Thunder Riders Ascension
See my reviews and more at https: Feb 04, Mark rated it it was amazing. This is not a perfect book but I give it my five stars because it is a book that is right up my alley. I really enjoyed the first book and would've hated it to be a standalone. I was so excited to see that there was a second that I bought it, the third and the forth all together to save me time chasing them down later.
This one continues the adventure from book one. It takes place only a few weeks later and the heroes are still recovering. Abbey is testing her limits with the help of Paragon, Roz This is not a perfect book but I give it my five stars because it is a book that is right up my alley. Abbey is testing her limits with the help of Paragon, Roz and Max are getting back to business, Thunder is focusing on civilian life with the family and no one has seen Lance since they fought Krodin and he was placed in protective custody.
Brawn comes back and gets a great moment to shine. Thunder has to learn really quickly what his power can actually do. Even Slaughter returns but in a really enjoyable way that I hope gets flushed out later. My one real unanswered question involves her and a kind of "how did she become bad then? This series and this book are fun for me. Could you find better somewhere else? Sure but I don't want to. I like these characters and I'll continue to follow their story.
Sep 15, Patrick rated it really liked it Shelves: These have grown on me.
Thunder Rider's Ascension by Christopher Madonia - Paperback
I like the characters a lot. They get a little violent--people killed in cold blood or for revenge, but it's not the focus So the 4 stars is partially from the enjoyment I'm getting from my investment in the characters. This is not quite as good These have grown on me. This is not quite as good as Superhuman. The end little deal with Max is so quick that I missed it the first time through despite being confused by the exchange. As I thought about it, I realized it was the exact same as the end of Superhuman and got both awed and mad.
I think I read that these are prequels to the first three Quantum Prophecy books, which kind of makes sense with Josh Dalton's age.
The Ascension: A Super Human Clash
I remember him, but forget exactly what was the deal with Max in those But the cliffhanger in 3 is still then very much unresolved. I'll have to keep reading and see if the confusing chronology gets sorted out. Mar 19, Kole Sanders rated it it was amazing. The book the ascension by Michael Carroll is a great book. This book was one of the few book that keep me entertain the whole time I read it. The book is about a group of superhuman who not too long ago save the world from Krodin.
Krodin was the first superhuman from the past who a group of people who thought that he was god. Then a group of superhuman fought him and thought they kill him but he since him back in time and Krodin took over the USA in a matter of 6 year and was close to take over The book the ascension by Michael Carroll is a great book. Then a group of superhuman fought him and thought they kill him but he since him back in time and Krodin took over the USA in a matter of 6 year and was close to take over the world.
At first the group of superhuman were pull out of their time zone and put in this one. Not having a clue to what happen the superhuman have to find each other and take Kordin down before he take over the world. Some of the bad guys from the past will turn to good guys to help defeat Kordin. Also in this time zone there more technology in this time zone because Kordin turn a really smart in to a superhuman.
So now they have hover cars and a teleported. The other country came together to form a big group in order to stop Kordin and the USA from taking over the world.
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I think that the author wrote this book to entertain people. I think that this book excel in this part I could not put the book down. There five other books and I already read one more in a matter of days and I start on another book already. These books were one of the only books I truly like. Jan 13, Ms. Yingling rated it liked it.
Abby, Lance, James and Roz are back having gotten rid of Krodin. Instead of being able to enjoy riding around in hover cars, they find themselves in an alternate version of what should be their reality. Krodin is chancellor, and the Praetorians support him because other options are more horrible, but the kids still feel he is supremely evil and needs to be overthrown. This reality was set in place after Daedalus bombed Anchorage, Alaska, killing thousands of people and resulting in the US being Abby, Lance, James and Roz are back having gotten rid of Krodin.
This reality was set in place after Daedalus bombed Anchorage, Alaska, killing thousands of people and resulting in the US being placed under military rule.
Instead of being lauded for their work in making the world safe, the children are hunted, imprisoned, and generally mistreated. Eventually, after blowing many things up and being chased really, no one does these things as well as Carroll! My readers don't want cartoony super heroes; they want kids with powers who save the world, which is exactly what Carroll delivers. There is so much going on that I had trouble following. I have the same trouble with some Rick Riordan books. If I didn't want to post a review, this would be fine-- I would just enjoy the action! Jun 07, Catherine rated it really liked it.
