The George W. Bush Years (Presidential Profiles)
Bush said that he would "never apologize for the United States of America. I don't care what the facts are. As early as , Bush had been planning a presidential run; he entered the Republican primaries for President of the United States in October Senator Bob Dole of Kansas , U. Bush was considered the early frontrunner for the nomination, but he came in third in the Iowa caucus, behind winner Dole and runner-up Robertson. Following the primary, Bush and Dole had a joint media appearance, when the interviewer asked Dole if he had anything to say to Bush, Dole said, in response to the ads, "yeah, stop lying about my record!
This is thought to have hurt Dole's campaign to Bush's benefit. Bush continued seeing victory, winning many Southern primaries as well. As the Republican National Convention approached, there was much speculation who Bush would choose to be his running mate.
He selected little-known U. Senator Dan Quayle of Indiana , who was favored by conservatives. Bush was occasionally criticized for his lack of eloquence when compared to Reagan, but he delivered a well-received speech at the Republican National Convention. Known as the " thousand points of light " speech, the presentation described Bush's vision of America.
He endorsed the Pledge of Allegiance , capital punishment , and gun rights , and drew upon his long-standing Christian beliefs to support both prayer in schools and oppose abortion. The general election campaign between Bush and Dukakis was described in as one of the dirtiest in modern times. Dukakis' unconditional opposition to capital punishment led to a pointed question during the presidential debates: Bush defeated Dukakis and his running mate, Lloyd Bentsen , in the Electoral College , by to , with Bentsen receiving one vote from a faithless elector.
Bush was inaugurated on January 20, , succeeding Ronald Reagan. He entered office at a period of change in the world; the fall of the Berlin Wall came early in his presidency, and the collapse of the Soviet Union came in I come before you and assume the Presidency at a moment rich with promise.
We live in a peaceful, prosperous time, but we can make it better. For a new breeze is blowing, and a world refreshed by freedom seems reborn; for in man's heart, if not in fact, the day of the dictator is over. The totalitarian era is passing, its old ideas blown away like leaves from an ancient, lifeless tree. A new breeze is blowing, and a nation refreshed by freedom stands ready to push on. There is new ground to be broken, and new action to be taken. Early in his term, Bush faced the problem of what to do with leftover deficits spawned during the Reagan years.
Bush was dedicated to curbing the deficit, believing that America could not continue to be a leader in the world without doing so. He began an effort to persuade the Democratic controlled Congress to act on the budget; with Republicans believing that the best way was to cut government spending , and Democrats convinced that the only way would be to raise taxes , Bush faced problems when it came to consensus building.

In the wake of a struggle with Congress, Bush was forced by the Democratic majority to raise tax revenues; as a result, many Republicans felt betrayed because Bush had promised "no new taxes" in his campaign. Scrambling, Bush accepted the Democrats' demands for higher taxes and more spending, which alienated him from Republicans and gave way to a sharp decrease in popularity. Bush later said that he wished that he had never signed the bill. Although he originally demanded a reduction in the capital gains tax , Bush relented on this issue as well.
This agreement with the Democratic leadership in Congress proved to be a turning point in the Bush presidency; his popularity among Republicans never fully recovered. Coming at around the same time as the budget deal, America entered into a mild recession, which lasted for six months. Many government programs, such as welfare, increased. Many now unemployed were Republicans and independents, who had believed that their jobs were secure.
By his second year in office, Bush was told by his economic advisors to stop dealing with the economy, as they believed that he had done everything necessary to ensure his reelection. By , interest and inflation rates were the lowest in years, but by midyear the unemployment rate reached 7. In September , the Census Bureau reported that On April 5, , Bush submitted to Congress the Educational Excellence Act of , a seven-program education legislative proposal with the intent of achieving "a better-educated America. In a speech in the White House East Room on April 18, , Bush called for both public and private citizens to become involved with education reform: It's time we held our schools, and ourselves, accountable for results.
