An Interview with manager Lady Montano (Interviews with famous Trinidadians Book 6)
Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Pearl Eintou Springer talks about her life and her poetry. Author can be contacted at mashby11 yahoo. Kindle Edition , 7 pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. Augustine has more than , volumes. There are over school libraries that are supported by the national system.
The National Museum and Art Gallery is located in Port-of-Spain, as is the Royal Victoria Institute Museum , a general museum featuring local flora and fauna, crafts of the indigenous people, and a sampling of moon dust. The Trinidad childhood home of Nobel-winning author V. Naipaul was scheduled to become a museum. Postal and internal telegraph services throughout the islands are operated by the government. In , there were an estimated mainline telephones for every 1, people.
The same year, there were approximately mobile phones in use for every 1, people. Commercial cable communication and radiotelephone services are maintained between Trinidad and all major countries of the world. There were 4 AM and 18 FM radio stations, and 4 television stations in The public National Broadcasting Service closed in , ending service of two television stations and four radio stations.
There were, however, plans to launch a new public broadcaster in the form of the state-owned Caribbean News Media Network. In , there were an estimated radios and television sets for every 1, people. The same year, there were There were 15 secure Internet servers in the country in There were four daily newspapers in The Trinidad Guardian, a morning and Sunday paper, had an average daily circulation of 46, The Trinidad Express, published daily and Sunday, had a daily circulation of 51, Newsday, also published daily and Sunday, had a daily circulation of 25, Trinidad Evening News , published daily, had a circulation of 33, Producers of agricultural crops for export are organized into associations for solving common problems, as well as for social purposes.
Sports associations are popular for amateur athletes of all ages; several sports clubs are associated with the national Olympic Committee. Outstanding tourist attractions include the mountainous areas, beaches, and reefs on both islands. Entertainment includes calypso and steel band music, both of which originated in Trinidad. Festive events include Carnival, held annually on the two days before Ash Wednesday ; the Muslim festival of Hosay, which begins 10 days after the new moon in the month of Muharram; and the Hindu festival of lights, Divali, which occurs in October or November.
Cricket and football soccer are the most popular sports. The government offers fiscal and other incentives for the development of hotels and other tourist facilities. Passports are required, and must be valid for at least six months after leaving Trinidad and Tobago. Eric Eustace Williams — 81 , the main political figure of his time and the leader of Trinidad and Tobago's major political party , was instrumental in his country's achievement of independence in ; he was prime minister from until his death.
His successor was George Michael Chambers — George Maxwell Richards b. Notable writers include Samuel Selvon — and V. Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul b. Harpers Ferry , W. Health in the Americas, edition. University of Pennsylvania Press, University of Tennessee Press, Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. Retrieved December 15, from Encyclopedia.
Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, Encyclopedia. Supplemental material has been added to increase coverage of minor cities, facts have been updated, and some material has been condensed. Readers are encouraged to visit the Department of State's web site at http: Trinidad does not conform to the stereotypes of a Caribbean resort island.
In fact, while it is blessed with great natural beauty and some good beaches, it is not a premier tourist destination. Tourism is growing rapidly on the sister island of Tobago, which is only a minute flight away. What Trinidad lacks in tourist infrastructure, however, it more than makes up for in its unique ethnic and cultural flavor. Its abundant natural resources oil and gas have provided it the means to chart its own course, politically and economically, and make it a leader in the region.
First-time visitors are often surprised at the level of industrialization in the country. It is a relatively prosperous nation as measured by per capita GDP. Its population and landmass are larger than all of the Windward Islands combined. Even its geologic origins set it apart; it was originally a part of the South American mainland before it broke off thousands of years ago. This means that its flora and fauna are as varied as those of South America , but concentrated in a much smaller area. It is one of the world's premier destinations for bird watchers, boasting several hundred species, especially hummingbirds.
Trinidad includes mountain ranges with peaks as high as 3, ft, as well as flat lands used for agriculture, and wetlands. The Venezuelan coastline, less than 10 miles away, is visible from Port of Spain , yet cultural and language differences mean there is relatively little contact with Venezuela. Trinidadian society is a vibrant and unique mixture of races and national origins, with the two largest groups being of African and of Indian descent. In addition, there are smaller, but significant numbers of people of Chinese, Syrian, Lebanese, English, Portuguese, Spanish, and French origin.
Life for the community is good in Port of Spain , particularly for families and those who like outdoor activities. Port of Spain is as safe as many large U. The people are open and friendly toward Americans, the business infrastructure is reasonably modern and efficient, and housing and schools are good. While some of the conveniences Americans take for granted are not always available, one can dial direct to family in the U. At the same time, opportunities abound to be enriched by an interesting and unique culture. Port-of-Spain is located between the sheltered Gulf of Paria and the mountains of the Northern Range that rise sharply from the sea to an altitude of 3, feet.