This books are easy to read, I'll give them that. I just don't have the energy or feel the need to write a long review for this book. It was basically the same events as the first books. Oh no we have to stop Krodin! Then they only end up stopping him for a short time. I did appreciate how you can see the characters growing and their powers growing. In all honesty, the thing that has me the most intrigued is Abby's secret. She's told Lance what it is, and I had a guess, but someone who has read This books are easy to read, I'll give them that. She's told Lance what it is, and I had a guess, but someone who has read all the books said I was wrong so I really have no idea.
I'm kind of semi in love with Solomon Cord so there's that. I think Abby and Thunder would be adorable together as well. I'm not really looking forward to the next book which is all about Brawn mostly because I just don't see how it will fit into the timeline, but I'll read it because I can't stop now. I'm really just reading for Abby, Thunder, and Cord, and to see if Max ever stops being a giant jerk. Reads almost like a comic book but with book length and detail.
Sep 03, Kevin Meng rated it it was amazing. The Ascension by Michael Carroll is a book of deep philosophical thinking.
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Though on the outside, it may seem to be a fictional story of an epical adventure of 4 characters, which once again was thrown together after an unexpected turn of events. Now Roz, Abby, Thunder, and Lance have to once again face their enemy Krodin, in a completely new world, with new friends, and new enemies. They will face hardships along their journey, and their friendships will be tested to its limits. This book is the The Ascension by Michael Carroll is a book of deep philosophical thinking.
This book is the sequel to Super Human, but I believe that this book is simply more fascinating, because it further explores the concept of being a superhuman, and the responsibilities that the power brings. Jul 10, David rated it liked it.
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As a comic book geek who reads a lot of YA, this was a book that I was obviously going to read. I liked Carroll's preceding "Quantum Prophesy" trilogy a lot. I was less sold on the first title in this trilogy Super Human. I do like the design of the ancient Assyrian "villain" brought to our time, Krodin This book could definitely have been slimmmed down by about fifty pages, with the streamlining of one of the numerous parallel plots.
I did appreciate the way that the yo As a comic book geek who reads a lot of YA, this was a book that I was obviously going to read. I did appreciate the way that the young hero Thunder's power sound wave control was developed, making him a serious threat, where he was previously kind of a support player. The ulimate handling of the story's "big bad" was also fairly clever. It can be so hard to find accessible YA books for boys, so I am always on the lookout for titles to recommend to my buddy the school librarian, and this book fits the bill for superhero loving dudes And dudettes.
I know several students who will dig this series. But, if you're not into the genre, I'd skip it. Mar 30, Reader rated it liked it Shelves: The second Super Human novel from Carroll sees the return of Krodin and the teen superhero team. After Krodin's defeat, Lance, Paragon, Roz, and the rest of the teens expect life to resume normally. However, a greay cloud soon envelopes them, and they all awaken in an alternate world, where Krodin is in charge of national security, where martial law is in full effect, and most super humans have been killed.
As the interlopers attempt to defeat the Chancellor, they will learn each other's true id The second Super Human novel from Carroll sees the return of Krodin and the teen superhero team. As the interlopers attempt to defeat the Chancellor, they will learn each other's true identities and weaknesses in a desperate battle to defeat an unstoppable villain. Carroll's world building has drastically improved, and the super human team seems much more at ease with each other in this sophomore work.
Lance and Roz are especially well done, and the futuristic technology smacks right against the necessary suspension of disbelief. An excellent ending leaves readers at peace but also open to additional narratives. Mar 20, Bryce slue H rated it it was amazing. What happened in this book is. The reason i gave this book a 5 star rating is. It is a very action packed book and it had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. Sep 18, Matthew rated it liked it. Another good actioney book.
Christopher Madonia (Author of Thunder Rider's Ascension)
It has the same problems as the first, eg. Stupid decisions moving on the plot. And added into the mix is a theme that seems to be getting pretty common these days: Really don't get that. The bad aside, this is still a ton of fun to read. The author is extremely creative with the superpowers and especially with his solutions to when I think normal writers would say they have written themselve Another good actioney book.