Bush concurrently declared he would be involved with a reform of troubled schools and accused the Democrat-controlled Congress of "fighting tooth and nail against our most important reforms". During a speech to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, Bush announced a vision to complete Space Station Freedom , resume exploration of the moon and begin exploration of Mars. During his presidency, Bush signed a number of major bills into law, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of ; this was one of the most pro- civil rights bills in decades.
He was also the only president to successfully veto a civil rights act, the job-discrimination protection Civil Rights Act of He also signed the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act which provides monetary compensation of people who had contracted cancer and a number of other specified diseases as a direct result of their exposure to atmospheric nuclear weapons testing undertaken by the United States during the Cold War , or their exposure to high levels of radon while doing uranium mining.
In dealing with the environment, Bush reauthorized the Clean Air Act , requiring cleaner burning fuels. He quarreled with Congress over an eventually signed bill to aid police in capturing criminals, and signed into law a measure to improve the nation's highway system. Bush became a life member of the National Rifle Association early in and had campaigned as a "pro-gun" candidate with the NRA's endorsement.
Bush publicly resigned his life membership in the organization after receiving a form letter from the NRA depicting agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms as "jack-booted thugs. President Bush devoted attention to voluntary service as a means of solving some of America's most serious social problems. He often used the " thousand points of light " theme to describe the power of citizens to solve community problems.
In his inaugural address, President Bush said, "I have spoken of a thousand points of light, of all the community organizations that are spread like stars throughout the Nation, doing good. They are ordinary people who reach beyond themselves to touch the lives of those in need, bringing hope and opportunity, care and friendship. By giving so generously of themselves, these remarkable individuals show us not only what is best in our heritage but what all of us are called to become.
The event celebrated the contributions of more than 4, Daily Point of Light award winners and honored President Bush's legacy of service and civic engagement. Bush and volunteer service at Washington, D. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Bush to highlight the role volunteer service plays in people's lives.
President Bush created the Daily Point of Light Award in to recognize ordinary Americans from all walks of life taking direct and consequential voluntary action in their communities to solve serious social problems. The president focused great attention on these individuals and organizations, both to honor them for their tremendous work and to call the nation to join them and multiply their efforts. By the end of his administration, President Bush had recognized 1, Daily Points of Light representing all 50 states and addressing issues ranging from care for infants and teenagers with AIDS to adult illiteracy and from gang violence to job training for the homeless.
1988 landslide
Additionally, he appointed 42 judges to the United States courts of appeals and judges to the United States district courts. Among these was Vaughn Walker , a gay man who ruled that California's Proposition 8 amendment was unconstitutional. In the s, Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega , a once U.
Reagan sent more than 2, American troops to Panama as well. In May , Panama held democratic elections, in which Guillermo Endara was elected president; the results were then annulled by Noriega's government. In response, Bush sent 2, more troops to the country, where they began conducting regular military exercises in Panamanian territory in violation of prior treaties.
Bush shuttered the U. Ambassador from the country, and dispatched additional troops to Panama to prepare the way for an upcoming invasion. The mission was controversial, but American forces achieved control of the country and Endara assumed the presidency. The visit was marred by protests which broke into gunfire and tear gas, forcing Bush to depart a rally.
His administration had been under intense pressure to meet with the Soviets, but not all initially found the Malta Summit to be a step in the right direction; General Brent Scowcroft , among others, was apprehensive about the meeting, saying that it might be "premature" due to concerns where, according to Condoleezza Rice , "expectations [would be] set that something was going to happen, where the Soviets might grandstand and force [the U. Although no agreements were signed, the meeting was viewed largely as being an important one; when asked about nuclear war, Gorbachev responded, "I assured the President of the United States that the Soviet Union would never start a hot war against the United States of America, and we would like our relations to develop in such a way that they would open greater possibilities for cooperation.