With a metropolitan population of over , this bustling port city is on many important air and sea routes of the eastern Caribbean. The city itself is situated on flat land, with hills rising on three sides and the sea on the fourth. Downtown streets are narrow and congested. The downtown businesses are immediately inland from the dock and waterfront.
On nearby Woodford Square stands the Red House, which is the center of government and houses parliamentary offices as well as the House of Representatives , and the Senate. Many political and social functions take place at Woodford Square or on the recently refurbished Brian Lara Promenade. Further inland is the Savannah, cultural and recreational hub of the city, with its surrounding road often called the "world's largest roundabout.
Many Carnival activities take place on the Savannah. Many of Port of Spain's cultural attractions are located around the Savannah, including Queen's Hall used for concerts and other performances , the Botanical Gardens, a zoo, the Hilton Hotel, and historical houses, many in Victorian style architecture. Since electric current is the same as in the U. I 10v, cycle AC , transformers are unnecessary. Plugs and outlets are American or a locally available three-prong type.
The electrical system experiences occasional surges and outages. Line conditioners are recommended for sensitive electronic items such as computers. During the dry season January-June water supplies are low, and restrictions may be placed on watering lawns and washing cars. Water pressure and supply problems can be a serious problem in hilly suburbs.
Supermarkets similar to those in the U. Smaller family-run groceries, vegetable-fruit stores called greengrocers here , and roadside stands sell vegetables, fruits and fish. Well-stocked store shelves hold many familiar brands. Food prices, except for government controlled items, are comparable or higher than in the U. Products come from the U. Government-controlled items are sold at below market prices and are supported by government subsidies.
These include rice, sugar, flour, and some imported foods such as butter and cheese. Some items, which are solely imports, include baby food, cake mixes, pickles, olives, and canned and dehydrated soups. Locally produced coffee is available, but stronger than U. American ground coffee is available. Good quality juices produced locally can be had both sweetened and unsweetened. Both local and imported candy and snacks are widely available at reasonable prices.
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Local and imported nuts peanuts, cashews, walnuts, and almonds are available, but expensive. Staples such as eggs, bread, butter, yogurt, cream and milk fresh, UHT and powdered of good quality are widely available at reasonable prices. A wide variety of fresh, canned and frozen fruits and vegetables are found in local supermarkets, neighborhood shops and roadside stands. While there are many fruits and vegetables not commonly found in the U. Fresh fish and shrimp can be purchased at the downtown central market, roadside stands, or from fishermen returning with their catch. Frozen fish is available at supermarkets.
Local pork is good, as are New Zealand mutton and lamb. Beef cuts differ from those in the U. Sausages, ham and luncheon meats are available. Trinidadian cuisine reflects the nation's cultural diversity. On their way to work, many Trinidadians enjoy a quick breakfast of fresh coconut water and jelly sold by vendors along the Savannah and Independence Square. Callaloo, a popular soup, is made from taro leaves, okra, pumpkin, coconut, and crabs.
Other favorites are cow heel soup, crab backs, souse pickled pig's feet , and pastels ground beef wrapped in crepe-like pancakes and banana leaves. East Indian dishes include roti usually beef, chicken, or pork with potatoes and curry spices wrapped in a large, thin bread , spicy hot curries, and chutney. Most Chinese food is Cantonese, but is prepared to suit Trinidadian taste and is somewhat different from what one finds in U.
Wild meats, such as manicou possum , armadillo, iguana, deer, and wild boar are delicacies here. Trinidadians especially enjoy fish including shark, king fish, red snapper, Spanish mackerel, flying fish , shrimp, carite, and cascadura a fresh water fish. Lightweight summer clothing is worn year round by both men and women in Port of Spain. Due to Trinidad and Tobago's tropical climate, clothing made from natural fibers cotton, linen, etc. Clothing wears out quickly under the frequent laundering made essential by the high heat and humidity. Dress is casual and informal, although evening functions often require "lounge suits," the local term for dark business suits.
At more casual functions, sport shirts and slacks are commonly worn, as are "shirt jacks," which are similar to the Latin American guayabera or African safari suit and are very popular among Trinidadian men. During the rainy season, showers can be expected nearly every day. Umbrellas are therefore essential.
Raincoats and galoshes are not worn here due to the hot climate. Loose-fitting clothing made of natural fibers is the most comfortable. Women wear dresses, suits, or skirts to the office. Stockings are rarely worn due to the high humidity. Plan to bring a good supply of dresses for social occasions, as parties and other social events are numerous throughout the year.
Trinidadian women are generally smartly dressed no matter what dress is specified by the invitation. Casual and dressy short dresses or skirts are favored at most social functions. Local boutiques sell the latest fashions, including interesting local designs, at relatively high prices. Fabric shops offer a wide variety of materials at reasonable prices. Seamstresses are numerous and many can sew without patterns; their prices vary.
