Learning to See into the Spiritual World
I want to find out about lightening now Anshel Bomberger rated it it was amazing Apr 20, Ian Byrne rated it really liked it Feb 05, Kristina added it Sep 27, G marked it as to-read Jan 03, Leah Davida Julie Wilhelmsen marked it as to-read Jan 19, Samsen marked it as to-read Jul 15, Patrick Cupp marked it as to-read Jun 01, Audrie Leach marked it as to-read Sep 22, Alejandra Fraga marked it as to-read Jul 22, Michael Joseph Schumann marked it as to-read Jul 27, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Steiner was a philosopher, social thinker, architect, and esotericist.
In the first, more philosophically oriented phase, Steiner attempted to find a synthesis between science and mysticism; his philosophical work of these years, which he termed spiritual science, sought to provide a connection between the cognitive path of Western philosophy and t Steiner was a philosopher, social thinker, architect, and esotericist. In the first, more philosophically oriented phase, Steiner attempted to find a synthesis between science and mysticism; his philosophical work of these years, which he termed spiritual science, sought to provide a connection between the cognitive path of Western philosophy and the inner and spiritual needs of the human being.
He based his epistemology on Johann Wolfgang Goethe's world view, in which 'Thinking … is no more and no less an organ of perception than the eye or ear. What can I do? I had the privilege of meeting Gary at a conference where he taught the contents of this book in an afternoon workshop.
Lecture Series:
He made it so simple, especially for those new to this whole idea. I went in a little unsure of what to expect. He told the story of how his eyes were open and the things he saw. It was very inspiring the story is in the book. Then he told us some of the things that can block you from being able to see. That was VERY helpful for me. In his book, he has some suggested prayers you can pray to remove these blocks. Then he told us to take a few minutes to practice using our new gift of seeing in the unseen realm or seeing in the spirit.
I could see things SO clearly! It was so much fun! Going to his workshop gave me so much confidence in this whole area of seeing. A friend of mine told me she wanted to being able to see like I do. I told her about the book and she read it on a plane ride. She closed her eyes and said the prayers in the book.
She said by the end of the flight, she was able to look around the plane and identify where the angels were. I did a review on the book last year. I love his attitude and the way he writes and describes what he sees. How do you perceive the unseen realm? Post your insights below. Thank you for this post. I have been seeing in the Spirit realm for about 2 years now. It started very slowly for a long time. I have read the Veil and enjoyed it a lot. I sense demons and angels and sometimes see demons.
Thank you for sharing! Yes, it is nice to know you are not alone. I feel the same way. I felt VERY alone and weird. Thank you for sharing your experience. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions — together we will find answers. Please I need your help and assistance. I too want to be able to see things in the spiritual realm…. This book will help you learn to see in the spiritual realm. Ok so I have never been a real strong Christian.
My family prayed for God to show me the light 2 days before this happened. I was home alone all night, when at about 10pm, these red sticks formed a stick-like man but it was about 1 foot high. He walked over to my backpack, and slowly started unzipping it. I said, why are you doing that? I said, are you a angel or a demon? There were about demons in the yard. They all had different traits and looked unworldly. I put my trust in God and I was not fearful — the only part I really considered actually scary was when a perfect purple circle with a eye that would appear and disappear saw me outside and came to the window.
It was about 5 feet tall, it was floating and it stared at me the whole experience, until finally the sun came up. Never heard anything like this in my life. God has ways of showing the truth and he showed me what I needed to see. Christian, thank you for sharing your experience. Wow — that does sound creepy!
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I guess you needed to see that before you realized the danger you were in by not trusting in Him. People often experiment with drugs, hoping to be able to see the unseen realm. They have no protection from evil on their own. I have a question for Christian Teal. Can you go more into detail when you saw the large purple eye.
Where were you and where was it? Renyl, thank you for your comment. Why are you confused? Would you like to share your experience? Hello My name is Val. I see the unseen daily all my life. I was born with a covering over my face; the doctors called it a veil.
The thing of it is, I am always seeing. How can I speak and hear from God like the old prophet did? I believe in the stories and I want to be part of it. Does it mean no one can stand tall with God for him to respect and honor their words like he did with Moses, Daniel and Elijah? Pls I want to know more. My name is Jack. Jack, thanks for your comment.

I am glad you want to know more and you have a desire to hear from God. The fact that the spiritual dimensions are hard for us to comprehend, does not mean that we should give up. Paul tells us to fix our eyes on the things that cannot be scene. We are to focus on the thing things that cannot be seen, because they are eternal, whereas the physical world that we see with our limited vision is temporary.
Paul's command seems slightly illogical. How can we fix our eyes on things that we cannot see? The good news is that the Holy Spirit. He is able to show us the physical realms in a way that our three dimensional eyes can see and our three dimensional minds can understand. The Holy Spirit translates the things that are happening in the spiritual realms into three dimensions, so that we are able to see them. Given the limitations of our minds, that is probably the best that we can do, but we must remember that we are just seeing a representation of something different and much greater.
When receive our spiritual bodies and the spiritual brains that go with them, we will be able to see the spiritual realms as they really are. A few Christians perceive what is happening in the spiritual realms through their external senses. Most of us perceive it in through our imagination when the Holy Spirit displays what is happening there in our imaginations for us. Sometimes, our own spirit will perceive things in the spiritual realms and put a picture of it into our imaginations. A limitation is that most of our imaginations can only see in three dimensions. This is natural because we live in a three dimensional world.
