Women in the Judiciary
Nowadays women account for almost half of the judges and magistrates in the country, and in the last years have been entering into the judicial career in greater numbers than men.
- Women in the United States judiciary.
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- Lady Hale: courts and judiciary should reflect diversity of UK | Law | The Guardian.
However they still face a number of boundaries that prevent them achieving the highest levels in the judicial career, even when they have enough capabilities and merits to get to the top. In this article we will analyze the gender bias in the determination and the procedure of assessment of merits amongst the facts that could affect the exclusion of women from the highest positions.

What is wrong with this picture? Senior judge calls for greater gender equality , HR Review, 25 febbraio Catherine Baksi, Flexible working targets more women judges , 21 October Kenney, Gender and Justice.
Proportion of female judges in UK among lowest in Europe | Law | The Guardian
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Learn how your comment data is processed. Time for Equality is a not-for-profit, international civil society initiative launched in April in Luxembourg.
It aims to contribute towards building a more equal society by creating a culture of respects for human rights and fundamental freedoms, equity and justice. Do you share our vision and commitment and want to support our objectives? There are many ways you can get involved including making a donation, volunteering, taking action, becoming a partner.
Please contact us at info timeforequality. The latest report by the European Commission report presents an overview of the current situation and trends for the representation of women and men in economic decision-making, in politics, in public administrations and in the Judiciary.
Proportion of female judges in UK among lowest in Europe
Chandrachud Ashok Bhushan L. Chief Justices of India. District Courts of India List of district courts of India.
Courts of Judicial Magistrate of Second Class. Retrieved from " https: Views Read Edit View history.
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This page was last edited on 9 September , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Chief Justice of Kerala High Court. Chief Justice of Jharkhand High Court.