Clothing worn during summer in the U. Washable, lightweight materials with natural fibers are best. One sweater or feather-light jacket should be all the outer wear needed. Most children wear sandals or comfortable canvas shoes. They are available here at reasonable prices. Most schools require school uniforms, which can be purchased locally. The International School requires black or white shoes or sneakers, of which more styles are available in the U. Locally made laundry soaps and cleansers are available at reasonable prices.
Imported soaps, cleaners, disinfectants, fabric softeners, grease cutters, and waxes are more expensive. Numerous name brand cosmetics and personal hygiene items are sold locally, including hair care products, lotions, nail polish, deodorants, foot powders, and shampoos.
Except for a few locally made products, they are more expensive than in the U. Several brands of locally made diapers are sold at reasonable prices. Photographic equipment is expensive and limited in variety. Film and black-and white and color processing services are available at higher than U. There are several reasonably-priced but unreliable dry cleaners. Beauty and barber shops resemble those in the U.
Domestic help can be found and hired at rates considerably below those in the United States. Few families hire more than a full-time maid and part-time gardener. Live-in maids are hard to find, because most employees prefer day work. Some families employ maids and waiters for representational functions, at hourly or evening wages. Baby-sitters are inexpensive but sometimes hard to find. In addition to wages, employers should provide meals or cash equivalent, uniforms, and a contribution to the compulsory National Insurance plan.
If the employer requires the employee to have a pre-employment medical check-up, this should be done at the employer's expense. Freedom of worship exists in Trinidad and Tobago. Most religions have places of worship. There are no synagogues, but a small Jewish community mainly foreign residents organizes activities and observances. The school year begins in early September and ends in mid-July, with Christmas and Easter vacations dividing it into three terms.
The school week is Monday-Friday except for holidays. All Trinidadian schools above nursery level require uniforms that are inexpensive and well suited for the tropics. Good preschools for year-olds are available and are held in the teacher's home. Teacher-pupil ratio, physical setup of the classroom, and the teacher's training and method vary widely.
Drilling on numbers and alphabet is a primary activity, and children have less freedom of movement than in U. However, some Montessori-type schools exist, and other schools have teachers who include some Montessori methods in games and activities. ISPS is growing rapidly and is modeled on the American educational system and reflects a college preparatory curriculum. As an accredited, private independent school, it continues to expand course offerings and extra-curricular activities. A similar service is provided in French by the Alliance Francaise for a nominal fee.
Private teachers offer special courses in crafts, music, modern dance , and arts. The University of the West Indies is located at St. Augustine , about 12 miles east of Port of Spain. Degree courses are offered by the faculties of agriculture, engineering, social sciences, the natural sciences, and the arts. The University also offers some non-degree courses in Port of Spain and at St.
The cost for non-degree study at UWI is high, but many of the more popular departments engineering, sciences, and premedical are difficult to enroll in due to enrollment limits. Trinidad and Tobago's primary national sports are cricket and soccer. Swimming, tennis, golf, boating, and fishing are also popular and are available in and around Port of Spain. Port of Spain has several parks, including a botanical garden and a small zoo. Beaches in Trinidad are not resorts, but they are convenient to Port of Spain and are well used all year.
The most popular beach is located at Maracas Bay on the north coast, about 35 minutes from Port of Spain. The smaller, less crowded, Las Cuevas Beach is 5 miles farther.
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There are beach houses for rent on the East Coast about two hours' drive from Port of Spain and on the small islands off the northwest coast reachable through a short water taxi ride which are popular weekend getaway spot. Swimming can be dangerous at any beach in Trinidad because of frequent heavy surf, rip-tides, and undertows. However, Maracas and several of the other more popular beaches have lifeguards. Several sports facilities provide swimming pools in Port of Spain at lower rates than the U. Tobago offers resort-type facilities, including hotels on or near the beach and a golf course.
Many people find weekends on "Robinson Crusoe's Island" a welcome change from Port of Spain's routine. Tennis facilities in the city are frequently crowded, but adequate; equipment and clothing are expensive. This private club accepts member referral and tennis is quite competitive. The Trinidad Hilton has two all-weather courts, but expect a short wait for half-hour of playing time. The Trinidad Country Club in Port of Spain has a large swimming pool and a children's pool , six tennis courts, playground swings, slide , bar, and eating facilities.
Although these three private clubs are the most popular, smaller clubs exist. It is also possible to reserve an hour's play at a good all-weather public court. Opportunities for scuba diving and spearfishing are fair in Trinidad and excellent in Tobago. The waters around Trinidad are generally murky and devoid of coral reefs , with dangerous currents. These conditions coupled with the lack of diving instruction and rental equipment, means divers should be experienced and outfitted before attempting dives in Trinidad.
By contrast, Tobago diving is well organized with equipment and instruction available; the reefs, clear water, and tropical fish provide for excellent diving opportunities. Deep sea fishing is quite good, and there are some charter boats available. Port of Spain has several boating clubs and marinas: The Yacht Club has boating facilities for members and guests.
