The Global Pastry Table
Will you have it in paper version as well? Karine, it's wonderful to hear from you and thanks for your good question. At the moment, I don't have a plan for a hard copy. I'm researching print-on-demand options but so far they would be rather expensive to purchase because of the number of pages and all the images. But I will continue to look into this option because I would love to be able to offer more choice.
Thank you for your gracious support! The photos look especially lovely on a Kindle Fire. Keep up the great work! I'm looking forward to getting your book on Kindle soon.
let me count the ways
Thank you for your generosity with sharing your experience and ideas. You've touched and enriched the lives of people you will most likely never even meet! Will you be continuing with this blog? Much appreciation to you, Nishma, for your generous comment! I hope you enjoy the book. Yes, my plan is to produce this blog as long as I have readers.
The Global Pastry Table
So do continue to hang out with me here each week! I love your recipes and subscribe to them! It's great to see them all in one spot! Thanks very much, Sandie! And also thanks for being a subscriber. My cookbook has 70 new recipes so my readers will have lots of delicious new ideas.
There are new recipes for chocolate lovers as well as plenty of fruit, spice, nuts and desserts that incorporate olive oil. This is a book for people who love to be in their kitchens, who love to have their hands in the flour, creating beautiful and delicious morsels without a lot of fuss. Many things can be made in a food processor, tart doughs are pressed rather than rolled and bench notes are there to guide you.
The style of the book will feel very familiar because from start to finish, I produced it entirely on my own. In addition to my family and friends who prodded, tasted, loved and cheered me on every step of the way, I want to especially thank all of my readers for your constant inspiration and creativity, your many generous emails and gracious support. This was a very long, pretty crazy, definitely joyful, super exhausting but very satisfying experience and one I will never forget.
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And p lease share with your family and friends! To see some of the photos from the book: The iPad version of the book was created with Apple iBooks Author sofware. It contains more photos and utilizes Apple multi-touch technology. One of my main goals was to make the pleasure of preparing simple and beautiful pastry accessible to as many people as possible, so the recipes are simple, straightforward and unfussy, just as you find here at my blog. The Banana Cake with Chocolate Glaze and Chocolate Apricot Cake are probably the fanciest recipes in the book but the glazing process is a very simple one, especially if you watch a 2-minute video about how to glaze a cake posted on my Technique page on Pinterest.
Check it out, it's kind of mesmerizing! Each tart recipe has a pastry dough that is made quickly in a food processor and then pressed into a tart pan rather than rolled so you can enjoy a Butterscotch Cream Tart or a Chocolate Nut Tart without fighting with your rolling pin. I think the book would also make a very nice gift for someone you know who loves to bake and would like to diversify their recipe file.
I should also note that recipes are presented with both volume and metric weights.
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Yes, although I draw some inspiration from other traditions, I developed recipes in the general categories of cakes, custards, tarts, cookies and ice cream with an orientation that is distinctly American. So the recipes in the book are more of an extension of the same style I try to achieve each week here at Pastry Studio. What if I don't own an iPad or a Kindle or a tablet? Apple is also releasing their new operating system 10 X Mavericks sometime soon and you'll be able to open and read electronic ibooks on your desktop or laptop.
And now that we have cloud technology, books are automatically pushed to all your devices. Also , if any of you are bloggers and would like to have me do a guest post, please do get in touch. I would love to hear from you.
The Global Pastry Table by Gayle Gonzales on Apple Books
My email is pastrystudio sbcglobal. Let me know if you have any other questions. Posted by pastry studio at 9: