Maybe (chapter 2)
Ian throws himself into this with no thought of himself and his former life. This life is a lonely one that alienates him from his friends and his girlfriend.
He struggles to become a better man to relieve the guilt that he feels. The knowledge that Lucy was not cheating on Danny makes him question himself. He remains faithful to the church for he feels that only there will he be relieved of the guilt he feels. By sacrificing his life to care for the children, he seeks salvation for the deaths of their parents. In so doing, he allows the children to grow in a stable environment and find success and love in their own lives. In return, they attempt to help him find someone to share his life.
The children Agatha, Thomas, and Daphne love Ian as their father. They want to see him happy, but they see how he struggles without success to meld his past life with the present Agatha blames Ian's religion for this and rebels against it. Thomas remains faithful to his religious teachings even as he leaves home and begins a life on his own. Daphne is like her mother and manipulates the religion to fit into what she wants to do. Once the children are grown, Ian finds someone he loves and marries her. Rita joins the church and becomes a part of the life that Ian finds very important.
She is a good influence on him and the family is happy with his choice. The birth of his own child makes Ian see that his redemption is up to him. Only he can forgive himself for the guilt he feels. His religion gives him a sense of community and the ability to handle the situation day by day, but ultimately he must let go of the guilt and live his own life. Read more from the Study Guide. Browse all BookRags Study Guides. I tried to get back to my Rom-Com, chick-lit, Sophie Kinsella style books but I guess I'm way too deep into other genres. This didn't cut it. It was not a hugely disappointing read, just s forgettable, you kind of dread the time you've invested in reading it.
Feb 17, Rachel rated it did not like it Shelves: They kiss and my girlie brain flashes back to Darcy and Elizabeth and Darcy and Bridget for that matter… and the book ends on happily ever after. Maybe is precisely that sort of book, only I hated it. There was one major missing element: Only her heartless, dim mother thinks that Libby is making a wise decision. She feels nauseas when this man kisses her, and smothered by his attention. Of course, there is another man in the picture: Funny, sexy, kind, but, of course, tragically poor Nick. This book left me irritated at its pathetic protagonist and at the writer who created her.
I may have…finally… outgrown them. It seems impossible, but here we are. Maybe cat themed mysteries? Or novels about quilting societies? Feb 26, Love Fool rated it really liked it. I was Libby Mason a few years ago so I think Jane Green needs to send me a big check for copying my life and making it into a great book. Feb 21, Kattie rated it it was ok. The author is interesting but parts of this book were just painful to read. Ever had the urge to haul off and smack a fictional character? Also, if you are considering reading this book, you should know that the author is British, and there is some terms that are not common in the US.
Mar 26, Shannon rated it really liked it Shelves: Check out the cover, wouldn't he at least be Mr. So Libby is 27 and single and wanting to have a better half. After meeting Nick as more than an acquaintance the two get a hot fling going on. He came to her flat on the first night and took a bath and they did it right there in her tub.
I almost needed a cold shower after this chapter! Needless to say I was hooked from the beginning. I love how Jane Green writes the characters thoughts and then what the character says and Check out the cover, wouldn't he at least be Mr. I love how Jane Green writes the characters thoughts and then what the character says and how Libby does often speak her mind.
Girl after my own heart. Alas the gorgeous Nick, who is an amazing kisser and even hotter in bed, or wherever they are when they do it, tells her from the start he is not ready for a relationship. And so it goes and before they know it they are in a non relationship relationship so Nick has to end it because he is not ready for what is already in their face. Of course Libby is devastated.
He is gorgeous, a great lover, and becoming a great friend, and gets along great with her friends. This was supposed to be a fun fling but when everything feels so right why can't it be the right time for a relationship? Then her bff takes her out because the best way to get over someone naturally is to get under someone else. A man by the name of Ed gives Libby his card and asks to take her to dinner sometime. He phones, she's not quite sure but of course she accepts when she learns hes beyond rich and one of London's most eligible bachelors.
Its predictable, of course shes always wanted to be the rich man's wife and here he is, but can she ever get gorgeous broke Nick off her mind? Um not after that bath, neither can I hehehe. So its not about the men but our dearest Libby and how she goes through all the emotions all of us single girls go through.
See a Problem?
A great fun read which I know is always described as a "beach read" but in the beginnings of spring why can't everyone just accept us girls love these easy to read stories any time of year? Sorry to say goodbye to Libby but there's so much of me in her and all us single ladies it really isn't a true goodbye. Jun 28, Andrea rated it it was amazing Shelves: Maybe during my major Brit Lit-love fest of the earlys. More than a decade later Maybe is more women's fic or chick lit, as we used to call it then than romance.
