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What are the objectives for the evaluation framework for good practices? How would it describe the framework? RAND provides policy content to the website and manages a database with good policy practices. This comprehensive meta-evaluation is based on a systematic review of the literature and sanctioned by an EU wide independent network of experts. To promote information sharing and mutual learning RAND separates practices for which robust evidence of effectiveness is lacking from what are considered emerging, promising and best practices. Korkean edustajan, varapuheenjohtaja Ashtonin komission puolesta antama vastaus.
Kuten neuvosto totesi EU on kehottanut kaikkia asianomaisia osapuolia jatkamaan neuvotteluja YK: Neuvosto toisti viimeksi Both within the European Union and in its vicinity, there are regions which are regarded as occupied. The EU consistently emphasises the need for States to respect international law, in particular international humanitarian law, human rights law and the United Nations UN Charter, in respect of the territories concerned. The EU actively supports the efforts to peacefully resolve the protracted conflicts in its Neighbourhood.
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The EU is part of the Quartet on the Middle East and encourages the parties, the Palestinians and the Israelis, to engage in direct negotiations in order to achieve a lasting peace based on the two-state solution. The EU supports the negotiations in Cyprus aimed at a fair, comprehensive and viable settlement of the Cyprus problem under UN auspices.
The EU follows the Western Sahara issue closely and has discussed it with all stakeholders. The EU has called upon all the parties concerned to continue negotiations under the auspices of the UN. Jos nyt tarvittavissa EU: Euroopan elintarviketurvallisuusviranomainen esitti The question also concerned whether the Commission was prepared for this thanks to a special strategy. They conclude that there are serious shortcomings in the study in terms of design and methodology, and that there is no need to re-examine the previous safety evaluations of the GM maize NK or to consider these findings in the ongoing assessment of glyphosate.
The Commission has taken careful note of these conclusions. The authorisation holders and the Member States are responsible for effectively removing from the market the GMOs for which the authorisation has been withdrawn. Dicho informe supone un verdadero ataque a los derechos laborales en los Estados miembros. Por ejemplo, las reformas que disminuyen los costes laborales figuran entre las que pueden aumentar el empleo favorables al empleo.
This report basically attacks labour rights in the Member States. The report analyses the labour market policy reforms Member States have implemented. But converting information on these labour market reforms into quantitative terms — in order to produce statistics — has entailed some surprising reductions and simplifications. This is a completely arbitrary classification, it has no scientific backing, and empirical data show results that are completely the opposite: What empirical data did the Commission check in classifying labour market policies as described in this report?
Does the report need to be reformulated in view of the evident political bias to be inferred in the information given therein? For instance, reforms reducing labour costs are listed among those likely to increase employment employment-friendly. This is also not the first time the reform database employed in this analysis is used to assess the impact of labour market policies. This could provide the basis for declaring that the Spanish banking sector's actions in ordering evictions are unlawful. The aforementioned memorandum should not be used as a justification for evictions.
The document refers only to the concept of foreclosures, and not to the foreclosure process itself, which should therefore comply with current legislation. The reform measures adopted by the Spanish Government are largely ineffective, because their requirements are too stringent and do nothing to improve the lot of most Spaniards. The Spanish Government has not acknowledged the negotiations publicly. What position has it adopted in its negotiations with the Spanish Government on the issue of foreclosures? Can the Commission provide information and forecasts concerning the actual impact of the reform, in terms of the number of foreclosures and the banks' mortgage exposure?
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In line with the provisions of the memorandum of understanding on the Financial Assistance for the recapitalisation of financial institutions, Spanish authorities informed international partners about the proposed measures on evictions regarding any possible material impact on the achievement of the programme objectives. Given the scope and nature of the measures, they are not expected to impact on the implementation of the programme or the achievement of its objectives in a material way.
The agencies are accused of market manipulation, and their system for determining Member States' sovereign debt ratings is therefore being called into question. This ruling is the most recent addition to a series of accusations levelled against the main ratings agencies, and should, at the very least, raise questions about the reliability of their ratings methods. Prosecutors are arguing that information that should have remained confidential was released when markets were open. The two ongoing investigations in Italy should set alarm bells ringing about the ratings mechanisms employed by the agencies.
There is evidence to suggest that their actions have been very costly for Italy and other Member States affected by the sovereign debt crisis. Is the Commission following the investigation? In the event of a ruling against the agencies, does the Commission think that fraud investigations should be launched concerning other countries' sovereign debt ratings? What measures will the Commission take if agencies have acted fraudulently to the detriment of countries affected by the sovereign debt crisis?
To this end, the Commission will not preclude the outcome of any ongoing investigations with regard to credit rating agencies. Furthermore, it is up to the competent authorities, respectively national competent authorities for market abuse and insider dealing and ESMA for the CRA regulation, to take supervisory action where appropriate in view of its attributed competences. These new rules will also contribute to address the issues outlined by the Honourable Member. Respuesta de la Alta Representante y Vicepresidenta Sra. According to UN sources, the entry of the M23 guerrillas into the city of approximately one million inhabitants has caused part of the population to flee in fear of their lives and has been accompanied by the abduction of women and children.
This is the first time that the M23 guerrilla rebels have entered the city of Goma since the official end of the war in , leading to fears of a possible resumption of hostilities. It is alleged that the guerrillas are being supported and financed by Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda and, like most the M23 guerrillas, a Tutsi.
This international assistance is leading to the destabilisation of an area already greatly afflicted by violence. This fresh attack by the M23 guerrilla poses the threat of a full-scale resumption of fighting in the region. Although the war is officially over, the troubles have never fully ceased, as evidenced by the continued violations of human rights by armed groups in the area. The conflict has been fuelled by multinationals which export rare minerals such as coltan, of which the world's entire reserves are situated almost entirely in this region. Worldwide demand for certain electronic devices depends on the supply of this rare mineral by multinationals operating legally or illegally in the area.
Does she consider that it will be necessary to establish the degree of responsibility of Paul Kagame for the troubles? Does she have information concerning European companies with operations in the area, particularly those linked to the production and supply of coltan? The EU supports the efforts of the international community and has deployed multiple contacts at all levels with the main stakeholders to find a lasting solution to the conflict in eastern DRC tackling both the regional and the DRC domestic roots of the crisis. The EU reiterated on several occasions that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the DRC must be respected and that any support to the M23 is unacceptable.
To our knowledge no EU company is directly involved in coltan production in the DRC and though coltan trafficking contributes to fund armed groups in the Kivus as well as other minerals, but also land, timber, charcoal, racketing , it is not central to its underlying causes.
Selv om EU ikke er part i konventionen om beskyttelse af det enkelte menneske i forbindelse med elektronisk databehandling af personoplysninger konvention nr. Since the beginning of the CoE works on the modernisation of the Council of Europe Convention , the Commission has been participating actively in the discussion, inter alia in order to ensure compatibility between the negotiated modernisation of Convention and the evolving EU data protection acquis.
The Convention , which is open to accession by third countries, establishes general principles and rules in the field of data protection. The scope of such rules may be affected or distorted where the international commitments fall within the scope of the common rules or in any event within an area largely covered by such rules. Menschen in Armut oder sozialer Ausgrenzung. In October, the Conference on Poverty revealed the ever-widening gap between the rich and poor in Austria.
Austria pays a heavy price for the large number of people living in poverty, for example in the form of chronic illnesses, shorter life expectancy or poorer education. Is the Commission aware of this development in Austria and what is its position on this in the context of the current economic crisis in Europe? What strategies does the Commission recommend to the countries of Central Europe to help them avoid a.
The Commission is aware that income inequality in Austria has been on a relatively increasing trend in the last decade, while still considerably below EU average. Increasing inequality was, however, a trend already before the start of the financial and economic crisis. In spite of Austria's rather favourable overall performance regarding the labour market and most social inclusion indicators, almost 1.
The ESF in Austria supports the labour market integration and social inclusion of groups at higher risk of poverty. The Commission monitors developments in the area of poverty and social exclusion through the European Semester, as well as in the Social Protection Committee through cooperative exchanges with the Member States.
The European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion brings together various policies that contribute to the reduction of poverty. The upcoming Social Investment Package sets out a new agenda for social policies to help Member States make the reforms necessary to emerge out of the crisis and become stronger, more cohesive and more competitive in the long run. Die Lage junger Menschen in Europa wird immer dramatischer, wenn man die Arbeitslosenraten in dieser jungen Generation ansieht. The situation of young people in Europe seems to be getting more and more dramatic, if one looks at the unemployment rate of this young generation.
Is the Commission aware of the drastic numbers of unemployed young Europeans?
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If so, how does it intend to proceed in order to give these young Europeans a path to a professional future? As regards the Commission's response, including the recent Communication on. The cost estimate is based on the number of young people aged 15 to 29 who are not in employment, education or training. The study also gives a breakdown of the cost by individual Member State. Can the Commission quantify the scale of the cuts required to achieve the objectives of its industrial strategy? One of the four pillars of this Action Plan proposes actions aiming at improving market conditions through smart regulation, notably with a fitness-check of the type-approval legislation, a competitiveness proofing for the major legislative initiatives and exploring the possibility and added value of a proportionate economic analysis for some implementing acts of the vehicle legislation.
