Atlantis falls at her feet
The word "subsidence" appears at the end of paragraph 40, counting each paragraph whether it be a short line of the conversation or a large paragraph. The following map reveals that the elevation of the Azores plateau plus much of the Mid Atlantic Ridge is no deeper than feet or meters today below the Atlantic ocean surface [29]. Even today, the depth is not that great.
This is equivalent to an ocean on top of the northern continents. Additional glacial weight would have been exerted on the southern Andes, and on mountains throughout the world. The melting of the glaciers over North America that were estimated to be up to 8, feet thick over Hudson Bay resulted in a land rise or rebound of feet of rebound isostatic rebound meaning the ground in North America that was under the ice rose after the ice melted according to John P. Bluemle of the North Dakota Geological Survey [30]. Looking at the larger bathymetry map please note that the depths are color-coded.
As you can see, the surface of the Azores massif or plateau is the same color as the borders of Florida and also the Iberian Peninsula. Note that Florida's coast contained by the black line and the lightest blue color was dry land [31]. It is easy to make the connection that if areas in Florida were not below water then neither was the Azores plateau. As shown in the Iberian margins , sea level during the last major glaciation may have been at or just above the yellow band on these bathymetry maps indicating a large number of islands outside the pillars of Hercules as well as the Azores microplate were near or just above sea level.
Apparently, these did not sink but may have been submerged or more so as the glaciers began to melt. So, as we have shown evidence, the "islands" beyond the "Pillars of Herceles" and many other areas that are now underwater or on a continental shelf was above the surface of the Atlantic Ocean approximately 12, years ago, as described in Critias [6] and Timaeus [7].
In the images on the left, sea level during the last glaciation is likely at or above the yellow contour band. This appears to be the sea level delimiter in the second image down on the right. The first image on the right shows a currently submerged mountain range and associated islands directly in front of the Pillars of Hercules just further west.
These may have been above sea level during the previous 50 kyrs ice age.
Fall at Your Feet
The "sedimentary processes along the shelf are driven by long-term factors such as Quaternary glacial—interglacial periods and shelf morphology, and by short-term factors such as fluvial and aeolian sediment supply, local climate temperature, rainfall and wind and hydrodynamic conditions tides, swell, longshore current, the Canary Current and upwelling. Shallow "mantle upwelling beneath the Atlantic Ocean basin off the NW African continental lithosphere flanks produced recurrent melting anomalies and seamounts from the Late Jurassic to Recent".
The diagram on the right shows the Azores current as it is deflected by the islands from the Gulf stream about From the structure shown, the microplate though thick has undergone extensive fracturing. If at one time it was at or near sea level, it could have blocked a significant portion of the Gulf stream, diverted a major portion toward northwest Africa, or diverted most of the stream north of Scotland into the Norwegian coast.
The microplate likely broke apart and subsided in a west to east manner.
Atlantis: The Lost Empire
The second image on the left is a more geostructurally detailed topographic map of the entire Azores microplate. It clearly shows how the forming of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge underneath has torn the microplate apart along the ridge and approximately perpendicular to it. The orange to brown band is the 1, m to sea level band. White is currently above sea level. The yellow band is the 2, m to 1, m band. It surrounds much of the brown zone and suggests an almost square plateau.
The third image down on the left shows two rows or walls of similarly sized volcanic rock crossing the field of view like those used to make the Pico pyramids. The image on the right shows the topography west of north western Africa out to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. It clearly shows the impact the ridge had on the Azores microplate, breaking it into parts on either side of the ridge. And he named them all; the eldest; who was the first king, he names Atlas, and after him the whole island and the ocean were called Atlantic.
To his twin brother, who was born after him, obtained as his lot the extremity of the island towards the Pillars of Heracles, facing the country which is now called the region of Gades in that part of the world, he gave the name which in the Hellenic language is Eumelus, in the language of the country which is named after him, Gadeirus [18] paragraph Gades is the Latin name of the current city of Cadiz.
The phrase "in antiquity" is generally taken to mean before recorded history. The oldest civilization to date unearthed in Egypt is said to be the first dynasty and it is dated to 7, B. The city of the province of Cadiz may be found on the following map colored in red. The Pillars of Heracles are the modern Straights of Gibraltar. Remember, the sea level was very low 12, years ago so the cliffs that are apparent in the bathometric mapping would have appeared as tall cliffs between which a much narrower channel which gave access to the Mediterranean Sea which was also much shallower 12, years ago than today [37].
The Aegean Sea is even today a nearly landlocked body of water connecting the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea containing islands and islets with shorelines accounting for one quarter of the total Mediterranean Sea shoreline. The Aegean Sea floor is geologically unstable, at the intersection of the Eurasian and African Plates.