Power Boats and Island Properties, as well as Peake's, have haul-out and full service facilities for boats. The recently established Crews Inn is a world class marina for power and sail boats and includes a supermarket, hotel, bank, bookstore, and other features such as boat slips with full electrical, cable TV and telephone hookups. The Trinidad and Tobago Yachting Association, which is only for sailboats and dinghies, offers competitive sailing in a number of large and small boat categories. It also sponsors children's boating classes.
Sailboats and powerboats can be purchased locally, but prices are high and selection limited.
Andrews Golf Club , situated in a valley 5 miles north of Port of Spain, offers an hole golf course, restaurant, swimming pool, driving range, and putting green. Similar facilities and less expensive hole course are located at Point-a-Pierre, 45 minutes south. A nine-hole public golf course, in an attractive valley northwest of town, is also available. Small game hunting in the forests and duck hunting in the swamps is possible, but only with shotguns.
Rifles are not legal hunting weapons here. Game is scarce and all but the most dedicated hunters find that the results are not worth the effort. The Trinidad Rifle Association and Trap and Skeet Association offer firing range facilities for shooting pistols, as well as skeet, small bore, and high-power rifles.
Good hiking opportunities are enhanced by an active Field Naturalists Club, which sponsors monthly hikes to out-of-the-way spots.
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- I Phones and I Pods in the 21st Century Classroom?
- An Interview with poet Pearl Eintou Springer (Interviews with famous Trinidadians Book 4).
Informal group hiking is a common event. Opportunities are outstanding for bird watchers and butterfly collectors. The internationally known Asa Wright Nature Center near Arima provides overnight facilities for amateur and professional naturalists. Other recreational opportunities include several karate schools, dancing schools, fitness centers, amateur theater, model building club, stamp club and various women's clubs. Sports equipment and attire compare to those used in the U. Port of Spain has an active Hash House Harriers Club that organizes trail runs every other week in different parts of the country.
Unlike Hash groups in many other countries, the group is not dominated by ex-pats. There is a good mix of locals and foreigners. The hash is a good way for newcomers to meet people and see the country. Many staff members enjoy visits to nearby islands and to the Venezuelan mainland. A quiet, peaceful island, Tobago boasts lagoons, beaches, and undersea coral gardens with tropical fish, and an hole golf course. Barbados, miles away, offers more tourist infrastructure than Tobago, excellent beaches and a wide selection of good restaurants and hotels.
Moderate excursion rates are available during the off season. Caracas , Venezuela is another popular destination for long weekends, offering restaurants and shopping as well as a change from the typical Caribbean atmosphere. Georgetown, Guyana is an exotic break for the adventurous, where Amerindian villages and huge rivers and waterfalls can be visited. Grenada, 90 miles north of Trinidad, is known as the "Isle of Spice".
The most southerly of the Wind-ward Islands, it offers beautiful beaches and several good hotels. George's, the capital city, has excellent yacht facilities. Moderate excursion rates are available during the off-season. Grenada is the southern gateway to the Grenadines, an increasingly popular cruising and sailing ground. Port of Spain has a number of reasonably priced restaurants featuring continental, Indian, Italian, Thai, American, Chinese, and local Creole cuisine.
Several hotels and three or four nightclubs offer entertainment featuring steel bands, calypso, and other local music and dance bands. For the younger crowd, several discotheques play current U. Three large-screen movie theaters and a drive-in present mostly U. Other venues sometimes offer cultural events, plays or shows. An active semi-professional theater workshop group welcomes foreigners. In addition, interested visitors might participate in other smaller theater and dance groups.
Video rental stores are used by many Americans. The entertainment highlight is the annual Carnival. Many feel that Trinidad's pre-Lenten Carnival is second only to Rio's in grandeur and twice as enjoyable, since it is safer and more informal. Many Americans each year join one of the colorful "Mas" bands masquerade groups.
There are also numerous other special cultural events, festivals and competitions. The period between Christmas and Carnival is filled with "fetes" parties and is characterized by local calypso and steelband competitions leading to the national finals which take place the weekend preceding Carnival. During this time, one can visit numerous local "pan yards" in the evenings to hear the world's premier steelband rehearsing intricate arrangements of specially commissioned competition tunes.
On a year-round basis, however, entertainment possibilities are less varied in Port of Spain than in a comparable U. Bring books, records, games, and hobby materials. Trinidad is a destination which most young families find enjoyable because of the outdoor living, the friendliness and hospitality of the Trinidadians, and the relative safety and lack of serious health and political hazards.
Port of Spain has many opportunities for social activity. Trinidadians are friendly and very hospitable. Americans are welcomed at the many fetes that occur throughout the year. During the Christmas and Carnival season nonstop fetes are held. Most parties are informal.
