Potere e Sottomissione: Una Fantasia Erotica BDSM (Italian Edition)
This, more than everything else, cements the love Terry and Phil have for each other. This is the second book in the series and cannot be read as a stand-alone. Feb 10, Xanthe rated it really liked it. I have to say I enjoyed this book slightly more than the first. I can't wait to see if friendship blossoms between Terry and Marco. I like how settled Terry is becoming in his acceptance of his submissive behaviour but also that Phil is accepting that he doesn't have to be perfect for their relationship to work or for Terry to love him.
Anson and Master Joe reappear and cause a ruckus, and we learn how they gained entry to Gerard's highly private and exclusive bdsm night at his own home. Phil continues to grow in his role, providing care but pushing Terry's limits when he can. It would be good if we get to meet Master Eric in the future, the man who taught Phil all he knew about himself and the world they're now part of.
This book is a great follow-up to book 1 and looking forward to the next. Recensione completa su Romanticamentefantasy.
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Sep 12, Francesca I. Ma quanto sono sensuali Phil e Terry?
Un rapporto in cui deve esserci molta fiducia. Bisogna solo sapere cosa si vuole e quali siano i propri limiti. Oct 28, morgan foster rated it it was amazing. Wow Love this series.
Intrus au Mariage: Une Fantaisie Erotique et Vengeresse (French Edition)
This story contains smoking hot sexy times, love, action, a little angst, and characters coming into themselves and their relationships. I also adored the beginning of the friendships building with Gerard and Marco and even Marty and hope that fr Wow Love this series. I also adored the beginning of the friendships building with Gerard and Marco and even Marty and hope that friendship and community build even more.
Feb 11, John-Torleif Harris rated it really liked it. So very hot I liked this installment much better than the first. Terry's submission to Phil is fun to read about and very hot. I like that things are always a work in progress between them, and that Terry isn't afraid to let Phil know when he needs to have his boundaries pushed.
It was also very much of a relief that one of my biggest concerns with the first book was addressed and resolved in this one. Jul 23, Pansy rated it really liked it Shelves: I look forward to the next play party. Not only was there the uber hot romance, but some suspenseful drama. Jun 26, Jessica rated it really liked it. Nov 04, Anthony rated it really liked it Shelves: The second book in the series, tells the story of Terry and Phils growing BDSM Dynamic relationship their bonding with other like-minded men.
Their trust and love.
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Again the book is so well written. And shows that a BDSM relationship can have love in it. The BDSM scenes are well written and realistic, you see the trust between them in every scene they play. I can not wait to read upcoming books in the series and see where life takes the characters. Oct 14, Zane Kage rated it really liked it Shelves: Was definitely fanning myself. And these two are as sweet as they are sexy.
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Can't wait to read more!!!! Oct 15, Inca rated it it was amazing Shelves: Hot hot and hot.
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Chris Lange rated it it was amazing Jan 31, Emily rated it really liked it Feb 10, Arielle rated it liked it Jul 21, Tessi4M rated it really liked it Dec 26, Marianne Wentworth-Walker rated it it was amazing Nov 15, Beth Wynne rated it really liked it Sep 11, Shannon Vess rated it it was amazing Jun 21, Angie rated it it was amazing Apr 15, MJ rated it it was ok May 16, Steph rated it liked it Nov 26, Elizabeth rated it it was amazing Apr 01, Vicki Easom Johnson rated it it was amazing Jan 23, Michaela rated it it was amazing Aug 01, Kindle Cloud Reader Read instantly in your browser.
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