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Moreover, there are two small tectonic plates this particular intersection location, the Aegean Sea Plate also called the Hellenic Plate or Aegean Plate and the Anatolian plate mostly under Turkey. The smaller tectonic plates are generally referred to by geologists as microplates. The entire Aegean Sea sits over a microplate. Because of this one can expect an increase in geologic activity in the Aegean Sea area as compared to other locations in the Mediterranean.
As is the case in the Azores the Aegean Sea floor is covered with various fault lines, the active volcanoes in the Aegean that have all evolved during the Quaternary epoch, and various types of sedimentary materials from ancient geologic activity and relatively current geologic activity.
In fact, according to D. Galanidou of the Geological Society, London, "Owing to the continuously evolving landscape, the geography of an area during a high- or low-sea-level stage has never persisted into the next, equivalent sea-level stage. The following three quotes in italics are directly from Plato's Critias.
The progress of the history will unfold the various nations of barbarians and families of Hellenes which then existed, as they successively appear on the scene; but I must describe first of all Athenians of that day, and their enemies who fought with them, and then the respective powers and governments of the two kingdoms. Let us give the precedence to Athens. Concerning the country the Egyptian priests said what is not only probable but manifestly true, that the boundaries were in those days fixed by the Isthmus, and that in the direction of the continent they extended as far as the heights of Cithaeron and Parnes; the boundary line came down in the direction of the sea, having the district of Oropus on the right, and with the river Asopus as the limit on the left.
The land was the best in the world, and was therefore able in those days to support a vast army, raised from the surrounding people. Even the remnant of Attica which now exists may compare with any region in the world for the variety and excellence of its fruits and the suitableness of its pastures to every sort of animal, which proves what I am saying; but in those days the country was fair as now and yielded far more abundant produce.
How shall I establish my words? The whole country is only a long promontory extending far into the sea away from the rest of the continent, while the surrounding basin of the sea is everywhere deep in the neighbourhood of the shore. Carefully observe that the area described in Plato's Critias that is the present day Aegean Sea between Greece and Turkey was in those days dry land on the map below. Furthermore, Plato's Critias describes the area as a fertile valley and gives the larger region a name, Attica. This area inhabited by the ancestors of the people of Greece was a well-populated country with a significant military force that according to Critias had both defended and liberated the lands on the Mediterranean side of the Pillars of Heracles.
This bathymetric map of the Mediterranean Sea shows the surface above sea level during the last ice age in orange-brown. As described in the blockquote from Plato's Critias below the same cataclysm that flooded Atlantis also claimed this area of Attica and the lives of the predecessors of the Grecian cultures of Plato's time. Undoubtedly, the traditions carried on but as a world power this society perished simultaneously with the Atlantis culture. Many great deluges have taken place during the nine thousand years, for that is the number of years which have elapsed since the time of which I am speaking; and during all this time and through so many changes, there has never been any considerable accumulation of the soil coming down from the mountains, as in other places, but the earth has fallen away all round and sunk out of sight.
The consequence is, that in comparison of what then was, there are remaining only the bones of the wasted body, as they may be called, as in the case of small islands, all the richer and softer parts of the soil having fallen away, and the mere skeleton of the land being left. But in the primitive state of the country, its mountains were high hills covered with soil, and the plains, as they are termed by us, of Phelleus were full of rich earth, and there was abundance of wood in the mountains.
Of this last the traces still remain, for although some of the mountains now only afford sustenance to bees, not so very long ago there were still to be seen roofs of timber cut from trees growing there, which were of a size sufficient to cover the largest houses; and there were many other high trees, cultivated by man and bearing abundance of food for cattle.
Moreover, the land reaped the benefit of the annual rainfall, not as now losing the water which flows off the bare earth into the sea, but, having an abundant supply in all places, and receiving it into herself and treasuring it up in the close clay soil, it let off into the hollows the streams which it absorbed from the heights, providing everywhere abundant fountains and rivers, of which there may still be observed sacred memorials in places where fountains once existed; and this proves the truth of what I am saying.
The map below is of the Aegean Sea, Greece and Turkey as they are presently. You can see how shallow the Aegean Sea area is and how the map from 12, years previously was flooded as described in the following quote from Plato's Critias by the Egyptian Priest. The processes are now well known as melt-water pulses [41].
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Satorini thira was located on the dry land portion of the map. It became an island when the meltwater pulses flooded Attica and created the Aegean Sea. It is easily located by enlarging the maps below. As for those genealogies of yours which you just now recounted to us, Solon, they are no better than the tales of children. In the first place you remember a single deluge only, but there were many previous ones; in the next place, you do not know that there formerly dwelt in your land the fairest and noblest race of men which ever lived, and that you and your whole city are descended from a small seed or remnant of them which survived.