Although an analysis of the quantity of scale of cuts in red tape needed is not as such encompassed in the abovementioned initiatives, the issue of red tape is indeed addressed, as streamlined European legislation will impose less red tape for the automotive industry. The results of this study show that, on average, general sea levels have increased by 3. Other scientific studies, such as the one led by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany, show that the rise in sea levels could therefore reach, or even exceed, one metre. It would be wise to look into the accuracy of the results put forward by these new studies and the possible impact for these regions, which are often densely populated and are hubs of important economic activity.
If these data are found to be accurate, does it intend to launch a consultation on the possible consequences of a rise in sea levels of up to one metre, or more, within the European Union? Does it intend to put in place support plans for the coastal regions most threatened by the rise in sea levels?
The IPCC Assessment Reports review and assess the information produced worldwide relevant to climate change, and are the policy-making reference information about climate change causes and effects. EU Climate Change policies, including on adaptation to sea level rise, will be framed upon new evidence from AR5 and relevant research afterwards.
At a local level sea-level change can be very different from the global average. The EU Adaptation Strategy, to be adopted in spring , will aim to enhance the preparedness of the entire EU territory to respond to the impacts of climate change.. As from , the Commission has proposed that it becomes one of the key priorities of all relevant EU funding channels through a new principle stipulating that.
Secondo questo protocollo N. Il Fiscal Compact costituisce inoltre un trattato di diritto internazionale, che non potrebbe modificare quanto previsto dall'articolo del TFUE, la cui modifica dovrebbe avvenire solamente a norma dell'articolo 48 del trattato sull'Unione europea TUE. La Commissione non condivide questa valutazione. In altri termini, e in linea con il testo del trattato, il valore di riferimento del disavanzo va inteso non come obiettivo, ma come limite da non superare nelle normali fluttuazioni del ciclo economico.
These criteria were never changed, even after Lisbon. Regulations are acts of ordinary legislation and should therefore be subject to the treaties, in the same way in which the ordinary law of a state is subject to the Constitution. The Commission does not share this assessment. The first aim of the MTO is thus precisely that of providing an adequate safety margin against the breaching of the deficit reference value. In other words, and consistent with the wording of the Treaty, the deficit reference value should not be intended as an objective but a limit that should not be trespassed under normal cyclical fluctuations.
This demands that MS pursue an objective that, taking into account normal cyclical fluctuations, should be more demanding than the reference value. Otherwise, at least in the negative phase of the cycle, it could be expected that MS would breach the reference value, which is clearly in contradiction with the Treaty. Que medidas tem a UE para apoiar o setor cooperativo e mais especificamente as cooperativas de consumo?
The financial problems have mounted up and urgent intervention is required to stabilise its accounts, along with medium-term action that will make it possible to plan the future development of the cooperative, in the light of the current difficult conditions. However, the current credit restrictions in Portugal, which affect micro, small and medium-sized undertakings as well as the cooperative movement, are hampering the necessary intervention, with the result that the future of the COOPOFA cooperative is under threat.
What EU support instruments might be available to assist cooperatives that are facing difficulties, bearing in mind the current credit restrictions? Quais as percentagens de cofinanciamento previstas? Ria Formosa, a rich and complex lagoon system in the south of Portugal, is of immense economic and social importance. Harnessing its enormous potential to the full none the less requires the preservation of its exceptional natural features, including the quality of its water.
In recent years there have been growing grounds for concern about water quality in Ria Formosa. Water pollution has been cited as one of the causes of the degradation of the lagoon ecosystem, with consequences for the mortality of bivalves. This in turn has had a negative impact on shellfishing, a key economic activity in several of the municipalities around the lagoon. The problem has been attributed to the fact that there are not enough waste water treatment plants, especially during the summer period. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that there is no regular dredging and opening of the inlets such as would allow the water in the lagoon system to be renewed.
What funds from the current multiannual financial framework not yet used by Portugal could be allocated to support the investment needed in waste water treatment plants in the Algarve in order to halt pollution in Ria Formosa? What are the applicable co financing rates? What programmes or measures could be used to support dredging and opening of the inlets?
Due to the shared management principle, the national authorities are responsible for the implementation of programmes, including project selection and other procedures. Apoios ao desenvolvimento do Interior Algarvio. This trend is becoming more pronounced, with the worsening situation directly linked to the current IMF-EU programme and the sharp decrease in investment both public and private , cuts in public services and growing financial strangulation of local authorities caused by it. Bearing in mind all the proposals put forward by local people, could the Commission say:.
What amount of Community co-funding can be provided? What community funding can be used to support construction of a rapid link with the district capital Faro? What programmes and measures can be used to support the construction of a biomass processing plant? However no project has been proposed so far for the construction of such a bridge.
However, no provision is made to finance such links. Since, in accordance with the principle of shared management, the Structural and Cohesion Funds are managed in a decentralised manner by the national and regional authorities, the Commission suggests that the Honourable Member of Parliament contact the competent Managing Authority directly for more information:. In Portugal the fisheries sector is in need of investment on several fronts. The most pressing need is for investment in infrastructure, particularly to support small-scale coastal fishing and non-industrial fishing.
But there is also a need for investment in training — essential for bringing young people in and revitalising the sector — and for investment to support the development of coastal communities. What is the total amount still available from the European Fisheries Fund for Portugal? What is the deadline for using it and what are the applicable co-financing rates? Has the Portuguese Government reprogrammed any of these amounts? To what have the reprogrammed amounts been allocated? The revision of the operational programme is ongoing, including a reallocation of financial resources which serves to increase the best utilisation of funds.
The Commission has not received confirmation that the training courses funded under the EFF operational programme, mentioned by the Honourable Member, have been stopped by the Portuguese authorities responsible for the management of the programme. This typical product has contributed to the development and activity of small enterprises, most of them family-based, in a region where tourism is important and which has been severely affected by the recession and unemployment.
The new law on stills has created problems for many owners of small traditional stills, because of the investment required and the high costs involved, and has caused a number of them to close down. Could the Commission say what programmes or measures could be used to support the investments required for the legalisation of small traditional stills?
The investments required to improve the operational conditions of the traditional stills may be supported under EAFRD, e. Information on whether this type of activities is foreseen in the Local Development Strategy of the respective region and on the eligibility conditions should be requested to the Program Managing Authority and or the concerned LAGs, at the following address. It is essential that this area be reforested. The local authorities still face a number of difficulties: It is extremely important to complete the forest register so that the area can be divided up into sectors — an essential prerequisite for a successful reforestation strategy.
If not addressed, the present situation poses immediate risks, such as the possible pollution of water sources and the danger of landslides, as heavy rains and erosion may cause less stable slopes to collapse. The funding offered so far by the Portuguese Government is quite inadequate to deal with the full extent of the problem. In light of the above, can the Commission say what programmes and measures can be used to support the implementation of a recovery plan for the burnt area, with particular attention to:.
Completing the forest register and demarcation, reforestation, protection of water sources and implementation of structural preventive measures to prevent future wildfires? As for the second question, the forest register and demarcation are in the competence of the Member State; however as regards reforestation, protection of water sources and implementation of structural preventive measures to prevent forest fires, they can be financed in the framework of Rural Development policy, EU support is available for restoring forestry potential and prevention actions Measure and restoring the agricultural production potential Measure The Rural development programme of Mainland Portugal foresees these measures.
A proposta foi transmitida ao Parlamento Europeu e ao Conselho. According to figures released by the State Secretary for Education and School Administration there are 10 undernourished schoolchildren in Portugal. In this situation, which is inextricably linked to the application of the IMF EU programme and the resulting widespread impoverishment, can the Commission say:. Whether it intends to assess the social consequences of applying the Troika Memorandum, in particular as regards the growing numbers facing hunger?
Will it take any action as a result of the figures? Can the Commission give details of the institutions and sums involved? From the outset, the Economic Adjustment Programme for Portugal has aimed to protect the most deprived people. In its regular reviews of the implementation of the Programme, the Commision has also assessed, together with the Portguese authorities and the other Troika institutions, the economic and social consequences of the Programme.
These assessments have led to several revisions in the memorandum of understanding with a view to reinforcing instruments directed towards the most vulnerable groups. The MDP will end with the completion of the annual plan. The Fund would support Member State schemes providing food to the most deprived people and basic consumer goods to homeless people and materially-deprived children.
The proposal has been transmitted to the European Parliament and the Council. The approach of winter and the prospect of long periods of cold weather poses problems for homeless people and for people in poor housing, in respect of both accommodation and health.
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In the light of the current financial crisis affecting Europe, local and regional authorities in the Member States are finding it difficult to implement winter shelter programmes to guarantee accommodation for homeless people and people in poor housing, particularly in the case of families with children. To what extent can the Commission support the efforts being made by local and regional authorities to implement these programmes?
Although competence in this area lies with the Member States, the Commission assists the latter in various ways. The Commission will soon present its Social Investment Package, which among other things will contain a staff working document on homelessness. The Union co-finances a number of measures, in particular through the Structural Funds. The European Regional Development Fund and the European Social Fund support a wide range of measures in the area of access to housing and social inclusion. Last October the Commission proposed the establishment of a Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived, which would in particular support national schemes providing food or basic goods to homeless people and accompanying measures for their social inclusion.
So gibt es ca. The current debate on the increasing number of asylum-seekers arriving in Austria is adding to fear and uncertainty amongst the Austrian people. Given that the present distribution pattern is unfair, there have been calls for a more equitable distribution of asylum-seekers within Europe. The agreement with the Federal Ministry for the Interior, according to which no more than people could be received at that centre, now appears to be obsolete and the locals are feeling the effects of a failed asylum policy.
