil was chief editor of the Tiroler Soldaten-Zeitung in Bozen and later of the Viennese journal Heimat, where he probably authored numerous articles.
We suggest that applying methods of formal authorship attribution helps solve both issues. In , the publishing was entrusted to the Bozen-based Heeresgruppekommando Erzherzog Eugen, to which lieutenant Musil was assigned during the same year. At the beginning of October, Musil became the chief editor of the newspaper. Due to the repositioning of the commands and technical problems, the magazine publication ended in April Subsequently, Musil moved to Vienna, where he collaborated with the war journal Heimat from March to October All the 43 numbers of Soldaten-Zeitung published with the collaboration of Musil are still extant, while only 17 issues from the 34 numbers of Heimat survived.
Both in the case of the Soldaten-Zeitung and in the case of Heimat, all the articles were published anonymously. Musil scholars have never been able to define with certainty the number of texts written by the author. In Musil studies, between and , at least 40 articles were attributed to the author. However, the surprising aspect of these attributions is the lack of evidence for their assumptions. Subsequent studies, such as the one by Arntzen , refer to Roth without highlighting her gaps in the argumentation.
For our means, analysis of the individual texts thus poses a challenge. First, it will work only on the assumption that at least 8 articles were actually written by Musil but we lack any sufficient proof to sustain this assumption. Second, it will imply the adoption of a complex combinatory design: A strongly demanding computational task even for the most powerful machines: However, the complexity of this design can be reduced by introducing some careful simplifications. As shown by Figure 1, some texts fall deeply below the 1, word- mean with a minimum of 47 words. Consequently, these texts may be preliminarily cut off from the experiment—because they are less probably attributable and because they sharply decrease the length of the text combinations.
As demonstrated below, we have decided that a reasonable limit can be fixed to words, thus cutting off 9 texts from the experiment. The combinatory design could be repeated on this simplified corpus composed by a total of 28 texts reducing the number of combined texts to 6. However, also this design could be highly demanding in computational terms: In order to further reduce this complexity, an effective expedient can be the addition of some already attributed articles to the text chunks. The number of iterations will sharply decrease to 3, However, the biggest issue with these project designs will be the interpretability of the results.
The articles published by Musil in various journals between and , available in digital format through the Klagenfurter Ausgabe Amann et al. The first one will be tested in this paper: However, methodological research advises against the application of only one approach. As noted by Juola , only the combination of different stylometric methods can provide probabilistically significant results. By consequence, the approach developed here may simply be the first stage of a multilayered authentication chain.
The training set has been composed by articles published by Musil between and In order to test the combinatory design 2 , a number of test sets were composed by manually combining different disputed articles written by Musil. However, their precise individuation—or, more properly, the definition of their probability—will be possible only after comparing the results of , iterations which will provide 80, different results for each text.
A similar testing for design 3 hardly shows any text chunk placing itself outside of the Musil cluster. Evidently, the presence of 2, words actually written by Musil inside the test set, acts as a dominant attractor towards the Musil cluster. However, further investigation reveals how an improvement of the training set actually provides some statistically significant results.
This even holds when adopting the simplified combinatory design 3. The fact that the threshold length is around 1, words is also a promising result, because this corresponds with the average length of the disputed Musil articles. However, once again, these results cannot be generalized and a more systematic research on this type of artificial test set is advisable. This approach may eventually help tackling the biggest doubt that overshadows the project: Therefore, next to expanding the research to a more comprehensive corpus comprising all issues of Soldaten-Zeitung and Heimat , our goal is to identify all—or at least the biggest part of— previously mistaken attributions.
In relation to stylometry in general, this research has shown how the limit of 5, words, while necessary in itself for the construction of an effective project design, is not at all an insurmountable boundary. Especially when the researcher, instead of looking for positive scores or strong attributions, starts looking for negative scores and structural anomalies: Robert Musil, Klagenfurter Ausgabe.
University of Nebraska, — Authorship attribution, small samples, big problem. Fontanari, Alessandro, and Massimo Libardi, eds. University of Oulu, — Koppel, Moshe, and Yaron Winter. Der Dichter im Dienst des Generals. Robert Musils Propagandaschriften im ersten Weltkrieg.
Distant reading of literary journals has allowed numerous scholars to draw interesting conclusions about the forms, shapes, currents and dynamics of literary life cf. Bode , Long and So , Goldstone and Underwood In the present study we combine two approaches — co-citation network analysis and topic modelling — in order to give a nuanced view of a Polish literary-studies bimonthly Teksty Drugie [Second Texts]. The first part is dedicated to the co-citation analysis based on metadata extracted from texts published between and 28, bibliographical records and 10, unique authors.