The spiritual world has many more dimensions, so when we perceive something from the spiritual realm, our spirit or the Holy Spirit has to translate it into three dimensions, so that it will fit into our imaginations. This means that we rarely see the spiritual world as it really is. When people describe their experiences of the spiritual realms, they describe it in a three dimensional way. They describe the height, width, layout and colour of things as if they were three dimensional. They should understand that they are not really seeing it as it is, but in a way that a human mind can understand.
Therefore, recording the height and hair colour of an angel does not mean much, unless the height and colour tell us something spiritual, such as the character of the angel. When Daniel saw the ancient of days, he had hair like white wool. It was not real wool. Daniel's spirit translated what it saw into something that his imagination could perceive.
When John saw Jesus, he described him like this. Among the lampstands was someone like a son of man, dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest. The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire.
Perceiving the Spiritual Realms
His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters Rev 1: This is not the way Jesus actually is, because he now lives in the spiritual realms. The Holy Spirit translated this reality into something that John's imagination could actually perceive. The anointed Jesus to restore the sights of the blind.
He confirmed this by opening the eyes of those who are physically blind. However, the promise is much broader than this. All humans had been blind since the fall. They could not see into the spiritual realms. This is a serious defect, because it means that we can only see a small part of reality. It makes spiritual warfare difficult, because we cannot see what we are up against. Jesus came to open the eyes of hearts so that we could see into the spiritual realms by faith.
When he began his ministry, the evil spirits began to cry out in his presence. The anointing of the Spirit on him caused them to expose themselves and the people began to see the work of the forces of evil much more clearly. The anointing of the Spirit on our lives can assist us with spiritual warfare. We need Jesus top open our spiritually blind eyes to see what we are up against.
God wants us to understand the links between events in the spiritual realms and events on earth, so he will reveal the spiritual realms in the way this is appropriate for us at the time. We should not demand particular types of revelation, but rather we should seek a better understanding of the spiritual realms, and leave him to decide how we will receive it.
On the other hand, we should be open to all types of seeing that he offers to us, and not set boundaries on what he can do. It would be sad, if we missed out on a revelation, because we had decided that a particular type of seeing was not for us, or not for this time. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would teach us all that he sees the Father doing.
We must allow the Holy Spirit to speak and reveal in whatever way he chooses. Those who hungry to understand God's purpose will be ready to accept whatever revelation the Holy Spirit gives. We cannot decide how we will see. God determines how he will show us the things the he wants us to perceive. If he decides to speak with an still small voice, we cannot demand an open vision. We don't have the right to demand and particular type of revelation. We can decide whether we will see or not. God wants us to see and understand the spiritual realms. Since he has commanded us to be aware of the spiritual realms, every follower of Jesus must be able to see in some way.
If we are not seeing, it could be because we have chosen not to see, or are ignoring what he is showing us.
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Therefore, if we are not seeing, we should make the decision to seek to see more clearly. If we ask him to show us what we need to know about events in the spiritual realms, he will do so. However, we cannot determine how we will see. He can show us however he chooses, and because he is God, he will show us in the way that is right for us. So Christians should aim to see in the spirit by faith, rather than needing to see the spiritual realms with our physical eyes. In most situations, seeing in the Spirit by faith should be sufficient. It requires faith, but that it is good because God wants us to grow in faith.
We are to walk by faith and not by sight, so in principle seeing and hearing in the Spirit should be enough. However, God is not stingy, so he gives us more when we need it, or just when he wants to bless us. There are several reasons why a person might get more intense perception revelation of the spiritual realms. A common reason is corrective. Our world has become so secular and materialistic that we are almost ignorant of the spiritual realms, and most Christians lack the ability to discern them.
God is allowing some Christians to see the spiritual realms physically, so they can communicate clearly what is happening to make his people hungry and open their minds to what they are missing. Our understanding of the spiritual realms is so limited that we need descriptions by people who seen their working clearly to open our minds.
See a Problem?
Christians should be taught about the operation of the spiritual realms as soon as they come to faith. Most have not had this teaching. We need this understanding to become normal again.
People who have seen vividly can help with this restoration. When we have a big costly decision to make, God can give a more intense revelation, so that we can be certain of what he has asked us to do. Joseph is an example. God sent an angel to him in a dream. Through the dream, he knew exactly what God wanted him to do, even though he was not skilled in hearing and obeying the Spirit. He could not have this skill, because the Spirit has not yet been poured out.
People called to a task that is really critical for God's plan may get very clear perception and direction. Mary spoke with an angel face-to-face. A young woman caring for a baby conceived by the Holy Spirit would need tremendous faith. Receiving such a vivid and real communication would have built her faith. Mary was wise and fed her spirit by treasuring her experience in her heart. Abraham saw three angels. This dramatic encounter would have contributed to his faith and enabled him to trust God's promise and move to a new land where he did not belong.
Many prophets were given an open vision at the beginning of their ministry as part of their calling. Elisha saw Elijah go up to heaven 2 Kings 2. Jeremiah saw a vision of an almond tree Jer 1. Isaiah received a vision of angels Is 6. When prophets receive vision for way in the future, God sometimes give clear physical vision. The prophet is often called to prophesy about things so far in the future that they cannot even imagine the situation.
God has to use powerful physical revelation to break that barrier. The Revelation of John is an example. John probably thought that he understood some of what he saw. But he could not even imagine the world in which some of it will be fulfilled. God gave the vision to him in a way that his mind could see and record, without needing the background understanding. God will sometimes send intense revelation to sustain people who are being persecuted for their faith.
We do not know when it occurred, but Paul had an experience where he went in the third heaven also known as paradise.