Medea - Ein Vergleich der Werke von Euripides und Christa Wolf (German Edition)
Reviewed by Francesca Romana Berno. Supplemento alla Rivista di Studi Fenici 34 Reviewed by Chiara Peri. Marjorie Garber, Nancy J. Vickers, The Medusa Reader. Reviewed by Kirk Ormand. Letteratura e politica nell'Israele antico. Giovanni Garbugino, La storia di Apollonio re di Tiro. Studi e ricerche Reviewed by Marcos Carmignani. Edition, Translation, and Commentary. Reviewed by Anthony Corbeill.
Classical and Byzantine Monographs, Reviewed by Esther Paglialunga. The reception of antiquity in performing and visual arts. Reviewed by Claudio Franzoni. Reviewed by Arthur J. Alunni, maestri e scuole a Pompei. L'infanzia, la giovinezza e la cultura in epoca romana. Reviewed by Elisabetta Cova. Reviewed by Eric M. Reviewed by John Henderson. Antiquity in the Visual and Performing Arts. Reviewed by Genevieve S.
Routledge studies in ancient history, 9. Reviewed by Benedict Lowe. Quiroga Puertas, Praising the Otherness. Linguistic and Cultural Alterity in the Roman Empire: Proceedings of the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, 45 Reviewed by Alan J. Reviewed by Javier Arce. Gardiner, Virtue Ethics Old and New. Reviewed by Brad Inwood. Gardner Coates, Victoria C.: Gardner Coates, Kenneth D.
Seydl, The Last Days of Pompeii. Reviewed by Nathanael Andrade. Gregg Gardner, Kevin L. Osterloh, Antiquity in Antiquity: Texte und Studien zum antiken Judentum, Reviewed by Sabrina Inowlocki-Meister. Reviewed by Danielle Steen Fatkin. Dakhleh Oasis project Monograph Reviewed by Malcolm Choat. James Gardner, Marco Girolamo Vida. The I Tatti Renaissance Library; Being a Roman Citizen. Reviewed by John Bendix. Family and Familia in Roman Law and Life. Reviewed by Marilyn B. Dancing at the Dawn of Agriculture. Reviewed by Peter Magee. Scrittori greci e latini. Reviewed by Brad L.
Talbert, The Romans from Village to Empire. Reviewed by Debra L. The Shape of the Roman Order: The Republic and its Spaces. Studies in the History of Greece and Rome. Reviewed by Sumi, Geoffrey S.. Reviewed by Vanessa B. The Greek Way of Life: From Conception to Old Age. Reviewed by Hamilton, Richard. The Politics of Athenian Religion. Reviewed by Richard Hamilton. From Media Tarts to Tabloid Queens. Reviewed by Amber Scaife. Daily Life of the Ancient Greeks Paperback edition, first published Daily Life Through History. Reviewed by Nicola Cusumano. Reviewed by Fred K. The Eye of the Beholder: Deformity and Disability in the Graeco-Roman World.
Second edition first published Reviewed by Kristi Upson-Saia. Reviewed by Denise Demetriou. Witness to ancient history. Reviewed by Sarah A. Reviewed by Green, Tamara M.. Deformity and Disability in the Greco-Roman World. Reviewed by Robert J. The Cult of the Matronae in the Roman Rhineland: An Historical Evaluation of the Archaeological Evidence. Reviewed by Timothy M. The Emerging Good in Plato's Philebus.
Reviewed by Michael Korngut. From Homer to Tragedy: The Art of Illusion in Greek Poetry. Reviewed by Halleran, Michael R.. Reviewed by James C. Reviewed by Andrew S. Anthony Bowen, Peter Garnsey, Lactantius: Translated Texts for Historians, Reviewed by Mark Gustafson.