It enabled the detection of 15 meaningful groups of authors interconnected by references they use. A subsequent part employs topic modelling to analyse full-text articles 11,3 million words published between and , which revealed thematic patterns pertinent to the journal, which are first discussed as an interconnected network and subsequently analysed in a diachronic perspective. It shows tight links between the humanities scholarship and questions pertinent to the society.
Such an approach allows for the multifaceted bird-eye view on the processes of literary scholarship. Macroanalysis and Literary Scholarship The availability of digitised full-text resources as well as bibliographical data in standard database format, opened, quite recently, a new chapter in sociology of literature, especially by revaluating empirical approaches and data-driven scholarship. This approach gathered its momentum as other works exploring applicability of distant reading emerged. Due to the shortage of space we will name just a few that have most influence on this paper, dividing them, arbitrarily, into three research strands.
Firstly, the use of bibliographical data for statistical inferences on literary processes, e. Secondly, the study of author co-occurrences and mutual references, e. Thirdly, application of topic modelling to uncover pertinent issues in literary scholarship, e. Goldstone and Underwood analyses of the evolution of American literary scholarship on the example of PMLA and seven major literary journals In combining those approaches into a macroanalytical study of Teksty Drugie we also adopted the rationale introduced by the internet edition marking the 40th anniversary of Signs, literary journal dedicated to feminist criticism1.
Material Teksty Drugie is a Polish scholarly journal dedicated to literary scholarship. It focuses on literary theory, criticism and cultural studies, while also publishing articles by authors from the neighbouring disciplines philosophy, sociology, anthropology. The journal publishes monographic issues, dedicated to particular topics or approaches within literary and cultural studies. All those features make it a good example for exploring the vicissitudes of Polish literary scholarship. Bibliographic material consists of 28, references in texts, published between and It should be noted that each reference to a particular article or book appears only once in metadata, no matter how many times this work was cited by the author.
In order to increase comparability of the data, only names of the authors or editors in case of collected volumes were used. Overall there were 10, unique authors. More than two thirds of them The textual corpus consists of the entire collection of papers published in Teksty Drugie excluding letters, surveys, notes, etc.
The material covering the years — was digitised, OCR-ed, and then manually edited, in order to exclude running heads, editorial comments, and so forth. Obviously, some textual noise — e. The material from onwards was digitally-born, but even though a small number of textual issues might have occurred. We believe, however, that distant reading techniques are resistant to small amounts of systematic noise Eder, Given the nature of Polish, which is highly inflected, lemmatization was necessary for a reliable processing of texts.
The corpus has been lemmatised with LEM 1. Piasecki, Walkowiak, Maryl, under review 2. Dynamic visualisation, supporting the interpretive process, was performed in Gephi Bastian et al. Louvain algorithm for computation Blondel et al. A bimodal network of the relations between topics were produced using, again, Gephi. Other parameters used in the study included: Subsequent trials showed that the best segmentation of the co-citation network is achieved with 27 groups among which 12 were too small for analysis.
Those groups were interpreted see. The graph is bidirectional authors referencing others may have also been referenced. Figure 1, Co-citation network of Teksty Drugie with respective clusters. Firstly, we analysed and categorised the topics on the basis of their predominant words. The categories are as follows: A thorough exploration of such models requires a topographical visualisation capable of showing the connections between various topics, which often share a key word cf.
Goldstone and Underwood, For instance, almost perfectly in the geometrical centre of the network we may find topics and words pertinent to literary scholarship: Relationships between topics in Teksty Drugie. Discussion In the discussion we will elaborate the details of both models and show how both methods may complement each other. Topic models help us understand why certain authors could be connected in the co-citation network. It could also allow us to check whether the dominance of a certain topic stems from the large number of scholars who pursue it, or rather, depends on the fact that a small group of authors has been publishing more often than others.
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment Recalibrating the Literary Field. Communications of the ACM, 55 4: Goldstone, Andrew and Ted Underwood. New Literary History, 45 3: Digital Methods and Literary History. University of llinois Press. Long, Hoyt and Richard So. Abstract Models for a Literary History. Paper submitted to DH So, Richard and Long, Hoyt Boundary 2, 40 2: Date le caratteristiche dei calcolatori elettronici, e in particolare l'aspetto computazionale Ausiello et al. Utilizzando un approccio interdisciplinare, che attinge a diversi settori, dalla critica testuale all'informatica teorica, passando per la biblioteconomia, questa relazione vuole concentrarsi sulla natura precipua delle edizioni elettroniche, analizzando da un diverso punto di vista aspetti fino ad ora considerati non rilevanti e accessori.