While yes, Libby does experience passion and infatuation and ultimately love, this is the story of a young woman finding her own self-worth and learning what she and her heart deserves. Maybe is early, yet classic, Jane Green. The protagonist is an unapologetically real and honest woman who comes to life-changing realizations about herself, there is an excellent cast of secondary characters; there is a man who is not from a fairy tale, but is winning in his own way; and there is laughter. Maybe was just as wonderful as I remembered. I had a wonderful time reading it again all these years later.
And wow, what more could I ask for? Mar 27, Ellen added it. I read this book during my obsession with British authors period, along with coming off of a break up. And let me tell you, it didn't disappoint! This book is wildly funny and really tells the story of dating during your twenties. Libby, who has no idea what is important in a relationship, is a loveable heroine.
She becomes strong and you can feel yourself falling in love with her. The journey she takes is one that allows the reader to re-examine their own dating history. Pointing out that every I read this book during my obsession with British authors period, along with coming off of a break up. Pointing out that everyone has Nick and there's always an Ed around the corner. Her crazy stories and escapades are not only hilarious but begin to become part of your own life.
Suddenly, you become Libby and your best friend becomes Jules.
- Saint Maybe Summary & Study Guide.
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You are able to identify with both love interests and your heart breaks every time Libby's does. This book is recommended for anyone who needs to remember the importance of growing up and what matters in a relationship. Libby is a sort of every woman and really becomes identifiable. She weaves a tapestry of hilarity and love. Sit down with a big cup of tea, your favorite snack and enjoy! Jan 26, Alaina rated it it was ok Shelves: I have wanted to read this book for like ever and I was so happy that I finally got it! However, I just wish that I ended up liking it a lot more.
Now don't get me wrong - I liked it but the MC just rubbed me the wrong way for most of the book. Okay, the entire book. Libby is pretty much a self-centered bitch. However, she is a well-rounded self-centered bitch because she's also shallow and hypocritical as fuck. I just wish she wasn't who she was the entire book and then maybe I would've liked he I have wanted to read this book for like ever and I was so happy that I finally got it!
I just wish she wasn't who she was the entire book and then maybe I would've liked her - but.. Then there's Nick, who is the love of Libby's black heart. Yeah, I didn't like him either. Heck I wouldn't have cared one bit if he just magically died from something, like the plague. Honestly, if the book didn't have Libby or Nick and had some more likable and relatable characters then Mr. Maybe would've gotten a lot more stars and a way better review.
I feel like I need a happy book or happy juice to make my day shine a little bit brighter. Nov 20, Jade rated it really liked it Recommends it for: Slow intro, had to fight not to put it away and start a new book. Mar 24, Harley Biala rated it really liked it. The book is so hilarious, toe curling, and even a guy could relate with the whole story.
Sep 18, Elizabeth rated it it was ok Shelves: Second time I've read the book - not exactly intentional.
Saint Maybe - Chapter 1 Summary & Analysis
Realized a chapter or two in that I'd read it before. Woman wants to meet Mr. Hot who makes clear he does not want long term relationship. She thinks she won't get emotionally involved, but she does. He breaks up with her. She immediately meets Mr. Moneybags - one of London's most eligible bachelor's.
Her mother starts planning the wedding. He proposes surpr Second time I've read the book - not exactly intentional. He proposes surprisingly soon. She feels it's not quite right. Hot is the right guy. He realizes he made a mistake. Moneybags and resumes relationship with Mr. Not horrible, but too predictable.
Moneybags is drawn as such an awful mismatch for her that one knows from the start it will not last. May 17, Joan rated it did not like it Shelves: The cover claims "national best seller. This book seemed to me much like a phonebook with a few vivid recreational-sex scenes thrown in. Well, actually there WAS a sorta plot, albeit a very shallow and predictable one. The characters, whose thought processes would have been more appropriate to year-olds, were supposedly twenty- and thirty-something singles. Actually they were cardboard cutouts. Aug 19, Kat rated it liked it Shelves: This book was just what I needed right now.
An average chick-lit, not mind-bending or anything of the sort, just a simple, predictable tale of the search for love. I just wish the book had focused more on the interesting relationship than the boring one. The interesting relationship was secondary in this book, and it was frustrating to have to wait for it to re-appear all the time. Aug 12, Shamsh rated it really liked it. Jane Green manages to find perfect balance between funny and relaxing chick-lit and realistic, sometimes bittersweet prose.
