Auf Mallorca liebt sichs besser (German Edition)
But otherwise a great tour with mega fun! Posted on Sep 30, Show review in original language. Die Guides haben sehr viel Geduld auch wenn man mal eine Kurve nicht direkt am Anfang kriegt ; Die Natur und die Landschaft ist einfach beeindrucken, daher lege ich den Ausflug jeden Naturliebhaber ans Herz, der auch ein bisschen Action im Urlaub will. Einen Stern minus gibt es, da die Leute, die ihr eigenes essen mitgebracht haben nicht mit uns am Tisch essen durften.
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Das fand ich ein bisschen schade. Posted on Sep 30, Show translated review. It will be good "shaken", but with a lot of fun here. Small pleasant groups also information rich. You can ask anything. A longer break for lunch was also ok, you have to order any food and may also bring their own food.
On the whole, a top - tour that is worth the money. Thanks to the team for this great day! Kleine angenehme Gruppen, auch informationsreich. Man kann alles fragen. Great tour through the mountains, nice guys and a delicious local food in a nice atmosphere! Can only be recommended! Posted on May 25, Show review in original language. Wir haben am Einfach nur zu empfehlen! Posted on May 25, Show translated review. My advice to have the necessary documentation on the tour. Posted on Jan 25, Show review in original language. Posted on Jan 25, Show translated review. No stress and to marvel of nature.
The price is really expensive, but I do not regret anything, the Tramuntana is only play I were a clear day so it came to appreciate much of the island. In high season it is a lot of fuss so I recommend off season. En temporada alta es mucho jaleo por lo que recomiendo fuera de temporada. Should I again make Majorca holidays I will definitely stop by again with you, keep it up, all the best for you. Posted on Nov 3, Show review in original language.
Posted on Nov 3, Show translated review.
Nature, Off Road and fun are guaranteed! Those who missed the blame yourself! Keep it up and good luck! Greetings from Braunschweig Posted on Oct 16, Show review in original language. Wer das verpasst hat selber Schuld! Macht weiter so und viel Erfolg! There are amazing - the whole journey, the show, dinner.
Definitely makes the good work. The trip has enriched our Majorca vacation to some impressions. August in der Abend-Tour mit euch unterwegs. Es war super toll - die ganze Fahrt, die Show, das Abendessen. Macht auf jeden Fall weiter so. Der Ausflug hat unseren Mallorca-Urlaub um einige Impressionen bereichert. The guides were very nice, it was previously divided into appropriate groups German, Dutch, French, etc. In total there were determined over participants on site.
You could his Jeep itself choose who had no driver could place in the larger take the Jeep Guides.

The nature here is truly stunning. It is moved a distance of about 20km, driving time approx Since it is shaken violently. So why only stars? A star deduction I have to give for rip-off while eating.
Prof. Antje Boetius receives the 2018 German Environmental Award
Only those who have paid for a meal, may also sit at the table. All others must sit on a bench a little off. So if for example, with a group of 4 people on the road is, but it will only Essen, may adopt in the actually very nice break incl. I have determined forgot to mention some, but this jeep tour you have to experience for yourself anyway - it is worth the money every time! The arrival own way, is not possible, you have to be picked up at one of the assembly stations. All in all, however, this has worked well.
Posted on Sep 2, Show review in original language. Die Natur hier ist wirklich atemberaubend. Es wird eine Wegstrecke von ca. Warum also nur Sterne? Nur wer ein Essen bezahlt hat, darf auch am Tisch sitzen. Pool von einander verabschieden. Alles in allem hat das aber gut geklappt. Posted on Sep 2, Show translated review. It was an experience, if we are back in Mallorca we will definitely make the night tour. Keep it up and many greetings to the mountains Es war ein Erlebnis, wenn wir wieder auf Mallorca sind werden wir bestimmt die Nachttour machen. A must in Mallorca!
Gruss Axel and Jacko!
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Hop on a 4x4 tour in Mallorca
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