Why is there not a more equitable pattern in the distribution of asylum-seekers across Europe? Both the absolute number and the number per capita of applicants applying in Austria are significantly lower than a few years ago. In , Austria received 32, applicants compared with 14, in There are factors that explain why applicants choose certain Member States at particular times, such as historical links, geographical location, location of diaspora populations, economic and social factors.
Revisions to the legislation underpinning the Common European Asylum System were proposed by the Commission with a view to decreasing the likelihood that applicants for international protection would choose one Member State over another because of differences in the nature and quality of reception conditions or in terms of the probability of being granted international protection. Negotiations on these revisions in the Council and the European Parliament are close to conclusion. The Commission has also put in place solidarity measures to assist Member States facing particular pressures on their asylum systems.
These include pilot projects on relocation of beneficiaries of international protection from one Member State to others and providing assistance from the newly established European Asylum Support Office. Greek exporters make a major contribution to the national economy and, now more than ever, it has become necessary to increase their liquidity. As a general rule, state aid for export activities is prohibited in order to avoid distortion of the internal market.
Recently, the Greek authorities discussed a type of loan or guarantee to be issued either by the EIB or the EIF, covering export credits or letters of credit issued by Greek banks to Greek exporting enterprises. In addition, the programme for Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship provides assistance to projects enhancing the productiveness of enterprises. Two specific projects are ongoing: According to a report in the Financial Times , eight months after the signing of the financing agreement for the creation of a special European Investment Bank guarantee fund for Greece which was designed to address the liquidity problem in Greece, as even healthy companies complain that they are unable to function because banks are refusing to issue them with letters of credit or to finance the purchase of raw materials , this fund has not granted a single loan to small and medium enterprises — the task for which it was set up.
EIB officials seem to indicate that the fund will become operational before the end of the year. What is the reason for this extremely long delay and when will this fund actually become operational? There are a number of remarkable films in existence which have received EU funding in the past.
In view of this:. Can the Commission say what initiatives are currently being taken to support the film industry, indicating the total budget earmarked for this purpose? Has funding ever been provided for a film dealing with crimes against humanity or acts of genocide, for example the Armenian genocide or the genocide by the Turkish army of the Greeks in Asia Minor and the Black Sea? Has EU funding been provided for any films concerning the Holocaust, the abhorrent crime committed against the Jews and against European peoples opposing Hitler, the Greeks having played a major role in the resistance at a cost of lives and the plundering of their national heritage?
The MEDIA Programme supports the European film industry financially in the development, distribution and promotion of its films, and with training for professionals. In addition, the programme helps fund new technologies and platforms for the delivery of audiovisual content of all kinds. From onwards, both programmes will be a strand of the new Creative Europe Programme.
The Armenian genocide has been the subject of several European films, most of which have been supported by the MEDIA programme, such as: Will it recommend that the agreement be amended so as to introduce fairer provisions regarding EU Member States which have suffered as a result of it? The Council has not discussed the specific issues raised by the Honourable Member. This successor to the Communist Komsomol is used by Belarusian dictator Alyaksandr Lukashenka to further his repressive political regime and promote his cult of personality.
Will the political nature of the organisation be taken into consideration when the call for proposals is launched, and will affiliation with the BRSM be included in the exclusion criteria? If the Commission cannot guarantee either of the above, will it consider excluding Belarus from the Eastern Partnership Youth Window completely? The funds in question are intended for the same actions as those of the Youth in Action Programme in the field of cooperation with neighbouring countries.
These criteria can be consulted at:. In artikel II van de statuten van het Internationaal Monetair Fonds is vastgelegd dat het lidmaatschap openstaat voor landen, maar daarin wordt niet gerept over internationale organisaties. De Commissie is van oordeel dat de voortgang naar een diepere Economische en Monetaire Unie extern tot uitdrukking moet komen, met name middels voortgang in de richting van gezamenlijke externe economische vertegenwoordiging van de eurozone.
De focus moet worden gelegd op het IMF, dat middels zijn kredietverleningsinstrumenten en toezicht een zeer belangrijke institutionele pijler in de mondiale economische governance is. Een versterking en consolidatie van de externe vertegenwoordiging van de eurozone moet gericht zijn op stroomlijning en, indien mogelijk, unificering van de externe vertegenwoordiging in het IMF. Tegen deze achtergrond zal de Europese Commissie te gelegener tijd stappen zetten om de vertegenwoordiging van de eurozone in het IMF te versterken.
The Commission is of the view that the progress towards a deeper Economic and Monetary Union will have to be reflected externally, notably through progress towards united external economic representation of the euro area.
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Due to the current fragmentation of its representation in international financial institutions and fora, the euro area does not have an influence and leadership commensurate with its economic weight, as laid out in the Commission's blueprint for a deep and genuine Economic and Monetary Union. The focus should be on the IMF, which through its lending instruments and surveillance is a key institutional pillar in global economic governance. A strengthening and consolidation of the euro area's external representation should aim at streamlining and, where possible, unifying the external representation in the IMF.
Against this background, the European Commission will in due course take steps to strengthen the euro area representation in the IMF. Verwerpt de Commissie dit? De EU is principieel fel gekant tegen de doodstraf en de afschaffing ervan is een van de hoofddoelstellingen van haar mensenrechtenbeleid. De EU is de leidende institutionele partij en belangrijkste donor in de strijd tegen de doodstraf.
De EU is van oordeel dat samenwerking en politieke dialoog de meest geschikte manieren zijn om democratische hervormingen in Egypte aan te moedigen.
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Zij meent bovendien dat het opschorten van hulp momenteel niet gerechtvaardigd is. In principe kunnen alle EU-samenwerkingprogramma's worden opgeschort als het begunstigde land zijn verplichtingen niet nakomt inzake eerbiediging van de mensenrechten, de democratische beginselen en de rechtsstaat, en bij ernstige corruptie. What view does the Commission take of the fact that seven Egyptian Christians have been sentenced to death for their part in the production.
Does the Commission condemn this? If so, is it prepared to halt all EU funding for Egypt immediately? The EU is the leading institutional actor and largest donor to the fight against the death penalty. The abolition of the death penalty is raised in all relevant bilateral contacts with the Egyptian Government, notably in the context of the EU-Egypt political dialogues.
The EU considers that cooperation and political dialogue are the most appropriate channels to encourage democratic reforms in Egypt. In principle, all EU cooperation programmes can be suspended if the beneficiary country breaches an obligation relating to the respect for human rights, democratic principles and the rule of law and in serious cases of corruption. The EU is continuously monitoring and analysing the situation on the ground in close contact and dialogue with the Egyptian Government, opposition, civil society representatives and other key stakeholders in order to take the necessary and appropriate measures according to the evolution of the political context.
The EU programmes support the Egyptian people and the most vulnerable among them. Amerikaanse president ondertekent anti-ETS-wet. Heeft deze Amerikaanse wet, die eerder al in het Huis van Afgevaardigden en de Senaat is aangenomen, volgens de Commissie een rol gespeeld bij de opschorting van ETS? De Commissie is er dan ook van overtuigd dat op de algemene vergadering van de ICAO in september aanzienlijke vooruitgang kan worden geboekt in het bereiken van een wereldwijd akkoord over marktgebaseerde maatregelen.
Does the Commission consider this American legislation, already adopted in the House of Representatives and the Senate, to have been in any way instrumental regarding the postponement of the ETS? If not, why not? Transportation Secretary the discretion to prohibit U. The Commission recognises the importance of cooperative banks and the valuable contribution they make to local communities. The final definition and calibration of the short term liquidity coverage ratio LCR has still to be determined. In adopting the delegated act for the LCR, the Commission will take into account internationally agreed standards for liquidity supervision such as the Basel III liquidity requirements which have still to be fully specified.
In particular, in its report EBA shall consider whether the LCR is likely to have a material detrimental impact on the business and risk profile of Union institutions or on financial markets or the economy and bank lending. In this way the particularities of cooperative banks will be taken into account. Rather this would seem unlikely since the objective is to create a single rulebook with a level playing field for all banks. However, it should be noted that under the Basel III liquidity rules, a general progressive implementation of the LCR from to is envisaged.
Dies trifft insbesondere auf die neuen Spielautomaten-Regelungen zu. Juli in Kraft getreten ist. Unlawful pressure to privatise CP Carga. Public outrage at the privatisation of water services. Facilitating access to EU funding for aquaculture. Use of European funds for cross-border cooperation between Romania and Hungary. Imposition of safeguard duties on Chinese porcelain. Civic partnership investment projects for solar power plants.
Civic participation projects in Europe. Low-level presence of genetically modified material in seeds and foods. What is the make-up of the technical support group and what are its skills and expertise? What role will the Group play within the Alliance in future? What are the objectives for the evaluation framework for good practices?
How would it describe the framework? RAND provides policy content to the website and manages a database with good policy practices. This comprehensive meta-evaluation is based on a systematic review of the literature and sanctioned by an EU wide independent network of experts. To promote information sharing and mutual learning RAND separates practices for which robust evidence of effectiveness is lacking from what are considered emerging, promising and best practices.
Korkean edustajan, varapuheenjohtaja Ashtonin komission puolesta antama vastaus. Kuten neuvosto totesi EU on kehottanut kaikkia asianomaisia osapuolia jatkamaan neuvotteluja YK: Neuvosto toisti viimeksi Both within the European Union and in its vicinity, there are regions which are regarded as occupied. The EU consistently emphasises the need for States to respect international law, in particular international humanitarian law, human rights law and the United Nations UN Charter, in respect of the territories concerned.
