The Diviners Eye
Reblogged from Originally from friscalating the diviners; libba bray; quotes; picspam; s; theta knight; memphis campbell;. Reblogged from Originally from harperprice the diviners; libba bray; quotes; picspam; s;. Reblogged from thediviners Originally from indypendent-thinking the diviners; libba bray; photography; vintage; vintage photography; s;. Reblogged from bellicoserose the diviners; libba bray; quotes; memphis campbell; picspam; s;.
Reblogged from daisycalloway the diviners; libba bray; quotes; s;. The Diviners by Libba Bray. Reblogged from lucreziaborgiad the diviners; libba bray; quotes; picspam; evie o'neill;. Reblogged from kammartinez the diviners; libba bray; quotes; s;. Reblogged from readablesreviews the diviners; quotes; libba bray; s;. Reblogged from turningpagebooks the diviners; libba bray; photography; books; s; quotes;.
Sure, it might make him paralyzed for a few minutes after he wakes up, but it will all be worth it in the end. Because who better to find the cure to the sleeping-curse going around town than someone who can walk through dreams? How about two people who can walk through dreams? Ling Chan This is our representation of disability and race. I loved her so much. She can find the dead in dreams. So people ask her to find their dead loved ones a lot and ask them questions. So when she meets Henry and he asks her to find him in dream-world and then to help him find his friend, she reluctantly helps, even though Chinatown is slowly shutting down because of the sleeping curse.
People just can't wake up and end up with all these scars and then one day.. Maybe their new friend, someone coming to America to be married off for her family's benefit, will be able to help them? Three is the magic number after all. The Museum is on its way out, being behind on payments and what-not, but Sam is eagerly trying to keep it afloat because he wants, no he needs to figure out what happened to his mother and what is Project Buffalo? And who does Evie think she is? Besides loud, beautiful, spunky, the cat's meow, the reason that his heart stops beating Theta Knight You know the saying "There is no secret that time will not reveal"?
Because Theta is learning that real quickly. Her past, that she has been running from, is about to run her right over. Theta is unraveling quick, but can she outrun her own past to save her future? Jericho Jones Jericho is having a hard time with Evie not being around and basically avoiding him. Not to mention that Will is gone, the museum is going under, and his only friend seems to be the guy he loathes: Sure, Mabel is around and he kind of gets the feeling that she has feelings for him, but she isn't Evie. And the one thing that is keeping him alive is hanging on a string.
What's more important, his freedom or his life? Will Fitzgerald Will finally is coming to terms that what he thought wasn't going down is going down and now he has to go do something and he is super absent in this book. Mabel Rose Mable knows she isn't someone special. She knows her best friend Evie is the life of the party, she's the pretty one and Mabel kind of just goes along with whatever she does. Well, she's finally going to go and try to become apart of Jericho's life so he can see she is more than what meets the eye.
But little does she know that because of her relations with Jericho, Evie who is engaged to same now? Memphis Campbell Memphis has a lot going on. He has an over-religious aunt who doesn't want Memphis and his brother Isaiah using their gifts, his brother keeps having fits, he is dating a white girl, and he has lots his power to heal. His brother was miraculously healed.. What keeps happening to him anyway? And why has Blind Bill all of a sudden become like a wannabe father to him and Isaiah? This story is miraculous and I am so excited about the third book!
I am literally obsessed with Bray and all the stories she has ever written; but this one takes the cake! Libba always knows the way to my cold stone heart. Mar 16, Chesca rated it really liked it Shelves: This review contains a few spoilers to The Diviners. Once you get hooked by this series, it is very difficult to move on.
It has all the ingredients to catch your attention. All these things led me to hours of googling just so I could further understand and unearth the facts of the Jazz Age that the author cleverly weaved into her story. Instead, the story talks about Sam as he searches for his mother with the help of Evie, and Henry and Ling as they walk through dreams.
Meanwhile, people are dying because of a sleeping sickness. Like the first installment of this series, Lair of Dreams is gorgeously-written. The difference between the two of them is that this goes kind of slower. So if you thought that the pacing of The Diviners was already too slow, I guess you may not enjoy this.