Other types of home entertainment include cocktail parties, dinners, bridge parties, and buffet suppers. Club activities include films, barbecues, and dances for members. Older children and teenagers find few organized groups to join. It is about 15 miles east of Port-of-Spain, and many of its residents work in the capital. The population of Arima is about 24, This town of roughly 6, residents is noted for its busy Saturday open-air market.
Everything from produce to glass-ware and gadgets is offered for sale, spread out on blankets and displayed in small wooden stands. The adjoining Pitch Lake has become a major tourist attraction and the city itself has benefitted. The area is covered with pitch, so houses and buildings in La Brea tilt in all directions. Roads are full of potholes, and huge cracks. The pitch erupts and subsides quickly, even in the heart of town. Pitch Lake, referred to as "magnified elephant skin," is actually a massive field of resin, almost feet deep. The lake supplies tons of asphalt from its more than acres.
La Brea's population is an estimated 1, The village dates to the s, when it was founded by the Count de Lopinot. The Frenchman and his settlers were awarded the region by the British, and proceeded to carve out a thriving plantation from the dense forest. The count's estate is now a principal tourist spot, the house a museum with memorabilia and photos. The gardens are meticulously tended and are highly popular for picnickers. Residents of Lopinot are a mixture of French, Spanish, Amerindian, and African, and are known for their distinctive songs and instrumentation. Other features here include a church that was moved from a nearby town, linked caves with curious stalactites, and a dubiously interesting colony of white cockroaches — the only such species in the world — found in the caves.
Its population is approximately 4, With a population of approximately 33, est. It is a seaport city, and several industrial plants have made their headquarters here. It has a population of about 9,, and is the hub of St. It is situated near the island's Rockley Bay. Because Scarborough is in a resort area, it has hotels, several banks, and a car rental agency. Augustine campus of the University of the West Indies.
The city's population is an estimated 10, Christopher Columbus discovered, named and claimed Trinidad for Spain in Sir Walter Raleigh made brief bids for possession of the island in The indigenous inhabitants of the islands-the warlike Caribs, who flourished in Tobago, and the more peaceful Arawaks, who outnumbered the Caribs in Trinidad-were ultimately subdued and enslaved by the Spanish.
By the end of the 18th century, they were almost extinct. Africans were brought to Trinidad as slaves in to boost cacao production. When the Spanish crown opened the island to immigration in the last quarter of the century, French planters and their slaves came by the thousands from other Caribbean islands and France , bringing their knowledge of sugarcane cultivation. The Spanish ceded Trinidad to the English in Tobago, after changing hands among the Dutch, French, and British several times during the 16th and 17th centuries, was finally captured by the British in When slavery was abolished throughout the British West Indies in , plantation owners turned to indentured laborers from India , and some , arrived in Trinidad between and By East Indians accounted for almost one-third of Trinidad's population; today they comprise a slim plurality.
Trinidad was the site of a large U. It also protected supply routes for oil for the allied forces. German U-boats stalked allied supply and troop ships headed for the war in Europe , sinking many in the waters surrounding Trinidad and Tobago. A small, privately run military history museum outside of Port of Spain details this and other fascinating military chapters in the history of the islands. There are also smaller groups following African derived religions. Trinidad and Tobago's population is just under 1. Greater Port of Spain, with about , inhabitants, is by far the largest city, followed by San Fernando, Arima and Chaguanas.
The largest town in Tobago is Scarborough. Over 2, Americans live in Trinidad and Tobago, many of local origin. Most of the rural population in Trinidad lives in small roadside agricultural villages. The two major folk traditions are Creole and East Indian. Creole is a mixture of African elements as influenced by Spanish, French, and English colonial culture. Many East Indians have retained their own way of life and Hindu traditions and religious rites such as cremation and Divali Festival of Lights.
A smaller proportion of the East Indian population is Muslim. The entire population speaks English, often flavored with expressions derived from Trinidad's cultural heritage. The people of Trinidad and Tobago enjoy social events called 'fetes' all year. One of the world's biggest fetes-Carnival-takes place each year on the Monday and Tuesday before Lent. This festival features parades with huge groups of masqueraders dancing in spectacular costumes through the streets of Port of Spain, accompanied by large sound trucks or steel bands, and calypso singers accompanied by brass bands performing at calypso "tents.
In time it also became a means for the Afro-Trinidadian masses to break out of their normal routine, sometimes to express ridicule or to indirectly attack their social superiors and the government. It has now become a truly national event, with most segments of the population actively participating. Trinidad and Tobago is a democratic country with a parliamentary form of government. On August 31, , the United Kingdom granted independence to Trinidad and Tobago as a member of the British Commonwealth with a Governor General as the Queen's personal representative.
On September 24, , Trinidad and Tobago adopted a new constitution, which established the country as a republic within the British Commonwealth. The Queen was replaced as head of state by a President elected by Parliament, and the position of Governor General was abolished. The major governmental institutions, based on the British model, remained the same as those established by the constitution.