This book is light without being shallow and sweet without being sugar-coated. Chick-lit for romantic, but intelligent women. May 20, Maria Marta rated it it was amazing. I suprisingly found muyself identify with a lot of situations!!!! A pesar de parecer una trama superficial y en cierto modo tiene toques no deja de ser una obra que lo que hace es tratar el eterno dilema de: Jun 03, Allie Burke rated it liked it.
Jane Green is one of those authors who writes a bunch of solid romances that are okay and sort of end up blending into one another instead of writing one or two really, really good books I just rated Bookends three stars because I honestly couldn't remember what it was about , but Mr.
Maybe by Morris Gleitzman - Penguin Books Australia
Maybe did stick out to me a bit if only for its mild moments of hilarity and Mr. Oh So Sexy Nick, aka Mr. Maybe with no job, but being Mr. Oh So Sexy nonetheless. Libby annoyed me, because for some reason Mr. Ri Jane Green is one of those authors who writes a bunch of solid romances that are okay and sort of end up blending into one another instead of writing one or two really, really good books I just rated Bookends three stars because I honestly couldn't remember what it was about , but Mr.
Rich who does that, really? I did enjoy this book because Green is not afraid to make fun of Americans why not, everyone else does and My Favorite Thing is when I learn something from a fiction novel i. Maybe is somewhat funny and somewhat relatable even if you're an American and not an English Person Making Fun of Americans, and has Mr.
Damn, I really want to know what that book is about now. That's going to bug me. But yet here I am, reading yet another romance novel. I thought this one would be different. I hoped this one would be different. The main character is Libby, who like most main characters of chick-lit novels has had trouble with men.
Then she meets cute guy Nick, who is so, so, good in bed and really funny and smart, but she hates his lifestyle and his friends and his profession. So they break up and she cries about it for like four chapters. Then she meets rich and eligible Ed, who she cannot stand being around, but he has the one thing she wants most: So of course she has a choice to make, the poor guy who she really loves or the rich guy who will buy her whatever she wants. She gets with the guy she loves AND he conveniently gets rich at the end.
The main character was incredibly annoying. Libby would make a decision, complain about said decision for the entirety of her experience, and then realize, OH! That was a great decision! Like be smarter, please. And the ending was completely cliche which I should have expected but for once I want a character in a chick-lit novel to make the wrong decision.
I wanted her to choose the money over the guy she loves and be unfulfilled. Mar 30, Ika rated it it was amazing. Tapi Nick adalah teman sekaligus pacar yang menyenangkan, dan bersamanya Libby merasa nyaman. Setelah hubungan berselang bbrp lama, Nick merasa belum siap melanjutkan hubungan dan akhirnya mereka putus.
Bersama Jules, sahabatnya, Libby akhirnya berkenalan dengan seorang akuntan keuangan yg menjadi the hottest man saat itu, Ed Mc Mann. Semua yang diimpikan Libby ttg gaya hidup ada pada Ed, yg mempunyai apartemen mewah, Poursche dan slalu menghujaninya dengan hadiah dan bunga yg mahal. Libby mengabaikan ketidaknyamanan yg dirasakannya saat bersama Ed, dan memutuskan untuk menerima lamarannya. Tapi di kemudian hari, Jules dan Nick berhasil meyakinkannya, bahwa Ed bukan figur yang dia cari, Ed hanya menjadikan Libby wanita yg dia inginkan, bkn menyukai Libby apa adanya.. Di akhir crita, sperti biasa, Libby balikan lg deh sama Nick: D Libby akhirnya menyadari, bukan pernikahan, atau gaya hidup yg dia inginkan, tapi lebih ke kehidupan personal dan menjalani smuanya dalam zona nyaman, lebih2 setelah kehidupan Jules dan Jamie, suaminya, sempat diwarnai perselingkuhan Jamie..
Mar 08, Jaimie rated it really liked it Shelves: Libby Mason is a lovable character who will have you laughing out loud at her internal monologue. She has all the ingredients for a great female lead: Jane Green makes me want to move to London, yesterday. Nick is a hottie with a body and spells t-r-o-u-b-l-e for poor Libby right from the get go.

While she has convinced herself that she just wants a fling the reader knows better as does her bff Jules. While the blurb Libby Mason is a lovable character who will have you laughing out loud at her internal monologue. While the blurb makes Libby out to be fairly shallow and materialistic as a reader I didn't get that.
Sure she fantasizes about being rich and the lifestyle that would grant her but who doesn't?