From Antiquity to the Age of Revolution. Reviewed by Alex Gottesman. Rivista di filologia dei testi medici antichi 1 - Reviewed by Antoine Pietrobelli. Biblioteca di "Galenos" 2. Reviewed by Anna Toscano. Dario Garribba, Annalisa Guida, Giovanni e il giudaismo: Reviewed by Francesco Montone. Garrison, Porphyry, The Homeric Questions: Reviewed by William J. Reviewed by Elizabeth Block. Reviewed by Salvador Bartera. Sitemap
Fourth edition first edition published Oklahoma series in classical culture, 5. Reviewed by Maxine Lewis. Reviewed by McClure, Laura. A Defense of Rhetoric and Judgment. Reviewed by Bruce Krajewski. Roche, Writing Politics in Imperial Rome. Gartland, Boiotia in the Fourth Century B. Reviewed by Trevor Van Damme. Untersuchungen zur Gestaltung und zum historischen Stoff der Johannis Coripps. Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte, Bd. Reviewed by Boris Dunsch. Reviewed by Christian Mann. Reviewed by Kathryn Gutzwiller.
For The Sake of Argument: Practical Reasoning, Character and the Ethics of Belief. Reviewed by Lawrence J. Living Well and Living Together. Reviewed by David Roochnik. Reviewed by David Rosenbloom. The Plays of Sophocles.
Reviewed by Seth L. Reviewed by Pierre Briant. Linguarum varietas, 5 Reviewed by James Clackson. Un Codex Fiscal Hermopolite P. Reviewed by John Whitehorne. Reviewed by Maria Luisa Napolitano. Reviewed by Yves Lafond. Bouke van der Meer. Smith and Marina Tarlinskaja. Fabio Gasti, Marino Neri, Agostino a scuola: Atti della Giornata di studio Pavia 13 novembre Testi e studi di cultura classica Reviewed by Vincent Hunink. Fabio Gasti, Il Romanzo latino: Reviewed by Luca Grillo. Reviewed by Karin Schlapbach. Profilo storico della letteratura tardolatina.
Didattica e formazione; Letteratura latina, 3. Reviewed by Roberto Chiappiniello. Fabio Gasti, Fabrizio Bordone, Eutropio: Grandi classici greci latini. Reviewed by Raphael Brendel. Reviewed by Francesco Lubian. Reviewed by Christian Zgoll. Landucci Gattinoni, Contro le 'leggi immutabili'. Gli Spartani fra tradizione e innovazione. Contributi di Storia Antica 2. Maurizio Gatto, Il Peri mechanematon di Ateneo meccanico.
Edizione critica, traduzione, commento e note. Reviewed by Serafina Cuomo. Bibliothek der griechischen Literatur, Bd Murder Was Not a Crime: Homicide and Power in the Roman Republic. Reviewed by Jack Lennon. Reviewed by Alexander Riehle. Reviewed by Florence Limburg. Reviewed by Andrea Schuetze. Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Great Britain, fascicule With the collaboration of Thomas Mannack.
Reviewed by Mary B. Reviewed by Caroline Petit. Volume I of 2 volume set. Volume II of 2 volume set. Reviewed by Hans-Ulrich Wiemer. Wright, Our Cups Are Full: Pottery and Society in the Aegean Bronze Age. Papers Presented to Jeremy B. Rutter on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Reviewed by Judit Haas-Lebegyev. Overview of the Investigations. Reviewed by Philippe Charlier. A Colloquium on the Prehistory of the Cyclades. Reviewed by Athena Hadji. Simplicius, lecteur du Sophiste. Reviewed by John Dillon. Karlin, Corpus Inscriptionum Regni Bosporani: Reviewed by Eleanor Dickey.
Reviewed by Hugh Bowden. The Ancient Art of Emulation: Reviewed by Mary-Anne Zagdoun. Oxford handbooks in archaeology. Reviewed by Sheila Dillon. Clarke, Leisure and Luxury in the Age of Nero: The Villas of Oplontis near Pompeii. Kelsey Museum publication, Reviewed by Guy P. Trends in Classics - Supplementary volumes, Reviewed by Lee E. Reviewed by Olivier Hekster. The Athenian Agora Reviewed by Nicolas Kyriakidis. Gregory, Bridge of the Untiring Sea: Reviewed by David Michael Smith.