The EU actively supports the efforts to peacefully resolve the protracted conflicts in its Neighbourhood. The EU is part of the Quartet on the Middle East and encourages the parties, the Palestinians and the Israelis, to engage in direct negotiations in order to achieve a lasting peace based on the two-state solution. The EU supports the negotiations in Cyprus aimed at a fair, comprehensive and viable settlement of the Cyprus problem under UN auspices.
The EU follows the Western Sahara issue closely and has discussed it with all stakeholders. The EU has called upon all the parties concerned to continue negotiations under the auspices of the UN. Jos nyt tarvittavissa EU: Euroopan elintarviketurvallisuusviranomainen esitti The question also concerned whether the Commission was prepared for this thanks to a special strategy.
They conclude that there are serious shortcomings in the study in terms of design and methodology, and that there is no need to re-examine the previous safety evaluations of the GM maize NK or to consider these findings in the ongoing assessment of glyphosate. The Commission has taken careful note of these conclusions.
The authorisation holders and the Member States are responsible for effectively removing from the market the GMOs for which the authorisation has been withdrawn. Dicho informe supone un verdadero ataque a los derechos laborales en los Estados miembros. Por ejemplo, las reformas que disminuyen los costes laborales figuran entre las que pueden aumentar el empleo favorables al empleo. This report basically attacks labour rights in the Member States.
The report analyses the labour market policy reforms Member States have implemented. But converting information on these labour market reforms into quantitative terms — in order to produce statistics — has entailed some surprising reductions and simplifications. This is a completely arbitrary classification, it has no scientific backing, and empirical data show results that are completely the opposite: What empirical data did the Commission check in classifying labour market policies as described in this report?
Does the report need to be reformulated in view of the evident political bias to be inferred in the information given therein? For instance, reforms reducing labour costs are listed among those likely to increase employment employment-friendly. This is also not the first time the reform database employed in this analysis is used to assess the impact of labour market policies. This could provide the basis for declaring that the Spanish banking sector's actions in ordering evictions are unlawful. The aforementioned memorandum should not be used as a justification for evictions.
The document refers only to the concept of foreclosures, and not to the foreclosure process itself, which should therefore comply with current legislation. The reform measures adopted by the Spanish Government are largely ineffective, because their requirements are too stringent and do nothing to improve the lot of most Spaniards. The Spanish Government has not acknowledged the negotiations publicly. What position has it adopted in its negotiations with the Spanish Government on the issue of foreclosures? Can the Commission provide information and forecasts concerning the actual impact of the reform, in terms of the number of foreclosures and the banks' mortgage exposure?
In line with the provisions of the memorandum of understanding on the Financial Assistance for the recapitalisation of financial institutions, Spanish authorities informed international partners about the proposed measures on evictions regarding any possible material impact on the achievement of the programme objectives. Given the scope and nature of the measures, they are not expected to impact on the implementation of the programme or the achievement of its objectives in a material way. The agencies are accused of market manipulation, and their system for determining Member States' sovereign debt ratings is therefore being called into question.
This ruling is the most recent addition to a series of accusations levelled against the main ratings agencies, and should, at the very least, raise questions about the reliability of their ratings methods. Prosecutors are arguing that information that should have remained confidential was released when markets were open. The two ongoing investigations in Italy should set alarm bells ringing about the ratings mechanisms employed by the agencies.
There is evidence to suggest that their actions have been very costly for Italy and other Member States affected by the sovereign debt crisis. Is the Commission following the investigation? In the event of a ruling against the agencies, does the Commission think that fraud investigations should be launched concerning other countries' sovereign debt ratings? What measures will the Commission take if agencies have acted fraudulently to the detriment of countries affected by the sovereign debt crisis? To this end, the Commission will not preclude the outcome of any ongoing investigations with regard to credit rating agencies.
Furthermore, it is up to the competent authorities, respectively national competent authorities for market abuse and insider dealing and ESMA for the CRA regulation, to take supervisory action where appropriate in view of its attributed competences. These new rules will also contribute to address the issues outlined by the Honourable Member. Respuesta de la Alta Representante y Vicepresidenta Sra. According to UN sources, the entry of the M23 guerrillas into the city of approximately one million inhabitants has caused part of the population to flee in fear of their lives and has been accompanied by the abduction of women and children.
This is the first time that the M23 guerrilla rebels have entered the city of Goma since the official end of the war in , leading to fears of a possible resumption of hostilities. It is alleged that the guerrillas are being supported and financed by Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda and, like most the M23 guerrillas, a Tutsi. This international assistance is leading to the destabilisation of an area already greatly afflicted by violence. This fresh attack by the M23 guerrilla poses the threat of a full-scale resumption of fighting in the region.
Although the war is officially over, the troubles have never fully ceased, as evidenced by the continued violations of human rights by armed groups in the area. The conflict has been fuelled by multinationals which export rare minerals such as coltan, of which the world's entire reserves are situated almost entirely in this region. Worldwide demand for certain electronic devices depends on the supply of this rare mineral by multinationals operating legally or illegally in the area.
Does she consider that it will be necessary to establish the degree of responsibility of Paul Kagame for the troubles? Does she have information concerning European companies with operations in the area, particularly those linked to the production and supply of coltan?
The EU supports the efforts of the international community and has deployed multiple contacts at all levels with the main stakeholders to find a lasting solution to the conflict in eastern DRC tackling both the regional and the DRC domestic roots of the crisis. The EU reiterated on several occasions that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the DRC must be respected and that any support to the M23 is unacceptable. To our knowledge no EU company is directly involved in coltan production in the DRC and though coltan trafficking contributes to fund armed groups in the Kivus as well as other minerals, but also land, timber, charcoal, racketing , it is not central to its underlying causes.
Selv om EU ikke er part i konventionen om beskyttelse af det enkelte menneske i forbindelse med elektronisk databehandling af personoplysninger konvention nr. Since the beginning of the CoE works on the modernisation of the Council of Europe Convention , the Commission has been participating actively in the discussion, inter alia in order to ensure compatibility between the negotiated modernisation of Convention and the evolving EU data protection acquis. The Convention , which is open to accession by third countries, establishes general principles and rules in the field of data protection.
The scope of such rules may be affected or distorted where the international commitments fall within the scope of the common rules or in any event within an area largely covered by such rules. Menschen in Armut oder sozialer Ausgrenzung. In October, the Conference on Poverty revealed the ever-widening gap between the rich and poor in Austria.
Austria pays a heavy price for the large number of people living in poverty, for example in the form of chronic illnesses, shorter life expectancy or poorer education. Is the Commission aware of this development in Austria and what is its position on this in the context of the current economic crisis in Europe? What strategies does the Commission recommend to the countries of Central Europe to help them avoid a. The Commission is aware that income inequality in Austria has been on a relatively increasing trend in the last decade, while still considerably below EU average.
Increasing inequality was, however, a trend already before the start of the financial and economic crisis. In spite of Austria's rather favourable overall performance regarding the labour market and most social inclusion indicators, almost 1. The ESF in Austria supports the labour market integration and social inclusion of groups at higher risk of poverty. The Commission monitors developments in the area of poverty and social exclusion through the European Semester, as well as in the Social Protection Committee through cooperative exchanges with the Member States.
The European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion brings together various policies that contribute to the reduction of poverty. The upcoming Social Investment Package sets out a new agenda for social policies to help Member States make the reforms necessary to emerge out of the crisis and become stronger, more cohesive and more competitive in the long run. Die Lage junger Menschen in Europa wird immer dramatischer, wenn man die Arbeitslosenraten in dieser jungen Generation ansieht.
The situation of young people in Europe seems to be getting more and more dramatic, if one looks at the unemployment rate of this young generation. Is the Commission aware of the drastic numbers of unemployed young Europeans? If so, how does it intend to proceed in order to give these young Europeans a path to a professional future? As regards the Commission's response, including the recent Communication on. The cost estimate is based on the number of young people aged 15 to 29 who are not in employment, education or training.
The study also gives a breakdown of the cost by individual Member State. Can the Commission quantify the scale of the cuts required to achieve the objectives of its industrial strategy? One of the four pillars of this Action Plan proposes actions aiming at improving market conditions through smart regulation, notably with a fitness-check of the type-approval legislation, a competitiveness proofing for the major legislative initiatives and exploring the possibility and added value of a proportionate economic analysis for some implementing acts of the vehicle legislation.
Although an analysis of the quantity of scale of cuts in red tape needed is not as such encompassed in the abovementioned initiatives, the issue of red tape is indeed addressed, as streamlined European legislation will impose less red tape for the automotive industry. The results of this study show that, on average, general sea levels have increased by 3. Other scientific studies, such as the one led by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany, show that the rise in sea levels could therefore reach, or even exceed, one metre.
It would be wise to look into the accuracy of the results put forward by these new studies and the possible impact for these regions, which are often densely populated and are hubs of important economic activity. If these data are found to be accurate, does it intend to launch a consultation on the possible consequences of a rise in sea levels of up to one metre, or more, within the European Union? Does it intend to put in place support plans for the coastal regions most threatened by the rise in sea levels?
The IPCC Assessment Reports review and assess the information produced worldwide relevant to climate change, and are the policy-making reference information about climate change causes and effects. EU Climate Change policies, including on adaptation to sea level rise, will be framed upon new evidence from AR5 and relevant research afterwards. At a local level sea-level change can be very different from the global average. The EU Adaptation Strategy, to be adopted in spring , will aim to enhance the preparedness of the entire EU territory to respond to the impacts of climate change..