Reading this is like walking blindly or with eyes closed. It has its perks though; it makes the story more thrilling. I think when it comes to the concept of the problem at hand, I prefer the first book. But when it comes to the development of the characters and the mystery factor, I prefer this one. I adore almost every one of the characters now. My favorite characters are Sam, Evie, and Henry. Yes, I do have favorite characters in this series now! Henry Dubois IV is one of them main characters of this sequel. He was still the same kind, loving, and caring guy, except that this time I got to see the bigger picture of his story before he went to New York.
It broke my heart. Ling Chan is a new character. Ling, like Memphis, is experiencing the side effects of racism for being of a different race, a Chinese, in that time in America. She was really tough but at the same time chooses who to fight against, and I like that about her. I like how her friendship with Henry developed because Ling is the kind of girl that is not-that-friendly.
I just really hope that this continues on. Blind Bill Johnson was now turning creepy and annoying.
The Diviners
I am not happy with how mysterious he is. Sam Lloyd is my most favorite Character! More things about him unraveled and I love how his character is getting more of the spotlight. I love how he interacts with the other characters, especially Evie. Will Fitzgerald and Margaret Walker were out of the story for ninety-five percent of the book. I have no idea what they were up to and I could not wait for the next book. I want to talk about the many ships of this awesome novel so far. First is Sam and Evie.
Let me start with a shout from the rooftop: This is why I avoid books with love triangles as much as possible. Anyway, what I like about the two of them is that they are really hilarious together. I am utterly entertained by their banters and arguments. I could not help but swoon. I really do hope that Evie ends up with Sam. Next is Theta and Memphis.
I loved these two now more than how much I loved them in the first book. Their situation is very realistic. The issue of racism that the two of them are dealing with since Theta is White and Memphis is Black is something that touched my heart. If I remember correctly, I think Memphis was half-Haitian. I want to hug the two of them and tell them that everything will be okay. I still have mixed feelings towards pairing Jericho with Mabel. I might ship them in the future. My eyes almost jumped out of their sockets in shock. I could give it a standing ovation.
Also, I was crying, almost bawling like a baby, as my heart was twisting inside my chest. Apologies to my cousin who lend me her book; I tried my best to dry the tear stains. There are so many things to wait for in the third installment! I wonder what will happen to Theta and to Jericho.
A site for YA readers who are a little less Y and a bit more A.
I want someone to ship with Henry and I would love to see more of how he would be able to rise to fame. Who is the Man in the Stovepipe Hat? What do the two men in the sedan want? What happened to him? I highly recommend this to everyone actually because I really love it.
If you like history, particularly set in the s, if you like mystery, then you have to read The Diviners series. It will pique your curiosity and leave you with a hangover. Project Buffalo, which we all now know tests Diviners, could be a scientific study on them. This leads me to my second theory. It could be possible that he was taken into Project Buffalo to be tested. Evie and some of the others were all experimented on in the said secret project of the government. Either Jericho or Sam would betray their friends. He was chained to him, and eventually, Jake could blackmail or threaten him worse in the future.
Sam would do anything to get to his mother. Aug 25, Andrea rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: I make no secret of my love for the first. It was part historical, part romance, part paranormal, and it was just so fucking creepy. Yeah, he was terrifying. So yeah, I was really scared to read this book. Would it be a letdown, considering how amazing the first one was? Well, I am extremely pleased to say that this book was the berries.
I actually really love the s slang. In Lair of Dreams Evie has outed he 4. In Lair of Dreams Evie has outed herself as a Diviner, Henry is looking for an old flame, a sleeping sickness sweeps across New York City and the Diviners have to descend into the dreamworld to try and save the city. Bray's writing is just so mesmerizing and atmospheric. But one of the best parts about this book, and series, are the characters. It makes me want to invent a time machine, go back to the 20s and party with Evie and Sam, or maybe go to the opera with Ling, Henry and Theta.
I thought she experienced so much growth throughout The Diviners , and she just kept on being her amazing and sassy self in this book. Henry is just so kind I desperately wanted him to find his happiness, and Ling was an amazing new addition to the already awesome cast of characters.