And this was unknown to you, because, for many generations, the survivors of that destruction died, leaving no written word. For there was a time, Solon, before the great deluge of all, when the city which now is Athens was first in war and in every way the best governed of all cities, is said to have performed the noblest deeds and to have had the fairest constitution of any of which tradition tells, under the face of heaven. The digital elevation map below illustrates the the level of the Mediterranean Sea during the Atlantean Wars with Greece.
As described in the previous quote from Plato's Critias the Aegean Sea was mostly dry land as illustrated in red. Greece was much larger before the ocean level rise after the glaciers melted. The destruction of the early predecessor of ancient Greece is described in Plato's Timaeus which occurred simultaneously with the destruction of Atlantis as described in the following quote highlighted in bold text.
Many great and wonderful deeds are recorded of your state in our histories. But one of them exceeds all the rest in greatness and valour. For these histories tell of a mighty power which unprovoked made an expedition against the whole of Europe and Asia, and to which your city put an end. This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean, for in those days the Atlantic was navigable; and there was an island situated in front of the straits which are by you called the Pillars of Heracles; the island was larger than Libya and Asia put together, and was the way to other islands, and from these you might pass to the whole of the opposite continent which surrounded the true ocean; for this sea which is within the Straits of Heracles is only a harbour, having a narrow entrance, but that other is a real sea, and the surrounding land may be most truly called a boundless continent.
Now in this island of Atlantis there was a great and wonderful empire which had rule over the whole island and several others, and over parts of the continent, and, furthermore, the men of Atlantis had subjected the parts of Libya within the columns of Heracles as far as Egypt, and of Europe as far as Tyrrhenia. This vast power, gathered into one, endeavoured to subdue at a blow our country and yours and the whole of the region within the straits; and then, Solon, your country shone forth, in the excellence of her virtue and strength, among all mankind.
She was pre-eminent in courage and military skill, and was the leader of the Hellenes. And when the rest fell off from her, being compelled to stand alone, after having undergone the very extremity of danger, she defeated and triumphed over the invaders, and preserved from slavery those who were not yet subjugated, and generously liberated all the rest of us who dwell within the pillars. But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea Notice the portion of the quote that says, " The behavior and liquefaction of soil is well represented in research [44].
In the book Geotechnical Special Publication No. Papers in Geotechnical Engineering Edited by W. Helice, a great and prosperous town on the north coast of the Peloponnesus, was engulfed by the waves after being leveled by a great earthquake. Not a single soul survived The next day two thousand men hastened to the spot to bury the dead, but they found none, for the people of Helice had been buried under the ruins and subsequently carried to the bottom of the sea, where they now lie".
This description by Marinatos 1 2 of the destruction of Helice, may well record the earliest known case of a major landslide resulting from soil liquefaction induced by an earthquake. Helice was located on deltiac deposits of alluvial sand between the mouths of the Selinus and Cerynites rivers and about a mile and a half from the coast. The events leading to the disappearance of Helice and its inhabitants are not immediately clear. However both Schmidt 2 and Marintos, who made detailed studies of the event, concluded that in addition to the destruction of buildings by the ground shaking and flooding due to land subsidence, the ground slipped towards the sea possibly as much as half a mile.
Marintos notes that ordinalrily it would beexpected that building destruction and flooding would lead to some of the dead floating to the surface where they would have been picked up for burial. It seems reasonable to conclude that only the entrapment of the inhabitants in collapsed buildings, and temporarily liquefied and flowing soils could have led to the recorded facts that no one survived and no dead were found.
Some evidence in support of this concept is provided by the fact that 1 "the phenomenon was repeated, in exactly the same place though to a lesser degree, during the earthquake of December 26, The civilizations and the cities that were built upon dry land that is now the Aegean Sea were buried when the soil was liquefied by an earthquake. IT is possible that an earthquake along the The Hellenic Trench Subduction Zone south of the island of Crete in the deeper part of the Mediterranean Sea could cause a tsunami Then, it was flooded by a meltwater pulse and then was moved toward the deeper part of the Mediterranean Sea in an underwater landslide after the flood.
Now, like the city of Helice, it cannot be found because it was buried, flooded and moved with all inhabitants inside. It is also possible that an earthquake along the The Hellenic Trench Subduction Zone [46] south of the island of Crete in the deeper part of the Mediterranean Sea could cause a tsunami during an earthquake contributing to the flooding of Attica.
See the map [47] The story of the destruction of the population and the civilization that preceded ancient Greece, the Hellenes, as related to Solon by the Egyptian Priest and recorded in Plato's Critias is explained scientifically using well-established geological principles [48]. If you are having trouble picturing the Aegean Sea as it is now try this If you are having trouble picturing the Aegean Sea when it was part of Hellenes and not a sea try this Much research has been done to document the subsidence of land in the Aegean Sea [49] [50].