As from , the Commission has proposed that it becomes one of the key priorities of all relevant EU funding channels through a new principle stipulating that. Secondo questo protocollo N. Il Fiscal Compact costituisce inoltre un trattato di diritto internazionale, che non potrebbe modificare quanto previsto dall'articolo del TFUE, la cui modifica dovrebbe avvenire solamente a norma dell'articolo 48 del trattato sull'Unione europea TUE.
La Commissione non condivide questa valutazione. In altri termini, e in linea con il testo del trattato, il valore di riferimento del disavanzo va inteso non come obiettivo, ma come limite da non superare nelle normali fluttuazioni del ciclo economico. These criteria were never changed, even after Lisbon. Regulations are acts of ordinary legislation and should therefore be subject to the treaties, in the same way in which the ordinary law of a state is subject to the Constitution.
The Commission does not share this assessment. The first aim of the MTO is thus precisely that of providing an adequate safety margin against the breaching of the deficit reference value. In other words, and consistent with the wording of the Treaty, the deficit reference value should not be intended as an objective but a limit that should not be trespassed under normal cyclical fluctuations. This demands that MS pursue an objective that, taking into account normal cyclical fluctuations, should be more demanding than the reference value. Otherwise, at least in the negative phase of the cycle, it could be expected that MS would breach the reference value, which is clearly in contradiction with the Treaty.
Que medidas tem a UE para apoiar o setor cooperativo e mais especificamente as cooperativas de consumo? The financial problems have mounted up and urgent intervention is required to stabilise its accounts, along with medium-term action that will make it possible to plan the future development of the cooperative, in the light of the current difficult conditions.
However, the current credit restrictions in Portugal, which affect micro, small and medium-sized undertakings as well as the cooperative movement, are hampering the necessary intervention, with the result that the future of the COOPOFA cooperative is under threat.
What EU support instruments might be available to assist cooperatives that are facing difficulties, bearing in mind the current credit restrictions? Quais as percentagens de cofinanciamento previstas? Ria Formosa, a rich and complex lagoon system in the south of Portugal, is of immense economic and social importance.
Harnessing its enormous potential to the full none the less requires the preservation of its exceptional natural features, including the quality of its water. In recent years there have been growing grounds for concern about water quality in Ria Formosa. Water pollution has been cited as one of the causes of the degradation of the lagoon ecosystem, with consequences for the mortality of bivalves. This in turn has had a negative impact on shellfishing, a key economic activity in several of the municipalities around the lagoon.
The problem has been attributed to the fact that there are not enough waste water treatment plants, especially during the summer period. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that there is no regular dredging and opening of the inlets such as would allow the water in the lagoon system to be renewed. What funds from the current multiannual financial framework not yet used by Portugal could be allocated to support the investment needed in waste water treatment plants in the Algarve in order to halt pollution in Ria Formosa?
What are the applicable co financing rates? What programmes or measures could be used to support dredging and opening of the inlets? Due to the shared management principle, the national authorities are responsible for the implementation of programmes, including project selection and other procedures.
Apoios ao desenvolvimento do Interior Algarvio. This trend is becoming more pronounced, with the worsening situation directly linked to the current IMF-EU programme and the sharp decrease in investment both public and private , cuts in public services and growing financial strangulation of local authorities caused by it. Bearing in mind all the proposals put forward by local people, could the Commission say:.
What amount of Community co-funding can be provided? What community funding can be used to support construction of a rapid link with the district capital Faro? What programmes and measures can be used to support the construction of a biomass processing plant? However no project has been proposed so far for the construction of such a bridge. However, no provision is made to finance such links. Since, in accordance with the principle of shared management, the Structural and Cohesion Funds are managed in a decentralised manner by the national and regional authorities, the Commission suggests that the Honourable Member of Parliament contact the competent Managing Authority directly for more information:.
In Portugal the fisheries sector is in need of investment on several fronts. The most pressing need is for investment in infrastructure, particularly to support small-scale coastal fishing and non-industrial fishing. But there is also a need for investment in training — essential for bringing young people in and revitalising the sector — and for investment to support the development of coastal communities.
What is the total amount still available from the European Fisheries Fund for Portugal? What is the deadline for using it and what are the applicable co-financing rates? Has the Portuguese Government reprogrammed any of these amounts? To what have the reprogrammed amounts been allocated?
The revision of the operational programme is ongoing, including a reallocation of financial resources which serves to increase the best utilisation of funds. The Commission has not received confirmation that the training courses funded under the EFF operational programme, mentioned by the Honourable Member, have been stopped by the Portuguese authorities responsible for the management of the programme. This typical product has contributed to the development and activity of small enterprises, most of them family-based, in a region where tourism is important and which has been severely affected by the recession and unemployment.
The new law on stills has created problems for many owners of small traditional stills, because of the investment required and the high costs involved, and has caused a number of them to close down. Could the Commission say what programmes or measures could be used to support the investments required for the legalisation of small traditional stills? The investments required to improve the operational conditions of the traditional stills may be supported under EAFRD, e. Information on whether this type of activities is foreseen in the Local Development Strategy of the respective region and on the eligibility conditions should be requested to the Program Managing Authority and or the concerned LAGs, at the following address.
It is essential that this area be reforested. The local authorities still face a number of difficulties: It is extremely important to complete the forest register so that the area can be divided up into sectors — an essential prerequisite for a successful reforestation strategy. If not addressed, the present situation poses immediate risks, such as the possible pollution of water sources and the danger of landslides, as heavy rains and erosion may cause less stable slopes to collapse.
The funding offered so far by the Portuguese Government is quite inadequate to deal with the full extent of the problem. In light of the above, can the Commission say what programmes and measures can be used to support the implementation of a recovery plan for the burnt area, with particular attention to:. Completing the forest register and demarcation, reforestation, protection of water sources and implementation of structural preventive measures to prevent future wildfires?
As for the second question, the forest register and demarcation are in the competence of the Member State; however as regards reforestation, protection of water sources and implementation of structural preventive measures to prevent forest fires, they can be financed in the framework of Rural Development policy, EU support is available for restoring forestry potential and prevention actions Measure and restoring the agricultural production potential Measure The Rural development programme of Mainland Portugal foresees these measures.
A proposta foi transmitida ao Parlamento Europeu e ao Conselho. According to figures released by the State Secretary for Education and School Administration there are 10 undernourished schoolchildren in Portugal. In this situation, which is inextricably linked to the application of the IMF EU programme and the resulting widespread impoverishment, can the Commission say:. Whether it intends to assess the social consequences of applying the Troika Memorandum, in particular as regards the growing numbers facing hunger?
Will it take any action as a result of the figures? Can the Commission give details of the institutions and sums involved? From the outset, the Economic Adjustment Programme for Portugal has aimed to protect the most deprived people. In its regular reviews of the implementation of the Programme, the Commision has also assessed, together with the Portguese authorities and the other Troika institutions, the economic and social consequences of the Programme.
These assessments have led to several revisions in the memorandum of understanding with a view to reinforcing instruments directed towards the most vulnerable groups. The MDP will end with the completion of the annual plan. The Fund would support Member State schemes providing food to the most deprived people and basic consumer goods to homeless people and materially-deprived children. The proposal has been transmitted to the European Parliament and the Council. The approach of winter and the prospect of long periods of cold weather poses problems for homeless people and for people in poor housing, in respect of both accommodation and health.
In the light of the current financial crisis affecting Europe, local and regional authorities in the Member States are finding it difficult to implement winter shelter programmes to guarantee accommodation for homeless people and people in poor housing, particularly in the case of families with children. To what extent can the Commission support the efforts being made by local and regional authorities to implement these programmes?
Although competence in this area lies with the Member States, the Commission assists the latter in various ways. The Commission will soon present its Social Investment Package, which among other things will contain a staff working document on homelessness. The Union co-finances a number of measures, in particular through the Structural Funds. The European Regional Development Fund and the European Social Fund support a wide range of measures in the area of access to housing and social inclusion. Last October the Commission proposed the establishment of a Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived, which would in particular support national schemes providing food or basic goods to homeless people and accompanying measures for their social inclusion.
So gibt es ca. The current debate on the increasing number of asylum-seekers arriving in Austria is adding to fear and uncertainty amongst the Austrian people. Given that the present distribution pattern is unfair, there have been calls for a more equitable distribution of asylum-seekers within Europe. The agreement with the Federal Ministry for the Interior, according to which no more than people could be received at that centre, now appears to be obsolete and the locals are feeling the effects of a failed asylum policy.
Why is there not a more equitable pattern in the distribution of asylum-seekers across Europe? Both the absolute number and the number per capita of applicants applying in Austria are significantly lower than a few years ago. In , Austria received 32, applicants compared with 14, in There are factors that explain why applicants choose certain Member States at particular times, such as historical links, geographical location, location of diaspora populations, economic and social factors. Revisions to the legislation underpinning the Common European Asylum System were proposed by the Commission with a view to decreasing the likelihood that applicants for international protection would choose one Member State over another because of differences in the nature and quality of reception conditions or in terms of the probability of being granted international protection.
Negotiations on these revisions in the Council and the European Parliament are close to conclusion. The Commission has also put in place solidarity measures to assist Member States facing particular pressures on their asylum systems. These include pilot projects on relocation of beneficiaries of international protection from one Member State to others and providing assistance from the newly established European Asylum Support Office.
