Mass No. 18 in C Minor, No. 13: Credo - Full Score
From early in the century, authors such as Albert Schweitzer , Arnold Schering, and Frederick Smend called for smaller performance forces, and experiments with relatively smaller groups began in the late s.
Mass in B minor
The first complete recording of the work was made in , with a large choir and the London Symphony Orchestra led by Albert Coates. Nikolaus Harnoncourt made the first recording with period instruments in his second Bach choral recording , and won High Fidelity's best record of the year award. Joshua Rifkin 's first recording using the one-voice-per-part vocal scoring he proposes was made in , [40] and won a Gramophone Award.

The Mass in B minor is widely regarded as one of the supreme achievements of classical music. Alberto Basso summarizes the work as follows:.
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The Mass in B minor is the consecration of a whole life: This monumental work is a synthesis of every stylistic and technical contribution the Cantor of Leipzig made to music. But it is also the most astounding spiritual encounter between the worlds of Catholic glorification and the Lutheran cult of the cross. Scholars have suggested that the Mass in B minor belongs in the same category as The Art of Fugue , as a summation of Bach's deep lifelong involvement with musical tradition—in this case, with choral settings and theology.
Mass in B minor - Wikipedia
Bach scholar Christoph Wolff describes the work as representing "a summary of his writing for voice, not only in its variety of styles, compositional devices, and range of sonorities, but also in its high level of technical polish Bach's mighty setting preserved the musical and artistic creed of its creator for posterity.
Two autograph sources exist: Bach the autograph has been published in facsimile from the source in the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. Bach, as was typical practice in the era, made additions to the autograph score for performance by adding a bar introduction, replacing the now-obsolete oboe d'amore with newer instruments clarinets, oboes, or violins and making other changes in instrumentation for his own aesthetic reasons. For this and other reasons, the Mass in B minor poses a considerable challenge to prospective editors, and substantial variations can be noted in different editions, even critical urtext editions.
The Bach Gesellschaft edition, edited by Julius Rietz, was published in based on several sources but without direct access to the autograph. When access was later obtained, the textual problems were so evident that the society published a revised edition the next year. The edition was the standard for the next century, but was later recognized to be even less accurate than the version due to inadvertent incorporation of C.
Bach's alterations in the autograph. Christoph Wolff's edition, published by C. Peters in , [50] uses two copies of the —50 manuscript made before C.
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Bach's adulterations to try to reconstruct Bach's original readings, and seeks to recover performance details by using all available sources, including cantata movements that Bach reworked in the B minor Mass. Bach emendations, but differs from Wolff in arguing that the —50 work is, to quote John Butt, "essentially a different entity from the Missa, and that a combination of the 'best' readings from both does not really correspond to Bach's final and virtually completed conception of the work"; [53] Rifkin's version seeks to adhere to this final version.
Bach's handwriting from the additions made by C. Bach's revisions and uses the Dresden parts as the primary source for the Kyrie and Gloria.
The work consists of 27 sections. Tempo and metrical information and parodied cantata sources come from Christoph Wolff's critical urtext edition, and from George Stauffer's Bach: The Mass in B Minor. Regarding sources, Stauffer, summarizing current research as of , states that "Specific models or fragments can be pinpointed for eleven of the work's twenty-seven movements" and that "two other movements [the "Domine Deus" and "Et resurrexit"] are most probably derived from specific, now lost sources.
Butt points out that "only with a musical aesthetic later than Bach's does the concept of parody adapting existing vocal music to a new text appear in an unfavourable light" while it was "almost unavoidable" in Bach's day. As of [update] , recordings are listed on bach-cantatas, beginning with the first recording by a symphony orchestra and choir to match, conducted by Albert Coates.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other Masses in B minor, see Missa in B minor. Mass in B minor structure. Performed at Latin Cathedral in Lviv, Ukraine. Run time is four minutes, 41 seconds. List of compositions by Franz Schubert.
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved 20 March Masses by Franz Schubert.
Great Mass in C minor, KV 427 (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
Retrieved from " https: Masses by Franz Schubert compositions Compositions in E-flat major. Views Read Edit View history. Retrieved from " http: Masses ; Religious works ; For 4 voices, mixed chorus, organ, orchestra ; Scores featuring the voice ; Scores featuring the soprano voice ; Scores featuring the alto voice ; Scores featuring the tenor voice ; Scores featuring the bass voice ; Scores featuring mixed chorus ; Scores featuring the organ ; Scores featuring the orchestra ; For voices and chorus with orchestra ; Latin language.
Contents 1 Performances 1. Performer Pages Igor Markevitch director.
Javascript is required for this feature. These file s are part of the Werner Icking Music Collection. File has been split after the Credo, due to file size.