Poetic Shades of Life: The Final Scripts
I am but a mannequin, pale and still. Mannequin by night and by day, Pale in skin, in mind, in mild And repetitious life, baffled, Still, by insatiable mankind. I wake up screaming in the morning nigh, Left to battle with my wild sanity. My thoughts, intents, and morals feel corrupt, Lurid senses seep into my heart and Dreams, but I find myself consternating: I left my lurid dreams, and they still haunt me.
Slowly Time winds down, decides to breathe and To listen. Your heart has yearned for all of this Quiet peace, to connect with your Soul so as to be set free, to Sing just a little harmony. Have you heard of the form and would you classify it by itself or include it with either elegies or epitaphs? Many new forms to tackle, mayhap master. I wonder, though, if you might list the form that won your Create-a-form contest about two years ago.
Granted, I was the winner and my comment might be motivated by ego, but not entirely. You hosted and promoted the contest and then chose a winner from many entries. I think including the anapeat would be a feather for both our caps. I always love, and often depend on, your form lists, Robert. As before, marking this one for later reference. I am a relative latecomer to this blog; many of the forms listed were covered well before I learned of this site. Thanks for posting this list and its links; I appreciate it, as I love to play with forms. I regard this site as a learning experience, and this post is a good example of that.
This site is a learning experience, and a pleasant one at that! Thanks for posting this list, Robert. Great list for reference, Robert. Seeing the sijo listed reminded me: I want you to learn, before you go further, that they had no sin, yet, though they have worth, it is not sufficient, because they were not baptised, and baptism is the gateway to the faith that you believe in. Since they lived before Christianity, they did not worship God correctly, and I myself am one of them.
For this defect, and for no other fault, we are lost, and we are only tormented, in that without hope we live in desire. When I heard this, great sadness gripped my heart, because I knew of people of great value, who must be suspended in that Limbo. Wishing to be certain in that faith that overcomes every error, I began: And he, understanding my veiled question, replied: He took from us the shade of Adam , our first parent, of his son Abel , and that of Noah , of Moses the lawgiver, and Abraham , the obedient Patriarch, King David , Jacob with his father Isaac, and his children, and Rachel , for whom he laboured so long, and many others, and made them blessed, and I wish you to know that no human souls were saved before these.
We did not cease moving, though he was speaking, but passed the wood meanwhile, the wood, I say, of crowded spirits. We had not gone far from where I slept, when I saw a flame that overcame a hemisphere of shadows. We were still some way from it, but not so far that I failed to discern in part what noble people occupied that place. After the voice had paused, and was quiet, I saw four great shadows come towards us, with faces that were neither sad nor happy.
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The good Master began to speak: Ovid is the third, and last is Lucan. Because each is worthy, with me, of that name the one voice sounded, they do me honour, and, in doing so, do good. So I saw gathered together the noble school, of the lord of highest song, who soars, like an eagle, above the rest. After they had talked for a while amongst themselves, they turned towards me with a sign of greeting, at which my Master smiled. And they honoured me further still, since they made me one of their company, so that I made a sixth among the wise.
So we went onwards to the light, speaking of things about which it is best to be silent, just as it was best to speak of them, where I was. We came to the base of a noble castle; surrounded seven times by a high wall; defended by a beautiful, encircling, stream.
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This we crossed as if it were solid earth: I entered through seven gates, with the wise: The people there were of great authority in appearance, with calm, and serious looks, speaking seldom, and then with soft voices. We moved to one side, into an open space, bright and high, so that every one, of them all, could be seen. There, on the green enamel, the great spirits were pointed out to me, directly, so that I feel exalted, inside me, at having seen them.
I saw Electra with many others, amongst whom I knew Hector , Aeneas and Caesar , armed, with his eagle eye. When I lifted my eyes a little higher, I saw the Master of those who know, Aristotle , sitting amongst the company of philosophers. All gaze at him: There I saw Socrates , and Plato , who stand nearest to him of all of them; Democritus , who ascribes the world to chance, Diogenes , Anaxagoras , and Thales ; Empedocles , Heraclitus , and Zeno ; and I saw the good collector of the qualities of plants, I mean Dioscorides: I cannot speak of them all in full, because the great theme drives me on, so that the word falls, many times, short of the fact.
The six companions reduce to two: So I descended from the first circle to the second, that encloses a smaller space, and so much more pain it provokes howling. There Minos stands, grinning horribly, examines the crimes on entrance, judges, and sends the guilty down as far as is signified by his coils: I mean that when the evil-born spirit comes before him, it confesses everything, and that knower of sins decides the proper place in hell for it, and makes as many coils with his tail, as the circles he will force it to descend.
A multitude always stand before him, and go in turn to be judged, speak and hear, and then are whirled downwards. When Minos saw me, passing by the actions of his great office, he said: Do not obstruct his destined journey: I came to a place devoid of light, that moans like a tempestuous sea, when it is buffeted by warring winds. The hellish storm that never ceases drives the spirits with its force, and, whirling and striking, it molests them. When they come to the ruins there are shouts, moaning and crying, where they blaspheme against divine power.
I learnt that the carnal sinners are condemned to these torments, they who subject their reason to their lust. And, as their wings carry the starlings, in a vast, crowded flock, in the cold season, so that wind carries the wicked spirits, and leads them here and there, and up and down. No hope of rest, or even lesser torment, comforts them. And as the cranes go, making their sounds, forming a long flight, of themselves, in the air, so I saw the shadows come, moaning, carried by that war of winds, at which I said: She is Semiramis , of whom we read, that she succeeded Ninus , and was his wife: See Helen , for whom, so long, the mills of war revolved: See Paris ; Tristan ; and he pointed out more than a thousand shadows with his finger, naming, for me, those whom love had severed from life.