But then again how can anything surpass Naughty John? Side note, if I have to wait three years for the next book I might scream. Because that ending was just Revised review, originally posted at www. In , a crew of men is opening up an old walled-off tunnel underneath the streets of New York City in order to build a new subway tunnel. Look at this Wikipedia pho Revised review, originally posted at www. Look at this Wikipedia photo of an old NYC subway - someone got lazy and copied it for the cover of this book! The workers find a desiccated body in a walled-off area.
Soon the men begin to die of a mysterious sleeping sickness, where the afflicted cannot be awakened and die after a few days. Then the lethal sickness begins to spread through the city. The sickness is blamed on Chinese immigrants, but really it attacks people regardless of age or race. It must be a job for the Avengers Diviners! Lair of Dreams picks up not long after the events of the first volume, The Diviners.
It weaves together several other threads, including the story of Ling, a Chinese girl handicapped by the aftereffects of polio, who is a dream walker; Henry, another dream walker who is searching in both the dream world and the real world for the boy he fell in love with in New Orleans; and Memphis, a young black man struggling to deal with both his healing abilities and his forbidden love for a white woman. I thought these interrelated stories worked well together, and all of them were interesting to me, particularly with Ling and Henry meeting in the dream world, working together but each pursuing his or her individual interests and goals.
The ghostly plot, though it involves many deaths, was intriguing, especially the dream world and its interrelationship with and effect on the real world — and it wasn't nearly as off-putting to me as the devilish serial killer spirit in The Diviners , although some readers may miss the higher level of creepy horror. When the dream creatures enter the real world and start attacking people in the streets, the story strayed from its initial sense of dreamy horror.
There are also several plot lines that are left unresolved, for the next volume in the series. Just as the book is wrapping up and most of the threads were being tied together, several pieces of the plot begin to unravel again with an extended epilogue that leaves the reader with some rather irritating cliffhangers.
Libba Bray also really has a way with creating a scene. At one point the Chinese population, who are being unfairly blamed for the sleeping sickness, are all being detained by the police: Not when people could hate the very idea of you. Not when there were ghosts in your dreams. Ling shut her eyes and listened to the sounds of her neighbors being taken away in the night. If you liked the first book in this series, I think you'll really enjoy Lair of Dreams.
Personally I'm not a fan of the horror genre so I think I'm finished with this series at this point, but I'd certainly recommend it to those who like fantasy horror on the YA level. Supernatural horror violence, disturbing, but the gore factor is pretty limited. Straight and gay relationships include kisses and non-explicit love scenes. Advance copy received from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Quotes may differ in the final published version of the book. May 01, Lindsay Cummings rated it it was amazing. I have so many regrets. I enjoyed the first book but this one really didn't work for me.
The story, characters, and relationships all fell flat.
At least the serial killer ghost in the first book was somewhat creepy and gave things a mysterious and dark edge, unlike the ghosts Spoilers So boring. I didn't care about the sleeping sickness, project buffalo, Jake Marlowe, the King of Crows or the stovepipe hat guy. I was expecting more actual story and less cliched romances. I would have been more impressed if they'd realised their feelings were based on lust and nothing more, that would have actually been original. Everything about him bored me, he was a huge cliche.
He needed to get a life. Was I meant to feel sorry for her or something? She was a pathetic little cretin. It was obvious Jericho had no interest in her whatsoever, but the silly cow kept chasing him and then when he rejected her she got all bitter about it. She had no right to feel wronged when he'd made her no promises, she wasn't owed anything.
She was a silly little loser. I loved her friendship with Henry, it wasn't forced like all the other relationships in the story. She had no trouble identifying other ghosts in the dreamworld so why couldn't she tell Louis was one? She spent enough time with him to more than figure it out. She only realised it towards the end when she should have clocked on straight away. Ling's convenient inability to recognise Loius as a ghost just seemed like a cheap way to keep Henry blissfully happy in the dreamworld so that he could experience some lame heartbreak, drama and angst when he found out the truth.
Memphis with his poetry, Henry with his songwriting, Theta with her dancing, and Evie with her radio show.