Greek exporters make a major contribution to the national economy and, now more than ever, it has become necessary to increase their liquidity. As a general rule, state aid for export activities is prohibited in order to avoid distortion of the internal market. Recently, the Greek authorities discussed a type of loan or guarantee to be issued either by the EIB or the EIF, covering export credits or letters of credit issued by Greek banks to Greek exporting enterprises. In addition, the programme for Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship provides assistance to projects enhancing the productiveness of enterprises.
Two specific projects are ongoing: According to a report in the Financial Times , eight months after the signing of the financing agreement for the creation of a special European Investment Bank guarantee fund for Greece which was designed to address the liquidity problem in Greece, as even healthy companies complain that they are unable to function because banks are refusing to issue them with letters of credit or to finance the purchase of raw materials , this fund has not granted a single loan to small and medium enterprises — the task for which it was set up.
EIB officials seem to indicate that the fund will become operational before the end of the year. What is the reason for this extremely long delay and when will this fund actually become operational? There are a number of remarkable films in existence which have received EU funding in the past. In view of this:. Can the Commission say what initiatives are currently being taken to support the film industry, indicating the total budget earmarked for this purpose? Has funding ever been provided for a film dealing with crimes against humanity or acts of genocide, for example the Armenian genocide or the genocide by the Turkish army of the Greeks in Asia Minor and the Black Sea?
Has EU funding been provided for any films concerning the Holocaust, the abhorrent crime committed against the Jews and against European peoples opposing Hitler, the Greeks having played a major role in the resistance at a cost of lives and the plundering of their national heritage? The MEDIA Programme supports the European film industry financially in the development, distribution and promotion of its films, and with training for professionals.
In addition, the programme helps fund new technologies and platforms for the delivery of audiovisual content of all kinds. From onwards, both programmes will be a strand of the new Creative Europe Programme. The Armenian genocide has been the subject of several European films, most of which have been supported by the MEDIA programme, such as: Will it recommend that the agreement be amended so as to introduce fairer provisions regarding EU Member States which have suffered as a result of it? The Council has not discussed the specific issues raised by the Honourable Member.
This successor to the Communist Komsomol is used by Belarusian dictator Alyaksandr Lukashenka to further his repressive political regime and promote his cult of personality. Will the political nature of the organisation be taken into consideration when the call for proposals is launched, and will affiliation with the BRSM be included in the exclusion criteria? If the Commission cannot guarantee either of the above, will it consider excluding Belarus from the Eastern Partnership Youth Window completely?
The funds in question are intended for the same actions as those of the Youth in Action Programme in the field of cooperation with neighbouring countries. These criteria can be consulted at:. In artikel II van de statuten van het Internationaal Monetair Fonds is vastgelegd dat het lidmaatschap openstaat voor landen, maar daarin wordt niet gerept over internationale organisaties. De Commissie is van oordeel dat de voortgang naar een diepere Economische en Monetaire Unie extern tot uitdrukking moet komen, met name middels voortgang in de richting van gezamenlijke externe economische vertegenwoordiging van de eurozone.
De focus moet worden gelegd op het IMF, dat middels zijn kredietverleningsinstrumenten en toezicht een zeer belangrijke institutionele pijler in de mondiale economische governance is.

Een versterking en consolidatie van de externe vertegenwoordiging van de eurozone moet gericht zijn op stroomlijning en, indien mogelijk, unificering van de externe vertegenwoordiging in het IMF. Tegen deze achtergrond zal de Europese Commissie te gelegener tijd stappen zetten om de vertegenwoordiging van de eurozone in het IMF te versterken. The Commission is of the view that the progress towards a deeper Economic and Monetary Union will have to be reflected externally, notably through progress towards united external economic representation of the euro area.
Due to the current fragmentation of its representation in international financial institutions and fora, the euro area does not have an influence and leadership commensurate with its economic weight, as laid out in the Commission's blueprint for a deep and genuine Economic and Monetary Union. The focus should be on the IMF, which through its lending instruments and surveillance is a key institutional pillar in global economic governance.
A strengthening and consolidation of the euro area's external representation should aim at streamlining and, where possible, unifying the external representation in the IMF. Against this background, the European Commission will in due course take steps to strengthen the euro area representation in the IMF.
Verwerpt de Commissie dit? De EU is principieel fel gekant tegen de doodstraf en de afschaffing ervan is een van de hoofddoelstellingen van haar mensenrechtenbeleid. De EU is de leidende institutionele partij en belangrijkste donor in de strijd tegen de doodstraf. De EU is van oordeel dat samenwerking en politieke dialoog de meest geschikte manieren zijn om democratische hervormingen in Egypte aan te moedigen. Zij meent bovendien dat het opschorten van hulp momenteel niet gerechtvaardigd is.
In principe kunnen alle EU-samenwerkingprogramma's worden opgeschort als het begunstigde land zijn verplichtingen niet nakomt inzake eerbiediging van de mensenrechten, de democratische beginselen en de rechtsstaat, en bij ernstige corruptie. What view does the Commission take of the fact that seven Egyptian Christians have been sentenced to death for their part in the production.
Does the Commission condemn this? If so, is it prepared to halt all EU funding for Egypt immediately? The EU is the leading institutional actor and largest donor to the fight against the death penalty. The abolition of the death penalty is raised in all relevant bilateral contacts with the Egyptian Government, notably in the context of the EU-Egypt political dialogues. The EU considers that cooperation and political dialogue are the most appropriate channels to encourage democratic reforms in Egypt.
In principle, all EU cooperation programmes can be suspended if the beneficiary country breaches an obligation relating to the respect for human rights, democratic principles and the rule of law and in serious cases of corruption. The EU is continuously monitoring and analysing the situation on the ground in close contact and dialogue with the Egyptian Government, opposition, civil society representatives and other key stakeholders in order to take the necessary and appropriate measures according to the evolution of the political context.
The EU programmes support the Egyptian people and the most vulnerable among them. Amerikaanse president ondertekent anti-ETS-wet. Heeft deze Amerikaanse wet, die eerder al in het Huis van Afgevaardigden en de Senaat is aangenomen, volgens de Commissie een rol gespeeld bij de opschorting van ETS? Ex post facto legislation in the Member States. Climate change and the limited effectiveness of the ETS. Portugal wants to have the same concessions as Greece.
Finnish measures to protect the Saimaa ringed seal: ECJ ruling on gender discrimination in the sale of insurance. Competition issues in the market for prescribed medication. Grace and favour accommodation for Commission officials. Incursions into the lands of the Yanomami forest tribespeople of South America. Proposed French import tax on Malaysian palm oil. School built with money earned from waste storage. Introduction by the French Government of taxation on beer.
Ensuring a sufficient quantity of good quality water. Competition aspects of the price differential between the Irish and UK beef markets. Application of the European Market Infrastructure Regulation to foreign exchange swaps and forwards. The Mediterranean Solar Plan needs to be implemented soon. Censorship on Turkish TV: Member of Hungary's Jobbik party asks for survey of Jews. The repercussions of austerity measures on women and children in Ireland.
Animal welfare in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Recommendation on enhancing broadband investments and non-discrimination measures. Expansion of activities by Mexican and Colombian drugs traffickers in Europe. Evident violation of the principle of impartiality in an administrative procedure followed by the Veneto region.
Hunger strike of persecuted Kurds in Turkey — position and reaction of the EU. Minimum wages and social dialogue in the Commission's working conditions package. State aid for the cephalopod fisheries sector in Galicia which has been excluded from EU-Mauritania agreement. Impact of mining for tin on Bangka island Indonesia and checks on EU raw material imports. Information on the Spanish banking sector as required by the memorandum of understanding. Impact on the National Park of Northern Pindos Greece of planned hydroelectric projects at the source of the river Aoos.
Nuclear safety in the southern Caucasus and the Metsamor nuclear power plant. Impact of different financing conditions in the euro area and of the delay in establishing the Banking Union. Differential consumer pricing in the eurozone. Possibility of using European funds for technical higher education in regional projects.
Integrating Turkey into Europe with the Turkish lira. Developments with regard to pension costs. Equal treatment with respect to naturalisation in EU Member States. Violation of environmental legislation in Agios Mamas, Halkidiki. Reduced rate of VAT — personal services in France. Prevention of age-related health problems in women.
Non-EU goods in transhipment in EU ports. Teaching hours increased for secondary school teachers without a corresponding pay adjustment. Fyra train service between Brussels and Amsterdam. Discrimination against EU nationals in Malta. The Commission's duty to protect EU citizens' health from the dangers posed by mobile phones. Does the Commission intend to investigate aviation accidents caused by pilot fatigue? Does the Commission intend to prevent hidden incentives to gambling? Rule of law in Kosovo: Funding allocations to the outermost regions.
Coding of emergency numbers in mobile telephones. Qualification as a body subject to public procurement rules. Commission recommendations for reducing youth unemployment. Damage to European cooperation projects in Gaza. Need to end discrimination against older people in medical research. Funding of renovation and development of public and privately-owned railway stations. Legislative obligations resulting from the Single European Sky initiative. Monitoring the rule of law in Campania. Equality legislation and cancer patients.
Regulating advertisements aimed at children. Electricity generation costs and investments in the UK. Eco-Design Directive and heating appliances. Violation of human rights in Italy in the Hirsi case. State of play with regard to the Council Recommendation on preventing injury and promoting safety. Unfair competition between Zaventem and Charleroi.