Much more is needed to demonstrate that soil liquefaction during earthquakes can cause not only the subsidence of land and subsequent flooding [51] but also landslides [52] as we have already historically documented in this section that may cause dry land to disappear under water and significant coastline changes [53]. Was the Plain of Atlantis in Doggerland? In Plato's Timaeus [7] it is clearly stated that Atlantis was an island located in the Atlantic in front of the strait called Pillars of Heracles. Approximately the 40th paragraph counting each statement of the dialogue a separate paragraph.
It was a mighty power which unprovoked made an expedition against the whole of Europe and Asia. Doggerland was connected to Europe by land as late as BCE. The Research that revealed Doggerland contributes to the proof of the existence of Atlantis 12, years ago as described in Plato's Timaeus [7]. Atlantis and Greece aka Attica had wars to stop the conquest of that area of the world by Atlantis 12, years ago as described in Plato's dialogues. The argument that the stories are made up to illustrate philosophical and religious? However, too much is now known that allows us to place Atlantis right at the location where Plato described it.
Plato's geography lesson offers testament to the hypothesis. Of course, other areas of civilization existed throughout the world 12, years ago. The closer the proximity of these areas on the continental shelves of the world to Plato's Atlantis in the Atlantic, the more likely these settlements were to be colonized by Atlantis. Hence, Doggerland, Europe and the areas that were free of ice with a climate that could support a human settlement could have also had a blended Atlantean culture, or were subjugated by Atlantis or possibly both.
As described by Plato in these dialogues Solon visited the old priesthood in Egypt. He was told clearly of the lands within the Pillars of Hercules and the lands outside of the Pillars of Hercules. The Priest also made the statement that the Sea or Atlantic ocean Outside of the Pillars of Hercules were no longer navigable. I ask the reader to consider the land of Atlantis as a plateau, a huge seamount and a Supervolcano. When it erupted underwater pumice clogged the Pillars of Herceles [55] [56] [57] [58].
Even in today's world such floating pumice is a hazard to shipping [59]. The main caldera of the island or seamount of Atlantis was on the conjunction of 3 tectonic plates, whose top is a plug that has been deformed in the underwater eruption of 12, years ago all along the MAR. Under this is the Mantle plume feeding the caldera, the magma produced by the melt of the rock grinding and being fed into the various volcanoes of the islands that are atop the fractured seamount.
These are fractured volcano feeder calderas not unlike a wormian bone formations in the sutures of a human skull that are being fed by the plume via the caldera and lava tubes [60]. The hotspots that are marked on the map tell the current location of mantle plumes [61]. The mantle plumes appear to migrate over time. The tectonic plates migrate over the mantle plume at a higher rate than the mantle plumes migrate. The end result is a series of seamounts that trace the relative path tectonic plate that were formed by mantle plumes generated by hot spots.
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The path of the tectonic plate over the hotspot is marked by a series of seamounts. The most recently formed seamount of this series is found in the Azores. It is the Azores plateau. The path of migration between the hotspot [62] that formed the Azores Plateau and the mantle plumes that formed the seamounts is from the area now called Newfoundland to the Azores Plateau [63] as illustrated above.
The evidence for a mantle plume in the Azores is found in the following references [64] or is this simply what is being called a "wetspot" rather than a hotspot? This debate continues [65] [66] [67]. Questions may be implied from this conflicting research. If there is no hotspot and therefore no mantle plume east of the MAR now then what created the trail of seamounts leading back along the implied path mentioned and illustrated above to Newfoundland?
Is there still a hotspot and therefore a mantle plume to the East of the MAR or did it simply vanish? Was there once a magma chamber [68] in the Azores seamount which is now the remnants of a submerged, destroyed and flooded caldera [69] that was fractured by an eruption that began underwater and then was fractured and deformed by the stresses caused the MAR beneath it? Did this magma chamber if it existed originally contain magma from a mantle plume from the Azores hotspot? Or, has there never an Azores Plateau that existed in one piece that was above sea level 11, years ago, i. If such a large magma chamber existed was it large enough to supply enough magma to support the underwater eruption described in this Atlantis Location Hypothesis to do the damage described by Plato in the dialogues of Timaeus [71] and Critias [72]?
Finally, did the remnants of the main hypothesized island of Atlantis that existed here after the submergence due to the underwater volcanic eruption being described finally result in the 9 Azores islands that we see today due to sea level rise, flooding and frank collapse [73]? The seafloor elevation of the Azores Plateau is the result of the interaction of a mantle plume with lithosphere creating a melt that migrates toward the MAR [74]. Supervolcanoes exist on the ocean floor and their location is associated with undersea plateaus or "rises" [75].