Imperiale Politik und provinziale Entwicklung. Reviewed by Clifford Ando. Rechtssprache und Recht in der augusteischen Dichtung. Beitrage zu seiner Erforschung. Clavis Commentariorum Antiquitatis et Medii Aevi, 2. Reviewed by Mieczyslaw Mejor. Clavis Commentatoriorum Antiquitatis et Medii Aevi 2. Reviewed by Janneke de Jong. Reihe B, Studien und Perspektiven, Bd Reviewed by Benjamin Anderson. Spinning Time in Ancient Greece.
Reviewed by Brendan Burke. Geschichte als Element antiker Kultur: The First Hall of Fame: A Study of the Statues in the Forum Augustum. Reviewed by Domitilla Campanile. Hellenism in the East: Studies on Greek Intellectuals in Palestine. Reviewed by Bruno Rochette. Reviewed by William E.
Domitius Corbulo und Ser. Die Antike und ihr Weiterleben, Bd. Reviewed by Paul Edmund Stanwick. Storytelling in Late Antique Epic. Amsterdam studies in classical philology, Reviewed by Emma Greensmith. Runia, Philo of Alexandria: Introduction, Translation and Commentary. Philo of Alexandria commentary series, 4. Reviewed by Yakir Paz. Science, Technology, and Medicine in Ancient Cultures, 2. Reviewed by Gioele Zisa.
Reviewed by Timo Stickler. Der Politiker und Staatsmann Neudruck der Ausgabe von Reviewed by Richard Westall. Reviewed by Andrew R. Reflections, Social Contexts and Genres. Reviewed by Nathan Carlig. Kritische Studien zur Philologiegeschichte. Reviewed by Han Baltussen. Reviewed by Luca Fezzi. Sciences historiques et philologiques - III. I santuari rurali nella Calabria greca. Reviewed by Ingrid E. From Homer to the Fifth Century. Bruno Gentili, Franca Perusino, La colometria antica dei testi poetici greci. Bruno Gentili, Franca Perusino, Medea nella letteratura e nell'arte.

Reviewed by James J. Bruno Gentili, Liana Lomiento, Metrica e ritmica: Reviewed by Joel B. Con la collaborazione di Salvatore Monda. Reviewed by Antonis K. Bruno Gentili, Carmine Catenacci, Polinnia. Reviewed by Lucia Athanassaki. Christian Kopff of edition. Studi di metrica classica Reviewed by Andrea Tessier. Quaderni urbinati di cultura classica, Nuova serie 99, N. Reviewed by Tosca Lynch. Atti del Convegno della S. Reviewed by Adolfo J. Jyl Gentzler, Method in Ancient Philosophy. Muckensturm-Poulle, Traduire les scholies de Pindare De la traduction au commentaire: Reviewed by Gregor Bitto.
Reviewed by Catalin Pavel. Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des Altertums, 1. Greek, Past and Present. Reviewed by Panagiotis Filos. Reviewed by Gerald Cadogan. The Babylonian Gilgamesh Epic: Introduction, Critical Edition and Cuneiform Texts, 2 vols. Reviewed by Eleanor Robson. Expressions of Agency in Ancient Greek. Reviewed by Jonas S. Expressions of Time in Ancient Greek.
Reviewed by Simon Oswald. A Latin Poet in Merovingian Gaul. Reviewed by William Klingshirn. Reviewed by Betty Rose Nagle. Legende - Lehre - Lebensgestaltung. Reviewed by Peter Lautner. Rome, Italy, and Beyond. Reviewed by Aglaia McClintock. Phoenix supplementary volumes, Reviewed by Jean Christian Dumont. Barbarian Asia and the Greek Experience. Reviewed by Antony G. Liverpool Interdisciplinary Symposium in Antiquity South-Eastern Bulgaria during the 2nd -1st millennium B.
Reviewed by Petya Ilieva. Giorgos Georgiou, Jennifer M. Webb, David Frankel, Psematismenos-Trelloukkas: Reviewed by Thomas Kiely. Reviewed by Sergio Knipe. Religions in the Graeco-Roman world, Reviewed by Giulia Sfameni Gasparro. Reviewed by Andrew L. Style, Genre and Literary Technique. Reviewed by Jane Heath. Douglas Gerber, Greek Elegiac Poetry.