Lair of Dreams
It just made me roll my eyes. Yea, I don't think anyone writes letters like that. Ugh, I don't know how Lair of Dreams managed to fail on every level when The Diviners had so much going for it. All the charm and engrossing elements just disappeared. I'll probably only read the third one for completion's sake. But then, as the story progressed, I just… I died a little. Yes, she liked this very much. She just had to get Sam on board. The operator broke the silence. But, in the end, the goal comes down to one thing, and one thing only: Saving the world and keeping everyone they love safe.
Ordinary people were capable of extraordinary bravery. That was the only magic Sam knew or trusted. But this new ghost? Glows in the tunnel. Flickering lights-ghastly and ghostly creatures there one minute, crouching low to the ground with their SHARP teeth chomping, and simply gone the next.
A ghostly woman in a veil coming through the mist…and out of a tunnel? Argh this series, guys, this series will be the END of me. Each moment seems insignificant. Their natural trajectory is forward. Past all barriers and borders. This is true of nightmares, too. Have I mentioned sleep a lot? Like… this series has consumed my life. Even now, all I want to do is curl up with the book and read under a blanket on my soft and inviting couch.
Talk about a sickness that could kill you. I might have a heart attack lol. Now, moving on from that, I finally got my Sam and Evie time. That hollowness that can only be filled when I get my every wish? When we get one or two chapters from their POV, I literally…well… my life is made in those moments. And when she takes them away to talk about other characters? I die a little inside. And the pining begins again.
He stared up at her with big peepers and a lupine grin. Sharing the same straw in our egg cream. What a remarkable feeling. I want to stab him. I do NOT get his moments and I loathe manipulation in that manner. I fear something dark is coming from his involvement and I do. I love almost every character, so every chapter just seeps into my pores and I was made again as I blazed through this story.
Why is no one being chival… chivaroos… how come none of you bums is looking out for me? She yanked Evie to a sitting position, put a cup of coffee to her lips, and practically poured it down her throat. Again, it was off the charts hilarious. In fact, it was equal parts hilarious, sigh-inducing, eye-roll worthy, and HAWT.

Depends who was bantering, haha, but every bit of it was worth your time. I am an avid fan of each person in this series and their banter makes me a permanent stalker in their lives. I fit right in with the creepy crawlies! Theta had been trying to figure out how to talk about this with Evie for weeks. She narrowed her eyes. Promise me it would. Either way, your loss. For more of my reviews, please visit: I've been complaining for months that, while I've read plenty of excellent 4 or 5 star books this year, it's been a while since a series has consumed my soul , made my heart pound, stolen my every waking thought-and now the time has come.
I am an obsessed love-sick puppy that craves this series it's crack when I can't be reading it. I think about it all day until I can pick it up again. I toss and turn long after I finish because I am completely obsessed and here for Evie and Sam and mayhem and peril, but also because I am terrified of ghosts and this series is f-ing with my head. I have lost more sleep since I started this series than when I just plain have a bad week of sleep. I don't care what people say-they are scary. They are romantic and addicting and so much fun.
I cannot wait for book three, but I don't know if I can wait for book 4 when that day comes and I don't have another book to jump to. I keep saying, oh I'm guna read another book inbetween, or two, and save these for near Halloween, yet I find my dumb ass running to the next book, curled up on the couch with every light on, absorbing my latest hit of adrenaline before attempting sleep again. Dumb dumb dumb girl. I have LOTS to say. My hate for the insufferable Evie only grows exponentially with each book but aside from that everything was written to near perfection.
Now if only Evie would just Die and leave us in peace. The Diviners The Diviners, 1: But people rarely want the truth. We say that we want it when, really, we like being lied to. In this book, we still follow the old characters that I knew and loved in the first book like Evie, Sam, Theta and Henry with the addition of many new characters and the most important one of them is Ling, a diviner who can dream walks and communicate with the dead.
Things you loved deeply could be lost in a second, and then there was no filling the hole left inside you. The characters all go through a lot of ups and downs in this book and we get to know them better and see past the facade they hide behind. The characters are complex and layered and they are completely fascinating to me. Not to mention that they are so different and so distinct and their diversity and how that can have a lot of importance to them as individuals and as a part of a group is refreshing and admirable.