Supervolcanoes are not readily identified on the floor of any ocean in the world. Super volcanoes occur and operate by different rules on the ocean floor. The mantle plume under the Azores Plateau in the Atlantic migrated to its present location in the Azores. Rather, the American plate migrated across it. Again, these "seamounts" are large volcanoes that are no longer active because the crust of the Earth has moved away from the mantle plume from which they rose leaving a seamount in the ocean floor.
You can follow this hotspot in its migration from Newfoundland to its present location in the Azores. This is a similar description to the Yellowstone hot spot or mantle plume migrating across the upper northwest of America and the mantle plume responsible for the Hawaiian islands [78]. There are 16 types of so-called "triple tectonic plate" intersections [79]. The intersection in the Azores is known as a triple junction [80].
Some of these kinds of junctions are unstable. This may be predicted by geometry, forces upon the tectonic plates and the prinicples of Newtonian Physics. Unstable junctions only exist for a very short period of geologic time changing into stable junctions [81]. At the time this is happening there is an earthquake and the result can be a volcanic eruption, or the creation of a tsunami, an earth slide or some combination of these and other geologic disasters.
The Azores Plateau transitioned from a stable junction to an unstable junction opening the Caldera below it triggering a super eruption and causing the Azores Plateau to sink into the caldera. This was a serious geologic disturbance. This is what caused the super volcanic eruption underwater that started the Atlantis tragedy that set in motion all of the changes to the Earth that this hypothesis describes [82].
This included setting in motion the geologic conditions that would eventually cause glacial isostatic adjustment [83]. At or around the time that Atlantis disappeared, the MAR and associated structures were pressurized from beneath by the glaciation of the various parts of the globe, but especially the Atlantic Basin. When the huge 'plug' that is the Azores plateau became free floating on the magma in the caldera under it, the Azores seamount fractured and started to submerge in various segments [84].
The submergence not only released magma in the form of pumice, but it also released greenhouse gasses all under tremendous pressure, but also under water and on remaining subaerial islands forming the stratovolcanoes that we see today both during the initial eruption and in smaller more localized eruptions that followed. By the time the triple junction of the tectonic plates stabilized into a stable configuration, the plateau had subsided enough to change the course of the gulf stream allowing it to bathe the lands of the glaciers with warmer water that eventually melted much of the glacier cover.
To know how much the initial submergence was if it is possible to determine will require further field research. This Azores Archipelago or seamount is still active today [85]. It ensured world-wide sea level change and drowning of continental shelves all around the world with human settlements, displacing humans and animals and causing untold suffering, hardship and in some cases whole species extinctions. Two mantle plumes could exist in the Azores archipelago area or that lithosphere is melting and combining with the updwelling magma from a single mantle plume.
Current seismic monitoring indicates the activity of magma flow under the Azores Plateau still continues today [94]. Recent research suggests that the demise of Atlantis has started ice melts in Antarctica that have continued for the last 11, years [95]. Corvo and Flores are located over the North American tectonic plate. If indeed the Azores Islands are all the highest elevations of the submerged island of Atlantis, then the land would have been above the ocean surface and the Mid Atlantic Rift would have ran through the body of land from North to South.
Under the body of land would have existed an immense caldera, perhaps the biggest one that ever existed on the Earth [96]. Keep in mind the fact that a Mantle Plume or hot spot does not move in relationship to the core of the Earth. Rather, the surface of the Earth moves across it. The significant unknown is the rate of spreading of the MAR.
Every resource tends to give an average spread rate for the MAR which seems to vary [97] in addition, this variation tends to cause a variation in crustal thicknesses of the ocean floor [98]. This means that the MAR must spread at different rates along its length producing varying crustal thicknesses. Furthermore, none of these rates are constant. This is evidenced by the various horizontal fault lines along the ocean bottom that extend from East to West or West to East.

MAR spread can be expressed only in average spread rates. Corvo , being the smaller of the two that are separated from the rest of the 7 Azores islands, is approximately 6km X 4km in size and it has a surface area of 17 - 12 km 2. Presently, it has a caldera that has erupted numerous times in Strombolian and Plinian eruptions. It started as a shield volcano and its later series of eruptions as a stratovolcano left the caldera open and collapsed.
All of the lava flows over time studied on Corvo make it evident that the various lava flows originated from the same source. According to previous references, [] the Corvo caldera was filled by a magma chamber approximately 15 km below it which was supplied by one or both of the mantle plumes that supplied the various calderas of other islands of the Azores archipelago today at the time Atlantis or the Azores plateau was one island. This crossing is described as being accomplished by magma conduits.