This is just the beginning. We are just at the very beginning of our road, long road to a long-lasting, peaceful period. The treaty took nine years in the making and was the first major arms agreement since the signing of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty by Reagan and Gorbachev in Bush and Condoleezza Rice were criticized for their very weak tone and miscalculation in the Chicken Kiev speech on August 1, , 3 weeks before the Declaration of Independence of Ukraine , 4 months before the On August 2, , Iraq, led by Saddam Hussein , invaded its oil-rich neighbor to the south, Kuwait ; Bush condemned the invasion [] and began rallying opposition to Iraq in the United States and among European, Asian, and Middle Eastern allies.
Iraq made attempts to negotiate a deal that would have allowed the country to take control of half of Kuwait. Bush rejected this proposal and insisted on a complete withdrawal of Iraqi forces. Kuwait's legitimate government must be restored. The security and stability of the Persian Gulf must be assured.
And American citizens abroad must be protected. An era in which the nations of the world, East and West, North and South, can prosper and live in harmony A world where the rule of law supplants the rule of the jungle. A world in which nations recognize the shared responsibility for freedom and justice. A world where the strong respect the rights of the weak. Early on the morning of January 17, , allied forces launched the first attack, which included more than 4, bombing runs by coalition aircraft. Allied forces penetrated Iraqi lines and pushed toward Kuwait City while on the west side of the country, forces were intercepting the retreating Iraqi army.
Bush made the decision to stop the offensive after a mere hours. Opponents further charged that Bush should have continued the attack, pushing Hussein's army back to Baghdad, then removing him from power. We would have been forced to occupy Baghdad and, in effect, rule Iraq. Bush's approval ratings skyrocketed after the successful offensive.
The administration immediately returned to Arab-Israeli peacemaking following the end of the Gulf War; this resulted in the Madrid Conference , later in Bush for committing what they claim are war crimes in the Amiriyah shelter bombing in Baghdad, which killed more than civilians. The suit was brought under Belgium's universal jurisdiction guarantees in March Faced with a humanitarian disaster in Somalia which was exacerbated by a complete breakdown in civil order, the United Nations had created the UNOSOM I mission in April to aid the situation through humanitarian efforts, though the mission failed.
He said that promises had been made that American jobs and technology would be safe and the proposal would bolster security for both the U.
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On November 21, , Bush signed a measure that guaranteed reparations to Japanese-Americans who were relocated into internment camps during World War II. On March 12, , Bush met for an hour with former Prime Minister of Japan Noboru Takeshita to discuss shared economic issues and "the fact that their solution will require extraordinary efforts on both sides of the Pacific. Bush urged that progress be made in improving relations between the U. On June 18, , White House Press Secretary Marlin Fitzwater confirmed President Bush had sent Prime Minister of Israel Yitzhak Shamir a letter in which he congratulated the latter on his election and urged him to support the proposed "Shamir initiative for peace," which would involve the participation of Palestinian Arabs in local elections.
Iraq attacked Israel with Scud missiles during the Gulf War. Most Israelis wanted the Israeli military to retaliate, but President Bush advised the Israelis not to. Bush praised Prime Minister Shamir for his leadership during the crisis. The agreement would eliminate the majority of tariffs on products that were traded among the United States, Canada, and Mexico. This would encourage trade among the countries. The treaty also restricted patents, copyrights, and trademarks, and outlined the removal of investment restrictions among the three countries.
Such authority would enable the president to negotiate a trade accord that would be submitted to Congress for a vote, thereby avoiding a situation in which the president would be required to renegotiate with trading partners those parts of an agreement that Congress wished to change.
President Clinton would go on to make the passage of NAFTA a priority for his administration, despite its conservative and Republican roots—with the addition of two side agreements—to achieve its passage in The treaty has since been defended, as well as criticized further.
In keeping with tradition, Bush issued a series of pardons during his last days in office. On December 24, , he granted executive clemency to six former senior government officials implicated in the Iran-Contra scandal of the late s, most prominently the former Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger.
In addition to Weinberger, Bush pardoned Duane R. George , who had been convicted to felonies in connection with the Iran-Conta scandal, Robert C. Bush received honorary degrees from several American and International Universities, including:. In , Time magazine named him the Man of the Year. Navy Memorial Foundation awarded Bush its Lone Sailor award for his naval service and his subsequent government service. In early , Bush announced that he would seek a second term. A coalition victory in the Persian Gulf War and high approval ratings made re-election seem likely.