Commission's desire for all young people to find a job or training course within four months of graduation. Free trade agreements involving fisheries and aquaculture products. Support for investment in energy efficiency. Unlawful pressure to privatise CP Carga. Public outrage at the privatisation of water services. Facilitating access to EU funding for aquaculture.
Use of European funds for cross-border cooperation between Romania and Hungary. Imposition of safeguard duties on Chinese porcelain. Civic partnership investment projects for solar power plants. Civic participation projects in Europe. Low-level presence of genetically modified material in seeds and foods. What is the make-up of the technical support group and what are its skills and expertise? What role will the Group play within the Alliance in future? What are the objectives for the evaluation framework for good practices? How would it describe the framework?
RAND provides policy content to the website and manages a database with good policy practices. This comprehensive meta-evaluation is based on a systematic review of the literature and sanctioned by an EU wide independent network of experts. To promote information sharing and mutual learning RAND separates practices for which robust evidence of effectiveness is lacking from what are considered emerging, promising and best practices. Korkean edustajan, varapuheenjohtaja Ashtonin komission puolesta antama vastaus.
Kuten neuvosto totesi EU on kehottanut kaikkia asianomaisia osapuolia jatkamaan neuvotteluja YK: Neuvosto toisti viimeksi Both within the European Union and in its vicinity, there are regions which are regarded as occupied. The EU consistently emphasises the need for States to respect international law, in particular international humanitarian law, human rights law and the United Nations UN Charter, in respect of the territories concerned.
The EU actively supports the efforts to peacefully resolve the protracted conflicts in its Neighbourhood. The EU is part of the Quartet on the Middle East and encourages the parties, the Palestinians and the Israelis, to engage in direct negotiations in order to achieve a lasting peace based on the two-state solution. The EU supports the negotiations in Cyprus aimed at a fair, comprehensive and viable settlement of the Cyprus problem under UN auspices. The EU follows the Western Sahara issue closely and has discussed it with all stakeholders. The EU has called upon all the parties concerned to continue negotiations under the auspices of the UN.
Jos nyt tarvittavissa EU: Euroopan elintarviketurvallisuusviranomainen esitti The question also concerned whether the Commission was prepared for this thanks to a special strategy. They conclude that there are serious shortcomings in the study in terms of design and methodology, and that there is no need to re-examine the previous safety evaluations of the GM maize NK or to consider these findings in the ongoing assessment of glyphosate. The Commission has taken careful note of these conclusions.
The authorisation holders and the Member States are responsible for effectively removing from the market the GMOs for which the authorisation has been withdrawn. Dicho informe supone un verdadero ataque a los derechos laborales en los Estados miembros. Por ejemplo, las reformas que disminuyen los costes laborales figuran entre las que pueden aumentar el empleo favorables al empleo. This report basically attacks labour rights in the Member States.
The report analyses the labour market policy reforms Member States have implemented. But converting information on these labour market reforms into quantitative terms — in order to produce statistics — has entailed some surprising reductions and simplifications. This is a completely arbitrary classification, it has no scientific backing, and empirical data show results that are completely the opposite: What empirical data did the Commission check in classifying labour market policies as described in this report?
Does the report need to be reformulated in view of the evident political bias to be inferred in the information given therein? For instance, reforms reducing labour costs are listed among those likely to increase employment employment-friendly. This is also not the first time the reform database employed in this analysis is used to assess the impact of labour market policies. This could provide the basis for declaring that the Spanish banking sector's actions in ordering evictions are unlawful. The aforementioned memorandum should not be used as a justification for evictions.
The document refers only to the concept of foreclosures, and not to the foreclosure process itself, which should therefore comply with current legislation. The reform measures adopted by the Spanish Government are largely ineffective, because their requirements are too stringent and do nothing to improve the lot of most Spaniards. The Spanish Government has not acknowledged the negotiations publicly. What position has it adopted in its negotiations with the Spanish Government on the issue of foreclosures?
Can the Commission provide information and forecasts concerning the actual impact of the reform, in terms of the number of foreclosures and the banks' mortgage exposure? In line with the provisions of the memorandum of understanding on the Financial Assistance for the recapitalisation of financial institutions, Spanish authorities informed international partners about the proposed measures on evictions regarding any possible material impact on the achievement of the programme objectives. Given the scope and nature of the measures, they are not expected to impact on the implementation of the programme or the achievement of its objectives in a material way.
The agencies are accused of market manipulation, and their system for determining Member States' sovereign debt ratings is therefore being called into question. This ruling is the most recent addition to a series of accusations levelled against the main ratings agencies, and should, at the very least, raise questions about the reliability of their ratings methods. Prosecutors are arguing that information that should have remained confidential was released when markets were open.
The two ongoing investigations in Italy should set alarm bells ringing about the ratings mechanisms employed by the agencies. There is evidence to suggest that their actions have been very costly for Italy and other Member States affected by the sovereign debt crisis. Is the Commission following the investigation? In the event of a ruling against the agencies, does the Commission think that fraud investigations should be launched concerning other countries' sovereign debt ratings?
What measures will the Commission take if agencies have acted fraudulently to the detriment of countries affected by the sovereign debt crisis? To this end, the Commission will not preclude the outcome of any ongoing investigations with regard to credit rating agencies.
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Furthermore, it is up to the competent authorities, respectively national competent authorities for market abuse and insider dealing and ESMA for the CRA regulation, to take supervisory action where appropriate in view of its attributed competences. These new rules will also contribute to address the issues outlined by the Honourable Member.
Respuesta de la Alta Representante y Vicepresidenta Sra. According to UN sources, the entry of the M23 guerrillas into the city of approximately one million inhabitants has caused part of the population to flee in fear of their lives and has been accompanied by the abduction of women and children. This is the first time that the M23 guerrilla rebels have entered the city of Goma since the official end of the war in , leading to fears of a possible resumption of hostilities. It is alleged that the guerrillas are being supported and financed by Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda and, like most the M23 guerrillas, a Tutsi.
This international assistance is leading to the destabilisation of an area already greatly afflicted by violence. This fresh attack by the M23 guerrilla poses the threat of a full-scale resumption of fighting in the region. Although the war is officially over, the troubles have never fully ceased, as evidenced by the continued violations of human rights by armed groups in the area. The conflict has been fuelled by multinationals which export rare minerals such as coltan, of which the world's entire reserves are situated almost entirely in this region.
Worldwide demand for certain electronic devices depends on the supply of this rare mineral by multinationals operating legally or illegally in the area. Does she consider that it will be necessary to establish the degree of responsibility of Paul Kagame for the troubles? Does she have information concerning European companies with operations in the area, particularly those linked to the production and supply of coltan?
The EU supports the efforts of the international community and has deployed multiple contacts at all levels with the main stakeholders to find a lasting solution to the conflict in eastern DRC tackling both the regional and the DRC domestic roots of the crisis. The EU reiterated on several occasions that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the DRC must be respected and that any support to the M23 is unacceptable.
To our knowledge no EU company is directly involved in coltan production in the DRC and though coltan trafficking contributes to fund armed groups in the Kivus as well as other minerals, but also land, timber, charcoal, racketing , it is not central to its underlying causes. Selv om EU ikke er part i konventionen om beskyttelse af det enkelte menneske i forbindelse med elektronisk databehandling af personoplysninger konvention nr. Since the beginning of the CoE works on the modernisation of the Council of Europe Convention , the Commission has been participating actively in the discussion, inter alia in order to ensure compatibility between the negotiated modernisation of Convention and the evolving EU data protection acquis.
The Convention , which is open to accession by third countries, establishes general principles and rules in the field of data protection. The scope of such rules may be affected or distorted where the international commitments fall within the scope of the common rules or in any event within an area largely covered by such rules. Menschen in Armut oder sozialer Ausgrenzung. In October, the Conference on Poverty revealed the ever-widening gap between the rich and poor in Austria. Austria pays a heavy price for the large number of people living in poverty, for example in the form of chronic illnesses, shorter life expectancy or poorer education.
Is the Commission aware of this development in Austria and what is its position on this in the context of the current economic crisis in Europe? What strategies does the Commission recommend to the countries of Central Europe to help them avoid a. The Commission is aware that income inequality in Austria has been on a relatively increasing trend in the last decade, while still considerably below EU average.
Increasing inequality was, however, a trend already before the start of the financial and economic crisis. In spite of Austria's rather favourable overall performance regarding the labour market and most social inclusion indicators, almost 1. The ESF in Austria supports the labour market integration and social inclusion of groups at higher risk of poverty. The Commission monitors developments in the area of poverty and social exclusion through the European Semester, as well as in the Social Protection Committee through cooperative exchanges with the Member States. The European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion brings together various policies that contribute to the reduction of poverty.
The upcoming Social Investment Package sets out a new agenda for social policies to help Member States make the reforms necessary to emerge out of the crisis and become stronger, more cohesive and more competitive in the long run. Die Lage junger Menschen in Europa wird immer dramatischer, wenn man die Arbeitslosenraten in dieser jungen Generation ansieht. The situation of young people in Europe seems to be getting more and more dramatic, if one looks at the unemployment rate of this young generation.
Is the Commission aware of the drastic numbers of unemployed young Europeans? If so, how does it intend to proceed in order to give these young Europeans a path to a professional future? As regards the Commission's response, including the recent Communication on. The cost estimate is based on the number of young people aged 15 to 29 who are not in employment, education or training.