This is a book that challenges you, teases you and makes you go round and round in circles like a complete fool. What I also like how the book balances the danger of the supernatural world with the danger of the real one. The author takes a chance and blend different things together, mysteries, romance, complex dynamics, two casts of characters with a generation gap and different way of seeing things and she does all that while balancing the supernatural elements of the book with exposing that time period and its racist homophobic ideas and challenging them every step of the way.
There were ghosts everywhere in the country, and no one seemed to notice. People danced while the dead watched them through the windows. And all the while, the man in the stovepipe hat gained power. Please just read this book. And can I just say that the cover is simply stunning, Look at that beauty Oct 06, Rebekah rated it really liked it Shelves: Original Review found at: The cover posted on Goodreads is the pictures listed above.
Either way I posted both. Which do I like best? Just in case you were wondering my opinion on the matter. I read first book The Diviners about 2 years ago because I kept hearing amazing things about it, and I needed an audio book to listen to while I went on w Original Review found at: She just wanted him to keep talking. After he told Evie his secrets, so much of his past conversations made sense particularly the one with Marlowe. A troubled youth, he ran away twice, finally succeeding when he was fifteen. But as always, I was getting way over my head. And that's also the reason why I don't read that much mystery— I suck at solving it.
And my favorite, Sam Lloyd, juggling his ordeals to make it in New York as a self-made man. The mystery behind his actions made me anticipate his every move. All he had to do was hold on for a little while—long enough to find out who needed to pay for what had happened to his family. And they would pay. Your uncle needs my help. Look at all this stuff—who knew there were so many superstitious charms? Like this—love charm of the Hopi. Oh, I better not let you hold this, sister. You might get goofy for me. Oh, and I also have to mention Evie's dreams because they were one of the most fascinating parts of this book.
Especially this next one she had while in the collections room: Nothing can stop us.
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His eyes widened when he saw her. And then Sam wakes her from her nightmare and manages to make me her laugh after seeing such horrors: Evie replied with an eye-roll. Two years ago, I got this. That phrase on the back, there. She was the only one who ever called me that. So I took off. I joined up with the navy for a bit—till they found out I was only fifteen. Then I fell in with a circus. Okay, so I was fully rooting for Sam and Evie to get together— but then Jericho realises somewhere along the road that he's into Evie?
He only knew that he had all the feelings of one. He wanted her desperately. With his hands on hers, he imagined what it would be like to kiss her, to make love to her. She was a little spoiled and often selfish, a good-time girl with a surprising kind streak. She ran toward life full tilt while Jericho held back, not daring. She made him feel alive, and he wanted more of it. Sam watched the two of them from the sidelines.
Something had happened up in Brethren beyond their finding the pendant and escaping from the new faithful. But if you put that aside, just about everything was written so magically and with such a chilling atmosphere. There were so many moments that I loved, especially the ones where all the characters were in the same place.
I mean, when I got to see Memphis and Theta interact among many other happenings , it made my heart soar. I hope your friends got out all right. I know I could sure use one. It was a sweet smile, almost shy. But I should get my beauty sleep. He wanted to know her. Oh, and when they did get together, I got so many butterflies in my stomach that kiss was everything and more: A mutual agreement of desire. It was a kiss shared. He was kissing her. He was with her.
Memphis had been the star once. And it had ended in sorrow. These days, he kept his feelings confined to the pages of his notebook. Ahh it's really hard trying to not write whole paragraphs on each character because I loved them all. They had moxie, peculiar powers, and charm. Simply put, they were an enigma that I was dying to solve. And not only were the characters some of the most memorable, but the mystery in the air had me on the edge for nearly the whole book.
I also felt so excited whenever little plot points connected throughout the story. And can we take a minute to appreciate Miss Lillian and Addie? Because they were such fascinating additions to the ongoing conundrum. Some of my most pressing ones being: I feel fully invested in all the characters, and I cannot wait to start Lair of Dreams. Though, I am kind of hesitant because of Jericho and Evie— I'm really not feeling their relationship.