Reviewed by Emily Katz Anhalt. A Commentary on Pindar, Olympian Nine. Reviewed by Shirley Darcus Sullivan. The Tomb of Agamemnon. Reviewed by James P. Knossos and the Prophets of Modernism. Reviewed by Nicoletta Momigliano. Domitian, dominus et deus? Der Tod des Peregrinos. Reviewed by Pieter W. Nonnos de Panopolis, Les Dionysiaques. Reviewed by Gianfranco Agosti.
Art and Artifice in Terence's 'Eunuch'. Bad Women, Mad Women: Reviewed by Chiara Thumiger. More Neoplatonism after Derrida. Ancient Mediterranean and Medieval Texts and Contexts. Studies in Platonism, Neoplatonism, and the Platonic tradition, Reviewed by Dylan Burns. Stephen Gersh, Interpreting Proclus: From Antiquity to the Renaissance.
Gerson, The Epicurus Reader: Selected Writings and Testimonia. Reviewed by Pamela Gordon. A Study in Plato. Reviewed by Lee Trepanier. Aristotle and Other Platonists. Reviewed by Dirk Baltzly. Key Themes in Ancient Philosophy. Reviewed by Colin Guthrie King. The 'Enneads' of Plotinus with Philosophical Commentaries. Reviewed by Gerard O'Daly. From Plato to Platonism. Reviewed by Jens Halfwassen. The Past from Above: Aerial Photographs of Archaeological Sites. Reviewed by Paul Christesen. Towards an Ecohistory of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.
Translation with an Introduction and Commentary. The Enneads of Plotinus with philosophical commentaries ii. Reviewed by Sui Han. Gertz, Sebastian Ramon Philipp: Death and Immortality in Late Neoplatonism: Studies on the Ancient Commentaries on Plato's Phaedo. Ancient mediterranean and medieval texts and contexts. Reviewed by Sarah Klitenic Wear.
Gervais, Brill's Companion to Statius. Brill's companions in classical studies. Reviewed by Andrew M. Edited with an Introduction, Translation, and Commentary. Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes. Reviewed by John Moorhead. Reviewed by Scott G. Specialist Reports and Analyses.
Reviewed by Florence Gaignerot-Driessen. Nikias und das Volk von Athen im Archidamischen Krieg. Reviewed by Edith Foster. Masterpieces of the J. Reviewed by David W. Personal Styles in Early Cycladic Sculpture. Reviewed by David Gill. Wisconsin Studies in Classics. Studien zur hellenistischen Kultur- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Reviewed by Markus Asper. Antike Kultur und Geschichte, Bd Reviewed by Brian Turner. Public Goods, Private Goods. Reviewed by James Warren.
Science and technology for cultural heritage, 2. Reviewed by Vincent Jolivet.
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Le risorsse telematiche e informatiche nello studio della storia antica. Reviewed by Anne Mahoney. Atene, Sicilia, Magna Grecia. Reviewed by Randall Souza. I canti del teatro greco 3. Reviewed by Paraskevi Martzavou. Testi e studi; Reviewed by Marco Ercoles. Carteggi di filologi, Plato's Theaetetus as a Second Apology. Denkschriften der philosophisch-historischen Klasse, Bd. Maria Elisabetta Giannuzzi, Stratone di Sardi: Performing and Theorising Dance in Ancient Greece.
Biblioteca di Quaderni urbinati di cultura classica, Edizione critica e traduzione. Giancarlo Giardina, Lucio Anneo Seneca. Testi e commenti, Reviewed by Christopher Trinacty. Giancarlo Giardina, Lucio Anneo Seneca: Testi e commenti Reviewed by Carrie Mowbray. Reviewed by Donncha O'Rourke. Giuseppe Giarrizzo, Stefania Pafumi, Oggetti, uomini, idee. Percorsi multidisciplinari per la storia del collezionismo, Atti della tavola rotonda, Catania, 4 dicembre Interlocutore di se stesso: Angelo Giavatto, Federico Santangelo, La retorica e la scienza dell'antico: Rezeption der Antike, Bd 2.