As a result, many leading Democrats declined to seek their party's presidential nomination. Conservative political columnist Pat Buchanan challenged Bush for the Republican nomination. Bush responded by adopting more conservative positions on issues, in an attempt to undermine Buchanan's base. Clinton attacked Bush as a politician who was not doing enough to assist the working middle-class and being "out of touch" with the common man, a notion reinforced by reporter Andrew Rosenthal 's false report that Bush was "astonished" to see a demonstration of a supermarket scanner.
In early , the race took an unexpected twist when Texas billionaire H. Ross Perot launched a third party bid, claiming that neither Republicans nor Democrats could eliminate the deficit and make government more efficient.
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His message appealed to voters across the political spectrum disappointed with both parties' perceived fiscal irresponsibility. Clinton had originally been in the lead, until Perot reentered, tightening the race significantly. Several key factors led to Bush's defeat. The ailing economy that arose from recession may have been the main factor in Bush's loss. On Election Day, 7 in 10 voters said that the economy was either "not so good" or "poor".
Conservative Republicans pointed out that Bush's agreement to raise taxes contradicted his famous " Read my lips: In doing so, Bush alienated many members of his conservative base, losing their support for his re-election. According to one survey, of the voters who cited Bush's broken "No New Taxes" pledge as "very important", two thirds voted for Bill Clinton. Bush was widely seen as a "pragmatic caretaker" president who lacked a unified and compelling long-term theme in his efforts. His Ivy League and prep school education led to warnings by advisors that his image was too " preppy " in , which resulted in deliberate efforts in his campaign to shed the image, including meeting voters at factories and shopping malls, abandoning set speeches.
George W. Bush
Bush's campaign director Roger Ailes and others were concerned that Bush was seen as a "wimp. His ability to gain broad international support for the Gulf War and the war's result were seen as both a diplomatic and military triumph, [] rousing bipartisan approval, [] though his decision to withdraw without removing Saddam Hussein left mixed feelings, and attention returned to the domestic front and a souring economy.
Upon leaving office, Bush retired with his wife, Barbara, and temporarily moved into a friend's house near the Tanglewood community of Houston as they prepared to build a permanent retirement house nearby. In , Bush was targeted in an assassination plot when he visited Kuwait to commemorate the coalition's victory over Iraq in the Gulf War. Kuwaiti authorities arrested 17 people who were allegedly involved in using a car bomb in an attempt to kill Bush. Through interviews with the suspects and examinations of the bomb's circuitry and wiring, the FBI established that the plot had been directed by the Iraqi Intelligence Service.
A Kuwaiti court later convicted all but one of the defendants. Two months later, Clinton retaliated when he ordered the firing of 23 cruise missiles at Iraqi Intelligence Service headquarters in Baghdad. The day before the strike, U. After the missiles were fired, Vice President Al Gore said the attack "was intended to be a proportionate response at the place where this plot" to assassinate Bush "was hatched and implemented".
In September , Bush and other living former presidents were invited back to the White House for an Arab-Israeli peace accord. In April , Bush attended the funeral of Richard Nixon. In the gubernatorial elections, his sons George W. The elder Bush frequently telephoned their respective campaign headquarters for updates on the races.
Proud father, is the way I would sum it all up. It marked the second time in United States history that a pair of brothers served simultaneously as governors. From to , he served as the chairman of the board of trustees for Eisenhower Fellowships , [] and from to was chairman of the National Constitution Center. On September 28, , Bush said he was opposed to sending American troops to Haiti , citing his loss of confidence in President of Haiti Jean-Bertrand Aristide while speaking to business and civic leaders in Houston.
The Arabs would never have talked to us. On July 17, , Bush returned to the White House for the unveiling of his official portrait in an East Room ceremony attended by former members of his administration. On July 26, , Bush met with Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole and pledged he would do everything in his power to aid in securing a victory for Dole in the upcoming presidential election.