Oh, and I loved listening to this song while reading. I'm an Amazon Affiliate. If you're interested in buying The Diviners , just click on the image below to go through my link. I'll make a small commission! Buy a Coffee for nat bookspoils with Ko-fi. View all 4 comments. Sep 18, Mitch rated it liked it. And that really puzzles me, why, despite the strength of her writing, Bray has to try so hard to fit everything into some s stereotype. Who talks like that?
She just never behaves like a relatable character, or is anything more for me than a 20s stereotype who keeps spouting annoying catchphrases and obsessing over the New York social scene. The Roaring Twenties may have been one glamorous and exciting period, but these characters just didn't do it for me. But all these side plots, that really is another problem with The Diviners. I have a hard time rating The Diviners because half the book is utterly amazing and the other half is just meh.
View all 43 comments. I'm obviously late to the party, but I so enjoyed this one! The audiobook took the story to an entirely other level for me; the narrator was fabulous and did so many voices in a unique way without sounding cheesy or lame. Definitely excited to continue on with the series and look forward to answering some of the questions that were left open here. View all 21 comments. Apr 14, carol. Bray, I have an idea for your next book. What should we make it about? If we make it about a 17 year-old and her friends, we can draw in the pre-teens and the "Ms.
If we make it about a 17 year-old and her friends, we can draw in the pre-teens and the twenty-somethings, no problem. We'll need a romance. If we make it into a series, we can draw out the romantic tension over a couple of books. Superheros are the rage. What if we say the group of friends has special powers? Just how special do they have to be?
I can put one of the interns on it for the second book. That'll probably draw in horror fans too. Draft it out and let me know when you are done. Libba Bray did a tremendous amount of research on the roaring 20s in New York. The trouble is, she wanted to share all of it. This is a elaborate setting badly in need of characters and plot. There's the Ingenue who thinks she's experienced. The square but supportive friend. The emotionally reserved uncle includes one bonus secret past. The charming, rakish thief. Young quiet intellectual male hiding secret affection.
The possibly-scary elderly ladies living next door. The religious black woman. The gay piano player aren't they all. About the only one of interest is the Poet-cum-Numbers runner. Plot is straight out of "innocent-investigates-murder" only it took until page 80 to get the first murder. Up until then we're treated to extensive description of our heroine drinking, partying and sassing.
Gee, I wonder if her experiences will help her grow up? By the time we find a dead body, I had been up and down out of my chair about eight times, looking for other things to entertain me. When Unc Will is hauled away in chains, is anyone surprised? I can just tell someone is going to be kidnapped and used in an awful ritual before special powers save the day.
I tend to read for three things: Usually at least one can sustain me through a book, but that just didn't happen today. Characters here lack subtlety, dimensionality and interest. Plot was so routine that absolutely nothing about it surprised me. Language that is mostly defined by 20s vernacular and only devoted to creating the setting.
There's not even a wider philosophical ideas here to create the illusion of a thoughtful approach. Belief creates reality, yada yada, except when it doesn't. Bray breaks narrative character in a couple sections to lecture the reader on s racism. Mostly the movie perception of it, actually, of flappers and haircuts and kids on the corner selling newspapers and sneaking alcohol everywhere.
Okay, so it mostly succeeds at writing Great Gatsby scenes. One and a half stars--it completely missed me, even though it should have been a three star at least, given the sassy female, the fantastical elements, the description of period New York--all ingredients that usually appeal to me. Cross posted at http: View all 36 comments. Nov 24, Mohammed Arabey rated it it was amazing. But as I get off the doors, Everything was different.. I was facing Alexandria's famous Sea Corniche, cafes' lights, wet streets no more..
But the wet streets still there.. The elegant novel I bought cause I liked its cover , I thought will be about Masons because of the Eye symbol.. It's all in the 20s, with the Slang that my dictionary won't get.. Jake, Swell, fella, Pos-i-tute-ly and Blue Noses I spend nearly 4 Hours reading first 35 Pages, to get used to the language..