Reviewed by Christopher Smith. The Moral Psychology of Clement of Alexandria: Studies in philosophy and theology in late antiquity. Reviewed by Stuart R. Reginald Gibbons, Charles Segal, Euripides: The Greek Tragedy in New Translations. Reviewed by Thomas E. Reviewed by Stephen J. Aesop's Fables in Latin: Ancient Wit and Wisdom from the Animal Kingdom.
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Reviewed by Jeremy B. Change of Mind in Greek Tragedy. Reviewed by Martin Cropp. Gibson, Robert Graves and the Classical Tradition. Reviewed by Steven Lundy. Edited with Introduction, Translation and Commentary. Reviewed by Bret Mulligan, Jennifer L. Freeman, Mage Macchione, and Elizabeth H. Essays in Memory of F. Reviewed by Michael Kleu. Demosthenes and His Ancient Commentators. Writings from the Greco-Roman world Reviewed by Luigi Pirovano. Sharrock, The Art of Love: Reviewed by Hunter Gardner. Gibson, Ovid, Ars Amatoria Book 3. Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries Reviewed by Barbara Weiden Boyd.
Reviewed by Beert Verstraete. Gibson, Ruth Morello, Pliny the Elder: Monographs on Greek and Roman Language and Literature, Reviewed by Harry Hine. Reviewed by Paul Roche. Tristan Power, Roy K. Gibson, Suetonius, the Biographer: Studies in Roman Lives. Reviewed by Ulrich Lambrecht. Aristoxenus of Tarentum and the Birth of Musicology. Studies in Classics, vol.
Reviewed by Otto Steinmayer. Reviewed by Rainer Nickel. The Mythology of Plants: Botanical Lore from Ancient Greece and Rome. Reviewed by Mechthild Siede. The Daimon in Hellenistic Astrology: Ancient magic and divination, Reviewed by Nicholas Campion. The Books from Herculaneum. Reviewed by Mitchell, Alan C.. Studi dedicati a Giovanni Rizza per il suo ottantesimo compleanno. Studi e Materiali di Archeologia Mediterranea, 2 and 3. Reviewed by Paolo Daniele Scirpo.
Reviewed by Maria Chiara Scappaticcio. Reviewed by Johannes Engels. Reviewed by Hugh Lloyd-Jones. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society. Reviewed by Giuseppe La Bua. The Construction of Reality in Cicero's Speeches. Ingo Gildenhard, Cicero, Against Verres, 2. A History of Metamorphosis from Homer to Hollywood. Reviewed by Dan Curley. Reviewed by Virginia Closs. Reviewed by Adrienne Hagen. Reihe 1, Abhandlungen zur Alten Geschichte, Bd.
Reviewed by Cristina Murer. Die Alexanderhistoriker FGrHist Bibliothek der griechischen Literatur, Reviewed by Pierre-Olivier Leroy. Reviewed by Christina A. Reviewed by Nicola Laneri. Gilkes, The Theatre at Butrint: Luigi Maria Ugolini's Excavations at Butrint Reviewed by Alexandra Retzleff. Studies in Honour of T. Reviewed by Sander M. Christopher Gill, Virtue, Norms, and Objectivity. Greek Culture in the Roman World. Reviewed by Lee T. Reviewed by Gerald A. Text, Translation and Commentary. Reviewed by Carol Atack.
Personality in Greek Epic, Tragedy, and Philosophy: The Self in Dialogue. Reviewed by Robin Waterfield. Reviewed by David Armstrong. Reviewed by William O. Ancient Greek Silverware and Pottery. Reviewed by Susan I. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Reviewed by Mariska Leunissen. Reviewed by Scott Carson. Reviewed by Rachel D. Warrior Woman of Roman Britain. English Translation and Classical Reception: Towards a New Literary History. Reviewed by Stephen Harrison. Reviewed by Edward N. Reviewed by Lauren E. Beginning in this issue, some items that I have just been able to examine are repeated from previous listings in the volume as well as the journal for the purpose of "expanding" them - indexing relevant sections under further subjects - or simply to correct them.
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