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- The Ascension: A Super Human Clash by Michael Carroll.
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The author is extremely creative with the superpowers and especially with his solutions to when I think normal writers would say they have written themselves into a wall. And Lance and Brawn? Can we just get books about them?
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And can the other characters start listening to them since they seem to be more intelligent than all the others combined? A nifty thing the author did was show his research. His alternate reality really rang true. Kind of scary actually. Mar 10, T. Barrett rated it it was amazing. If you haven't read Super Human yet, do that first. If so, you are in for a superhuman treat. If you have read the book and enjoyed the fast-paced superhuman action, then you will love Ascension even more. The characters are all back for some reality bending adventure against over-whelming odds.
The plot structure is rather similar because the characters are all split up again and this leaves us jumping from one member or a duo and then back again. There isn't anything deep, but it is good pop If you haven't read Super Human yet, do that first. There isn't anything deep, but it is good popcorn fun, and you're left thinking if only the producers and writers of the show Heroes had given Michael Carroll a call, then we would have been in for a long-running mega-hit.
Perhaps Carroll's books aren't featured in many lists of the best superhuman fiction because it is labelled YA, but they should be on every list. They certainly are on mine. Oct 26, Krista Ivy rated it it was amazing Shelves: Krodin is Chancellor and the U. They are set and ready to take him down again and their are even cooler technologies to help them.
Identities are revealed and even annoying Lance can be the hero in this thrilling s the showdown at the end of the first book caused a parallel universe to come about. Identities are revealed and even annoying Lance can be the hero in this thrilling second book of the Super Human series. Super Human was more of an origin story for our young superheroes. Ascension is a questioning story. Is forgiveness truly possible? Questions must be asked and an 'evil' must be overcome.
Is Krodin the 'big bad' here or is there someone worse else out there? Jun 14, Tchurch41 rated it it was amazing. The book "The Ascension: A Super Human Clash" was a great book which fell perfectly in line with the first. There are very few sequels books that are better than the original book and this is one of them. In this book you follow the same hero's but they some how have altered time when they thought they killed the fifth king. The fifth king was able to get rid of most of the super human The book "The Ascension: The fifth king was able to get rid of most of the super humans by putting them all in one place and blowing them up with a col-bolt bomb and blaming it on one of the last super villains.
This book like that last was a great read and I couldn't put the book down. The writing style was amazing and the way the suspense would build kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. Feb 20, Toddabdul rated it it was amazing. This was the best book I read so far. I have never would have thought that little lance would rise up and become his own super hero.
I cant forget about the only super villain i like krodin. Apr 05, Peter Bylone rated it really liked it Shelves: The second book in the Super Human series, this one exceeds the first. Without having to dedicate much time to expose, the pace is more brisk and the action is plentiful. The story incorporates elements of time travel, and the impacts of the events that ended the first book, which help make the setting and storyline convincing, for a fantasy story.
Again, each of the characters in the diverse group of heroes has their chance to shine none of them particularly saving the day, but each contributin The second book in the Super Human series, this one exceeds the first. Again, each of the characters in the diverse group of heroes has their chance to shine none of them particularly saving the day, but each contributing in their own way. My 12 year old loved this series, and I can see why.
My eight year old will probably feel the same when he reads them. Jul 08, Jonathon rated it liked it. I thought this was an awesome, realistic superhero novel. I actually give it a 3. I am really starting to like Lance as a character. Smart , witty and clever to the point of extreme. I am liking Roz as well just because she doesn't trust her brother.
Really no one should. I know that th I thought this was an awesome, realistic superhero novel. I know that this series is probably going to end tragically, but I hope with all my being it doesn't. Even though it will. I continually love this series! The action was great, storyline was interesting enough, and the characters were phenomenal. We will send you an SMS containing a verification code. Please double check your mobile number and click on "Send Verification Code". Enter the code below and hit Verify. Free Shipping All orders of Don't have an account? Update your profile Let us wish you a happy birthday!
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