Bush's experience with debating Clinton prompting Dole to seek out his advice. In February , Bush endorsed the chemical weapon banning treaty supported by United States Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, saying the United States would need to approve the treaty ahead of the April deadline. In April , Bush gave a speech at a convocation of a weekend conference analyzing his presidency [] and joined President Bill Clinton , former President Ford, and Nancy Reagan in signing the "Summit Declaration of Commitment" in advocating for participation by private citizens in solving domestic issues within the United States.
In August , Bush agreed to be interviewed by The New York Times , as long as he would not be portrayed as giving credit to himself over the balanced budget deal that was composed by President Clinton and House Speaker Newt Gingrich. During a telephone interview, he stated his belief that history would show that his administration laid the groundwork for the agreement. President Bush was Honorary Chairman of Points of Light , an international nonprofit dedicated to engaging more people and resources in solving serious social problems through voluntary service.
In January , Bush spoke in the Old Senate chamber as part of a lecture series for Senators in an address warning against the collapse of political decorum and invasions into the privacy of individuals. In April , Bush called for the release of former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet when Spain had him arrested and sought to try him for human rights violations. His eldest son, George W. Bush , was inaugurated as the 43rd president of the United States on January 20, , and re-elected in Through previous administrations, the elder Bush had ubiquitously been known as "George Bush" or "President Bush", but following his son's election the need to distinguish between them has made retronymic forms such as "George H.
Bush" and "George Bush senior" and colloquialisms such as "Bush 41" and "Bush the Elder" much more common. Bush was traveling to Minnesota for a speaking engagement on the day of the September 11 attacks. In December , George W. Following the fall of Baghdad, Bush praised George W. Despite Bush's political differences with Bill Clinton, reports acknowledged that the two former presidents had become friends. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. During an address at the University of Kansas on November 16, , Bush said that President-elect Obama would encounter diverse issues upon taking office and experience a wave of enthusiasm.
On January 10, , George H. On March 29, , Bush endorsed Mitt Romney for the Republican presidential nomination in the Presidential election. In July , Bush had his head shaved in a show of support for the two-year-old son of a member of his security detail, who had leukemia. In April , Frederick D. McClure, chief executive of the Bush library foundation, organized a three-day gathering in College Park, Texas , to mark the 25th anniversary of the Bush administration.
Also in early , the John F. Crocker , dean of the Bush school since January , Barbara Bush, and Curt Viebranz in attendance with the former president. On June 12, , Bush fulfilled a long-standing promise by skydiving on his 90th birthday. He made the parachute jump from a helicopter near his home at The jump marked the eighth time the past president skydived, including jumps on his 80th and 85th birthday as well.
Bush supported his younger son Jeb's presidential bid. Bush endorsed the eventual Republican nominee, Donald Trump ; [] all three Bushes emerged as frequent critics of Trump's policies and speaking style, while Trump frequently criticized George W. Bush later said that he voted for the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton , in the general election. On August 16, , Bush and his son George W. Bush was raised in the Episcopal Church , though by the end of his life his apparent religious beliefs are considered to have more in line with Evangelical Christian doctrine and practices.
So, cross the Bushes off your worry list. That's where I want to go. In , The New York Times revealed that Bush was suffering from Graves' disease , a non-contagious thyroid condition that his wife Barbara also suffered from. On February 24, , Bush was standing at a reception for 90 minutes when he felt lightheaded. He was admitted to a hospital with an irregular heartbeat. In July , Bush suffered a severe neck injury. At age 91 in October that year, he was wearing a neck brace in his first public engagement since the accident when he threw the ceremonial first pitch for the Houston Astros at Minute Maid Park.