The study also gives a breakdown of the cost by individual Member State. Can the Commission quantify the scale of the cuts required to achieve the objectives of its industrial strategy? One of the four pillars of this Action Plan proposes actions aiming at improving market conditions through smart regulation, notably with a fitness-check of the type-approval legislation, a competitiveness proofing for the major legislative initiatives and exploring the possibility and added value of a proportionate economic analysis for some implementing acts of the vehicle legislation.
Although an analysis of the quantity of scale of cuts in red tape needed is not as such encompassed in the abovementioned initiatives, the issue of red tape is indeed addressed, as streamlined European legislation will impose less red tape for the automotive industry. The results of this study show that, on average, general sea levels have increased by 3.
Other scientific studies, such as the one led by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany, show that the rise in sea levels could therefore reach, or even exceed, one metre. It would be wise to look into the accuracy of the results put forward by these new studies and the possible impact for these regions, which are often densely populated and are hubs of important economic activity.
If these data are found to be accurate, does it intend to launch a consultation on the possible consequences of a rise in sea levels of up to one metre, or more, within the European Union? Does it intend to put in place support plans for the coastal regions most threatened by the rise in sea levels? The IPCC Assessment Reports review and assess the information produced worldwide relevant to climate change, and are the policy-making reference information about climate change causes and effects.
EU Climate Change policies, including on adaptation to sea level rise, will be framed upon new evidence from AR5 and relevant research afterwards. At a local level sea-level change can be very different from the global average. The EU Adaptation Strategy, to be adopted in spring , will aim to enhance the preparedness of the entire EU territory to respond to the impacts of climate change..
As from , the Commission has proposed that it becomes one of the key priorities of all relevant EU funding channels through a new principle stipulating that. Secondo questo protocollo N. Il Fiscal Compact costituisce inoltre un trattato di diritto internazionale, che non potrebbe modificare quanto previsto dall'articolo del TFUE, la cui modifica dovrebbe avvenire solamente a norma dell'articolo 48 del trattato sull'Unione europea TUE. La Commissione non condivide questa valutazione.
In altri termini, e in linea con il testo del trattato, il valore di riferimento del disavanzo va inteso non come obiettivo, ma come limite da non superare nelle normali fluttuazioni del ciclo economico. These criteria were never changed, even after Lisbon. Regulations are acts of ordinary legislation and should therefore be subject to the treaties, in the same way in which the ordinary law of a state is subject to the Constitution. The Commission does not share this assessment. The first aim of the MTO is thus precisely that of providing an adequate safety margin against the breaching of the deficit reference value.
In other words, and consistent with the wording of the Treaty, the deficit reference value should not be intended as an objective but a limit that should not be trespassed under normal cyclical fluctuations. This demands that MS pursue an objective that, taking into account normal cyclical fluctuations, should be more demanding than the reference value. Otherwise, at least in the negative phase of the cycle, it could be expected that MS would breach the reference value, which is clearly in contradiction with the Treaty. Que medidas tem a UE para apoiar o setor cooperativo e mais especificamente as cooperativas de consumo?
The financial problems have mounted up and urgent intervention is required to stabilise its accounts, along with medium-term action that will make it possible to plan the future development of the cooperative, in the light of the current difficult conditions. However, the current credit restrictions in Portugal, which affect micro, small and medium-sized undertakings as well as the cooperative movement, are hampering the necessary intervention, with the result that the future of the COOPOFA cooperative is under threat.
What EU support instruments might be available to assist cooperatives that are facing difficulties, bearing in mind the current credit restrictions? Quais as percentagens de cofinanciamento previstas? Ria Formosa, a rich and complex lagoon system in the south of Portugal, is of immense economic and social importance. Harnessing its enormous potential to the full none the less requires the preservation of its exceptional natural features, including the quality of its water.
In recent years there have been growing grounds for concern about water quality in Ria Formosa. Water pollution has been cited as one of the causes of the degradation of the lagoon ecosystem, with consequences for the mortality of bivalves. This in turn has had a negative impact on shellfishing, a key economic activity in several of the municipalities around the lagoon. The problem has been attributed to the fact that there are not enough waste water treatment plants, especially during the summer period. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that there is no regular dredging and opening of the inlets such as would allow the water in the lagoon system to be renewed.
What funds from the current multiannual financial framework not yet used by Portugal could be allocated to support the investment needed in waste water treatment plants in the Algarve in order to halt pollution in Ria Formosa? What are the applicable co financing rates? What programmes or measures could be used to support dredging and opening of the inlets? Due to the shared management principle, the national authorities are responsible for the implementation of programmes, including project selection and other procedures. Apoios ao desenvolvimento do Interior Algarvio.
This trend is becoming more pronounced, with the worsening situation directly linked to the current IMF-EU programme and the sharp decrease in investment both public and private , cuts in public services and growing financial strangulation of local authorities caused by it. Bearing in mind all the proposals put forward by local people, could the Commission say:. What amount of Community co-funding can be provided? What community funding can be used to support construction of a rapid link with the district capital Faro?
What programmes and measures can be used to support the construction of a biomass processing plant? However no project has been proposed so far for the construction of such a bridge. However, no provision is made to finance such links. Since, in accordance with the principle of shared management, the Structural and Cohesion Funds are managed in a decentralised manner by the national and regional authorities, the Commission suggests that the Honourable Member of Parliament contact the competent Managing Authority directly for more information:.
In Portugal the fisheries sector is in need of investment on several fronts. The most pressing need is for investment in infrastructure, particularly to support small-scale coastal fishing and non-industrial fishing. But there is also a need for investment in training — essential for bringing young people in and revitalising the sector — and for investment to support the development of coastal communities. What is the total amount still available from the European Fisheries Fund for Portugal?
What is the deadline for using it and what are the applicable co-financing rates? Has the Portuguese Government reprogrammed any of these amounts? To what have the reprogrammed amounts been allocated? The revision of the operational programme is ongoing, including a reallocation of financial resources which serves to increase the best utilisation of funds. The Commission has not received confirmation that the training courses funded under the EFF operational programme, mentioned by the Honourable Member, have been stopped by the Portuguese authorities responsible for the management of the programme.
This typical product has contributed to the development and activity of small enterprises, most of them family-based, in a region where tourism is important and which has been severely affected by the recession and unemployment. The new law on stills has created problems for many owners of small traditional stills, because of the investment required and the high costs involved, and has caused a number of them to close down.
Could the Commission say what programmes or measures could be used to support the investments required for the legalisation of small traditional stills? The investments required to improve the operational conditions of the traditional stills may be supported under EAFRD, e. Information on whether this type of activities is foreseen in the Local Development Strategy of the respective region and on the eligibility conditions should be requested to the Program Managing Authority and or the concerned LAGs, at the following address.
It is essential that this area be reforested. The local authorities still face a number of difficulties: It is extremely important to complete the forest register so that the area can be divided up into sectors — an essential prerequisite for a successful reforestation strategy. If not addressed, the present situation poses immediate risks, such as the possible pollution of water sources and the danger of landslides, as heavy rains and erosion may cause less stable slopes to collapse.
The funding offered so far by the Portuguese Government is quite inadequate to deal with the full extent of the problem. In light of the above, can the Commission say what programmes and measures can be used to support the implementation of a recovery plan for the burnt area, with particular attention to:. Completing the forest register and demarcation, reforestation, protection of water sources and implementation of structural preventive measures to prevent future wildfires?
As for the second question, the forest register and demarcation are in the competence of the Member State; however as regards reforestation, protection of water sources and implementation of structural preventive measures to prevent forest fires, they can be financed in the framework of Rural Development policy, EU support is available for restoring forestry potential and prevention actions Measure and restoring the agricultural production potential Measure The Rural development programme of Mainland Portugal foresees these measures. A proposta foi transmitida ao Parlamento Europeu e ao Conselho.
According to figures released by the State Secretary for Education and School Administration there are 10 undernourished schoolchildren in Portugal. In this situation, which is inextricably linked to the application of the IMF EU programme and the resulting widespread impoverishment, can the Commission say:. Whether it intends to assess the social consequences of applying the Troika Memorandum, in particular as regards the growing numbers facing hunger? Will it take any action as a result of the figures? Can the Commission give details of the institutions and sums involved? From the outset, the Economic Adjustment Programme for Portugal has aimed to protect the most deprived people.
In its regular reviews of the implementation of the Programme, the Commision has also assessed, together with the Portguese authorities and the other Troika institutions, the economic and social consequences of the Programme. These assessments have led to several revisions in the memorandum of understanding with a view to reinforcing instruments directed towards the most vulnerable groups.
The MDP will end with the completion of the annual plan. The Fund would support Member State schemes providing food to the most deprived people and basic consumer goods to homeless people and materially-deprived children. The proposal has been transmitted to the European Parliament and the Council.
The approach of winter and the prospect of long periods of cold weather poses problems for homeless people and for people in poor housing, in respect of both accommodation and health. In the light of the current financial crisis affecting Europe, local and regional authorities in the Member States are finding it difficult to implement winter shelter programmes to guarantee accommodation for homeless people and people in poor housing, particularly in the case of families with children. To what extent can the Commission support the efforts being made by local and regional authorities to implement these programmes?
Although competence in this area lies with the Member States, the Commission assists the latter in various ways. The Commission will soon present its Social Investment Package, which among other things will contain a staff working document on homelessness. The Union co-finances a number of measures, in particular through the Structural Funds.