All I Need
All I Need (Radiohead song)
If [the campaign] does one good thing, it's to make this concept of slavery — which is what it is — less taboo. If they can make it something that is OK for us to talk about, and for politicians in the west to actually accept that this is an issue, well, then we're doing a good thing. Credits adapted from In Rainbows album liner notes. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Archived from the original on 11 August Retrieved 25 July The New York Times. Retrieved 19 November The third episode of Air's web series Air Time Machine revealed that the couple featured in the video was a real couple from Ventura, California , who have since broken up.
That video definitely was a big turning point for me as I discovered something in myself.
All I Need (Radiohead song) - Wikipedia
You know when you do something and the piece is far bigger than you are. Just by luck or unconscious something pops out and you're like 'whoa, what was that? And with that piece it was a willingness to be totally sincere and borderline maudlin but hopefully not. Emotional without being maudlin. I had always been sort of afraid of that and hidden before behind maybe a little irony or a just little distance. But that piece kinda showed me that I can get really emotional, I can get really sincere and actually I really loved the way the audience really reacted to it.
I was like I want more of that! I want more people's interior lives and how complicated that is and how sort of endless that is.
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Archived from the original on 23 February The video for this single was shot on 30 September in Berlin. The video consists of a dream world in the mind of Sharon 's character. The band is shown tied to walls of their cells, along with various surrealistic scenes.

In the end of the video Sharon is shown in a hospital bed with images from the dream sequence flickering on a screen connected to her mind via wires. In an interview, den Adel discussed some elements of the video: The story is very short and very simple actually. A lot of times she sees a lot of schizophrenic things, you know, happening in her mind Yeah, and they are monitoring my dreams, so they are analysing what I'm dreaming.
And that's basically the video and it just suited best with the lyrics, because it's very difficult to express things which are very symbolic, which you can't really show in images like "hope". How do you express "hope", you know?