After I had heard my teacher name the ancient knights and ladies, pity overcame me, and I was as if dazed. As soon as the wind brought them to us, I raised my voice: While the wind, as now, is silent, we will hear you and speak to you, of what you are pleased to listen to and talk of. The place where I was born is by the shore, where the River Po runs down to rest at peace, with his attendant streams. Love, that is quickly caught in the gentle heart, filled him with my fair form, now lost to me, and the nature of that love still afflicts me.
Love, that allows no loved one to be excused from loving, seized me so fiercely with desire for him, it still will not leave me, as you can see. Love led us to one death. These words carried to us, from them.
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After I had heard those troubled spirits, I bowed my head, and kept it bowed, until the poet said: Then I turned to them again, and I spoke, and said: But tell me, in that time of sweet sighs, how did love allow you to know these dubious desires? And she to me: But if you have so great a yearning to understand the first root of our love, I will be like one who weeps and tells.
We read, one day, to our delight, of Lancelot and how love constrained him: Often those words urged our eyes to meet, and coloured our cheeks, but it was a single moment that undid us. When we read how that lover kissed the beloved smile, he who will never be separated from me, kissed my mouth all trembling. That book was a Galeotto , a pandar , and he who wrote it: While the one spirit spoke, the other wept, so that I fainted out of pity, and, as if I were dying, fell, as a dead body falls.
When my senses return, that closed themselves off from pity of those two kindred, who stunned me with complete sadness, I see around me new torments, and new tormented souls, wherever I move, or turn, and wherever I gaze. I am in the third circle, of eternal, accursed, cold and heavy rain: Large hail, tainted water, and sleet, pour down through the shadowy air: Cerberus , the fierce and strange monster, triple-throated, barks dog-like over the people submerged in it.
His eyes are crimson, his beard is foul and black, his belly vast, and his limbs are clawed: The rain makes them howl like dogs: When Cerberus, the great worm, saw us, he opened his jaws, and showed his fangs: My guide, stretching out his hands, grasped earth, and hurled it in fistfuls into his ravening mouth. We passed over the shades, that the heavy rain subdues, and placed our feet on each empty space that seems a body. They were all lying on the ground but one, who sat up straight away when he saw us cross in front of him: He said to me: But tell me who you are, that are lodged so sadly, and undergo such punishment, that though there are others greater, none is so unpleasant.
You, the citizens, called me Ciacco: Within three years, then, it must happen, that the Blacks will conquer, with the help of him, who now veers about. That party will hold its head high for a long time, weighing the Whites down, under heavy oppression, however they weep and however ashamed they are.
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Two men are just, but are not listened to. Pride, Envy and Avarice are the three burning coals that have set all hearts on fire. Here he ended the mournful prophecy, and I said to him: I want you to instruct me still, and grant me a little more speech. Tell me where Farinata and Tegghiaio are, who were worthy enough, and Jacopo Rusticucci , Arrigo , Mosca , and the rest who set their minds to doing good: But when you are, again, in the sweet world, I beg you to recall me to other minds: I tell you no more, and more I will not answer.
And my guide said to me: Of this I asked: Though these accursed ones will never achieve true perfection, they will be nearer to it after, than before.
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We circled along that road, speaking of much more than I repeat: Devour yourself inside, in your rage. Our journey to the depths is not without reason: Like a sail, bellying in the wind, that falls, in a heap, if the mast breaks, so that cruel creature fell to earth. In that way we descended into the fourth circle, taking in a greater width of the dismal bank, that encloses every evil of the universe.
Who can tell the many new pains and troubles, that I saw, and why our guilt so destroys us? As the wave, over Charybdis , strikes against the wave it counters, so the people here are made to dance.
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I found more people here than elsewhere, on the one side and on the other, rolling weights by pushing with their chests, with loud howling. They struck against each other, and then each wheeled around where they were, rolling the reverse way, shouting: So they returned along the gloomy circle, from either side to the opposite point, shouting again their measure of reproach.
Then each one, when he had reached it, wheeled through his half circle onto the other track.

And I, who felt as if my heart were pierced, said: Their voices bark this out most clearly when they come to the two ends of the circle, where opposing sins divide them. These were priests, that are without hair on their heads, and Popes and Cardinals, in whom avarice does its worst. They will go butting each other to eternity: Useless giving, and useless keeping, has robbed them of the bright world, and set them to this struggle: But you, my son, can see now the vain mockery of the wealth controlled by Fortune, for which the human race fight with each other, since all the gold under the moon, that ever was, could not give peace to one of these weary souls.
I said to him: I want you, now, to hear my judgement of her.
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He whose wisdom transcends all things, made the heavens, and gave them ruling powers, so that each part illuminates the others, distributing the light equally. Similarly he put in place a controller, and a guide, for earthly splendour, to alter, from time to time, idle possession, between nation and nation, and from kin to kin, beyond the schemes of human reason. So one people commands: Your wisdom cannot comprehend her: Her permutations never end: Still, she is in bliss, and does not hear: Now let us descend to greater misery: We crossed the circle to the other bank, near a spring, that boils and pours down, through a gap that it has made.
The water was darker than a dark blue-grey, and we entered the descent by a strange path, in company with the dusky waves.