A Collection of Three Terrifying Tales
This thing goes on way too long. Auguste Dupin is supposedly the literary predecessor to Sherlock Holmes many say. I say that Sherlock was never this aggravating when solving a crime. The first 10 pages of this story I seriously started to nod off. There was way too many extraneous details in this one. And then when we get to the gruesome murders, ugh. The solution was percent ridiculous by the way. The Purloined Letter- 2. At one point I even said to myself, who cares where the letter is, just let the story end. The Pit and the Pendulum- 3 stars I know that I should be feeling much more disturbed by this story, instead I felt like it was at least 20 pages too long.
An unnamed narrator is taken by the Spanish Inquisition and instead of being asked any questions seems to be in an experiment to see what he will do when faced with death by pendulum or death by pit. Taken up the last portion of the book, the story just keeps going and going and going. Let us not even get into why in the world would the Spanish Inquisition have something like this set up.
To sum, I only really loved two stories, tolerated two, and felt okay about the two. Feb 05, Kelsey rated it it was amazing. I got this on my iPad kindle app for free. It's safe to say I was very happy with that!! Jan 08, Chris Martin rated it really liked it. He doesn't use blood and gore to scare you. He produces the same feeling in you as when you notice a stranger walking behind you on a dark street. After being dealt these thousand injuries, Montresor bided his time over the years to become friends with Fortunato and exact his revenge.
On the night of the carnival, when Fortunato was drunk from all the partying, Montresor lured Fortunato into his wine vaults to inspect a bottle of Amontillado, which he had supposedly gotten for a steal at the carnival. After giving Fortunato more wine and leading him into the depths of his vaults, the chains him to a chair and seals him in a caravan.
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The perfect crime, and the ultimate punishment. The main character is Montresor. He is a very cunning and vengeful and has been done wrong in the poem.
Three Terrifying Tales of Terror! by Tony Bradman
The other character is Fortunato. He is very knowledgeable, but he his also very arrogant, which was his down. Poe does not give any significant description of the setting. From what I can tell, the poem is set in Renaissance Italy. There is a big carnival going on during the story. Overall, I very much enjoyed this poem. It showed human emotion in a very real and raw way. I give it four out of five stars. I recommend it to middle schoolers and up.
Feb 09, Elizabeth rated it really liked it Shelves: Nov 26, Pavan Dharanipragada rated it it was amazing Shelves: It feels he weighed each word he was going to write. He knows what I would feel when I read a word. He knows what he wants me to feel when I read it. And he knows how to make me feel what he wants me to feel. In , sitting in his room across the bust of Pallas, Poe was trying to shape my thoughts when I read his story in Poe, I read this sentence and I get what you're saying and I have this question about the situation described in that sentence.

Oh, what are you say I love Poe. Oh, what are you saying Poe, you anticipated this exact same question from me and answered it in the very next sentence? In fact me coming up with that question is by your design to give me the satisfaction of a neatly answered question? You are the murderer in the first two stories. A paranoid schizophrenic one in the first. A spectator to the mayhem caused by a plague in the third. A hypochondriac's friend in the fourth. An aide to a detective a la Watson Poe did it before Doyle in the fifth and sixth.
A victim of the Spanish Inquisition in the last. Each of the stories is from a different genre, even though they are all united in the theme of terror. Some of them are the first of their kind. And Poe might have been influenced from elsewhere in crafting in these stories, each story ended up becoming hugely influential in their respective genres- either creating an entire new genre, or supplying it with entire new tropes which would be copied for a dozen decades at least. The stories are so heavily designed that they might end up feeling a bit mechanical but because there is not one unnecessary word in any of the stories, the trade-off is worth it.
Mar 30, Laurence rated it liked it Shelves: Fantastisch hoe Edgar Allan Poe meteen een lugubere sfeer weet te schetsen. Aan opbouw doet ie over het algemeen niet, en de lezer wordt vaak op het eind van het verhaal even onwetend achtergelaten als in het begin van het verhaal.
Een unieke stijl is het wel. Hoe luguber ook, heel veel gegriezeld heb ik niet met deze verhalen omdat ik misschien toch wat vatbaarder ben voor wat meer echte opbouw van de sfeer - deze verhalen zijn daarvoor misschien gewoon simpelweg wat te kort. Maar al bij al een a Fantastisch hoe Edgar Allan Poe meteen een lugubere sfeer weet te schetsen. Maar al bij al een aangename inleiding tot Edgar Allan Poe, ik lees zeker de rest waaronder "The Raven"!