A Cabinet currently 17 Ministers appointed and led by a Prime Minister. A bicameral Parliament consisting of a member House of Representatives and a member Senate. Members of the House of Representatives are elected in parliamentary elections held at least every five years. Members of the Senate are appointed by the President: A judicial system which has a Court of Appeals as its highest level in the country. The PNM was founded in under the leadership of Dr. Williams in became the first Prime Minister of the newly independent country, continuing in office until his death in Trinidad and Tobago belongs to a number of international organizations through which it exerts some influence on world affairs.
On gaining independence in , Trinidad and Tobago joined the United Nations and became a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. The educational program inherited from the colonial administration was patterned on the British model, with structure and content resembling those of other Commonwealth Caribbean members. While Trinidad has one of the hemisphere's highest literacy rates and has produced scholars of international renown, some educational problems persist. School facilities tend to be outdated, in poor condition and overcrowded.
Teacher salaries and training are also well below the private sector. Not all teachers have university degrees; some have received pedagogical training, others have specialist diplomas, and some have general secondary education. Higher education is available in Trinidad and Tobago at the St. In the literary field notable writers include Alfred Mendes, C. Selvon's work most often deals with the poor people of Trinidad at home and abroad, and his style is both humorous and sympathetic.
Naipaul's novels show a deep sensitivity toward the racial and cultural complexity of Trinidadian society and an understanding of its tensions and prejudices. Lucian by birth, who is now teaching in the United States. The music and dance of Trinidad and Tobago and the festivals that inspire and preserve them reflect the country's kaleidoscopic colonial heritage and its multicultural population. Each element of the social mosaic-the Spanish and English colonizers, the French immigrants, the African slaves, and the East Indian indentured laborers, as well as smaller communities of Chinese, Syrians and Lebanese-has contributed to a national folkloric tradition which is among the world's richest.
The calypso, the musical genre that has drawn international attention to Trinidad, evolved from folk culture but is considered a popular political music form. Today's calypso has been described as "witty, smutty, topical, and full of double entendre. Soca, a high energy dance music, Indo-Trinidadian "chutney" music, Indian style "tassa" drum bands, and the limbo dance are also all of Trinidadian origin. Trinidad's most notable contribution to world culture, however, may be the steel drum "pan".
Several decades ago urban Afro-Trinidadians found that empty steel drums and similar objects were ideal for music making. The thousands of 55 gallon oil drums, discarded by the U. From primitive beginnings they were slowly developed to be able to reproduce the entire chromatic scale. The bands, which can number over musicians, typically have bass, guitar, and cello pans in the rhythm section, while tenor and "double second" pans play the melody. Pan music has become very refined and, aside from calypso tunes, now includes popular, jazz and classical pieces.
In the field of the visual arts, Boscoe Holder, who excels in figurative paintings, Noel Vaucrosson, a watercolorist, and Pat Chu Foon, a painter and sculptor, are well known. Peter Minshall, who designed the opening ceremonies at both the Barcelona and Atlanta Olympic Games, has become one of the stand-outs among the many talented " mas " Carnival band producers. Clothing designers, producing a typical Caribbean style, have also come into their own in recent years.
Port of Spain has several small theaters and two larger auditoriums, which feature original and foreign plays and musical performances. While Trinidad and Tobago's cultural "market" is not large enough to draw many foreign acts aside from Caribbean music shows , occasionally visits by lesser known foreign musical and dance groups liven up the local cultural scene. Endowed like neighboring Venezuela with rich deposits of oil and natural gas , Trinidad and Tobago became one of the most prosperous countries in the Western Hemisphere during the oil boom of the s, ranking third in per-capita income behind the United States and Canada by Oil revenues enabled the nation to embark on a rapid industrial and infrastructural development program, within the framework of a " mixed economy ," in which government investment in state corporations played a major role.
Oil wealth also fueled a dramatic increase in domestic consumption. With the collapse of oil prices in the early s, Trinidad and Tobago entered into a difficult period of economic recession. In mid, worsening economic conditions forced the government to begin a stringent adjustment program guided by the International Monetary Fund. By , the country successfully recovered from its decade of economic decline, posting three straight years of real GDP growth 3.
Trinidad and Tobago's international debt rating and per capita income are now among the highest in the hemisphere, and the country is viewed as an economic and political leader in the Caribbean. As part of its economic restructuring, the government adopted a more welcoming attitude toward foreign investment. Since almost all investment barriers have been eliminated, and the government has aggressively and successfully courted foreign investors.
There are no currency or capital controls, and the TT dollar has been in a lightly-managed, stable float since early In moving toward a more liberalized economy based on open competition, the government has privatized many state-owned industries and reduced subsidies to those that remain in the public portfolio. Through a combination of prudent monetary policies and fiscal restraint in public-sector budgets, the government has been successful in bringing inflation under control.