And this spoiled Evie , though she has an interesting supernatural talent, yet her attitude is very spoiled. I was sooo angry ,too much of Florenz Ziegfeld and Fitzgerald and flapper and fellas ,Revue and Speakeasy I know I mention the latter at the beginning of the review,but I didn't know this word before and number runners and gigs!!..
I was exhausting with that much of vocabulary and too much similar strange names and slang.. On the other hand, There's very detailed beautiful drawing for NYC -adorned with the heavy vocabulary- and the atmosphere of the 20s. The characters are very fine detailed too, it reminded me with J. Rowling's writing style which I adore I was already used to the slang and was glad that Mr. Will hates it like me: Will Fitzgerald , Evie's Uncle.. He is asked to help solving a mystery of creepy horrible murders That's a good story to catch my fully attention. And it was getting darker, much complected..
It's really worth it.. I'm enjoying it so far.. It's a s NYC living experience I became actually, literally living in the 20s' New York. Living in this creepy Bennington Building, going to theaters, watching the motion pictures starring Charlie Chaplin, going to clubs and illegal speakeasy for some shots of giggle water.
Political groups clashing with the government, wounds aching because the loved one lost to the Great meaningless War.. All while investigating horrible crimes with Uncle Will all the same time.. Nightmares and creepy feelings, Necromancy, Tarot Cards and special Gifts.. With some Funny moments that light up the dark a bit… Amazing Read. The unexplained and undefined. People think boundaries and borders build nations.
There were said to be a great many ghost sightings and unexplained phenomena reported during the American Revolution, and again during the Civil War. This country is founded on a certain tension. All that was a great place to attract spirits.. Specially the Evil ones And talk about the great chaos we're facing in Egypt now.. And all of that, in a Nation that's built by different believes and religions that can make huger spirits chaos.
But that's not all, The Comets "Comets are powerful portents! The ancients believed them to be times when the veil between this world and the next was thinnest. Again, that's not all the creep you'd get here. The Novel is Getting Darker Full with Supernatural and Metaphysics, Amazingly describing the Nightmares and the creepy atmosphere of the time, like The two old creepy ladies at the building, the graveyards, the abounded house, Chinatown and the hostess girl in green eyes.. That Eugenics Test with the creepy enthusiastic nurse. Also the part with The Brethren place, their church and community reminded me with an episode of The X-Files that hunts me years before.
You could at least try to be polite. I simply loved it.. And here I am, 12 days living there That's a very good climax, yet, I was shocked…it didn't end. Is it bad surprise? Never It's still amazing and thrilled me, Now I want more volumes, even more than a trilogy, why not a 7 parts like Harry? Want more stories of the characters I loved , the creepiest events And the Howling Storm that yet to come.
Libby made a great base that she can build a wonderful series that can get its place at the Biggest Fiction Series Ever Made. The God One important note before I wrap up.. I may can't put finger on it but it's there I felt it in Memphis' pray for his brother by the end.. A Line by the end shows that usually our choices that get wrong.. Why should I pray to God? What has he done for me or my family? He felt the anger coming up inside, pricking into tears. Now pray with me. He wanted to burn up the whole world, heal it, and burn it down again.
He expected Octavia to yell at him for blaspheming the Lord and throw him out of the house. Octavia bowed her head. I don't know but I got a good felling about it after all.. I loved also this part about how wrong the man can be.. Will wanted her to go inside.
Then he would send her back to Ohio, where her parents would also tell her to go inside, in effect. Still they lied, expecting her to mouth the words and play along. She knew now that the world was a long way from fair. She knew the monsters were real. I closed the book A Novel, An Experience that was beyond words and reviews A real Living story.. The Facebook page really helpful with Pictures and advertising from the 20s ,even Naughty John's horrible tune..
Mar 02, Whitney Atkinson rated it really liked it Shelves: Even though this audiobook was 16 hours long, it flew by. I listened to the prologue and had to stop it and take a break because I was already so creeped out, and there were definitely other parts that I read in the middle of the night that made me want to turn my lights on and check under my bed.
