Wanted Cultured Ladies Only!: Female Stardom and Cinema in India, 1930s-1950s
- Désirs et destins (French Edition).
- Wanted Cultured Ladies Only! : Female Stardom and Cinema in India, ss book.
In this shared global discourse of stardom, we find early film actresses as the object of both fascination and moral censure, taking on the burden of a more generalized anxiety regarding increased female participation and visibility in the public sphere. Studies of early star discourse in non-U.
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The concept of vernacular modernism has enabled a productive shift from the focus on national identity in cinema studies toward a flexible and porous understanding of the experience of local film culture, and has opened itself up to new meanings in specific, historically grounded contexts. Both Manishita Dass and William Gardner, for example, writing on Indian and Japanese cinema respectively, turn to the linguistic meaning of vernacular to amplify its resonance for the particular cinematic cultures they are studying.
Zhang Zhen and Weihong Bao likewise explore multiple resonances of the vernacular, the modern, and the modernist in the context of early cinema in Shanghai. Subscribe for Newsletters and Discounts. Be the first to receive our thoughtfully written religious articles and product discounts. This will help us make recommendations and send discounts and sale information at times.
- Wanted Cultured Ladies Only!: Female Stardom and Cinema in India, ss by Neepa Majumdar.
- Wanted Cultured Ladies Only!: Female Stardom and Cinema in India, 1930s-1950s.
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Introduction Cinema arrived in India on 7 July , just six months after the first public screening by the Lumiere brothers in Paris. Based on your browsing history Loading Film Actresses Encyclopedia of Bollywood. Memoirs of a Life on Stage and Screen.
I Want to Live: The Story of Madhubala. Neepa Majumdar combines readings of specific films and stars with an analysis of the historical and cultural configurations that gave rise to distinctly Indian notions of celebrity. She Wanted Cultured Ladies Only!
Wanted Cultured Ladies Only (Female Stardom and Cinema in India, s
She argues that discussions of early cinematic stardom in India must be placed in the context of the general legitimizing discourse of colonial "improvement" that marked other civic and cultural spheres as well, and that "vernacular modernist" anxieties over the New Woman had limited resonance here. Rather, it was through emphatically nationalist discourses that Indian cinema found its model for modern female identities.
Considering questions of spectatorship, gossip, popularity, and the dominance of a star-based production system, Majumdar details the rise of film stars such as Sulochana, Fearless Nadia, Lata Mangeshkar, and Nargis. Hardcover , pages.
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Screen , Volume 52, Issue 2, 1 July , Pages —, https: Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Screen. You do not currently have access to this article.

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