Come conseguenza i modelli sviluppati fino ad ora, come ad esempio il metodo Lachmann Timpanaro , o la teoria del copy-text di Bowers-Greg Greg , hanno la loro natura fondativa basata su criteri formali e nomotetici, basti pensare alla legge di maggioranza o alle differenze strutturali tra accidentals e substantials. Passando a un livello pragmatico, in un saggio di bibliografia testuale, Neil Harris cita una definizione di W.
Riferimenti Bibliografici Ausiello, G. Thinking about the digital humanities. The Beauty of Code, the Code of Beauty. Why the Humanities Need Numbers to Survive". Aspen Ideas Festival Fondamenti di critica testuale. The Rationale of Copy-Text. Studies in Bibliography 3 1: A Critique of Modern Textual Criticism. University of Virginia Press. Literature after the World Wide Web. Or do electronic scholarly editions have a mercurial attitude?
International seminar of Digital Philology, Edinburgh, Informatica e critica dei testi. Manuale di linguistica e filologia romanza, Manuali. TEI Consortium a cura di. Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange. La genesi del metodo del Lachmann, Firenze: Communications of the ACM 49 3: Imagining how emerging technologies could first be tried on humanities problems and then scaled up to infrastructure for others to use has been one of the defining features of the field.
The project lasted 34 years and at its peak involved as staff of 71 persons all housed in large ex-textile factory in Gallarate. For their time they were dealing with big data, really big data. If we want to understand what is involved in scaling up to big infrastructure we should look back to the beginnings of the field and the emergence of big projects like the IT.
How can we study projects as bearers of ideas? Historiography of Projects If one believes, as we do, that projects are a form of distributed cognition that create meaning, we should then ask how they work at generating and bearing meaning. Despite a lot of attention being paid to how to manage projects, there is little about how digital projects can be studied as bearers of meaning.
The IT project has the advantage of being extremely well documented, and can therefore serve as a case study right at the threshold between traditional concording projects and digital humanities projects. The Archives cover a time span of around 60 years from the beginning of the s until and contain different kinds of materials, which can be summarized as follows: The image is contained in the Busa Archives, held in the library of the same university.
For further information, or to request permission for reuse, please contact Marco Passarotti, at marco. Largo Gemelli 1, Milan, Italy. For information on the archives contact the archivist Paolo Senna at paolo. Following a specific request by Busa, the Archives still retain their original organization in sections and related boxes arranged by Busa. The irony is that very few Italian scholars seem to avail themselves of the archive. The Index Thomisticus as Project The heart of this paper is an examination of some aspects of the IT project that can shed light on DH projects in general and how they have evolved.
We will first look at how Busa conceived of the project and how that conception evolved as he developed collaborations with others and the technology changed. Then we will look at the data entry, indexing and concording process to understand the very different role of scholars and data Busa ; Busa Unlike modern big data or distant reading practices, scholars and operators were intimately involved in curating the data. Today communications would be mostly over email and such email would not be archived.
The Legacy of Father Busa to Reconcile the Two Humanities In conclusion we will discuss the the legacy of Father Busa as it applies to simplistic ideas about big data analytics in the humanities. The project of the Index Thomisticus was started because Busa needed to find a way to deal with a large amount of textual data. This need was motivated by his rigorous approach to empirical evidence. Busa believed the greatest danger lay in considering Computational Linguistics and DH, too not as a discipline aimed at doing things better, but rather as a tool to do things faster.
He was not satisfied by computer generated quick KWICs pun intended. Materials in the Archives show an incredible attention to detail from page layout to fonts to language. He feared that the computational linguists as well as computing humanists of the third millennium would cease caring for the human data which should be their bread and butter and lose the humility to check each analysis, preferring instead to process huge masses of texts quickly and approximately without even reading a line.
Today, we see this fear of Father Busa coming true in opportunistic projects. Availability of data like social media data replaces the careful gathering, enrichment and curation of appropriate data. By contrast, Busa was convinced that striving to formalize language for computing represents an extraordinary method to get to a detailed knowledge of it. He argued that preparing textual data for computer analysis requires the scholar to dedicate more time and effort than that required for non-computer-aided research.
This is clear if we look at the detailed flowchart that Tasman prepared for the building of word concordances for the Index Thomisticus see Fig. Today many projects in the digital humanities and other fields are tempted by the big data at hand. This laziness alienates "the two Humanities" namely the "Digital" Humanities and "Traditional" Humanities. What would it mean to return to a rigorous, objective, ethical and, in a word, scientific approach to data? Primo saggio di indici di parole automaticamente composti e stampati da macchine IBM a schede perforate. Their Applications to Science and Industry.