This book definitely has a creepy vibe and is such an amazing, atmospheric listen. The setting of the 20s was so much fun, and I appreciate how Libba took advantage of writing such a diverse cast because NYC was such a melting pot of cultures at that time. However, paranormal thriller just isn't my genre. I'm not well-versed in the thriller genre, but there just seemed to be far too much dramatic irony in this to suspend my attention. Furthermore, knowing that most characters had powers but they were all too scared to tell each other also got pretty old.
I originally wanted this to be like Six of Crows where there's a group of people all fighting for one thing, but it was dangerous holding it to that esteem. I liked most of the characters, but they didn't seem quite fleshed out enough to my liking. Also, Evie, the main character, could get pretty tiresome. She had a lot of badass moments, but she could also be impulsive and petty when she was angry, and it made me want to bang my face against a wall. I'm really excited to read the sequels but it's gonna have to wait until after Restore Me lol View all 7 comments.
This was my third attempt at this book and Hence the third attempt but once I passed that difficult stage, I found it enjoyable. The plot was extremely well written and the history elements were amazingly researched and in-depth.
Lair of Dreams (The Diviners, #2) by Libba Bray
My initial reason to give this This was my third attempt at this book and The best part, after the history lesson, so to speak, were the refreshingly different characters that graced this novel. It had a rich variety of individual characters who were almost all vividly depicted. Apart from one, that is. I hated the unnecessary excess charm and those slangs she used every time she spoke. Mostly I was just like, for the love of all that is good, please do be quite and let the grownups talk! The s Manhattan setting was great and the villain of the book, Naughty John definitely made this an overall entertaining read.
View all 23 comments. Oct 20, Lola rated it really liked it Shelves: The first time I attempted to read it, I was only 16 and gave up after the first two chapters. Then I tried again a few years ago but gave up at page But something in me really wanted to finish this book, whether I ended up loving it or hating it, so I finally decided to sit somewhere quiet and immerse myself in this story a month ago. At 16, I just could not deal with the s New York expressions that simply did not make sense to me.
Also, I did not manage to connect with Evie—one of the main characters. But the thing about Evie is that she grows on you. She lost her brother. She keeps important secrets. She feels alone, misunderstood, haunted. Honestly, after the narrator became more open with us regarding her, I began to admire her happy-go-lucky demeanour. I understand why so many people were not able to finish this book, clearly.
But I also understand all of those who loved it so much. It most definitely feels as though she thought it out carefully and wanted from it so much. I do dare say Libba Bray has accomplished something worth praising here. And I should have, it's positutely swell!! It's set in s America and boy that is just such a fun setting to play around in. And Libba Bray definitely has fun with it. The slang and lingo used and references could have felt oversaturated but for me they didn't. I honestly just think they immersed me in the setting so much more.
I also like that setting wise, how different policies and rules affected different groups was also explored and Libba Bray showed both sides of things like gang wars and prohibition. How dare everyone call her annoying she's fun and energetic and sweet I loved following her. She's not a typical YA heroine in that she's extroverted, loves partying, doesn't take things as seriously as she should and is a bit of an attention seeker but honestly?
Kind of related to her and really liked her. I loved his chapters and the plots revolving around him and his brother Isaiah. There's so much potential growth for his character and development of his plot which really excites me. I love my soft boy. I liked when they did appear though.
I loved their living situation and how they were such good friends. Thata is disabled and Henry is gay and it was cool to see that rep. I don't really have strong opinions on Mabel and think she needs to grow on me more. Sam was set up for something really interesting at the end which is nice, but I wasn't feeling him for a good part of the book. I really enjoyed the atmosphere of this book too.
There was always a sense of tension and an undercurrent of scandal that I found kind of fun. You get the grimy parts of the underworld and streets contrasted with the exaggerated glamour of the partying and speakeasies which I found fun. And it did capture the same kind of aesthetic as The Great Gatsby which is one of my favourite books especially aesthetically The audiobook narrator, January LaVoy also does a beyond incredible job at this.
I can't even wrap my mind around how she made every single character sound so different and GOOD. Like, the narration is just astounding and I think it did add to my enjoyment of this book so much. I would never read this series any other way. It was spooky, with interesting characters placed in an awesome setting and i loved it. View all 16 comments. There are a lot of characters in this book.
Evie O'Neill I positutely love Evie.