Consumer prices rose 5. Production of crude oil has been steadily declining over the past decade, but the discovery of large reserves of natural gas , primarily in off shore fields, has fueled the development of petrochemical and metals industries. There are now over 20 large industrial plants in Trinidad, with most dependent on natural gas as a feedstock or running on inexpensive natural gas-generated electricity. At current trends Trinidad and Tobago will become the world's largest exporter of ammonia and methanol by the year Since , Trinidad and Tobago, in partnership with many major international oil companies, has pursued an aggressive oil and gas exploration campaign.
BP Amoco, the biggest player in Trinidad's energy sector, produces half of the country's crude oil and the largest share of natural gas. Trinidad and Tobago is highly trade dependent, using the foreign exchange earned by its commodity and energy exports to buy consumer goods. Trinidad's exports are concentrated in a few sectors: Thanks to its energy and commodity exports Trinidad has run a trade surplus in all but two of the last 20 years. Trinidad and Tobago's agricultural sector is still dominated by sugar, which was introduced in colonial times.
But despite preferential market access arrangements with the U. The state owned sugar company Caroni Ltd. Other export crops include cocoa, coffee and cut flowers, but none is currently a significant foreign exchange earner. In the oil-boom years, neither the government nor the people showed much interest in tourism. After the economic decline of the s, however, Trinidad and Tobago has witnessed a positive change in attitudes toward tourism, and government has targeted the tourism industry for greater development. The marine pleasure yacht subsector has been a bright spot in the country's tourism picture in recent years.
Since annual sailing yacht arrivals have increased from several hundred to well over 3, The government is focusing efforts on the development of ecotourism destinations, taking advantage of acclaimed diving sites off the coast of Tobago and the impressive biological diversity of both islands. The country's labor force numbers around ,, according to the latest figures.
Trinidad And Tobago |
The vital, but capital intensive, hydrocarbon sectors employ only a small percentage of the labor force. Trinidad and Tobago has an active labor movement. Although only about a quarter of the national labor force is unionized, the unions enjoy a relatively high public profile. Unionization in the industrial and public sectors is higher than in most other sectors. The Labor Ministry serves as conciliator in labor disputes, and the Industrial Court, to which disputes are referred when collective bargaining fails, has a record of fair, but slow, adjudication.
Poor public transportation makes a personal car necessary in Port of Spain. Traffic moves on the left, so right-hand-drive vehicles predominate.
Only right-hand-drive RHD cars are sold locally. There are dealers for nearly all Japanese and Korean brands and an increasing number of European models. Shipping a car to Trinidad, preferably of a make that is sold locally, is less expensive than purchasing one on the island. A local driver's license good for three years is required and a valid U. Third-party liability insurance, required by law, is available locally at reasonable rates. A five-year claim-free statement from a previous insurer entitles you to a discount.
Local auto insurance rates other than third party liability are high and vary according to the driver's age and safety record. Collision and comprehensive insurance is also available locally, but the rates are higher than U. Although some improvements are under way, many roads and streets with the exception of a few major highways are narrow, full of potholes, and poorly maintained. Wear and tear on cars is rapid and narrow roads are often congested; small cars are recommended. Four-wheel-drive sport utility vehicles are also very popular, especially for those who enjoy exploring the dirt roads and secluded beaches of the island.
The typical Trinidadian driving style may surprise newcomers. Some drivers are aggressive and have little reluctance about straddling the center of the road. Driving with high beams on at night is fairly common. Taxis stop suddenly to pick up or discharge passengers. Newcomers quickly learn to drive defensively at all times but find that driving on the left is not as hard as it appears. Private cars and taxis are the primary means of local transport, but buses cover limited routes which concentrate on connecting Port-of-Spain with nearby towns and villages.
The country no longer has a railway system. Taxi stands are located in several areas of Port-of-Spain, including hotels and the airport. Taxis can also be summoned by telephone or hailed on the street. Travel by taxi on a daily basis is expensive; ask the fare beforehand, as taxis are not metered. Taxis are not identified by signs, or by uniform painting, but by the first letter "H" on the license plate. Route taxis or maxi-taxis minibuses are restricted to special routes. They display a sign in the windshield, but the color coding designates their area.
Passengers are picked up and let off along the route. Fares are reasonable and many local residents rely on maxi-taxis for transportation. Car rentals are higher than in the U. Trinidad has no school bus system. The lack of organized school transportation further congests the morning rush hour.
Air connections are reasonably good to all of these places. Airport taxi fares on both islands are standard and are displayed at each terminal. Establish the fare before hiring a taxi. A ferry also operates between Trinidad and Tobago. A modern telephone system has been installed throughout the island. Trinidad and Tobago follows the North American Dialing Plan and uses the international area code You can dial international calls to the United States direct from home or office by simply dialing 1, the area code, and number. Worldwide connections are good, but costs are well above U.