There exists a much larger, difficult to image, magma chamber that is below and feeds the multiple chambers that feed the various volcanoes both suberged and sub-aerial on the Azores plateau or seamount [] []. Such structures support the MAR eruptions and new seafloor formation []. The larger chamber under the Azores Plateau that supplies the others and the MAR is the one that drove the multiple eruptions both submerged and sub-aerial 12, years ago that caused Atlantis to subside below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean far enough to change the course of the gulf stream current.
This, in turn, caused the world climate change that eventually brought the most recent ice age to an end. The lifetime and size of these many smaller shallow magma bodies are controlled by crustal-scale magmatism []. The volcanoes of Sao Miguel are described as six volcanic zones. The map of the island reveals that three main areas of volcanic activity exist, one on each end of the island and one in the middle.
But the beauty of this place is underscored by the Azores Plateau upon which it resides, that covers an area of , sq. Under the Azores Plateau lies a super volcanic system with a huge caldera that is or that was fed by at least one and possibly two mantle plumes [].
Moore states that Furnas was formed entirely within the last , years. This is stated in the Abstract and Furnas' caldera is only 12, years old []. These are Sete Cidades, Fogo, and Furnas. Furnas does not have a cone but rather a steep-sided caldera approximately 8 km X 5 km across. The first was 30, yrs BP and the second was 10, to 12, years BP.
More recent eruptions have occurred, the first AD and new evidence suggests that another occurred during the human occupation of the Azores at about AD. Pico [] was formed at approximately the same time in a VEI 5 eruption. Pico, the highest peak in the Atlantic is a volcano characterized by flank eruptions, such as the one at Mt. Helens in the U. Through research publications the size of the caldera that existed underneath the Azores before the eruption begins to be revealed. As the shape, depth and extent of the Mantle Plume fed caldera becomes evident from the number and the size of the volcanoes it supplied, we also see that the flow of magma is contributed to by continental drift.
Apparently, the mixing of the two magma sources, one from the plume and the other from continental plate interactions, analysis of the isotopes of helium from each source reveals the source of the magma, i. Both Fogo and Pico, volcanoes on two separate islands in the Azores, erupted simultaneously 12, years ago in the supereruption. Pico was formed then and Fogo had its present caldera formed then. That is not all. Moore states on page 20 that Syenite Xenoliths as large as 0.
Since the caldera of Furnas is only 12, years old, Syenite Xenoliths found in this caldera must be from somewhere else. Most likely, they are from the caldera under the Azores Plateau that is fed by Mantle Plumes [] through lava tubes. Syenite Xenoliths are always partially composed of older, crystalline igneous rock. These rocks have formed in the crevasses of a caldera and are the products of a mantle plume [].
Since Xenoliths were found in the 12, year old outflow from Furnas, this indicates a volcanic supereruption must have occurred at that time, 12, years ago from the supervolcano under the Azores Plateau. Furthermore, since Pico erupted with a VEI of 5, but it was not the only volcano erupting at that time, Furnas also erupted []. Atlantis, which, as was saying, was an island greater in extent than Libya and Asia, and when afterwards sunk by an earthquake, became an impassable barrier of mud to voyagers sailing from hence to any part of the ocean The eruptions occurred underwater along with earthquakes, because Plato described pumice floating beyond the Pillars of Hercules for some time after the eruption leaving the waters unnavigable as "an impassable barrier of mud.
But Plato DID mention earthquakes. The Azores are still a very geologically active area with a significant hazard potential to residents []. Safety monitoring is taken seriously and potential exists for disasters from geological activity. Click below to confirm today's seismic activity in the Azores. On Graciosa the Caldeira da Graciosa, resulted from the collapse of a volcanic cone 12, years ago.
This volcano was also erupting []. The SE Terceira Rift alone contains submarine volcanic cones. While she had her head still bent, her murmurs were for him only. A long time ago, it felt like lifetimes, he'd explained the saying. Another mission, another near miss. There'd been a hell of a lot more since then. Before he could find something reassuring to say, Beckett came jogging up the stairs. The command deck was humming with activity as the personnel from the ships filtered down, while repair crews went back up.
They had a ship full of de-wraithified prisoners, and Elizabeth was still on Earth, and would be until the Daedalus could get on her feet enough to begin the journey back. Of course, just in time for him to have to fight back a wince, his headache thrummed that little bit harder. Sheppard really was tired, and his head did ache enough that he felt it down to his teeth, so maybe a few moments to let Carson have his reassurance and scam some Tylenol wouldn't be so bad.
