How to Get Published in Anthropology: A Guide for Students and Young Professionals
Social Media for Academics.

Scholarship in the Digital Age. Reverse Engineering Social Media. Writing Skills for Social Workers.
The War on Learning. Digital Literacy for Technical Communication. Technical Communication and the World Wide Web. Beyond the Answer Sheet. Sharing our Lives Online.
Bestselling Series
Ethnography and the Corporate Encounter. Social Media as Surveillance. Everyday Practices And Social Learning. News on the Internet. Media Literacy Education in Action. Human Expression in the Age of Communications Overload. Scholarly Publication in a Changing Academic Landscape: Weblogs as Tools of Democracy in the United States.
Cultural Synergy in Information Institutions. How to Publish Your PhD. The Future of Social Movement Research. Social Media in Academia. Introducing Survival and Event History Analysis. Implementing the Information Literacy Framework. Participatory Action Research Approaches and Methods. Ethics and Visual Research Methods. E-Reference Context and Discoverability in Libraries.
- How to Get Published in Anthropology : Jason E. Miller : .
- LOS MISTERIOS DEL FUEGO: Kundalini Yoga (Spanish Edition).
- Lyrical Potpourri!
- The Dream Maker;
- Violas Audition.
Social Software and the Evolution of User Expertise. Stochastic Foundations in Movement Ecology. Online Credibility and Digital Ethos. Innovative Methods in Media and Communication Research. The Internet as Second Action Space. Developing an Empirically Based Practice Initiative. A Companion to New Media Dynamics. Monitoring Movements in Development Aid. Facebook - The symbol of postmodernity? Library User Metaphors and Services.
How to Get Published in Anthropology : A Guide for Students and Young Professionals
Researching a Posthuman World. Humanities Data in R. Japan after the Economic Miracle. Advanced Mathematical Methods for Finance. Boundary Objects and Beyond.
A Guide for Students and Young Professionals
Ethnography and Virtual Worlds. Coming of Age in Second Life. Biological and Physical Anthropology by Paul A. Linguistic Anthropology by Mary Bucholtz Chapter Medical Anthropology by Linda M. Whiteford and Cecilia Vindrola Padros Chapter Author Agreements by Ricky S.
Copyright by Peter Givler Chapter Collaboration by Don Brenneis Chapter Online Opportunities and Challenges by Hugh W. Anthropology Journals Appendix B: This volume is a terrific source of professional wisdom about publishing and career development in all fields of anthropology. Targeting students and young professionals, it provides a road map for how to publish in various venues and how to prioritize one's scholarly and publishing endeavors.
The guide's first section, "Step-by-Step Guidance and Advice," provides brief stand-alone chapters by recognized anthropologists concerning necessary academic career activities: Many anthropologists would have benefitted from this guide years ago. Part 2 features concise treatments of concerns relevant to the various subdisciplines within anthropology, e.
How to Get Published in Anthropology: A Guide for Students and Young Professionals -
The final section discusses general publishing considerations such as author agreements, copyright, collaboration, and online opportunities. The guide also contains an appendix of peer-reviewed journals, and another appendix listing publishers of anthropology monographs. In sum, this guide is authoritative, insightful, affordable, current, and indispensable. Graduate and faculty libraries.
The contributors practice what they preach by offering lively, concise, and well-written essays that cover the rapidly changing field of publishing.