Credit card billing to the U. As of June , calls to Washington, D. TSTT International Cable Service offers worldwide telegram delivery, but incoming service has not always been reliable. International airmail from the U. Airmail from Trinidad to the U. There are reports, however, of lost or stolen mail, especially items such as magazines, catalogs and packages. Trinidad has fourteen local radio stations, three on AM and the balance FM, which offer almost exclusively international pop and local music. There is almost no classical, jazz, rock or world music programming. World news is broadcast regularly, but U.
Cable TV service is available through several companies providing about 40 or more channels, mostly from the U. The one government-owned TV station operates separate programs on two channels. Both transmit in color. Programs are mainly imported series, most of them from the U. Some locally produced shows as well as news programs are shown. A video cassette recorder VCR is useful for additional entertainment, with video stores located throughout Trinidad. Trinidad and Tobago is on the U. Service and parts for the better known models can be obtained locally and repair work is relatively inexpensive.
Three morning newspapers and several weeklies are published locally.

All give coverage to overseas news highlights, but in-depth international reporting is inadequate. The quality of the journalism varies widely. Popular American magazines, such as Good Housekeeping, Vogue, Glamour and House Beautiful are also available, but are often at least a month old and more expensive. Subscribe to magazines in the U. Port of Spain has various bookstores, stocked with books and paperbacks published locally, and in the U.
However, they are not comparable in selection to U. Trinidad and Tobago has a relatively large number of competent general practitioners and specialists who have trained in the U. Some doctors practice in private clinics, but most maintain private offices located throughout the country. Government-operated clinics are open to those who cannot afford private care.
The Mount Hope Medical Sciences Complex is fitted with state-of-the-art equipment but, like other government hospitals which have well-trained staff, conditions often do not meet U. Private clinics also offer good-quality care; such as the St. In a major medical emergency, when medical evacuation is not feasible, the St. Clair Medical Clinic has been designated the facility for use. Doctors are in attendance around the clock, and life-support equipment is available. Medical care in Trinidad and Tobago is adequate for routine procedures, but the U.
Most Americans and other foreigners use local dentists trained in the U. Orthodontic care is available, as are eye specialists. Eyeglass frames are imported and expensive, but locally ground lenses are relatively cheaper. Overall, the cost of medical, hospital, and dental care is much lower than in the U. Prescription drugs, medicines and remedies available locally are mostly British and U.
A full range of items is available from well-stocked pharmacies, but some brands may be unfamiliar. Prices are also generally higher than in the U. Bring a supply of any medical items you use regularly, including contact lens supplies, prescription drugs, over-the-counter remedies, first aid supplies, and cosmetics. Many items can be ordered later by pouch.
Community sanitation in residential areas is good. Garbage is collected three times a week in most neighborhoods and garden clippings are collected weekly. Port of Spain and its suburbs are connected to a central sewage disposal system; outlying areas rely on septic tanks. Water, for the most part, is potable. Certain residential areas particularly elevated ones are subjected to water shortages, however, most of these residences have water storage tanks. Food purchased from street vendors and small restaurants can be of mixed quality. Qualified food handlers display a "food handler's badge.
Epidemics are rare in Trinidad and Tobago. However, gastroenteritis in children continues to be a problem, particularly in the rural areas. South American cholera generally does not reach Trinidad and Tobago, but precautions such as vigilant hand-washing and avoidance of food and drink from street vendors are advisable. Mosquito-borne dengue fever has increased in frequency in recent years. Yellow fever outbreaks occur roughly every ten years. Newcomers may suffer from heat rash due to the high temperature and humidity. The weather may also affect those who suffer from hay fever , bronchial asthma, and fungal infections, and prolong other infections.
Mosquitoes, sand flies and chiggers can cause discomfort outdoors.
Machel Montano
Typhoid, gamma globulin , and yellow fever inoculations are not required for travelers coming from the U. Immunization can be obtained locally. In addition, non-American carriers provide regular service to Port of Spain from the U. Reservations may be difficult to obtain during certain seasons, especially Christmas and Carnival. A passport is required of U. Work permits are required for certain types of compensated and non-compensated employment, including missionary work. For further information concerning entry, employment and customs requirements, travelers may contact the Embassy of Trinidad and Tobago, Massachusetts Avenue, N.
Americans living in or visiting Trinidad and Tobago are encouraged to register at the Consular Section of the U. Embassy in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and obtain updated information on travel and security. Hours of operation are 7: All pets imported into Trinidad and Tobago except birds, are subject without exception to a six-month quarantine.
The animal must have a health certificate from a U. Government veterinarian, stating vaccinations received, disease history, etc. The animal must be confined in an escape-proof cage. Dogs must have a collar and leash. The owner must also provide all the food, two feeding bowls and a padlock with two keys for the bin in which the food will be kept and locked-the owner keeps one key.