
Duty and Honor: A Novel of the Civil War (The Drieborg Chronicles Book 1)

In the summer of , the United States is torn by Civilo War, and what was supposed to be a short conflict has turned into a bloody campaign on both sides. Teenage fram boy Michael Drieboreg lives with his family in Michigan and longs to join the cause, but he can't juistify abandoning his parents or the farm.

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But fate interceeds one Saturday morning on the family's weekly visit to town. Michael saves a young boy from being bullied. Unfortunately, he strikes the bully - the son of the town's banker - and is arrested and charged with asswault. He was given two choices: Against the wishes of his parents, Michael leaves home and marches to war. Thus begins the story of a naive farm boy's journey to becoming a seasoned Union cavalryman.

From the harshness of training camp and the intrigues of Washington DC to falling in love with a congressman's daughter and the horrific reality of leading troops into battle, Duty and Honor reveals one man's dignity and sacrifice in the midst of tragic upheaval.

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Read more Read less. Here's how restrictions apply. The Drieborg Chronicles Book 1 Paperback: Start reading Duty and Honor on your Kindle in under a minute. Don't have a Kindle? Try the Kindle edition and experience these great reading features: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Showing of 4 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. The author also uses historical background very well. The novel travels at a good pace and takes a couple of interesting turns.

The hero is believable and so are some of the villains. Not least of all, the author's treatments of military life, organization, and politics provide a good background for the action. One learns a good deal from this novel without feeling that he's being subjected to a series of heavy-handed lectures. In summary, I think that the book is entertaining and well worth the reader's time.

An engrossing novel of a young boys trials, tribulations and achievements as he works his way through the Civil War years of the summer of to General Lee's surrender. The reader will be engaged as young Drieborg maneuvers through legal encounters and warring conflicts. An enjoyable read for all those that enjoy a good story.

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Great historical fiction about the civil war era. The insert below is of Doctor Carrico, Dr. All of these men were present in the emergency room at Parkland Hospital and reported their observations of what they described as an exit wound, in their hospital reports. The reader should remember that their observations were made immediately after the assassination and their reports were written within hours of the assassination of President Kennedy. None of these men even knew of the Zapruder film, or of the FBI Report or the Warren Commission Report in which it was insisted that all shots came from the rear of the president.

These medical professionals shown here were untainted by such conclusions, made later. These same men testified in for the Warren Commission and for the Congressional Special Committee meeting in Their testimony on those occasions was consistent it did not change with their Emergency room hospital reports written on November 22, There will be two more posts on this subject.

Then I will wait for the release of the remaining documents before resuming comments. You can order one or both volumes now at the web site, The Kennedy Murder.

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  • The e books are available through Amazon. The second volume is subtitled, Why Was Kennedy Killed? See more at the web site, The Kennedy Murder. Robert McClelland attached this crude freehand drawing to his Parkland Hospital emergency report. He testified that JFK was hit on the right with an exit wound in the back of his head. His testimony to the Warren Commission was supported by Dr. Gene Akin in their sworn testimony. All of these medical professionals testified that this head wound was an exit wound.

    Book Trailer for Duty and Honor

    At the scene of the murder, Patrolman Bobby Hargis testified that his uniform and motorcycle windshield was covered with blood and flesh. In the attached photo, Patrolman is seen the rear and left of President Kennedy. Bill and Gayle Newman were standing along the parade route. Thirty eight onlookers testified to Warren Commission personnel that they heard gunfire coming from the Grassy Knoll along Elm Street, behind them. Despite the testimony of the above professionals and others see previous blog to the frontal wounds to the throat and the head, Congressman Gerald Ford.

    In that report, the Bureau claimed that all shots fired at President Kennedy came from behind the president.

    Kennedy Assassination | The Kennedy Murder

    However, the reports filed by the emergency room doctors at Parkland Hospital lead us to believe otherwise. Malcom Perry revealed this finding at a press conference held at 3: As a result, the information about this throat entry wound was immediately and widely reported in the press. Following the press conference, Federal officials confiscated the recording of the Perry press conference. They repeated their observation during their testimony for the Warren Commission. In her Warren Commission testimony, nurse Margaret Henchliffe also concurred with them about the throat wound being one of entry, as did Dr.

    Paul Peters and Dr. The site of the entry wound referred to above was used for a tracheostomy performed on President Kennedy when he was being treated at Parkland Hospital.

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    Thus, the wound in this photo shows the location of the original wound of entry but it does not reflect the small size of that wound. It does show the larger incision made for the tracheostomy.

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    That would mean Lee Harvey Oswald could not have acted alone. Such a conclusion would have necessarily demanded a more thorough investigation; something President Johnson and FBI Director Hoover, agreed they did not want. Kennedy was shot shortly after noon on November 22, while riding in the presidential limousine in Dallas, Texas. He was pronounced dead at Parkland Hospital at 1 PM that same day.

    On December 9, the FBI leaked a copy of their report to the media. In that report, they concluded that:. And that, 3 All shots were fired from behind President Kennedy. You might be aware that the people at the National Archives recently released a batch of documents related to the President Kennedy assassination.

    Even then, the intelligence folks in Washington DC asked that some documents still be withheld. President Trump gave them additional time to release those. Historians who have reviewed some of the released documents have not yet found anything shocking.