New York, Reinhold Publishing: The Priest and the Punched Cards. A commercial security firm was pitching a bank to get a contract to use surveillance software and cyber attacks to delegitimize WikiLeaks! Tools and techniques that had previously been developed and used by government agencies for counterterrorism were now being deployed by the commercial sector to interfere rhetorically in the public sphere. And that is what this paper is about, the importance to the humanities of analytical tools and services of companies like Palantir.
Specifically in this paper we will: Palantir and Commercial Surveillance Fig. What is less well understood are the commercial tools that are being sold to intelligence services and other organizations including repressive regimes Hern What we do know comes from cases where surveillance companies have been hacked themselves like the Anonymous hack and the later hack of the Italian company Hacking Team Hern Reading the Surveillance Things The humanities have traditionally concerned themselves with the interpretation of human expression in its different forms. Software like Palantir can be thought of as a tool or as an instantiation of a hermeneutic.
In the second part of this paper we will argue that digital humanists are well positioned to critically read the traces of the tools being used to manage public discourse. We will discuss the approaches one can take, drawing on humanities traditions, to reading the tools as communicative frames. We will also discuss what we as digital humanists need to learn to study software and infrastructure critically. One thing we need to learn to do is to read the forms of information exchange common in business and security circles. This includes the sorts of commercial literature used to promote analytical tools, the forms of documentation shared, and above all PowerPoint decks, which have become a currency in intelligence circles.
None of these are really great literature; they are genres generally ignored in the humanities, but they are what we have as traces of surveillance. As modern-day paleographers we need to adapt our hermeneutical methods to these commercial genres. In this paper we will argue that these tools build representations of people and their stories.
We can consider tools like Palantir as story-telling tools and some of the documentation for Palantir treats them this way. We will argue that the digital humanities therefore has a responsibility to think through what and how they tell stories that affect us. When thinking about big data we can talk about reading communities. Reading makes meaning, but it does so in networked communities of readers. What do these tools say about their intended communities? Can we create new and critical communities for these tools?
Can we recover the role of interpretation or theory Anderson in the face of commercial interests? We believe it is doubtful that knowledge can exist without interpretation which is why we need to not only interpret big data, but also the tools of interpretation like Palantir.
Bibliographical References Anderson, C. Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy: The Many Faces of Anonymous. Il Problema Della Formalizzazione. Computer-Assisted Interpretation in the Humanities. The answer was not simple nor linear and directly involved the Digital Humanities DH from now on as a disciplinary and research field that was still poorly and controversially defined.
Thaller wondered how, providing certain conditions, DH could bring out the Humanities from the Indian reserve where they are now confined. In particular DH specialists should: A few months after the conference Serge Noiret wrote on Digital History one of my personal fields of research trying to clarify what actually characterizes this subject within the wider field of DH, and - within the Digital History itself - what is the specific task of the Digital Public History Noiret ; see also Robertson Digital History and Digital Public History are clearly seen as areas of research and not merely as new forms of communication of old disciplines.
Moreover he answered to items 2 and 3 too, essentially proposing a more accurate taxonomy of DH. I do not want to linger in this paper on the definition of DH as a whole nor of its components: Frustrating because, as many authors and research centers have declared, despite its now long history, the DH is still an emerging field, and as well as an open, multifaceted, ever-changing one; risky, because each taxonomy of knowledge unavoidably builds walls and fences that encase the knowledge itself in a series of sterile boxes.
It's more important to go beyond a possible but also difficult definition of DH and their several sub-disciplines, focusing our attention on items 2 and 3 of the Thaller list instead, namely on the need to have our own vision and on the importance to characterize DH in terms of the emerging changes of method in our daily research. In particular I will try to connect the concepts expressed by both scholars, looking on the one hand to the recent history of DH in Italy i. Some graduate programs born in the begiining of the new century had a more or less long life, partly as a result of the continued reforms of the university rules.
Currently the only full course of Informatica Umanistica Humanities Computing with BA and MA degree is in Pisa, but there are BA and MA degrees with different names in other Italian universities, such as Viterbo, Venice or Padua; there are alto several specialization courses after University, a sign that he feels a strong need for training in the sector, although the formalization of this bisdogno is hampered by grid reference standard Inside the course degree in Pisa I will focus very briefly on some projects.
A re-reading partly driven and partly spontaneous of the epigraphic messages left over time in a city. In the area of Digital Public History: Itinerari tra generazioni lungo i crinali della Val di Vara a complex project aimed at enhancing the cultural heritage of an Italian rural valley through the active participation of residents.
In the field of Digital Editions: By shortly describing these project I will not try to figure out what distinguishes them from each other, but, on the contrary, what characterizes all of them as Digital Culture projects and what they tell us about a possible vision of DH: This may seem trivial but it is not. They are digital because they might not otherwise exist.