She pushed him towards Beckett firmly. Sheppard had to keep reminding himself they thought he'd died. Then Doc was pulling him towards the stairs, and his headache erased his grin. Damn, mental note, having your ship blown almost in half was bad on the body. Carson prodded him for details during the walk to the infirmary. Sheppard explained how he'd latched onto the hive ship, and got a hold of Michael on the radio while trying to contact McKay and Ronon, then how when they were trying to damage the ship, the Daedalus has arrived, good timing and all that, and the last minute plan to save their lives by taking over the hive ship.
He might have left off a couple important things, like his ship being hit, but aside from the vise crushing his skull and neck, he was good. Headaches don't kill you, least not, most of them. And Sheppard was pretty sure he'd know if it was serious. It'd happened over ten hours ago and he was still on his feet.
Rodney was lying on an exam bed across from where Carson steered Sheppard, and as he got stiffly on it, he studied the man as subtlety as he could. They hadn't gotten a lot of time to catch up on what'd happened to him and Ronon, but Sheppard had seen the cocoons. He knew how freaked he would've felt being stuck in one of those things…so, that means McKay had probably been a step ahead of digging his grave. As Carson began strapping a cuff to Sheppard's arm, he said, "Rodney's fine. He and Ronon were dehydrated, but otherwise good.
Ronon all ready left but I'm keeping Rodney for a little bit more. Sitting down, on the other hand, had been a bad idea. No, a really bad idea. Nothing like feeling the events suddenly catch up to you in the span of a heartbeat. As heavy as his body felt just then, it felt like he was pulling G's in his fighter. After Beckett was finished with his vitals, he set John's chart on the bed next to Sheppard, and pulled the penlight out.
He did what he was told and tried not to flinch as the light made his headache instantly worse. Sheppard fought against wincing, but it was mostly reflexive. Beckett pulled the light away and frowned at him. John paused too long, trying to figure out a way to deal with this. If he told them his fighter had been almost blown in two, odds were good, he wasn't leaving here until the mandatory twenty-four observation period for any pilot involved in an aircraft accident.
Past the white flaps is a spotless white wall, on which a thin screen flickers autonomously between contoured maps and color images of northeastern Stateland: Even with an excess of elite technology, the washbasin in the corner still leaks. The basin drips full as the tent is abruptly bombarded with cheers. The machines beep and shudder in response to the frantic whirrs of the robots outside.
The masters shout victory: Through the plastic window, an excavation floodlight briefly streaks across the room and over the screen, which now displays: Under their watch on the Mount, we are safe. The screen fades to white. A pool accumulates on the counter, and a stream falls off the side. A misplaced machine short-circuits. The overhead light blinks out. Soon the basin reflects rippling fire. Through the window is a warped view of the floodlight crashing down, letting shadows overtake the scattering humans.
When silence is restored, the white screen is accompanied only by bugs and the moon. That I would ever have the balls to make it real. All it took was a hand from Jack. God, and have the trees ever looked so harsh in my headlights. After I hit it. Tonight is dark as death, sure. Silent as death, too, with the engine off. Makes the light feel out of place, intruding on the stillness.
I look so far away—fuzzy in this light. That patchy hair on my cheeks, neck. Then I can face it. Makes me feel solid. Wet and heavy on my feet. What happened to my shoes again? The fucker sure is coughing up a lot. Thought the F would do the job, but you can never tell nothing until you do it. I really did it, too. Flashy vest all torn up across the back.
Nothing to hold out here, boy. And would you look at that. What was it doing out here at this hour anyway? No use in running around like that. Running around at ungodly hours of the morning. You running toward me, you running toward death. Just enough to see it. The feet are something else. Looks like one of those big toes about to fall right off. And I never imagined the legs all crooked like that.
By God, did I. One of those wrist bones popping out there. All that blood on that vest. The neck all still—at an angle. Mouth dripping, gaping like a fish. Eyes wide and staring at me. Wish those things would close. They look so close, like they can see inside me. They need to stop staring. I can strangle it right now.
Yes, that feels right. Just gotta press down. But how do I know those eyes? How can eyes stab like that? The one with the elephant bone handle—that was the one. He sharpened that blade every day. All that red on the bone. That blade was my favorite. Momma said my eyes looked like that. Lord, that must be it. The same shape and color and everything.
We could be brothers, twins even. His eyes are mine. Rose petals, once sprinkled over the foamy surface of the bubble bath, now stick to the empty tub like clots of blood; a ring of water encircles the drain. The candles have melted; some of the wax has dripped onto the tile floor. I flick through the channels, dipping the chocolates into the mint ice cream I bought two weeks ago. The door slamming seems to echo from down the hall—a haunted house. Your grief lingers, filling me with guilt. Though, I never could have said yes.
