
Teologia Platonica (Italian Edition)

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Teologia platonica,

Marsilio Ficino ; Michele Schiavone Publisher: Bologna, Zanichelli [] Series: Italian View all editions and formats Rating: More like this Similar Items. Allow this favorite library to be seen by others Keep this favorite library private. Find a copy in the library Finding libraries that hold this item Details Additional Physical Format: Marsilio Ficino ; Michele Schiavone Find more information about: Marsilio Ficino Michele Schiavone.

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Among his many students was Francesco Cattani da Diacceto , who was considered by Ficino to be his successor as the head of the Florentine Platonic Academy. A physician and a vegetarian, Ficino became a priest in In Ficino completed his treatise on the immortality of the soul, Theologia Platonica de immortalitate animae [1] Platonic Theology. In he was accused of magic before Pope Innocent VIII [1] and needed strong defense to preserve him from the condemnation of heresy. Writing in Ficino proclaimed: Ficino's letters, extending over the years —, survive and have been published.

He wrote De amore De vita libri tres Three books on life , or De triplici vita , [11] published in , provides a great deal of medical and astrological advice for maintaining health and vigor, as well as espousing the Neoplatonist view of the world's ensoulment and its integration with the human soul:.

There will be some men or other, superstitious and blind, who see life plain in even the lowest animals and the meanest plants, but do not see life in the heavens or the world Now if those little men grant life to the smallest particles of the world, what folly! One metaphor for this integrated "aliveness" is Ficino's astrology.

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In the Book of Life , he details the interlinks between behavior and consequence. It talks about a list of things that hold sway over a man's destiny.

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Probably due to early influences from his father Diotifeci, who was a doctor to Cosimo de' Medici, Ficino published Latin and Italian treatises on medical subjects such as Consiglio contro la pestilenza Recommendations for the treatment of the plague and De vita libri tres Three books on life. His medical works exerted considerable influence on Renaissance physicians such as Paracelsus , with whom he shared the perception on the unity of the micro- and macrocosmos, and their interactions, through somatic and psychological manifestations, with the aim to investigate their signatures to cure diseases.

Those works, which were very popular at the time, dealt with astrological and alchemical concepts. Thus Ficino came under the suspicion of heresy; especially after the publication of the third book in , which contained specific instructions on healthful living. Ficino introduced the term and concept of " platonic love " in the West.

It first appeared in a letter to Alamanno Donati in , but was later fully developed all along his work, mainly his famous De amore. He also practiced this love metaphysic with Giovanni Cavalcanti , whom he made the principal character in his commentary on the Convivio , and to whom he wrote ardent love letters in Latin that were published in his Epistulae in ; there are also numerous other indications to suggest that Ficino's erotic impulses were directed exclusively towards men.

After his death his biographers had a difficult task trying to refute those who spoke of his homosexual tendencies. But his sincere and deep faith, and membership of the clergy, put him beyond the reach of gossip, and while praising love for the same sex, he also condemned sodomy in the Convivium. Ficino died on 1 October at Careggi. In his memory was honored with a bust sculpted by Andrea Ferrucci , which is located in the south side of the nave in the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore.

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