On January 18, he was admitted to the intensive care unit at Houston Methodist Hospital , where he was sedated for a procedure to treat an acute respiratory problem that was stemming from pneumonia. On November 25, , Bush became the longest-lived U. On April 22, , the day after his wife's funeral Bush was hospitalized with a blood infection. In October , during the Me Too movement , actress Heather Lind accused Bush of groping her and telling an inappropriate joke. Several other women subsequently made similar allegations, including Christina Baker Kline and Roslyn Corrigan who was 16 years old at the time of the alleged incident in Bush suffered from vascular parkinsonism , a form of Parkinson's disease which had forced him to use a motorized scooter or wheelchair since at least Bush died on November 30, , aged 94, [] at his home in Houston.
On December 3, , Bush became the 12th U. President to lie in state in the Rotunda of the U. Martin's Episcopal Church from the evening of December 5 until Central Standard Time on December 6. Following the funeral for Bush at St. Martin's on December 6, his coffin was brought by train to the George H. The paper said his political legacy would "continue years later through his son, George W. Bush, who became the 43rd president of the United States. Picht wrote that his decision to arrest and depose Panama Dictator Manuel Noriega was popular at the time, but will be less fondly remembered.
According to presidential historian Mark K. Updegrove , Bush "cemented" the tradition of presidents leaving behind letters of support for their successors on the Resolute Desk. The George Bush Presidential Library is the nation's tenth presidential library and was built between and From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about the 41st President of the United States. For his son, the 43rd President, see George W. For other people, see George Bush. Prescott Bush Dorothy Walker.
Presidency of Ronald Reagan. Presidency of George H. Foreign policy of the George H. United States invasion of Panama. North American Free Trade Agreement. List of people pardoned by George H. This list is incomplete ; you can help by expanding it. This section is in a list format that may be better presented using prose.
George W. Bush - HISTORY
You can help by converting this section to prose, if appropriate. Editing help is available. Death and state funeral of George H. George Bush Presidential Library. Such claims are now regarded as speculation, and supporters say only that it is "likely" to be true. Archived from the original on October 8, Retrieved March 29, The new bundle of joy is named after Jenna's grandfather and former President George H.
Bush, whose nickname growing up was "Poppy. Archived from the original on April 1, Navy History and Heritage Command. Retrieved December 2, Retrieved July 25, The New York Times. Archived from the original on April 10, Retrieved January 10, A True Story of Courage. Little, Brown and Company. Life Before the Presidency". Miller Center, the University of Virginia.
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Retrieved April 24, Bush and Barbara Pierce are wed: Retrieved November 17, Barbara and George Bush's love story remembered at her funeral". Retrieved November 30, Retrieved November 14, The Education of the Presidents". Retrieved July 30, Archived from the original on March 8, Chat with us in Facebook Messenger.
Find out what's happening in the world as it unfolds. Bush's life, legacy — George W. Bush at Yale University, circa Bush's life, legacy — Barbara Bush holds George W. Bush's life, legacy — A young George W. Bush with, from left, his mother, Barbara Bush; father, George H. Bush's life, legacy — Three-year-old George W. Bush celebrates Christmas in Bush in West Texas, date unknown. Bush with his father George H. Bush's life, legacy — George H. Bush with his four sons, from left, Neil, Jeb, George W. Bush sits in the cockpit of an F fighter. Bush served in the Texas Air National Guard from to Bush stands next to his fighter jet while serving in the Texas Air National Guard.
Bush campaigns for Congress with his wife Laura in Bush holds his twin daughters Barbara and Jenna in Dallas in November Bush's life, legacy — Then-President George H. Bush with sons George W. Bush and Barbara Bush pose with their family for their Christmas portrait. Bush campaigns during an all-day swing through Florida two days before Election Day in Bush speaks to rescue workers, firefighters and police officers at the rubble of ground zero three days after the September 11, , attacks. Bush tells the nation on March 19, , that U. Archived from the original PDF on April 5, The Quotable George W.
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George H. W. Bush
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Unicef, for example, has vaccinated , children against measles over the last two months, in a country where virtually no one had been vaccinated against the disease in the previous 10 years. Because measles often led to death in Afghanistan, the vaccination campaign will save at least 35, children's lives each year Larson of Unicef says that if all goes well, child and maternal mortality rates will drop in half in Afghanistan over the next five years.
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