Voor mijn eigen archieven een opsomming van de verhalen in deze bundel, in volgorde van hoe hard ze mij bevallen zijn: Iemand die je 's nachts komt bespioneren en elke nacht een uur lang zijn hoofd rond je deur steekt terwijl je slaapt? Veel "onschuldig" enger moet het niet worden voor mij. Zeker het eerste had een vrij onverwachte ontknoping 5.
The Pit and the Pendulum 6. The Fall of the House of Usher 7. The Masque of the Red Death Jun 28, EvaSuzanna rated it liked it. Sometimes a little slow and difficult to understand, but overall beautifully written. The stories were truly unique, and had me surprised with the ending for each of them. Nov 26, Labijose rated it it was amazing. Read a long time ago. One of my favourite tale books. It will remain a classic forever! Oct 23, Kelli Santistevan rated it did not like it.
Three Dozen Terrifying Tales
This was my first time reading Edgar Allan Poe. They were too long winded for me. Feb 15, Jade rated it it was amazing. I love Edgar Allan Poe, he's done great masterpieces.
Dec 28, J. Wilson rated it it was amazing. The title is a misnomer given there's two less-than-terrifying detective stories in the collection, but the anthology deftly compiles the lion's share of Poe's major stories. Literary descendants are obvious - Lovecraft, Conan Doyle, even Snicket - but in the House of Usher's blurring of the divide between ancestral home and ancestral line, do I detect the influence from which King's 'The Shining' was drawn? The most intriguing thing in this series is that the terrors besieging the protagonists The title is a misnomer given there's two less-than-terrifying detective stories in the collection, but the anthology deftly compiles the lion's share of Poe's major stories.
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The most intriguing thing in this series is that the terrors besieging the protagonists are not ghosts, vampires or beasts but more mysterious and abstract: Motives are cryptic and vague; most of the narrators are unnamed. Things might go bump in the night, but why and what is left mostly to the imagination.
Three Terrifying Tales of Terror!
Well worth your time. I immensely enjoyed the classics! I had only read shortened versions of some of his classic short stories before, so it was nice to finally read them all in full. I'd never read The Pit and the Pendulum before in any form, and really enjoyed that one! The one classic I didn't like was the Murder in the Rue Morgue. I didn't like that or the one after that was a continuation of the same characters.
I e I immensely enjoyed the classics! I enjoy mysteries, but not the kind where a "genius" who just somehow knows how everyone thinks does basically a soliloquy on how they solved the crime. I was also underwhelmed by The Fall of the House of Usher, but didn't actively dislike it. Overall, yes to the horror stories in this collection, and no to the mysteries.
Aug 29, Brandon Henke rated it really liked it Shelves: Tales of debilitating neuroses, enigmatic murder mysteries, and the placement of bodies in enclosed spaces -- these are what Poe does best. The Masque of the Red Death, with its colorful chambers and cadaverous guest are a personal favorite. I also find Monsieur Auguste Dupin to be thoroughly likable because of his razor-sharp wit and liberal quotation of French cynics like Chamfort: Jan 17, Carolyn Injoy rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Edgar Allan Poe was remarkable in telling terrifying tales.
His writing has enduring high standards.
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Aug 03, Tina rated it liked it Shelves: Well, there is no doubt that Poe is a good writer, but I'm going with three stars because I feel that the Dupin-stories "The Murders in the rue Morgue" and "The Purloined Letter" drags down this collection of tales. I'm really not into detective stories even when they're written by an author I usually like.
May 30, Yazir Paredes rated it liked it Shelves: Loved Dupin stories, but being not much of a fan of horror stories was not captivated by the other stories. With that out of the way, Poe writing is amazing. Murders in the Rue Morgue was as great as I remember. Read more Read less. Kindle Cloud Reader Read instantly in your browser.
Editorial Reviews About the Author Brandon Blair is a young author who spends most of his time coaching football or basketball.
He is only twenty-two, and this is his second and third book that he has written. He is someone who really enjoys horror movies and loves to read. He is a person that is very involved with his community that he lives in. Product details File Size: November 26, Sold by: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers.
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