Accept that you will spend countless nights alone, drunk or sobbing or both. Accept that you will twist back and forth, agonizingly and often, between knowing that she will never love you back and entertaining intricate daydreams of the day she does decide to love you back. Accept that those daydreams will never come to fruition. Accept, also, that even though the falsehoods you construct will give you comfort, witnessing reality will hurt you even more after spending hours imagining being able to hold her the way you want to.
Accept that you will have to watch her love others and that you will have to watch those others break her over and over again. Accept that you will be the one she runs to for help putting herself back together. Accept that you will do it, every single time. Prepare to write about it, over and over and over again. Prepare to accidentally drink too much one night and try to tell her how you feel. Prepare for it to go horribly wrong. You can never speak as well as you can write, so attempting a verbal confession while drunk will not be your smartest move.
Prepare for her to gently and kindly let you down, but for her to let you down nonetheless. Here, prepare for the proof of that, coming straight out of her tempting, red lips. Do not hold back with your affection, but keep it on the fair side of the friendship line. Tell yourself that you deserve more, deserve better, deserve someone who could love you back, at the very least. Train yourself in the art of doing pseudo-romantic activities with her while letting them remain platonic.
Kiss her on the cheek every time you part. Call yourselves soul mates. Know that the way she means it and the way you. Appreciate, at least, that she cares for you deeply. Take her to the beach after the sun goes down and convince her to skinny dip with you. Leave her lying in the shallow water, moonlight glancing off of her small, pale body, and walk as far into the sea as you dare. Stand there, chest-deep in the ocean at midnight, unafraid of anything except how much you love her. Sharks, riptides, drowning be damned.
Revel in the intimacy that you two share—the intimacy of lovers that somehow exists between two people who are not lovers. Hope that she can feel the tender warmth you carry for her. Hope that she can feel the truth of the fact that she is the most special thing you have ever encountered. Begin to accept the intimacy between you and the distance by which it will always fall short of true love on her end. Finish the journey of acceptance that began that night.
Your Complete Guide to Stargate
Gather up your heart again as you stand in the ocean, chest-deep under a half-moon, looking back at her on the shoreline, thirty yards away. Thirty yards of distance: Parched Poetry by Mikaela Fleming I have spent my life fueled by my own emotions. And because of this overflow of feelings, I treated my body like a tall glass of water, constantly being passed around to the greediest of hands and lips. In my chronic desire to quench the thirst of every groping throat around me, I found myself parched. How easy it was to spill my affections into the mouths of others, to distract myself from the dryness of my own self-loathing.
This is the story of just another pair of thirsty lips. He presented his virginity to me on a silver platter. How little he realized how I wished it were mine, for the word virgin was stripped from my vocabulary before it had time to form in my brain. I now realize why I was so obsessed with his virginity. I could trust him with the rough draft of my body. His inexperienced and illiterate eyes would bypass the grammatical errors on my thighs, the poor punctuation of my stomach that proofreaders always highlighted before.
He took this crumbled creature and placed me on a throne. Queen, he called me. And from the height of that throne, I mistook his tears as freckles. He dug his calloused and paint-stained hands into my chest, pried open my wounds, and the artist in him found charm in this crime scene. I can still feel them ricocheting inside my brain. He crammed cigarettes down our throats so the coughing could cover up our miscommunication. My young ex-lover, he loved to smoke. He was always a drag.
But I printed compliments on his tongue in black ink. And when she takes up residence in his palate, I hope she tastes my red lipstick from the night he told me he wanted to live beside me forever. I am sick and tired of being dehydrated. Let me be the salt he craves while he chokes on thirst. Let me be his wet dream mirage in the middle of the desert. This is just one more stupid love poem for a boy who could not keep up with my rainstorm.
On Sundays weather permitting , she mans a booth of her monstrous goods on Water Street. In Oops, I Hearted, a sheepish teddy bear covers his cheeks while exuding a bubblegum-pink, heartshaped cloud of gas. Martian has always doodled. She is a hairstylist and co-owner of Elsewhere Salon. Her creativity intensified after she left a stifling nine-year job and opened her own business.
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Martian prefers to work with Gouache. Martian is anything but serious. Her biography hangs above the box of prints. Her greatest accomplishment was swimming the English Channel wearing nothing but a zoot suit. She is a highly talented cartoonist, although she prefers to be called a doodler extraordinaire, and has an interesting sense of humor. Lastly, she studied nuclear physics at Harvard University and is a certified rocket scientist. She also has a time machine. Casual Sunday strollers wander up to her booth from time to time.
Most are immediately drawn to the unicorn. For him, Martian painted a disproportionate gnat—titled after the car— with tiny wings, baleen-like teeth, and a broken heart. She is normally spotted by the arrestingly loud scarves she wears on her head.